• Published 16th Apr 2012
  • 1,572 Views, 14 Comments

The legend of the Spyro staff - SpyroFlame

Sliver Flames life has gone downhill he once was a prince now hes on a on a road bloody and half dea

  • ...

Amateur Surgeons

Twilight Sparkle a lavender Unicorn mare was exhausted as she pulled a empty cart while trying to keep up with her friend Applejack an orange Earth pony with a blond mane that was tied into a pony tail she wore trademark cowpony hat. They been walking on a dirt road following a river for time now and it was starting to take a toll on her, she felt all sweaty and her hooves ached, Applejack seemed to be fairing better. Well actually she seemed perfectly fine. Applejack looked back at twilight "How ya holding up back there surgercube"

"Oh I’m doing fine" She wasn’t, Twilight felt a little embarrassed she knew she was out of shape but never realized how much "I really need to work out more" Twilight thought to herself. "Applejacks cart was at least two times bigger than my own and properly heavier but she was pulling it with ease". Twilight had come to Ponyvile by order of Princess Celestia, she was told to make friends but Twilight was more worried about nightmare moon, soon she met 5 other ponies and learned they were the elements of harmony, they together defeated night mare moon. Soon these 5 mares became the best friends she ever had; Twilight had learned the magic of friendship. Twilights lives in the town library and can usually be found studying or cleaning or organizing or scheduling, but when ever her friends needed her she be there. The six had overcome many hardships there seems that there was nothing there friendship cant defeat. Twilight was the element of magic.

You didn’t need to be the element of honesty to tell that the lavender mare was lying. Applejack slowed down and started walking next to her friend. Her older brother Big Macintosh usually takes care of the deliveries that are far from town, but he recently caught the pony pox and is unable to work. Applejack was planning on making the trip by herself, but when Twilight heard she offered to help. Applejack tried to tell her she didn’t need any help but Twilight brought the apple buck season a few months ago. "Ah’m never gonna live that down am I." Reliantly she agreed. Applejack is a country pony and prefers beat all sweaty and dirty after a long days work then being all fancy and dressed up. Applejack lives on the farm just outside Ponyvile Sweet Apple Acres. She lived there with her brother Big Macintosh (Big Mac for short) her little sister Applebloom and her caring grandmother Granny Smith. Applejack was and honest and hard working pony. No pony was as honest and humble as her, even though she can be a bit stubborn at time she always does her best for her friends.

"Twi ah can tell that you’re tired, ah can also tell your lying. We can rest a bit if y’all like."

"No I’m fine Applejack were almost in Ponyvile anyways." This was true they were at the corner that will lead to the road in Ponyvile and out of the Everfree forest. Twilight decided that when she got home she was going take a bath and go straight to sleep. This wasn’t what she usually does going to bed early would mess up her days schedule but she really didn’t care at the moment she was exhausted. As they kept walking twilight noticed a dark blob on the path. Applejack noticed too and slowly took out her lasso in case it was a dangerous animal. As they got closer Twilight noticed that it wasn’t an animal it was a Pegasus........well at least what was left of a Pegasus she wasn’t sure it was alive or dead from her distance but didn’t want to take the chance, it was injured and it will be dead soon if they didn’t help it.

"Oh my gosh, Applejack your faster than me go get help!" The Earth pony started running throws town. Twilight ran to the injured Pegasus. As soon as she reached the injured pony she was shocked at condition it was in. There was blood...... a lot of it. She notices the Pegasus is a colt maybe just a couple years older than herself. First things first she had to check if he was alive.

“A light pulse that’s not good well its good that your still alive, wait why am talking? You can’t hear me. Oh where’s Applejack." Twilight beginning to get paranoid if they waited too long the Pegasus wouldn’t make it. "No I can’t think like that Applejack will be back soon I just know it." Then she noticed a strange book lying next to the Pegasus. Twilight examined the book it was a journal. She looked back at the injured colt.

“I’m guessing this is yours." She was tempted to open it but decided not to out of respect for the injured Pegasus. Twilight looked back to the road "Applejack please hurry."

