• Published 15th Apr 2012
  • 1,264 Views, 8 Comments

This New World. - Sanquil

Steve is suddenly transported to Equestria. What shall transpire?

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Life One

No ponies during this life!

As I duck, dodge, and weave through the area around me, avoiding direct eye contact with Endermen, I wait for the scourge of my world to attack. Finally, my chance comes, and I strike fast and accurately with my diamond sword, directly into the Enderdragon’s neck. It flails around at the wound I have just inflicted upon it and retreats from me, giving me just enough time to remove my sword. Now, I wait for the next attack.

It comes back around, charging straight for me, the wound fully healed. Wait…Fully Healed? Fuck! I must have forgotten a crystal, and he used it to heal his life threatening gap I put in his neck. I must find it so I can destroy it, and destroy him!

As I search, I avoid confrontation with the beast, dodging his every move, until he hits me. I go flying across the floating island in the middle of nothingness, and land right where I wanted to be. Slightly injured from the fall, I wield my bow, notch my arrow, aim, and FIRE! My accuracy never fails. I land the arrow directly on the crystal and it explodes, causing great damage upon the dragon while it was attached to it. Now, I can win.

Ducking, dodging, and weaving, this scene is all too familiar, but with a twist: He can no longer restore his body to full condition after every beating. I. Can. Win!

I dodge his lunge at me for the last time, breaking my blade off into his right eyeball. He thrashes and kicks at the pain, slowly rising into the air, disintegrating. The portal appears in front of me, and I walk toward it. Built with bedrock, there is no way of destroying it. At the top, a dragon egg, my prize. I reach to grab it when suddenly, the island starts to collapse! Blocks fall off the island, starting at the edges, eventually making it’s way to the portal. The portal suddenly goes from being a weird spacey hole, to a very rainbow-ish color. The dragon egg falls into it and teleports to where it leads, home. I jump after.

Falling through space and time itself is quite a weird feeling, but this one is different. It doesn’t fell as if I am being sucked from the Universe into nothingness, but instead feels as if I am being assaulted with happiness and friendship. Colors swirl all around me as I tumble through the portal, not knowing if it will take me home to my family. I can’t seem to find my backpack with all my stuff, which is weird, considering that it never leaves my back. Now as I tumble and turn though the gateway, I see a blinding white light, the exit of the portal.

I reenter my home, or at least that is what I think. I have just a second to survey the land before I fall to the ground.

Game Over. Time to respawn for the billionth time in a row. What I saw doesn’t make sense. No block. That was the first. The second was the scenery. It looked nothing like Minecraft at all!

As I wait to respawn, I think over what I just saw. No blocks, weird trees, a town…A town! Maybe they know where I am, and can help me out. Possibly this is the Farlands Jane was talking about. That couldn’t be. It was just old child tale to keep kids near home. Wasn’t it? Lord Notch did mention something about a mysterious land far off where nothing is normal. Maybe this IS the Farlands. But why is my backpack gone and nothing blocky? Notch did say that blocks, BLOCKS, were created all randomly, a proof of Herobrine’s evil power. This new land had NO blocks.

I’ve respawned now. And get a chance to survey the land properly. Yep, no blocks. That’s really weird. Oh please Great Notch, creator of everything, let me find a way home.

I wander off into the woods to start from scratch. Time to punch trees again. Great.

As I enter the woods, the Sun starts to fall into sky.

“Fuck.” I say aloud, “I have no food, no shelter, and no tools. I’m going to be raped tonight.” I start to punch a tree, realizing that it hurts. Like, bad! After about two minutes of punching the tree, I figure two things out. One, no monster! Hooray! And two, I can’t punch a tree the gather wood. The Nether? I continue my search and come to the conclusion that the town is my best bet. I’ll head there in the morning.

I rest my head on my makeshift bed. A few sticks for bedding, leaves woven together with stems to make a blanket, and a clump of grass for a pillow. Yep, one rocking bed. Damn it’s uncomfortable, though. As I am just going to sleep, I hear howling in the distance. Wolves! Now I just need to find bones and I’ll be set. They seem to be getting closer. Even better! Maybe they will stay here until morning and I can tame them.

As the wolves reach me, I notice something, I can’t see them. It might be because it’s too dark, but I can see the tree line clearly, along with their eyes. Their glowing, red eyes.

“FUCK!” I exclaimed, jumping up from my “bed” to try and fight. There are about five of them here, and I can’t see any of their bodies. Wait. I can! Their bodies are made of sticks! The Nether?!

They attack. I am able to dodge about two of them, but the other three get me, putting my health very low. I have about four hearts remaining, and nothing to defend myself with. I fight them off the best I can, but it is useless. I am able to kill one of the…things, before I am killed myself.

Game Over. Great. Twice in a day. Time to check the town.