• Published 21st Jul 2014
  • 630 Views, 6 Comments

For Their Sins... - MusicOverMatter

While no one may know much about the Mysterious Melchiorre, and even fewer know anything of his past, the story of his blackened existence is as real as the consequences it bears.

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Chapter 2 ~ Our Rebellion

~One Year Ago~

Alastar looked out at the churning waters with a passionless gaze. It was a moonless night, causing the dark night to blend with his own black coat. His red eyes raked the surrounding grove with a singular intensity, before he settled himself on the soft bank of the shimmering pool—obscured from the prying eyes of his kelpie brethren.

What a relief to be out from under their strict regulations! Alastar let out an annoyed snort. He disliked authority, and resented the control that was a constant source in his life. Maybe that’s why he’d conspired to meet with this strange Siren tonight? After all, if he decided he wanted to associate with a Merpony, who was to stop him? No one! And that’s precisely how he liked it.

The light breeze that swayed the willow branches was heavy with the scent of sweet pea. It was calming and cool, and altogether too unfamiliar for the carnal creature to fully cope with. He was used to his dark, briny home under the deep waters of the black lagoon; the only scent he was usually accustomed to was the smell of death—the fresh scent of a kill, the dried smell of blood, the rotting stench of flesh, and the salty oceanic air mixed with the aroma of seaweed and dead sea animals.

Needless to say the change was a great one, but perhaps that’s why he endured it. It seemed as if there was nothing he wouldn’t do in order to separate himself from the tradition and law of his order.

How fortunate he’d been then in stumbling upon such a miraculous opportunity as he had two nights ago! While wandering out among the cliffs at sunset, he’d happened upon a Siren Perch. Sirens are a danger to almost every race, as their duty is to ward off and destroy anyone foolish enough to come too close to their home waters.

Beyond that, their hearts are filled with nothing but a child-like playfulness and a dark desire for mischief. The rocky cliffs surrounding the cove were the perfect play-ground for the rowdy sea-mares, and a deadly set of jaws for any soul wandering too close!

However, kelpies are unaffected by siren song—since they use a similar magic themselves. So when he drew close enough for the sirens to recognize his race, they became annoyed and frustrated. There’s no fun in tempting a victim who can neither be tempted nor killed! Most of them glared and hissed at him before leaping into the water to wait for him to pass. Only one stayed behind, curious as to why he would bother a Siren Perch.

The frothy mare sat absolutely radiant before the setting sun; her blood-red mane was cast carelessly over her delicate shoulders, while the burning light reflected off her pink scales gave her a fiery glow that would put a dragon to shame!

In that instant, something snapped inside the young, hot-blooded kelpie. All of his pent-up passion, every ounce of his desire for rebellion was suddenly materialized before him in the form of a wickedly dangerous seductress that had the very fragrance of a forbidden fruit. How easy would it be to pluck it while the vine was still green, and how foolish could he be to turn away the opportunity?

He turned a wicked grin to the mer-mare, before stepping forward to take her forelock in his teeth and gently tug on it. It was a rather bold flirtation, but one that the playful mare couldn’t resist. Before the sun had fully set, a plan was made for them to see each other again.

Now the night was here, yet to the cold-hearted kelpie it was nothing more than a game; a chance to flout his superiors and satisfy his curiosity about the mysterious siren. And just as he was beginning to doubt if coming had been worth his time, there was a disturbance in the middle of the pool. Out of the water rose the pink mer-mare, her tail flicking playfully behind her.

As she approached the shore, a look of discomfort stole momentarily over her face. The sound of ripping flesh came from beneath the water, and in that moment a four-legged mare was suddenly standing where a two-legged one once swam.
Alastar raised a questioning eyebrow to the strange occurrence but said nothing. He knew that sirens had the ability to change into legs because of their mysterious powers, but seeing it was quite different than hearing about it.

“What?” Laughed the mirthful mare. “Am I so strange to see now without my tail?” She gracefully strode forward and pushed her nose into his wild, thick mane. A musical giggle escaped from her throat, before she nudged him teasingly. “Don’t worry! It grows back. It’s actually harder to get legs than to get a tail; I guess it’s to discourage us from switching too often.”

A soft smile on her mouth and a secret laugh in her eyes seemed to speak of some fine joke she was keeping all to herself. What was the joke? It really didn’t matter. Because to a siren everything is it’s own joke. Those who can laugh so freely and gleefully at death have no trouble in finding plenty of entertainment in life.

“Tell me then, if it’s so very difficult to switch why do you do it at all?” Inquired Alastar with a tone of mock interest. The siren’s face lit up with excitement.

“Because the Siren Mistress hates it so much!” And with that she went back to nuzzling her face into his thick coat and mane. He was surprised by her answer! Not because it was all too unexpected for a siren to say, but because it reminded him so much of his own joy in defying his authorities—of the very reason he was here to begin with!

Alastar turned his head towards the siren with a new eye. Sure, she was frivolous, credulous, immature and inexperienced. But suddenly that didn’t seem like a bad thing anymore. She was now the most interesting thing in the world, and he eyed her like a new challenge, and the forbidden fruit that would be his greatest defiance against his order.

“Tell me again, what exactly was your name?” He inquired with a honeyed tone. She stopped her giddy fawning for a moment to glance at him with a saucy look in her eyes. Leaping up from her relaxed position, she circled to the front of her companion. Leaning down so that they were now nose-to-nose, she whispered:

“Can you forget so easily? I’m Scarlett Shell… and I’ll never let you forget it again.”

Author's Note:

Wow! I'm so pleased to see how many people were interested in my story. Thank you to the people who critiqued me, it was a big help to me.

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Thanks for your support, and Stay Glittery! :D