• Published 14th Apr 2012
  • 979 Views, 12 Comments

The Frozen gate of Tartarus - Optimistic Pessimist

What if Cerberus can't get the job done?

  • ...

The Tartarus Situation

Princess Celestia walked slowly through the Royal Statue Garden. The statues had been cleared away and temporary homes had been set up all over. The tents were large enough for a family of six each, and they were scattered all over the place.

A Royal Guard flew down to the Princess. "Did you do a head check?" The pegasus nodded. "We've counted heads at least five times." The Princess nodded. "Did anyone else request to stay at Ponyville?" The Pegasus nodded. "A one 'Berry Punch.' She was an earth pony with an affinity for bombs and booze apparently." The Princess sighed. "I don't know whether I should be happy or worried. That's a terrible combination." The pegasus shrugged. "The explosives that I've seen are potent, and made with highly reactive materials. I haven't seen a bomb better handled. Not to mention while being drunk." The Princess sighed. "Let's hope for the better."

The Royal Cook, Gustave le Grand the Griffon, was busy cooking a dinner for all the residents of the Ponyville. Doughnut Joe was passing out doughnuts to help sooth tense atmospheres. The ponies of Ponyville were busy chatting away, talking and worrying about their hometown.

"Devils? Demons?"

"I left my favorite book back there..."

"I wish I brought my guitar..."

The Princess looked down to see a small orange pegasus poking at her leg. "Hey, Princess?" The Princess looked down. "Yes, Scootaloo?" Scootaloo pulled out a book from her saddlebag. She flipped through the pages excitedly. "You said ancient evils and things would come out of Tartarus, right?" The Princess nodded. "That's why you're here, little one." Scootaloo held the book up to the Princess. It had a short passage and a picture of a glacier. The Princess could recognize a figure frozen in the ice.

"Ms. Cheerilee read us this legend yesterday. Is it possible it might be real?" The Princess held up the book with her magic, scanning the words. "Why... this is..." The Princess looked down to the filly. "Where did you find this book?" She closed it and read the title, Stories of Equestria and that which was Before. Scootaloo jumped up and down excitedly. "It's Ms. Cheerilees'. She let me borrow, but only if I don't lose it." The Princess handed the book back to Scootaloo. "I don't know why Ms. Cheerilee read that story to you, but yes. That is exactly why you're here."

She watched as Scootaloo smiled and bounced off, presumably to tell her friends. She sighed. "I hope they realize the situation is much more serious then it looks."

Celestia was suddenly startled by a loud crashing noise from behind her. She turned to find Derpy, wearing a light set of armor and carrying a small bag. "Derpy, please. If you would just let me fix your eyes..." The pegasus sprang back to her feet. "No need Princess! I don't lose mail! Even if it is late!" The Princess just sighed. She was more worried with the cross-eyed pegasus' well being.

"I hope I didn't come with this too late!" The Princess watched as Derpy took out a small scroll out of her bag. "Here oh go!" Derpy spoke through her muffled mouth. The Princess lifted the scroll out of her mouth with her magic. "Thank you Derpy. Why don't you help yourself to some muffins? I'll call for you when I need you." Derpy smiled broadly and raised her hoof in salute. "No problem Princess! Always happy to help!" The Princess rolled her eyes as Derpy crashed into the food stands. She unrolled the scroll.

Dear Princess Celestia,

The demons have stopped coming out of Tartarus. We have no idea why, but we're tired out. It's night time, and we're looking for an hour or two of rest. Pinkie Pie got the twitches, and insisted that we take your call on it. We managed to get to Derpy and send this report to you.

Please hurry with your reply. Pinkie Pie's got me worried about a midnight ambush.

Doing our best,

The Elements of Harmony and Berry Punch.

The Princess was alarmed. Why would the demons retreat? Did they see Cronus? Did he show his face at all?

"Derpy!" Another crash, and another face full of dirt. The pegasus recovered immediately. "Yes Princess?" Celestia sighed. "Do you happen to have a quill and a sheet of paper?" Derpy smiled. "I knew it! All the other Mailponies laughed at me! But I knew it!" She took out a small box out of her saddlebag. She opened it to find an unusually organized writing kit. "I knew I wouldn't need it, but a convenient service means another satisfied customer!" The Princess smiled. Derpy never seemed smart, but she always had the right things, just on time. The Princess started to write.

My Little Ponies,

Simply because the Demons have retreated for now, does not mean that they're not coming back. If Cronus has yet to show his face, then do not back down. If you must rest, I will send some of my best guards to keep guard through the night. At this point, we can only hope Twilight can bring The Frozen Gate of Tartarus back to us ready and able to fend off the ancient evils.

Stand strong, strike back, and we will win this conflict.

Your Princess,


The Princess rolled up the scroll and gave it to Derpy. "Take this to Applejack. Round up my fastest pegasus guards and bring them to the field of battle. Tell them to stand guard through the night. If they don't believe you, tell them it's on my orders." Derpy gave another salute. "Will do Princess! You can count on me!" The Princess sighed as Derpy crashed yet again. "Remember!" She shouted after her, "The sooner it gets there, the better!"

A pegasus flew down to the Princess. "Princess Celestia?" The royalty turned around. "Yes? BlitzBolt?" The Royal Guard knelt in front of her. "You asked us to check on the weather around Baltimare?" The Princess nodded. "I did, yes." The guard continued. "We've received reports of an unscheduled blizzard coming slowly in our direction." The Princess nodded. "That's good." The guard did not look up. "Good, your majesty?" The Princess tapped the pegasus on the shoulder. "I will send you off to Ponyville to accompany the Elements of Harmony during the night. Before I do, send a small group of pegasi to keep watch on the blizzard. I want detailed reports on its' strength." The Pegasus nodded. "Will do, your majesty." He flew off.

The Princess looked off to the snowy mountains of the Baltimare. The sunset had turned the sky a shade of pink and blue. She sighed.

"I can only hope that you come back prepared, Cyro. We are doing whatever what we can to hold them back, but only you can beat them back."

The Princess walked back to the castle to oversee the night time preparations.