• Published 5th Aug 2014
  • 11,347 Views, 451 Comments

CoH (Book One) : Of Magic and Masquerades - Diespitris

It is up to Twilight Sparkle to find a way to protect the Crystal Empire on her own. Yet, when its former king offers her a helping hoof, she has two choices: befriend him, or reveal him. Despite her choice, there will be consequences to face.

  • ...

Chapter Seven : Welcomed Guest

The palace fell into silence the moment everypony settled in for the night. Like before, Twilight didn't make her move until she heard the light snores of her number-one assistant. Only then did she sneak down to the kitchens, where she found that day's leftovers stored either in the iceboxes or in the large pantry. There was an abundance of edibles; lunch and dinner were as bountiful as breakfast. She took a fraction of it, mostly loaves of bread and a crystal berry pie that Pinkie somehow missed during her dessert binge, and she carefully arranged them in a cloth-lined wicker basket.

With the goods protectively suspended in her magic, she then returned to Sombra's cave—following fresh hoofprints that were no more than a few hours old. Apparently, the stallion took some measures to make sure she didn't get inside, for she soon bumped into a set of large, stone doors. Locked stone doors. Twilight stared at the obstacles in disbelief. “You must be joking,” she muttered under her breath. She set the basket aside as she inspected the set of doors.

The first thing she tried was knocking. Of course, there was no response. She then tried to pry them open with her magic, but the doors didn't budge an inch. She released a frustrated groan and she sat down on the cold, hard ground. Stupid Sombra and his stupid magic-proof doors.

At the top of the arch, however, the sparkling sheen of a red gemstone caught her attention. Twilight hummed, tapping her hoof against her chin. Hold on. He used dark magic on the crystal that topped the Crystal Empire's throne, which summoned a shadow to reveal the secret passageway. So, if my magic won't work...

She needed dark magic to get the doors open. Unfortunately, she never used it before and Princess Celestia had only warned her against such forces. Although, her teacher did give her a demonstration that gave her all that she needed to know. She needed only concentration. So, inhaling, she closed her eyes and she thought back to her previous visit to Canterlot Castle.

The throne room, bright and warm. Princess Celestia's magic, the same. Then it twisted in on itself—became something else. Shadowed, sinister, cold.

"You have a lot to think about."

The fur on the back of Twilight's neck stiffened as a chill settled into her bones. Though she could not see it, she felt her magic slowly morph into something that felt different... and yet did not. It was malevolent, that much she was certain, and its frigidity made her uncomfortable. She quickly rid herself of the dark magic. Her target: the red gemstone. The power, albeit new to her, did just the trick. The doors crept open, clearing themselves from her path.

Beaming with pride, she picked up the basket and she entered Sombra's lair with a triumphant laugh. “Nice try, Sombra!”

“Not nice enough, apparently.”

The deep voice immediately drew Twilight's attention to the dark gray unicorn stallion standing on the other side of the fire pit. Though he was clad in the same cloak she had seen him in many times before, his hood was down; he made no attempt to conceal his appearance from her. The flames were small, but they were bright enough to illuminate his features. His mane, long and black with strands as blue as Princess Luna's night, was curled just enough to perfectly frame his face. His height and build rivaled that of Shining Armor, and his emerald eyes appeared dull with weariness.

It was almost hard for Twilight to believe that she now stood before the same cruel king who once had the entire populace of the Crystal Empire enslaved.

He moved not an inch as he regarded her with curiosity. “You are a mare of many talents,” he said. “I guess that door didn't buy me as much time as I thought.”

Cautiously, Twilight approached the fire. “Thank you, but why did you need to buy time?”

Sombra peered into the flames—holding one of his front hooves close enough to feel their warmth. “I'm surprised you chose to confront me alone. Are your reinforcements waiting outside?”

“I'm... not sure I follow.”

His eyes met hers. “Did you not come here to apprehend me? Or, perhaps you came to put an end to my life yourself? I'm sure my head will make a fine gift to the Royal Sisters.”

Twilight's eyes widened. “Oh!” she gasped. “No, no, no! I'm not here to arrest you, or any of that! I came here by myself and all I want is to talk, I promise!”

“You walked all the way out here merely to talk to me?” He didn't sound convinced.

Lifting the basket of goods for him to see, Twilight walked around the fire and set it beside him. “Yes,” she replied. “I also brought you some food, since you've obviously been sneaking into the empire to get some.” She smiled. “Seriously, if you're trying so hard to hide from everypony, then you should at least cover your tracks. You were too easy to find.”