A stray cloud floated over an open field on it laid a cyan Pegasus rainbow Pegasus. Rainbow Dash lied there trying to sleep it had been a long day off weather duty and she was trying to nap. She yawned as she flipped over maybe shifting places will help. Rainbow Dash was the self proclaimed fastest flyer in all of Equestia and that title was well earned. There won’t many ponies in Equestia that could keep up with her and she was the only living Pegasus that has pulled off a sonic rainboom a fleet she was proud off. Rainbow Dash was the element of loyalty, Even though she was stubborn hard headed and cocky, she never abanded her friends. Even though Dash never really showed it much she cared and loved her friends and will be willing to go to hell and back for them. Dash closed her eyes again but heard trotting. She looked down to see her friend Applejack run by, she got off her cloud and zoomed down in front of Applejack. Startling the mare.

"Hey Aj where you off to." It was obvious that the Earth pony had been running in a hurry.

"Rainbow come on we need ya’ll help hurry” Applejack turned around and ran back down the path she came on.

Dash could tell by the urgency of her voice something was really wrong, she flew down the path after her. After a few moments of flying Dash noticed her friend Twilight Sparkle standing over what looked like a pony carcass. "Whoa did twilight kill somepony", she shook the thought from her head Twilight properly didn’t kill anypony..........hopefully, Dash flew past Applejack and got to Twilight first. She stopped in front of the unicorn mare.

"Okay Rainbow Dash help me pick him up we need to get to the Ponyvile clinic" Twilight began to levitate the Pegasus colt. Right then Applejack finally clouaght up.

"Twi, me and Rainbow are stronger then you well carry em"

"Yeah you won’t be able to move quickly well concentrating on your magic." Dash said

Twilight sighed, “Fine but let’s get going we need to hurry."

Applejack and Rainbow Dash carefully picked up the injured Pegasus and started moving as fast as they could without damaging him more. After moving in silent for a bit Rainbow Dash spoke up.

"So what happened” Twilight began to explain to her the moments leading up to this. But then Twilight stopped.

"Oh how could I forget, the clinic got destroyed in the storm last week." There was a slight miscalculation last week when making the storm that was supposed to be a light shower, one employee added to mush rainbow to the mix. The end result was a giant thunder storm and since everypony was expecting a light shower there were no one was prepared made. The clinic took the most of the damage the nearby oak fell on it and a lot of windows broke in the storm, now it was unusable until it gets repaired. The pony to blame got fired.

"So now what" Applejack asked.

Twilight sparkle thought then she got it. "How about Fluttershy?"

"Fluttershy?" Applejack and Rainbow Dash said at the same time surprised.

"Well she’s good of taking care of animals, ponies are animals and she did tell me she’s trying to learn medical training to be able to help ponies too."

The trio decided to go to Fluttershy’s cabin, when they got there Twilight knocked on the door, They waited a few seconds but there was no answer.

"Oh where is she." Twilight was starting to panicked again, she started to pace and knock on the door harder."COME ON FLUTTERSHY OPEN UP."

“Twilight she’s not here and screaming’s not going to fix anything." Applejack pointed out.

"I know but if we don’t get inside he’s," Twilight pointed at the wounded colt, “going to die." Twilight’s hair was getting messed up and out of place she was paranoid and had all right to be.

"Guys I can fell his breathing slowing down whatever were going to do we kind of need to do it now" said Rainbow Dash Applejack paused for a bit.

Yeah I’m starting to feel that too...............ya’ll know what twilight comes help support em." Twilight did as told, Applejack walked up to the door turned around brought her hind legs back and bucked the door as hard as she could, there was a crash as the door flew off the hitches and crashed into a book case at the other side of the room. Applejack looked up to see Twilight and Rainbow Dash mouths wide in shock. Applejack turned around to see the damage, she expected to just brake the lock on the door but after seeing the broken door, distant bookshelf, and many shaderd little knickknacks she nervously chuckled “Ah’ll replace that for her after all this is over." The 3 mares looked over and saw that a piece of wood the doorknob on it still attached to the side of the door frame.

Rainbow Dash blinked twice "Wow strong lock".

The three mares rushed into the house as rabbits, squirrels and birds rushed out. Angel, Fluttershy’s pet bunny was sleeping when the noise accord and saw the three ponies rush in. Thinking they were intruders Angel entered attack mode jumping from his spot on the couch missing Applejack then using Twilights head as a spring board and finally landed in a unlucky Rainbow mane at which he started pulling and stomping on with his foot.

"AHH OW OW OWWW GET THIS STUPID THING OFF" She started to faleid around. Applejack managed to grab the rabbit and yanking it off, but not before Angel ripped some of Dashes mane out. Twilight finally managed to trap Angel in a magical orb.

