• Published 11th Aug 2014
  • 630 Views, 9 Comments

Immortal Entity - Darkblade Stormgiggle

An all-powerful, omnipotent being convinces Twilight to let it into Equestria.

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Introducing the Conspiracy

In literally no time at all, Twilight found herself back in her castle in Equestria, surrounded by a herd of very surprised unicorn mages. Her throne room was an utter wreck, not only was a large magic circle carved into the floor, but magical residues from the powerful spell casting that had been preformed here had built up into faintly glowing smudges all across the room.

“Twilight!? Luna? Discord?” Said Cosmic Rift, startled by the trio’s sudden appearance. “How did you three get here? Less then a moment ago you were in the other realm!”

“Do not concern yourself with such trivialities. All that matters is that I, Twilight Sparkle, have returned to Equestria.” intoned Entity, with Twilight’s voice.

Cosmic Rift gave Twilight a weird look. “Right… Anyway, Princess Celestia arrived here at the castle and she very much wishes to speak with you, Princess Luna.”

Luna visibly paled. “Of… of course, Cosmic Rift. Where might I find her?”

“I believe she said she would meet you on the balcony.”

“Very well, it would be best to not keep her waiting.”

Luna began the short walk to the balcony. She couldn’t help but wonder where things went wrong. She had worked hard to ensure that Celestia knew nothing of Twilight’s sudden disappearance; plainly she had failed.

As Luna walked out onto the balcony, she could see Celestia pacing back and forth. She did not look happy.

“So my sister finally returns from her excursion. Tell me, what happened to Twilight?” Celestia’s tone was calm, yet deadly.

“Nothing happened! Twilight somehow got trapped in an alternate dimension, and we had to go rescue her. This sort of thing happens every week!” Luna spoke dismissively.

Celestia spun towards Luna, seething with rage. “Do you truly believe me so blind, Luna!? I know not what evil Twilight has brought with her to Equestria, but even now I can feel its presence!”

“Twilight let that entity into Equestria of her own free will, Celestia! Do you really trust your student so little?”

“Do not speak to me about trust, Luna! Trust would have been letting me know about this disaster before it began! Trust-“ Celestia’s anger broke suddenly, and tears sprang to her eyes. “Why didn’t you tell me, Luna? Why didn’t you trust me?”

Luna hugged her sister close. “I did not know just how bad the situation was; I thought I could handle it on my own. In my hubris I may have made a fatal mistake.”

“I am sure everything will be perfectly fine, Luna. I forgive you, and I’m sorry for yelling.” Celestia pulled out of the hug and quickly wiped away her tears with magic. “I will need to speak to this being that has taken up residence inside Twilight myself.”
Luna looked at Celestia with alarm. “But I can help you! I have-

Celestia’s voice hardened slightly. “Enough. I will call you if I need you. You may take your leave.” Celestia’s dismissal was gentle, but firm.

“Very well, I will head back to the palace.” Luna spread her wings and took flight. Celestia watched her go, and soon she was nothing more than a speck on the horizon. Celestia walked off the balcony and made her way to where Twilight was. She noticed that most of the mages Luna had gathered had already left the building. The few that remained were closely inspecting the magic residues that had been left scattered about. Discord had vanished to who knows where. Twilight, or whatever was inside of Twilight, was deep in conversation with one of the mages. Celestia decided to listen in.

“Princess Twilight, what kind of spell did you use to return to Equestria? I have never seen anything quite like it!” Cosmic Rift probed.

“I am not surprised you have never seen it, because I created it specifically to escape my prison.” Entity replied, still using Twilight’s body.

“Is that so? How did you find the time to do that while trapped in that other dimension?”

“Time flows differently between dimensions.”

“I suppose so. Say, how does that spell work, anyway?”

Twilight, or rather Entity, hesitated for a few seconds before answering. “I am sorry to cut our discussion short, but Celestia has arrived. Perhaps we will be able to continue our conversation later?”

“Of course, Princess Twilight.” Cosmic Rift’s horn shone with light as he teleported away.

“Celestia! It’s so good to see you!” Entity said, still using Twilight’s voice. She reached out for a hug, and Celestia had no choice but to return it.

Celestia quickly broke the hug. “So… Twilight… May I speak to you out on the balcony? I would like to know what transpired while you were gone.”

Twilight smiled up at Celestia. “Certainly! Lead the way!”

Celestia was worried. While the thing’s imitation of Twilight was not flawless, it was getting better at mimicking her by the second. The sooner that thing was expelled from Twilight’s body, the better. As soon as they had made their way to the balcony, Twilight turned towards Celestia.