Suddenly looking bewildered, Sombra glanced back and forth between the mare and the basket. As though he suddenly lost feeling in his hind legs, he then dropped onto his rear. He cleared his throat. “Well, I-I... I didn't expect this at all,” he said. “Thank you. This is too kind of you, really. You didn't have to do this.”

Twilight sat in front of him. “Well, no, but it's the least I could do for what you did for me... and the crystal ponies.”

Again, Sombra looked at the basket. “I merely righted a wrong. It doesn't warrant such kindness. Not after all I've done. So...” He looked back up at her. “If you wish to turn me in, I won't hold it against you. I already came to terms with my inevitable arrest and execution.”

That must be why he built those doors, she thought. He needed some time to make peace with what he thought was his end.

She didn't know what else to make of Sombra. He appeared to truly regret his actions, but appearances were sometimes deceptive. “Why did you do it in the first place?” she questioned.

“I already told you, I wanted to right—”

“No, not that. Why did you take over the Crystal Empire and enslave the crystal ponies?”

“Oh.” Once again, he broke eye contact as his gaze lowered to the cold ground. “I... wasn't in my right mind back then. Let's leave it at that.”

“Do you regret it?”

“I've been regretting it for a thousand years.”

Her head tilted slightly. “So, you won't try to do it again?”

Sombra's head lifted with a start. “No, absolutely not! Never again!” he barked. When the mare flinched at his raised voice, the sight caused him to flinch as well and he sheepishly began to rub the back of his neck. “My apologies... I didn't mean to yell. It's just a long, long story. I don't expect you to take my words for truth anyway.”

Twilight drew a circle in the dirt with her hoof. “It's all right. Does that mean you plan on staying in this cave?”

“Well, yes. The Royal Sisters did banish me. Just because I'm free from the ice of the Arctic North doesn't make me a free stallion, so to speak.”

“Then, I won't turn you in.”


“You heard me. I won't turn you in, but only if you behave yourself.” She stood, frowning. “You're right, I'm not going to believe you just like that. However, I'm more than willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.” The frown faded away, only to be replaced with a smile as she held out a hoof. “You have my word that I won't tell anypony you're out here, but only if you keep your nose clean. Deal?”

Speechless, Sombra's brow furrowed as he repeatedly looked between her hoof and her face. Before long, his eyes finally settled on the latter. Her smile was comforting in a way, as was the calmness that could be seen in the amethysts that were her eyes. Though he still felt that he didn't deserve the kindness, he gradually came to the conclusion that what he did deserve was a life of exile over a quick, painless death. He would be alone with his thoughts, his solitude, and nopony would be burdened with the knowledge that he was alive.

Yes, he could live with that. Albeit hesitantly, he took her hoof into his and he gently shook it in agreement. “You have a deal.”

Grinning, Twilight released him and took a few steps back. “Great!” she exclaimed, clapping her hooves together. There was a slight spring in her steps as she then made her way towards the exit. “I'm glad we have an understanding! I'll just be on my way, then. I don't want to keep you from filling your empty stomach. I'll be back to check on you tomorrow night, okay?”

“... Very well.”


Still baffled, Sombra silently watched as she vanished from his sight. She even closed the doors behind her as she left, leaving him to wallow in his solitude. His attention shifted to her gift. There was no doubting the hunger that had plagued him since his release. It was one that he was just barely able to satisfy with the crystal berries that grew along the outskirts of civilization. Unfortunately, he would not be able to live off them alone and he refused to resort to theft.

He could think of only two options at that particular moment: search the frozen wasteland for an alternative food source, or lower himself to searching through garbage bins once the Crystal Empire's economy picked up its pace. Sighing, he reached into the basket and pulled out a soft loaf of bread. It was sustenance for which he was most grateful and, as he took a large bite, his eyes darted to his hoof-crafted doors.

He never broke eye contact (and neither did she), even as he allowed the Crystal Heart to slip into her right hoof.

He didn't know what Fate had in store for him, but it didn't appear as bleak as he feared. His new—friend?—acquaintance was either a very brave mare, or a very foolish one, but that didn't make him any less grateful. I just wish she had given me her name...

Author's Note:

Yay, Sombra! Before anyone has a chance to question it, just know that I based his appearance off that of his "good" counterpart from Issue #18 of the MLP comics. Here's a visual: Mane Six Meet King Sombra .

Other than that, this fanfiction will ignore comic cannon. I just really, really like how he looks, okay?

Also, shit gets real in the next chapter. Stay tuned!