Dash groaned as a single tear rolled down her check from the stinging still present on her head, she looked to Angel, Angel held the piece of rainbow colored hair over his head victoricly. "I hate you so much furball, I swear if you won’t Fluttershy’s pet id-"

"Dash stop cursing the rabbit and help us here." Twilight and Applejack were trying to pick up the Pegasus who fell when Angel ambushed them. Eventually they were able to get him on Fluttershy’s living room table.

"Okay Dash I need you to go find Fluttershy, AJ you stay here and help me with this."

"On it!" Rainbow Dash flew out the door.

"So what to ya’ll need me to do." said walking to Twilight

"Okay first we need to cover up these wounds, go find Fluttershy’s first aid kit well I check for more damage."

Applejack wonder out of the living room on her quest for the first aid kit, she figured it be in a cabinet nearby since Fluttershy is a vet she must have some handy for emergencies. As Applejack looked for the kit she notices paintings of different animals, some she didn’t even recognize. One picture showed a family of bunnies snuggled up together in there den, while a other showed a half duck half beaver thing that looked like it belonged in one of Pinkies weird comics. Little figures of small animal were displayed on a glass tables and dressers; she limitedly felt worse about destroying Fluttershy’s living room with the door. Applejack finally came across a cabinet with a huge red cross on it. "Ah reckon this is it." Applejack opened it up the cabinet was filled with red backpacks with the same red cross in the center of a white circle. Applejack smiled and grabbed one and made her way back to Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle started to conjure up a spell she read in one of her medical books, as Applejack left in search of a first aid kit. A white light glowed from her horn, now she is able to look at the Pegasus bones. The colt had a few broken ribs and his leg was snapped, these were easy fixes everything was well until Twilight got to the right wing other then the huge gash the wing was severely dislocated and fractures. "uh oh" Pegasus wings were extremely complicated unlike a leg that can be healed with magic the only side effects being it being sore, wings were delicate and required surgery by the hand of a trained doctor, there were doctors who were specialist at this sort of things Twilight was not one. Applejack came in with the kit in her mouth Twilight looked up.

"We may have a problem."

"On it!" Rainbow Dash flew out of Fluttershy’s cottage in search of the timid Pegasus; it didn’t take her long to get to town. She flew over the friendly community of Ponyvile; a few ponies glanced up at her with worried expression. Dash finally made it to town square as she flew over she heard a familiar voice.

"HI YA DASHIE where are off to in such a hurry." It was Pinkie pie like her name implied she is pink; she had a frizzy pink mane and had three balloons for a cutie mark. Pinkie pie had a bubbly personally many ponies liked her but somewhere annoyed with antics and maybe her plan happiness. Pinkie was the element of laughter and always seemed happy, but she was naive and sometimes lacked commonsense And some crueler ponies would take advantage of her clause of it. They were jealous because pinkie could just laugh her worries and troubles away. Even though she could get annoying at points her friends loved her and Pinkie loved them back and would do anything to get them to smile. Pinkie pie was follow Rainbow Dash hoping to her height. Dash stopped flying to greet her friend when she landed Pinkies expression changed to a worried expression.

"Whoa please tell me that’s berry juice."

"Huh" Dash was confused she struggled to get a good look at herself.

"Here look." Rainbow Dash looked up and saw a full-sized mirror next to Pinkie pie, she wondered were the mirror came from but quickly brushed it off as Pinkie logic. When Dash looked in the mirror she saw what Pinkie meant, Dash was covered in the colt’s blood, she now understood why she was getting all those weird looks.

"Oh don’t worry Pinkie it’s not my blood." This statement didn’t help the earth ponies’ worried expression it only made it worse. "I mean.............look where’s Fluttershy I need to find her its important, like life or death important."

Pinkie pie put on a more serious expression "Did you check her cottage?"

"I just came from there."

Pinkie thought for a bit then her face lit up "Oh yeah to day is Sunday, Rarity and her go to the spa on Sundays right."

Of course the spa how could she forget "see ya pinkie I have to go." Rainbow Dash flew away to the spa.

"Hey wait for me!" Pinkie ran after her.

Dash was getting closer to the spa she saw the open window no time for the door.

