• Published 12th Apr 2012
  • 1,171 Views, 14 Comments

A Shadow Over Ponyville - Mr Darcy

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Chapter Six

A Shadow Over Ponyville

Chapter Six

As the spell deposited me just outside Ponyville, I had already made plans to return directly to Canterlot with my friends and retrieve the Elements of Harmony. Hoofstep had expressed fear of them, and they appeared to be the only weapons capable of stopping her. I wondered why she had not attempted to steal them before, and I realized that of course she had. Was that not the first thing Discord had done upon his release? And Hoofstep had revealed Discord to be a part of her, a part of Nyarlathotep. He had failed in the end, and Celestia and Luna had redoubled their efforts to guard the Elements, but now...

I fought back my tears. Celestia was likely dead. Luna would not be able to protect the Elements on her own, and even if my mentor had slain the Hoofstep avatar, another would surely come to finish it's work. There was no hope to be found in seeking out the Elements. I fell back on my original plan, the one I had concocted upon escaping Hoofstep's trap. I would create a log of my experiences, so that the world could be warned of the danger it faced. I had no doubt most would dismiss my story as the ravings of a madmare, but if even one pony listened, perhaps they could make a difference. Better yet, if the dragons could be convinced, then our world might stand a chance. That is why I want you to take these memoirs to the dragons first, Spike. They are like Hoofstep, beings of mystery and unfathomable power, but from what I know of them they are still a part of this world. I do not think they would wish to see it destroyed any more than we would.

It was then I remembered the creature in the tunnels, that haunter of the darkness. It would find it's way out sometime, and it would come for me. I knew this in my soul. I galloped for home, and the beauty of the night and the stars above, the gentle wind against my coat, the fragrance of the night flowers, all served to remind me of what we had to lose. I arrived at my home and entered without hesitation. I had no reason to suspect my own house had been invaded, yet such was the case, for when I climbed the stairs to my bedroom, I found the bed occupied, by none other than Twilight Sparkle. My frantic dash up the steps had woken her, and Spike as well. As the sleepy dragon looked on in wonder, I attacked my doppelganger, and she rose to meet my assault. We went round the room, stomping and bucking, trashing the furniture and decor. An opening presented itself, and I took the chance to blast the changeling away with my magic. She collided with the wall and slumped to the floor, dazed. I calmed the frantic Spike, and between my words and my use of magic, he became convinced I was the real Twilight Sparkle. He told me how this impostor had returned in my place the day after I had left for Canterlot, and the way she had insinuated herself into my role with ease. Nopony had even suspected it was not the real Twilight. Who then was behind the illusion?

“Who are you?” I asked her, using my magic to keep her restrained. I was tired, so tired from what I had been through, and I would not be able to hold her for long. The impostor looked at me in a way I did not expect, for there was regret in her eyes.

“I'm so sorry, Twilight! I didn't want it this way, I promise!” Her eyes watered and tears trickled down her face, and at the same time a change came over her. The illusion was dispelled, and where a second Twilight Sparkle had been laying, there was now Lyra Hearstrings. “She promised me, Twilight. To bring back Bon-Bon...with the music, I could do it.” I softened, and knew that Heartstrings had merely been a pawn like Ethersong.

“She promised to teach you how,” I said, gently, “if you helped her capture me. Then you would take my place so nopony would notice my absence. I suppose that explains the way you warmed up to me after Bon-Bon disappeared. You had to learn about my friends and I to play your part convincingly.”

Heartstrings sniffled, and whispered, “I'm sorry, I only wanted-” Lyra's confession was interrupted, as the air around her began to ripple. As she shifted in confusion, her mane fell aside and revealed a mark upon her forehead. She had been branded with the same symbol that had marked Lyra Hoofstep, and the pattern now glowed with eldritch light. The ripples in the air quickened, and in the folds of those waves I could perceive distant vistas, warped columns upon a featureless plain, a black temple on a high plateau, and then the images were flashing by too fast for any one scene to catch my eye. Whispers filled my head, mad laughter and droning pipes.

Wait for me, my little pony,” a voice called from the void, filling my head with it's malevolence, “I have many shapes and many names. I await our meeting...eagerly.” I shuddered, and the worming voice finally left me. It's business was not done, however.

“He's taking me!” Lyra Heartstrings screamed, “His plans, ruined, he'll punish me for it...oh Celestia, don't let him take me Twilight!” I reached out for Lyra, but just before our hoofs met, the ripples closed around her and then vanished as quickly as they had appeared. Heartstrings was gone. She had given herself to a demon, and he had claimed what was his by rights. Soon he will send the one with the flaming eye for me, the creature from the tunnels. Others may come as well. He has many shapes and many names. I have little hope for the world. This message is but a dim light, flung desperately into the future. I will not let them take me back to that prison underground, to be tortured and examined. Like Heartstrings. Perhaps even Bon-Bon. Find me a rope, Spike. No, do not try to stop me. I have made my decision. The world depends on you now, my loyal assistant. Farewell, and if you lose faith, know that I am grateful for all you've done, and so very proud. You are the son I never had. I love you, Spike.

Comments ( 8 )


Nyarlathotep abhors your logic, so it's probably a bad idea to read this before a test on the subject. :P

I don't care if this is your first story r you hundreth tale, you can't make a story where all is going to be destroyed and there is no hope or time for living if you don't put a plot behind it. And an evil monster nopony knows about will destroy everthing is not a a plot.


Welcome to the world of H.P. Lovecraft, mate. I understand it's not for everyone and I honestly don't care for this story myself, looking back on it. But in Lovecraft's fiction, hopelessness and unexplained weirdness is the order of the day.

I approve of this ending and general storyline, you managed to capture the feeling of lovecraftianism quite excellently.

Bravo, I shall now commence the favouriting and vote approvingly of this.


Thank you kindly, sir. :D

Love it. You captured lovecraftian writing style masterfully well. This deserves way more views, bravo sir.

This story is a testament to good pony adaptations of the Lovecraftian genre. It’s a true crime that it hasn’t received more views. I hope you the best of luck in your writing endeavors, even if they do not bring you back to this site.

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