• Published 8th Aug 2014
  • 2,162 Views, 45 Comments

The Equestrian Venture - TheCrimsonDM

when a young human mage creates a portal leading to the pony filled world of Equestria trouble ensues.

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Chapter two: awkward communication

Chapter two: awkward communication
Written by TheCrimsonDM

Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rita arrived at the town. Rita had wrapped her arms around Pinkie’s neck. The town was small, and a lot of the buildings had wooden walls with straw roofs. The buildings were all spread out from one another at the edge of town and got more clustered the further in you got. The town was very quiet and peaceful looking.

Rita was getting really nervous around the large number of horses that moved about the town doing things. Some of them wore hats, others dresses, but most of them didn’t wear any clothing at all.

Rita was intrigued by their cutie marks. To her it seemed that all the horses had one on either side of their flank. Some of them looked very similar but most were vastly unique. She wondered at what kind of magic would allow a horse to obtain butt tattoos based on their special talents.

Pinkie Pie was being very careful about how she moved, trying her best not to jostle Rita. Although every now and again she would start move more erratically causing Rita to cringe with pain. Fluttershy gave a few cautionary words to Pinkie when this happened, and that calmed Pinkie Pie down.

Rita noticed an increasing number of horses were looking at her strangely, She guessed that the sight of a human was very odd. Rita gave a depressed sigh as she said. “This is just like home. All these horses think I’m a monster, don’t they?”

Fluttershy gave a reassuring smile to Rita while saying. “Their simply curious, you’re a new sight and they want to know more.” Rita felt a little better hearing that. Fluttershy then added. “By the way, were ponies, not horses. It’s..um kinda rude to call us that.”

Rita looked at Fluttershy and realized she had been saying the word horse the entire time, and also thinking it. Feeling slightly guilty Rita apologized saying. “Sorry, it’s just that in my world we have horses. I’ll be more conscious of it from now on.”

Fluttershy smiled softly at her. Pinkie Pie then said something loudly in equish causing Fluttershy to smile a little more. Fluttershy then said. “Pinkie just wants you to know that you’re safe with her. She also seems to be under the impression that you’re scared of ponies.”

Rita looked away from Fluttershy blushing a little bit before saying. “Maybe a little bit…”

Fluttershy stroked Rita’s hair with a wing tip while offering. “You don’t need to be scared, we are both here for you.”

Rita pushed her wing away and tried to change the topic away from her own fears. “Don’t we need to talk to some sparkly horse…er I mean pony.”

Fluttershy nodded in approval and explained. “Twilight Sparkle is one of my best friends, and she knows a spell that has let us communicate with other creatures before. So now were going to her house to talk to her.”

Rita looked ahead of them and saw a strange building. It looked like a giant tree house, only it was made completely of crystals. The crystal tree house stood at least eight stories high, four stories of it belonged to the tree itself. While the rest of it was a pink castle like building built into the top of it.

Rita continued looking at this structure with a little confusion before deciding aloud. “That is one of the most, ugly things I have ever seen, I mean it doesn’t even look like it belongs in this small little town. It looks like it belongs inside a toy box.”

Fluttershy gave a small squeaking sound before saying. “That’s Twilight’s house.”

Rita looked at her and then back to the crystal tree..castle. She finally looked back at Fluttershy and asked. “What kind of a blind architecturally ignorant person could stand living in such a place.”

Fluttershy gave another small squeak and her ears folded backwards as she said. “It’s…um…I…”

Feeling a little bad for the nervous pony Rita thought for a second on how to cheer her up. Finally she said. “It’s just a cultural difference I suppose. I won’t mention it again, promise.”

Fluttershy still looked very nervous and Rita began to worry that maybe she had hurt her feelings. Closing her eyes she forced herself to apologize. “I’m sorry…it’s actually kinda pretty up close.” Every word of that sentence felt like someone breaking her bones. She really didn’t like the way the tree castle looked.

Fluttershy looked a little calm now at least as she said. “Oh no it’s…okay. You don’t have to like it…just don’t tell Twilight that.” Rita nodded in agreement. Then they continued on to Twilight’s home.

It took a few minutes of walking before they arrived at the tree castle belonging to Twilight Sparkle. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie walked in through the front doors, closing them behind as they entered. Rita was still ridding Pinkie Pie, but at least her leg was not screaming in pain every time Pinkie Pie moved wrong now. Then they came to some stairs and Rita felt terror running through her.

“We’re not going up those stairs are we?” Rita asked nervously.

Fluttershy looked at her and Pinkie, than she looked at the stairs and asked something of Pinkie in equish. After getting a response she said to Rita. “Pinkie Pie says she can get you up the stairs without hurting you. She’s very agile, so I have faith that she can do it.”

Rita tightened her grip around Pinkie’s neck and buried her face into the back of Pinkie’s mane. To her surprise Pinkie’s hair smelled like frosting. She then said. “I’m ready.” Fluttershy said something in equish again, and that started the ascension up the stairs.

Rita didn’t even feel the bounce in Pinkie’s steps as she walked this time, and she didn’t open her eyes to see where they were going either. Finally she heard Fluttershy say. “We’re at the top, you can open your eyes now Rita.”

She did so and found the three of them now stood at the top of the stairs. Well actually it was Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy standing, while Rita timidly rode Pinkie’s back. They stood now in a long narrow hallway with a set of blue double doors at the end.

After getting to the door Fluttershy gave a quiet set of three knocks at the door. After a moment the door opened but Rita couldn’t see who had done so. She heard someone talking though and she looked around to no avail. After a moment she looked down and saw a small purple dragon standing on his hind legs looking up at the three of them. His mouth was agape as Fluttershy explained something to him in equish.