"WAIT DASH I DONT THINK THATS-" CRASH "-open" Pinkie quickly ran around the building to find the nearest entrants.

Dash broke through the window, surprised she lost her balance from land on the ground as glass fell everywhere."Ow they sure do a good job at cleaning windows in this place." Dash mumbled to her self.


Dash looked up and saw a very angry Rarity the white Unicorn with a purple mane standing in a hot tub and a traumatized looking Fluttershy yellow Pegasus with a long yellow mane submerged. Rainbow Dash tried to get up but felt a pain shot up her leg she cringed in pain, Fluttershy bolted up and moved to her.

Fluttershy was a Pegasus like Rainbow Dash but her and Dash had completely different personalities, while Dash was cocky and a show off Fluttershy was how her name implied shy, Fluttershy was the local vet in Ponyvile and fleet more comfortable being surrounded by animals rather than her fellow ponies. Fluttershy was the element of kindness and will show kindness to any pony no matter how they wronged her, she always felt more open around her friends but never totally lost her shyness. Her friends were supportive and tried to help her more outgoing but it never worked out too well, but all and all Fluttershy’s friends accepted her how she is. Fluttershy cared for her friends and will give her life for them. If you saw Fluttershy you think her best friend was Rarity but it was really Rainbow Dash, Rarity was a good friend and Fluttershy cared for her dearly but her and Dash had a special connection. Rainbow Dash was Fluttershy’s oldest and best friend from the flight camp her parents had made her go every summer, if not her only friend from flight camp. Events’ had separated them and now that they were together again they were closer. Fluttershy was the only pony Dash could open up to and be herself not just the tuff exterior. Fluttershy was the only pony that new the real Rainbow Dash.

"Oh my gosh are you hurt?" Fluttershy asked in a worried tone.

"Don’t worry imp fine." Dash said trying to shrug off the pain

"No you’re not just look at your leg." Dash did, she saw that a piece of glass was impaled in her leg, it stung.

During this Rarity was lost in thought watching the two interact. They both had such chemistry. Rarity was the element of generosity but if you observed Rarity from afar you will think she was a self centered stuck up fashionista but that wasn’t the case at all. Sure she was a fashion diva but Rarity had a kind generous heart, she was always willing to listen to her frieands problems and help them if she could. Rairty loved her friends I mean how many of your friends would make you a one of a kind dress to match your personally. Her formal attitude usually clashed with Applejack more rough attitude but they learned to coexist peacefully. After listening to Fluttershy scold Dash for a bit she decided to say something.

"Will you care to inform us why you crashed in through the window?"

"Oh yeah, Fluttershy I need you to come with me back to your cottage Twilight and Applejack are all ready starting!...........that sounded wrong, I mean come on its a emergency like life or death." Fluttershy nodded she followed Dash through the now open (?) window. Rarity ran out the door and by Pinkie pie who made a u turn and ran behind Rarity.

It didn’t take them long to reach the cottage, when they Dash and Fluttershy ran in the saw Applejack holding the injured colt still as Twilight worked on fixing his bones. There was blood every were.

Twilight hearing them come in said "Fluttershy if need your help get over here" without taking her eyes off the stallion. Fluttershy went to help twilight taking the place of Applejack. Just then Rarity walked looked around and started wobbling.

"Is all that blood?" She dramatically fainted.

Pinkie walked looked at Rarity and then the room "Whoa, who exploded?"

"Okay me and Fluttershy are going to have to cut his wing open now to get to the bone."

Rainbow Dash cringed "Yeah I’m going to step out if it’s all the same to you girls." Dash quickly made her way out. Pinkie and Applejack began to follow.

"Um Applejack can you stay here?, me and twilight might need a extra pair of hooves."

"Alrighty then Pinkie pick up Rarity before ya leave."

"Okie dokie lokie!" Pinkie saluted and went to pick up Rarity but she unknowingly stepped in blood. After Pinkie picked up Rarity she noticed she left a bloody hoofmark on her chest. "Whoops" Pinkie nonchalantly covers Rarity with a blanket and walked out of the house.

"Are you sure you know how to do this Fluttershy?" Twilight was levitating a scalpel.

"Um in theory yes, but I never really did this before. Vie done surgery on animals before but ponies are so different, I’ve read a few books and had a lot of practice fixing Dash’s wings...... but I’m not sure I can do this Twilight.