“So, what did you want to talk about?” Entity asked.

“Enough! Why have you possessed Twilight!?” Celestia interrogated.

“Did Luna not tell you? Twilight allowed me to use her body as a vessel to escape my prison.”

“If that is the case, then I would like to speak to Twilight. The real Twilight.”

“Very well. Allow me to wake her up.”

“Wake up? Why is she asleep?”

“Due to the nature of my prison, it was necessary to remove the influence of time when we escaped. Had Twilight been awake while not under the influence of time, she would have experienced all of time at once, although no time would have passed at all. I did not believe her ready for such an experience.”

Without warning, Twilight collapsed onto the floor. Celestia rushed to her aid.

“Twilight! Are you okay?!”

“Celestia, is that you? Where am I?” muttered Twilight.

Celestia looked deep into Twilight’s eyes. Either the thing possessing Twilight had finally perfected its imitation of Twilight, or this was really Twilight. Celestia chose to believe the latter. “Yes it’s me; and you are safe in your castle. Twilight, what is the last thing you remember?”

“I remember… Telling Entity it could come to Equestria.”

Celestia sighed softly. “So it is true, then. Why Twilight? Why?”

“Entity seemed so… lonely, somehow. I remember thinking how terrible it must have been for it to be locked up in that horrible place for so long. Sure, Entity made a few mistakes, but it didn’t deserve to be imprisoned like that.”

“I’ll trust your judgment on this, Twilight. But I can’t allow this ‘Entity’ to remain inside you. If it wishes to remain in Equestria, it will have to do so in its own body.”

Celestia could tell instantly when the change happened. Twilight had a certain lively spark in her eyes that Celestia had come to love, but when Entity took over the spark was extinguished, replaced by a shimmering pale fire.

“I am afraid that will be rather difficult, Celestia.”

Celestia’s expression hardened. “Oh? Why would that be?”

“My natural form is far too great to simply be spontaneously released upon Equestria. Were that to happen, serious damage could occur to the surrounding environment.”

“Then how are you able to contain your form inside Twilight?”

“The laws of reality worked much differently inside my prison. There, I was able to safely condense my form into something Twilight could handle. Once we entered Equestria it was fairly easy to maintain that state of being. However, once I restore myself to my true form, it will be impossible to condense myself inside Twilight again, as I could only do so while inside my prison.”

“That may be true, but I still won’t let you remain inside Twilight. There must be some way of safely removing you from her.”

“Perhaps… I could construct a device which would allow me to take my true form safely within the bounds of Equestria. However, such a device would be rather large”

“How large?”

“To contain my entire form? Infinitely big. However, I have a plan to contain an infinitely big area in a smaller space.”

Celestia sighed. Her horn lit up as she cast a simple summoning spell. In front of her appeared a detailed map of Equestria. “See this area here, called the badlands? You can built whatever you want there, so long as it gets you out of Twilight by tomorrow.”

“As you wish. I will begin construction of the device tomorrow. I believe that Twilight had some parting words for you.”

Celestia was relieved to see the pale flame leave Twilight’s eyes, exchanged for a familiar spark.

“Celestia… Is everyone okay? I hope my absence wasn’t too detrimental to Equestria.”

“No Twilight, only those who were at castle tonight know of your disappearance, and as for detrimental, you should go talk to Spike. He has been worried sick about your disappearance; I believe he fell asleep in your bed.”

At the mention of sleep, Twilight suddenly realized just how tired she was. “I think I’ll go check on Spike then.”

“One more thing, Twilight. If it’s alright with you, I believe I shall retire here for the night.”

“Oh! Of course, Princess! Would you like me to show you to one of the guest bedrooms?”

“No thank you, Twilight. I should be able to manage on my own. Good night, I’ll see you in the morning.” With that Celestia headed off to find one of the guest bedrooms.

Twilight left the balcony to find her own bedroom. Sure enough, Spike was sleeping fitfully on her bed. Twilight levitated him to his old bed, it had been one of the very few things to survive the destruction of her old tree house. Although her new castle did have a bed just for Spike, he sometimes came in here anyway. Twilight made sure to tuck spike in, and then laid down in her own bed. She quickly fell into a dreamless sleep.


In the darkest reaches of the earth, a lantern hung dimly over a large table. Music played faintly in the background. Gathered around this table were an assortment of shadowy figures, of all shapes and sizes. Suddenly, a door opened and shut somewhere in the darkness, and yet another shadowy figure sat down at the table.

