• Published 15th Apr 2012
  • 1,264 Views, 8 Comments

This New World. - Sanquil

Steve is suddenly transported to Equestria. What shall transpire?

  • ...

Life Two

I respawn in the same place as my first visit to this new world, without the fall. I look around, glad that it’s finally morning, searching for the town I saw last night. I find it over to the left of me, and considering the position of the Sun and direction of it, it seems to be about 10:30am and technically it is northeast of me. I’m a nerd, yes. Exploring miles from your point of origin and trying to return will do that to you. Deal with it.

I head towards the town and notice a sign outside. “Welcome to Ponyville.” I read aloud, “What a weird name. What’s a pony?” My answer soon comes bouncing to me taking the shape of what looks like a large wolf, but pink. Apparently, it’s happy to see me, and isn’t that quite a relief, compared to last night. I shudder at the thought.

“Hi!” It exclaims once it is about four feet from me, which is funny because it has four feet, “I’m Pinkie Pie, but my friends call me Pinkie most of the time, and everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, is my friend, so you can call me Pinkie. So who are you, and mind if I ask what are you? Not to sound rude or anything, but you look weird.” She paused to deeply inhale for her next fifty mile talk to me, “So, who are you, and do you like parties?”

“Hello,” I say formally, “My name is Steve. I was suddenly transported here from my native land when a portal messed up and sent me here. I am a human, from the land of Minecraft, the place I have strayed from. I am going to guess you are a pony…”

“Well of course I’m a pony, silly. Everypony is a pony in Equestria. Oh, I’m sorry. Did I interrupt?”

“No, not at all.” I continue, “Do all ponies talk here? Or just a few. In Minecraft, just we humans talk. Animals don’t.”

“We all talk, but someponies say I talk too much. Can you believe that? Talking too much. What a crazy thought. Anyways, wanna meet my friends? Not all my friends, but my best friends? Come on! I’ll show you to Twilight Sparkle. We mostly just call her Twi though, so you can call her that if you wish.”

“Well, okay.” I reply, “Pinkie, do you think you could tell me how to get home?”

“You should ask Twilight. She knows all those smarty stuff.”

As we walk, I get a good idea of the town. Most of the buildings are built from wheat and wood. The wood I understand, but wheat? We finally approach our destination after a few minutes of walking. A giant tree is where Pinkie Pie stops me.

“Well, here we are!” She informs me, “Twi should be inside. Help yourself in.” I tell her my thanks and enter the house thing. Twilight Sparkle, or what I presume to be Twilight, sits in the middle of the room, reading about three books at once. Three! At once! How absurd! A small green and purple dragon walks around picking up books scattered around the room.

“Thank you, Spike.” She says to the dragon as he put the books away. “Don’t know what I would do without you. Oh, Hello.” She said as she notices me. “I’ve consumed in this book on Starswirl the Bearded. What a great tale. Wonderful unicorn.”

“Hello Twilight Sparkle. My name is,” I introduce, “Steve. I have recently been teleported here…”

“Teleport? Awesome! Please tell me all about it. How far did you travel and how did you do it without unicorn magic?” She drilled me. “What exactly are you anyways?”

“I was going to get to that. I am Steve, from the land of Minecraft. I am a human, as are the rest of the inhabitants of my native land. As for your other questions, I don’t know. I was hoping you could help me.” I explain the whole story about getting here to Twilight and wait for her response.

“Sorry,” She starts, “World traveling as yet to be accomplished. I suppose you will just have to recreate the portal you used to come here.”

“Oh,” I recall, “and before I forget, if I should die, check the clearing outside the forest, southwest of here. I will respawn there, unless I sleep in a bed, then I’ll respawn there.”

“Okay,” Pinkie starts, “We’ll remember. Now, wanna meet everyone else?” Before I could answer, she dragged me outside. And as if it were fate, a barrel comes rolling down a hill. Pinkie and Twilight were able to avoid it, but it squished me against the house, draining my health bar.

Game Over.