"I know your nervures but we have no choice you’re the only one here with medical experience, and if we don’t do something soon he’s going to die...........you ready.

Fluttershy took a deep breath "I’m ready."

"Okay so I already fixed the smaller injuries, I did what a could with his leg so that should be fine. From my x-ray spell I saw that the wing is broken in many places to be able to this will need to cut it open, we also don’t have anesthesia to give so it’s good he’s knocked out. So when we cut him open we will need to avoid the muscles and do the best we can to fix the bones. Okay?"

"Um okay." Twilight started to cut the Pegasus wing open as delicately as she could. She and Fluttershy were both a nervous wreck worried they were going to mess this up and kill the pony. Fluttershy began to examine the bones when she noticed something extremely weird. "Um Twilight you should look at this."

Twilight notice what Fluttershy was talking about. The Pegasus wings bones were made out of metal. "Well this is unexpected the spell won’t work on this." Twilight was utterly confused why this Pegasus had metal in place of bones.

"Do we wield them together?"

Applejack came over from the far rest sit on the couch she saw the problem. "Well you don’t see that every day Ah’ll be right back." Applejack ran out the door passing by Dash and Pinkie who were who were playing chess under a tree.

"Aha I win again!" Pinkie exclaimed as she took Dash’s king for the fourth time now.

"Okay I’m done with this."

"Fine, what do you want to play now? I’ve got ponaply, checkers, apples to apples, or WOOO my favorite CANDY LAND!" Pinkie went on listing board games as she pulled them out of nowhere. Dash was too distracted by the thought of what was going on in the cottage. She felt bad for the colt and the thought of having her own wing cut open really freaked her out. Pegasus wings were delicate and hurt like hell when hurt. Dash noticed Applejack returning with what looked like a.........blowtorch?

"What in Equestia are they doing in there? Dash walked up to the side of the cottage and listened.

"Ah got my trusty blowtorch."

"We can’t use a blowtorch that’s so redneck an-"

"Now what are ya implying, Id expect that from Rarity but not you Twilight, sorry ah dont have anything fancey." Applejack responded clearly offended

"No I mean it’s really dangerous, we can’t use any old bowl torch."

"Um girls."

"Ah know that but we have no other choice here."

“I’m sure there’s a spell we can use."

"Um girls."

"The more we argue the less chance this fellow has of making it."

“GIRLS!" Fluttershy shouted suddenly, startling Rainbow Dash.

"Um sorry for yelling but he’s blooding again."

"Oh sweet celesta not again. How is it he still has blood left?"

"By golly that’s a lot of blood. If rarity was still conscious she have a heart attack. Vie haven’t seen this much blood since the time ah stabbed Big Macintosh.

"What?!" Twilight and Fluttershy said in unison.

"Um nothing long story."

"Applejack come over here we need your help, and watch out for the-"

"WHOA!" CRASH!!!!!!!!!

“Oh horse apples it’s everywhere!"

"Are you okay?"

“ahm fine, some got on Rairity she won’t be too happy."

"Okay I got the bleeding undercontral let’s do this, pass me the torch."

"Be careful Twi ya never used one before."

"Its fine I’ve read about it."

"Reading about it and doing it are two different thing, just be careful with your-" SWOOSH




"..........Um why don’t you wield AJ?"


Dash walked back to the tree and Pinkie Pie was still listing and taking out board games."

"Battleships Life-"

"Um Pinkie where are you getting these from?"

"Oh that’s easy, I spawn them in."

"You what?"

Just then Twilight Applejack and Fluttershy walked out carrying Rarity. "Were done it all went splendid." Twilights mane was scorched Fluttershy was soaking wet, Applejack was covered in blood up to her flank and they all had award looks on the faces. "He should be fine."

"Well that’s a relief, if he died everypony would think we killed em." Rainbow Dash sighed

“Well were did he come from anyway?" Pinkie asked.

Twilight began to tell the account of finding the pony and then the surgery(?) She got interruptedly Pinkie when she got to the metal bone part.


Dash rolled her eyes " Pinkie robots cant bleed"

"Oh.........HE MUST BE A CYBORG!"

Dash face hoofed “So any way where is this mystery journal?"

"How could I just leave it there?" Twilight face hoofed realizing she forgot the journal. "Pinkie can you go get it, its right down the road.

"Okay Twilight back in a jiffy." As Pinkie bounced away Rarity started to stir.