The newest shadowy figure spoke in the low, monotonous tones of someone who had disguised their voice with magic. “We have much to discuss. Our newest member will inform us of some interesting new developments.”

“Indeed. A new player has entered the game, and this could very well be the end if we do not tread carefully.”

Even with her form almost completely concealed in the poor light, Queen Chrysalis’s voice gave her away almost immediately. “Who could stop us now? We have almost all of Equestria under our control! Even if I walked into Canterlot palace this very second and told Celestia everything, it wouldn’t affect the plan in the slightest!”

“It isn’t Celestia we have to worry about, but Twilight and her new friend.”

“Princess Twilight is always making new friends. She is the princess of friendship, after all. I fail to see why this constitutes a threat to us.” The dark, rasping voice spoke slowly and carefully enunciated each word. The other silhouettes around the table gave the speaker a wide berth.

“This friend is slightly different. The princess summoned it from another dimension, and it could very well be stronger then Discord.”

“You simply must give us more information! Stop circling around the issue and tell us what we’re dealing with!” This voice spoke in the refined accent of a Canterlot pony.

“Thanks to the interference of Princess Luna, most of our agents were unable to get close when this situation occurred. As far as I know, I was the only one of us who was there. Because of this, we know very little of what actually happened.”

“So tell us what you do know!” Queen Chrysalis shouted.

“Princess Twilight was kidnaped by this entity, and her dragon assistant immediately sent a message to princess Celestia. However, this message was somehow intercepted by Princess Luna, who gathered all the best unicorn mages in Canterlot and rushed to Princess Twilight’s new castle, without informing Princess Celestia. Princess Luna then reluctantly enlisted Discord’s help and together they traveled to where the entity had taken Twilight. Exactly what happened while they were there is uncertain, but when Twilight returned she was possessed by the entity. I can only assume that this entity somehow overpowered both Discord and Princess Luna, then took control of them. Princess Celestia then barged in, but I was unable to remain.”

“Why didn’t you stay? We need to know what happened to Princess Celestia!” The refined voice complained.

“I feared that if I remained, the entity would have taken notice of me, and overcame my mind as well.”

“This all sounds highly improbable. An Alicorn’s mental defenses are almost impossible to breach. I know this from firsthand experience.” Although the voice belonged to that of a small filly, Sombra’s unmistakable eyes shone from the shadow from which the voice had come.

“I agree. Even so, we should prepare for the possibility.” Uttered the raspy voice.

“If this is true, it could prove disastrous to our plans. We need Twilight alive and well. We must purge this entity from Twilight’s mind.” Said the magically disguised voice.

“How exactly are we going to do that?” Queen Chrysalis asked.

“I’m glad you asked. You and King Sombra are going to enter Twilight’s mind and force this entity out of Twilight.”

“Madness!” Roared King Sombra. Or at least he tried to roar; in his filly voice it came out as a squeak. “If the entity was able to defeat both Discord and Luna, it could easily defeat us! Furthermore, if the entity doesn’t even exist we would risk revealing ourselves to Twilight!”

“Not quite. You will both be entering Twilight’s mind through the dream world. As you well know, strength of magic does not matter in the dream realm, only strength of will. No matter how powerful this entity is in the waking world, in the dream realm it will be unable to bring its power to bear. I highly doubt the entity is aware of this fact. Even if it does know, the odds will be two to one in our favor.”

“I thought that Princess Luna was compromised by the entity. She will most likely rush to the entity’s aid if we attack it in the dream realm.” the raspy voice replied.

“I have it on good authority that Luna has not fallen to the entity.”

“How can you be so sure?” The refined voice questioned.

“I am very close to Luna. I would have easily been able to tell if she had been corrupted in any way. I can also ensure that she will not interfere with our plans.”

“If Luna hasn’t been corrupted, then Twilight is most likely fine as well.” Queen Chrysalis hypothesized.

“Our friend who was there disagrees, and I am inclined to believe him. Twilight has been corrupted by this entity, and Celestia has proven herself incapable of solving the problem. If our plans are to move forward, Twilight’s mind must be cleansed.”

“Very well, when shall we infiltrate Twilight’s dreams?” Grumbled King Sombra.

“Tomorrow night. We must strike soon if we are to have any hope of thwarting this entity’s plans. We will meet here after it is done to discuss moving the plan into its final stages.”

As if on a hidden cue, everypony rose from their seats and left. As the light slowly burned down to nothing, the music came to a sudden halt.

Author's Note:

This is the Conspiracy's theme:

This is the song that was playing in the background at the Conspiracy's meeting place: