• Published 14th Jul 2014
  • 773 Views, 29 Comments

Punch Out Big Mac's Big Challenge the Final Episode: Top of the World! - trahzo

The Final Episode of the trilogy, Big Mac has only one circuit left to win before he can permanently stop everyone from calling him weak!

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Ch.2: Big Mac vs. Thunderlaninski!

Big Mac walked down the hallway with much anger!

"What's wrong dear friend?"

"I've been waiting to chew this womanizer out for years!"

"Yes, use that anger!"

"Thanks coach!"

Then they entered the ring!

"Yes! This douche has had this coming Black Kirin!"

"Yep Ember, ever since that interaction with Rarity it created a gigantic shipping war between Sparity and Rarilane! Thank goodness this guy struck out with Rarity!"

"Though Spike struck out as well!"

"But hey, who's the one getting 2 wives in the future?"


Meanwhile on the mat.




"Big Macintosh."


"Big Mac."


"Fancy Pants."

"Don't drag me into this."

"Wow, look at that 2 on 1 glare! Hey look everyone else is glaring at him! It sure is evident, everyone hates Thunderlane like how we all hate Flash Sentry, Trenderhoof, Prince Blueblood, Angel Bunny, and others I cannot remember!"

"Well let's introduce them now Ember!"

"Alright, in this corner, a true hero to the WVBA, The one who has not lost a fight yet, the most exciting fighter yet...Big Mac!"

"Then in this corner, the laziest in Ponyville, the womanizer of Ponyville, and sent to jail an unknown number of times for rape! Thunderlane, or in this case...Thunderlaninski! I seriously don't give any crap about this guy!"

"Yeah I mean...hold-up! yes! Thunderlaninski will be sent to jail again after this fight!"

Then everyone began booing, hissing, and throwing things at Thunderlaninski!

"Who'd he rape this time?"

"The OC: Milky Way!"

"THAT MONSTER!" Then Black Kirin pulled out a shotgun!

"No! Calm down Black, just imagine yourself as Big Mac beating his ass!"


"Round 1, fight!"

Thunderlane was going to attack but then everyone began booing! Big Mac managed to get his 1st hit in! Thunderlane used a fast powerful uppercut, but no matter what, Big Mac could dodge! Thunderlane then used a hook which was then intercepted by Big Mac, gaining a star! Thunderlane then used a left hook which was countered by Big Mac's jab, gaining a 2nd star!

"Now listen here you ass, just stop asking girls out! They will not find you attractive!"

"Shut-up! You don't know that!" Then he threw a jab!

"You've strike out every time I see you! I wanted to punch you so hard for the longest time!" Then Big Mac blocked and threw his own jab!

"I just want my little brother to have a mother figure after our parents died!" Then Thunderlane threw an uppercut which Big Mac dodged then he did a combo!

"Yeah, keep on raping mares that you drugged, that'll help Rumble find a mother!" Then Big Mac jabbed

"Screw you!" Then Thunderlane went into a rage! Then he threw 3 uppercuts and Big Mac got him

"You are the worst stallion I've ever met! Flirting with mares constantly, even though they said no and sprayed you with mace, tear gassed, and much more!" Then Big Mac hit him in the gut!

"Grr...fuck off, I'm going to jail anyway!"

"Yeah, but it seems that it'll be forever this time!"


"Yes, do you have anyone in mind who can take care of Rumble?"

"Flitter & Cloud Chaser!"

"Aren't they like mother figures to Rumble?"

"They wont be available every time! I need a parent who can watch him 24/7!"

Thunderlane tried to hook, his fury had him miss then Big Mac threw a delayed jab for a 3rd star!

"But at the circumstances now, try to think about all of the bad things you've done!" Then he jabbed Thunderlane! "Think about why you were kicked out of the Wonderbolts!" Then Big Mac hooked Thunderlane! "Think about how your carelessness has caused Rumble to sleep at other's houses!" Then he uppercutted Thunderlane "I care about the boy, everyone cares about him, he told me how you beat him when you come home drunk! He told me about how you beat him for being gay! he told me about the times you get sent to jail!" Then he rapid punched Thunderlane!

"I...beat him?"

"Yes, so please when you go to jail, use the time in their to think!"

"You're right! I'm a horrible stallion, as soon as I graduated community college, it's been one tragedy after another! Starting with the death of our parents! I'm sorry if I am so horrid that you wont even say the usual "Eeyup" to me! But tell me why are you lecturing me?"

"I care about you! Don't you remember the promise we made with Pony Joe and Bulk back when we were kids?"


"It's a promise, we will not do anything to that will ruin us! But if we do, then one of us must beat sense into them!"

*Flashback over!*

Big Mac then jabbed Thunderlane in the face! Thunderlane then tried to throw a right hook, but Big Mac ducked and Big Mac countered then knocked Thunderlane down!

"We're friends Thunderlane! I care about you, and now that the day has come, I finally got to beat so much passionate sense into you!"


"Thank you for still being a pal, I hope you will visit me during my life sentence!"

"Fight!" Spike declared.

Then Thunderlane got ready!

"Ember, he's..."

"Yep Black Kirin, it's time for his special the Thunder Punch! 1st, electricity enters both of his fists then he simply punches the opponent!"

Thunderlane then came at Big Mac! Big Mac felt both of his fists get charged with star power! Then Big Mac came at Thunderlane! Big Mac's left Star Uppercut missed, then he dodged Thunderlane's right Thunder Punch! Then they collided their 2nd charged fists!

"Whoa! Do you see that?"

"There's smoke all over the ring! Quick, someone get the AC on so the smoke can clear faster!" Announced Black Kirin!

Then after the smoke cleared...we see Spike coughing, and Thunderlane on the floor smiling!

"1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10! Knockout!" Spike declared.

Then the cops entered.

"Wait, before I go, I have to say something!" Then a mic hanging from a wire came down! "Rumble...my bro, do you love Flitter & Cloud Chaser?"


"Well, I'm handing over my custody of you, to them!"

Then he was hauled off to jail and then Flitter & Cloud Chaser hugged & kissed Rumble!

"Aww, now isn't that just heart warming?" Said Ember.

Everyone cheered for Big Mac's victory and Thunderlane's sentence to life.

"Big Mac, you were..."

"Cheerilee, let's have children!" He said while holding Cheerilee's hoof in his front hooves!

"*Gasp!* W-what?"

"Honey, after this fight, I just can't wait anymore, I want to have kids!"

"O..okay!" Cheerilee agreed.

Meanwhile in the audience a rather tall looking individual looked ominously at Big Mac.

"Only 2 more...then you must face me!"