"Oh my aching head." Rarity looked up rubbing her head and gasped when she saw the condition Twilight Fluttershy and Applejack were in. "Applejack is that?" She looked down at her own body witch still had blood stains on it, seeing the stains she started to wobble. "Oh here we go again." Rarity dramatically fainted again. Rainbow Dash and Applejack busted out laughing while Fluttershy tried to contained a giggle, Twilight just sighed and face hoofed again.

Fluttershy started to move to Rainbow Dash with a first aid kit "Now let’s take a look at your leg"

"Huh, oh yeah" Dash had forgotten all about her injured limb from crashing through the spa window. Dash laid in the grass.

Fluttershy took out the glass and then got a spray bottle from her kit "Okay this might sting a little."

“I’ll be fine if mean how much can it sti- SWEET CELISTIA THAT BURNS"

Twilight and Applejack couldn’t help but laugh.

Pinkie Pie finally made up to the blood stained part of the road. Whoa what a mess" she said to no pony in particular. She saw the book and picked it up, wham she did Pinkie twitched awkwardly. "Whoa I’m getting some bad mojo from this thing." She started to make her way back to Ponyvile.


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HES NOT DEAD?!" Aron a emerald colored unicorn stallion was furious. The guards he was addressing were terifiend.

The leader of the group spoke up "Well he properly is sir it’s just....... we injured him pretty badly and he fell of the cliff"

"Did you see a body?"

"Well no but-"

"Then there’s a chance he might off lived idiot, "You failed me Lash for the last time." A smirk began to form on Arons face.

"N-no please don’t fire me I can’t afford to lose this job. Please my son he’s very sick and if you fire me I won’t be able to afford treatment An-and" The colt was in tears. "he'll die, please he’s all I have left."

"Don’t worry I’m not firing you." A smirk formed on Aron face he was enjoying this

"Oh thank you your majesty I swear I wont fai-" There was a flash of red light the Unicorn stopped talking then his head fell off and rolled on the floor, his limp body clasped to the floor. The two guards standing next to him jumped back in surprise and looked behind them and saw a black colerd Earth pony stallion with red stripes in his mane holding a bloody sword in his mouth; he had a bloody ninja star for a cutie mark. The colt turned around.

"You called for me your majesty?" He spoke in a low mysteries voice

"Yes." Aron looked at the two guards still in shock "you two clean this up before the floor gets stained" The guards did as told, Aron looked back at the assassin. "Smoke I’ve got a mission for you, I need you to go to equestia and bring back my brother."


"Alive, im gonna give you some guards to accompany to make things easier. Find him and bring him back."

"That all, I was hoping to do something like kill the princess, you know some kind of challenge."Storm sighed

"Trust me I know my brother it might be anything but simple."

"Fine ill be going then." Smoke started to walk away.

"And one last thing, No killing."

"Sure just take all the fun out it."

"Smoke, I said no killing"

Smoke walked out of the room. "I'll try."

Aron walked into the back room and up to a giant door with a giant flame on it. There were two slots there was an emerald in the first and the other one was empty. “The staff is in side but where is that other key?" Aron said staring at empty retagler slat.


Wow this was at least 4 times longer then I thought. I know it’s really slow paced but it pick up. I decide to do a small bio of each of the mane six when they got interposed but i think it sounds more like I was talking at the funeral. I have a lot planed for Smoke too in the future. 3 Main things.

First ~ means some kind of time loop

Second what you think of Applejacks dialoged she’s the hardest to write because of how she talks.

Third and most important I’m changing the main charetors name from Spyro Flame to Silver Flame I’m going to name the staff the Spyro staff. Silver Flame sounds like more of a pony name anyways. Ill change the first chapter name and description after a awhile for people to read this and not get confused. Please leave thoughts and complains in the comments. Thank you for reading.

Comments ( 5 )

677809 Thank you, this was my first attempt of actually writing anything creative. I pretty much checked for spelling but forgot about grammar. Grammar in general isnt my strong point and something I need to work on. Thanks for the feedback it means alot.:pinkiesmile:

Looks like a good read I'll check into it here soon :twilightsmile:

when is the next chapter coming out?

You have potential, but you need a proof-reader. Go ask one of the proof-reader groups for help!

Hey, was the name Spyro Staff inspired by the old PS1 games? I love those, and I'm replaying the first one now.

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