• Published 8th Aug 2014
  • 2,160 Views, 45 Comments

The Equestrian Venture - TheCrimsonDM

when a young human mage creates a portal leading to the pony filled world of Equestria trouble ensues.

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Chapter Thirteen: Lounging Around

Chapter Thirteen: Lounging Around
Written by TheCrimsonDM

Almost a week had gone by without much incident since Rita and Rainbow Dash’s foray into the castle. It was beginning to dawn on her that something was going on in that forest, something in that castle. Rita had tried to tactfully get information out of Twilight since then but was not receiving any satisfactory answers. At least her lessons had been going along wonderfully.

It was mid afternoon and like usual she found herself at Sugarcube Corner with Fluttershy and Applejack. It felt natural to follow Fluttershy when the group was getting together for anything. So Rita found herself at one of the corner booths, lying on her back with the back of her head resting on Fluttershy’s flank. Fluttershy made a good pillow after all. The window behind her was letting the light in and made it much easier to read the book that she borrowed from Fluttershy.

“Uh…Rita, ain’t it a tad bit rude to be restin like that?” Applejack said.

Rita reached over and groped the table until she found the box of donuts and grabbed one to bring back to her mouth. She took a bite and continued reading without saying a word.

Fluttershy shifted a little under Rita’s head trying to get comfortable before saying, “I don’t mind. Rita’s head isn’t very heavy, and she’s warm.”

“Do you two even realize what you like when yer like this?” Applejack asked.

“I…um…well it doesn’t matter. Me and Rita are the best of friends, and she lives with me…and um…this isn’t that odd. Rainbow Dash is much worse sometimes,” Fluttershy explained.

“Ah have heard ponies talkin about you two though, t’aint all friendly neither. Ah’m just sayin Ah don’t want anypony’s feelings to be hurt,” Applejack cautioned.

“Applejack, she is only seventeen. She isn’t even a full grown adult human yet, so your concerns are unjustified,” Fluttershy said in an almost authoritative tone.

Rita finished her donut and said, “You know, I shouldn’t be enjoying this book as much as I am, but this is seriously a good book.”

“What are you reading?” Applejack asked.

“It’s called ‘The Tale of two Mares’, it’s apparently a romance novel about two mare’s who fall in love and there is some adventure and some really crazy things going on,” Rita explained.

Fluttershy moved a little nervously underneath Rita’s head.

“Ah didn’t know you were into romance,” Applejack said.

“Neither did I, but it wasn’t like Fluttershy had anything else to read,” Rita said.

The doorbell to Sugarcube corner chimed as Pinkie Pie led Twilight, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash inside. The four ponies made their way over to the table where Rita was at and found spots to sit. It was a bit awkward when Rita and Fluttershy refused to move. After everypony was seated comfortably, except for Rainbow Dash who preferred to fly, even when indoors, the conversation began.

“So tell us darling, is what Rainbow Dash tells us true?” Rarity asked.

Rita looked away from her book and gave Rainbow Dash a quick study. Rainbow Dash looked away and said, “Tell ‘em, Rita. About the golem and how you fought it and everything went whoosh, and boosh, and crash, and smash, and-“

“Okay,” Rita said interrupting her. “Me and Rainbow Dash were checking out the old castle and one of the defenses went off. We fought a stone golem and I destroyed it. Not really a big story or anything, especially since Rainbow Dash wasn’t supposed to-“

“And she used magic,” Rainbow Dash said excitedly before doing a loop de loop in the air.

Rita face palmed at Rainbow Dash’s stunning ability to keep secrets. Twilight nearly shouted, “You can use magic!”

Rita looked at her flatly and explained, “Not really, but I invented something that can.” Rita showed off her gauntlet before explaining, “This gauntlet lets me manipulate magical energy and shape it into some really cool stuff, depending on gems that is. This world is so full of gems and magic that it really doesn’t take a lot of work for me to do this. Yesterday I was walking around town and tripped on a sapphire for crying out loud.”

“I will need to do research on this later,” Twilight said.

“I’ve also heard that you are one tough cookie,” Rarity said.

“Yeah, I guess. Why does that mater?” Rita asked setting the book down on her belly.

Rarity was quiet for a few seconds before saying, “I am going out to gather some gems tomorrow, and I could use somepony to guard me.”

Rita stifled a laugh at the thought of her being chosen to guard someone. Rita took a deep breath and relaxed herself before saying, “Alright, I could do that for you. Sounds almost like an adventure.”

Twilight happily said, “I’m glad to see you reading. It’s good to know that my teaching has helped you.”

“Yeah thank…Celestia for that. I was going to lose my brain if I couldn’t read for much longer,” Rita said.

Fluttershy wiggled a little more and Rita was forced to readjust her head to get comfortable again before reading some more. The others continued talking for a while and eating donuts. Finally after a few hours Rita and Fluttershy began heading back home. It was weird just how close Rita had gotten to Fluttershy, and sometimes she could swear that she could see someone that she used to know in her.

A lot of the things they did together also felt familiar, and the way they did them as well. At some point Rita had simply forgotten about going home, and was simply happy staying here, in this strange world, by Fluttershy’s side forever. In Rita’s mind, they had truly become the best of friends.


Later that night Rita lay in bed next to Fluttershy while staring at brown ceiling. For some reason Rita was unable to get to sleep right away. Something was bothering her, though the question was; what was bugging her so much?

Although Rita hadn’t spoken up when Applejack was talking earlier, she was listening. Rita rolled over and stared at the back of Fluttershy’s head, her pink mane was lying across the bed. Rita finally decided to ask, “Fluttershy, is this weird? I mean, with how close we are sometimes…is it weird for friends to do that?”

Fluttershy rolled over and looked at Rita with gentle eyes in silence for the longest moment before she finally said, “No it’s not. Applejack is just old fashioned about friendship. It’s not weird for a pony and her human to be close like us.”

“What do you mean by, your human?” Rita asked.

“Um…I’m really tired,” Fluttershy said just before yawning. “I’m being a little silly right now I guess. We are just friends, best friends. Applejack and the town can go ahead and worry if they want, there is nothing wrong with our friendship…you keep me from feeling lonely, and maybe I do the same for you…so it’s all perfectly fine.”

“Yeah…last time I had a friend as close as you…well it didn’t end so well,” Rita said as she rolled over facing away from Fluttershy. Fluttershy scooted closer and wrapped a leg around Rita and held her close.

“What happened?” Fluttershy asked in a whisper.

“Well me and her used to spend a lot of time together. We slept in the same bed, we ate at the same times. We even read books together, she would let me rest my head on her lap while we read…it was really nice,” Rita said in a quiet voice. “But…well she found out I had a crush on her one day…if it wasn’t for the fact that the only survivors of our group…well it’s just the two of us…I think she would have broken off our friendship. Instead she now feigns being my friend, she acts weird around me, like she finds me disgusting or something…I just wanted to keep her as my friend forever and she…I guess I screwed things up with Estella.”

Fluttershy was quiet for a few moments before tightening her embrace around Rita. Fluttershy quietly whispered, “I’m really sorry that happened to you, but I swear that I will always be friends with you. I took you into my home, and cared for you until you were healthy again. You are my responsibility, Rita, and I will always take care of you.”

Rita snuggled into Fluttershy’s embrace and said, “Thank you, Fluttershy, that means everything to me.”

“Good night, Rita,” Fluttershy whispered.

“Night, Fluttershy,” Rita said back.

Rita closed her eyes, and drifted off gently into a deep and wonderful sleep.

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