After a moment he scratched the back of his head and nodded before returning inside. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie followed him, into what looked like a living room. There was a blue couch next to the wall, with a large book shelf on either side of it. Fluttershy lead Pinkie to the couch while the dragon went into another room.

Pinkie Pie stood by the couch for a moment before the trio heard someone yelling something in equish from the other room. Fluttershy commented. “Oh my, such language.”

A purple horse…er pony walked into the room after that, the pony had both wings, and a horn. Rita had seen some ponies with horns on them before, but not anything with both of these features. The purple pony had a long mane of dark purple with a red and light purple streak running through it. Rita guessed that dying ones hair was popular in Equestria.

The purple pony walked up to them with a sneer on her face, she stood a little taller than her friends, and looked to equal Rita in height. The pony looked angry for some reason as she said something in low even tones to the two ponies, before glaring at Rita.

Fluttershy explained something in equish for a few moments, the purple pony calmed down as she continued talking. At the end of it the purple pony looked more intrigued then angry and said something else in Equish. Fluttershy looked at Rita and asked. “Twilight wants you to introduce yourself, can you do that Rita?”

Rita felt nervous, and foolish. She knew that only Fluttershy could understand her, but she did so anyway. Rita said sarcastically “Hello my name is Rita Rainwater, and I’m here to take over your land and eat all of your cake.”

The purple pony stood there for a moment before saying something in Equish to Fluttershy. Her horn then began glowing with light pink madder light. A necklace began to float off the table behind her and hovering in the air it moved towards Rita with a light pink aura, matching Twilights, surrounding it. Rita was unsure of what was going on and it was worrying her. Her first thought was that this was a ghost, but after a second she thought it more logical to be magic.

Fluttershy said. “Twilight wants you to wear the necklace; it will let you talk to us.”

The necklace simply hovered in the air before Rita as she reached for it. After grabbing it the aura faded and Twilight’s horn stopped glowing. She gulped as she wondered if this was actually some kind of trick. Rita looked at Fluttershy feeling fear rise up inside, Fluttershy gave a reassuring smile which strengthened Rita’s reserve. She put the necklace on.

Nothing seemed to change, no flashing lights, no explosions, and no dead Rita. She sighed before saying. “Well that was a fluke. I thought this was supposed to work Fluttershy.”

Then Twilight said with a raised eyebrow. “Are you sure it didn’t work?”

Stunned Rita simply said. “So…I can talk to Pinkie now?”

Pinkie Pie shook a little bit underneath Rita as she said. “Yes, me and my newest best friend can finally talk to each other.”

Rita wasn’t sure what to say, she was so happy to finally be able to talk to them for once without using Fluttershy as a proxy. She found herself smiling despite the fact that she now had to worry about finding a way home.

Fluttershy then offered. “Would you like to take a rest on the couch?”

Rita nodded, and Pinkie turned letting her left side face the couch. Rita began to get off Pinkie’s back and slipped, and fell onto the couch. The sudden movement caused a severe rush of pain to shoot through her knee. Rita screamed in pain clutching her knee, but the pain didn’t subside right away. Fluttershy moved over to her and tried to sooth her saying. “Shh it’s okay Rita, it will be okay, hush.”

The pain took a few minutes to subside and before it was gone she was crying from it. Rita felt like a child for crying over her knee. But with Fluttershy wiping her tears away with a wing tip she felt a little better. Laying there on the couch Rita said. “This isn’t fair. I just want to be home, and I don’t want to be hurt. Why did this have to happen?”

Fluttershy simply shook her head saying. “I’m sorry, we will find a way home for you.”

Pinkie Pie said softly. “I’m sorry too, but I’m also happy. I never would of met you if you didn’t come here from your magic portal.”

Rita looked up at her and asked. “How did you know that I came here from a magic portal?”

Pinkie smiled and said. “Lucky guess.”

Twilight then walked up and said with her head hung low. “I’m sorry as well, I was upset that a human was in Equestria at first. Humans don’t exist in Equestria, and even after spending time with them, I…I’m sorry. I will help you get home I promise.”

Rita looked up at the three and feeling a little cheered up she said. “Thanks, I…I’ll need some supplies if I am to rebuild my machine. But first I need to heal.”

Fluttershy looked at her and said. “I have medical supplies at my house, I can get them and help you. If that’s okay with you…”

Rita sat up very carefully doing her best not to agitate her knee. She then removed the necklace for a moment and said. “I would love that, but only if I can come with you. I don’t trust Twilight yet…she’s a little scarier than a normal pony.”

Fluttershy looked back at the other two who looked a little confused and then nodded at Rita. After putting the necklace back on Twilight said. “Don’t you think it’s a little rude to talk in a different language in front of us like that? I didn’t give you the necklace so you could abuse it.”

Pinkie Pie looked over to Twilight and whispered just loud enough for Rita to hear. “She’s scared of ponies, and Fluttershy’s the first one to talk to her. I think you might have scared her a little when you were yelling earlier.”

Twilight sighed and said a little somberly. “I guess…you can do whatever. I trust Fluttershy’s judgment.”

Fluttershy smiled and said. “Okay, we will need to go to my house to treat her. But I think that we should rest here for a little bit.”

The four of them sat down and rested for the next little while. They made small talk and got to know each other a little more. The purple dragon named Spike, got an ice pack for Rita’s leg. After awhile they decided it was time to leave. Using her magic, Twilight picked Rita up with telekinesis. Rita let out a shriek as she was lifted onto Pinkie’s back again. Twilight apologized for scaring Rita like that. The three of them then set off towards Fluttershy’s house.

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