• Published 12th Apr 2012
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A Shadow Over Ponyville - Mr Darcy

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Chapter One

A Shadow Over Ponyville

Chapter One

My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I have seen things no pony should be forced to witness. This land of ours, this entire universe, harbors evils deeper and more sinister than any could suspect. What horror lurks at the heart of it all? I thank Celestia I shall never know the full truth. Even the little I have uncovered is enough to drive me nearly mad. It is only for the sake of my friends, and indeed all ponies, that I hold myself together now. I must pass on this knowledge, dreadful as it may be. Even now, as my loyal dragon Spike transcribes my words, I know they are coming for me. It may be too late for me, but they will not take me so easily as Heartstrings. Oh, Heartstrings! The thought of her still brings me to despair! When I have completed these memoirs, Spike will take them, and he will run very far, as far as he can go. I have suggested that he take refuge with his dragon-kin. There is perhaps no other race on this fair world more suited to face the encroaching horror than the dragons. Their pride may yet get the better of them, though I hope my poor assistant can persuade them of the consequences that would bring. I have tarried too long on introductions however, and I do not know how much time I have.

Though I was not aware of the event's significance at the time it occurred, in hindsight it is apparent that it all began the day a new pony arrived in Ponyville, one Lyra Hoofstep. She was unremarkable for a unicorn, and I could not describe her if I tried. Her cutie mark seemed to be an intricate pattern, it's color like starlight, and it's shape bringing to mind a spider's web. I could not ascertain it's meaning, though I never spent enough time with the mare to question her on this. I am thankful now that I never found myself in her presence long enough to ask such questions. When she first arrived by carriage, she was of course accosted by my friend Pinkie, who, in typical fashion, remarked to Hoofstep that there was another long-time resident of Ponyville who shared her first name, and proceeded to introduce Hoofstep to Lyra Heartstrings. I only heard of this meeting afterward from Pinkie herself, but my friend noted how, upon shaking hooves with Heartstrings, Hoofstep broke into a most unseemly grin. Pinkie Pie swiftly put it down to Hoofstep's awkwardness, and while I can sympathize with those who are forced into unwanted social encounters by Pinkie, there was another present who was not so convinced of Hoofstep's innocence. Bon-Bon, Heartstrings' closest friend, could be heard often in the next few days expressing her dislike of Lyra Hoofstep, most notably the disquiet she had felt upon first meeting her. More than just her odd smile, Bon-Bon claimed she had felt a creeping sensation emanating from Hoofstep. Shame on myself, and all other ponies, for deriding her concerns as mere superstition! It had not been long since we had accepted another into our herd, a certain zebra named Zecora, after we had shunned and distrusted her in much the same way. We had learned our lesson, perhaps too well, for we would have been wise to heed Bon-Bon's words. Even more startling is that, after certain later events unfolded regarding Bon-Bon, it never occurred to us to take her impressions seriously. What foals we were, and now too many have paid the price, with myself soon to join them.

Excepting Bon-Bon's outspoken mistrust of Lyra Hoofstep, life in Ponyville continued much as it always did for many weeks. I met with my friends often and found myself drawn into inexplicable adventures. My reports to the Princess continued, and not once did anyone sense there was something amiss. Hoofstep was not seen much during this time. She had moved into a small home near the edge of town, just off the road to Sweet Apple Acres, and would only leave it to do her weekly shopping in the market.. On these excursions she would often run into Heartstrings and Bon-Bon, seemingly by accident. By Heartstrings' accounts, Hoofstep was always pleasant, and seemed very interested in her aspirations as a lyrist. Hoofstep claimed to be an accomplished piper, and even mentioned in passing some connections she might have in the musical scene. This cemented their friendship, and thereafter the two could be found practicing music in the park once a week. Hoofstep proved true to her word, and her skills with the pipes were incredible. With lyre and pipes they slowly gained the attention of Ponyville's park-goers. Through all this, Bon-Bon remained cool in her treatment of Hoofstep, though she did her best to tolerate the mare for Heartstrings' sake. The two continued to perform, and this culminated in a particularly enchanting duet which left all who heard it awestruck. Following the roar of applause and congratulations of the crowd, Hoofstep proposed that Heartstrings pay her a visit the next week. She told the lyrist, who was drunk on the adoration of the ponies, that if they were truly dedicated to making music, they would be better served practicing in the quiet and safety of Hoofstep's own home. Bon-Bon objected and tried to convince Heartstrings not to accept, inventing a previous engagement on the spot. Hoofstep saw through the bluff, but merely laughed, and said that if she were so worried about her friend, she was welcome to come as well. Bon-Bon agreed reluctantly, and so it was that the next week the two ponies found themselves at the house of Lyra Hoofstep. Whatever happened next is unclear, but suffice it to say that the visitation of Heartstrings and Bon-Bon to that house marks a turning point in this story. Heartstrings never spoke of what occurred during that trip to anyone but I, and she was not in her right mind when she related her tale to me. I would very much like to have heard Bon-Bon's side of things, but alas it was not to be, as you shall soon discover.

According to Heartstrings, the two ponies were lead into the house by Hoofstep, who took them to her music room and treated them to drinks. When their thirst and hungers were sated, the host began to boast of a wonderful instrument she had found, a certain set of pipes that, when used in the hands of a skilled piper such as herself, could move a crowd to tears. Naturally Heartstrings demanded to see this masterpiece of musical craftsmanship, and Hoofstep obliged her. She left the room and returned levitating a set of pipes with her magic. As soon as they laid eyes on the instrument, both Heartstrings and Bon-Bon were captivated. They had no doubt that Hoofstep had been telling the truth regarding it's superiority, as it's quality was evident in the way it caught the light, the way it seemed to call out to the soul. Grinning, Hoofstep began to play, and sure enough her music brought the guests to tears. Heartstrings spoke of it as though she had entered paradise. Though the details were lost to memory by the time she told me the story, she remarked that it was like a never-ending dream of such beauty, her heart ached to see it. Such images and sounds, the likes of which she would never know again! When at last Hoofstep ended the song, Heartstrings and Bon-Bon immediately cried out for more. Again, Hoofstep obliged, and here is where things grow dim. Heartstrings can say nothing more of the second song besides that it was far removed from the first. Her own emotions, her own thoughts, could not comprehend that music. How long Hoofstep enchanted them with her music, I cannot tell, though I suspect it was a few hours at least. Ponyville is such a peaceful town that they could have been absent for days before it would be remarked upon. When the trance ended, Bon-Bon was gone. Heartstrings naturally questioned her host as to her whereabouts, but Hoofstep merely said that she had grown tired of the music and returned home. As she escorted Heartstrings out, they made plans for another visit, and this time Hoofstep asked Heartstrings to bring her lyre so that they might practice together. Heartstrings returned to her own home, and when anypony asked where she had been, she would only say she had been practicing with Hoofstep. The ponies of the town, having heard many a song by the two musicians, were satisfied with that answer, and were eager to hear more from the skillful duet. All seemed well, until the next morning. Lyra Heartstrings completed her morning preparations and made her way to the home of Bon-Bon, as she normally did. Her knocks went unanswered and, growing concerned, she put aside the conventions of polite society and entered her friends house unannounced. She searched for an hour, but found no trace of Bon-Bon. The pony had somehow disappeared. Heartstrings was naturally hysterical by this point, and before long all of Ponyville had been roused into a frenzy of activity. I myself coordinated the search effort, but it was pointless. Though we looked for days, no sign of Bon-Bon was ever found.

I spoke with Heartstrings after the search had died down and the town had lost hope of ever finding the missing mare. It was then that she told me of her visit to Hoofstep. I found the dreamy way Heartstrings told her story to be odd, and I also found it odd that nopony noticed Bon-Bon returning to Ponyville without her constant companion. I put aside my suspicions for the time being, however. It was clear the pony had been through much. The next week, a memorial service was held for Bon-Bon, with the whole town in attendance. There was of course no body, but we made due with an empty casket. Hearing the sobs of Heartstrings nearly broke me, and when she had to leave partway through the eulogy, my heart went out to her. I prayed I would never know such pain. After the service, I cried with my friends, and thought of how lucky I was to have them. The next few days saw me spending more time with them than ever, for fear I might lose them at any moment. Lyra Heartstrings spent those days in isolation, and mourning. This first part of the story is almost ended, but there was one more event from that time frame that holds significance. Again, like the arrival of Lyra Hoofstep, I did not make much of it when it happened, and only now do I see it's importance. It was a simple matter of a visit between friends, on the surface. When Heartstrings failed to turn up for her planned get-together at Hoofstep's house, the enigmatic pony made a rare appearance in Ponyville to visit Heartstrings instead. She carried something in a black case with her, and I now suspect it to have been the captivating instrument Hoofstep had charmed her guests with before. Not long after she had been granted entrance to the house, the sound of playing could be heard. It was a duet, of pipes and lyre, and it was clear to everypony passing by that Heartstrings and Hoofstep were playing together once more. I did not hear the song myself, but Rarity, who lived nearby, claimed to have heard it from her shop, and was immediately drawn to it. She arrived outside Heartstrings' house to find a small crowd gathered, every face streaked with tears. Rarity likewise found herself sobbing before long. Like the incident at Hoofstep's house, nopony could afterward quite recall the nature of the song, only that it was painfully depressing. When Hoofstep at last vacated the house and returned home, the gathered ponies dried their tears and went about their business as normal, the haunting music a dim but enduring memory in the back of their minds. The next day, Heartstrings ended her isolation. Indeed, when she was seen shopping in the market, many noted that she appeared almost cheerful. Whatever words and emotions had passed between Heartstrings and Hoofstep, they had done wonders for the grieving mare.