• Published 29th Jun 2014
  • 456 Views, 5 Comments

Skylight's Story: Monster - NightArrow

Skylight, Shadowbolt Extraordinaire! Her neon-green coat! Her striking pink mane! And what's up with the one orange eye/one blue eye thing? A peek into what makes Skylight, well, Skylight! With a little help from the King of Chaos, of course!

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Ch5: A Change in the Game

Chapter 5: A Change in the Game

Upon arriving at the library, Twilight directed Rainbow Dash and Applejack to the basement, and had them manually carry up a large, thick plate of glass to the main area.

“Ugh, why do you even have this?” Rainbow Dash whined.

“For situations like this!” Twilight responded happily. “It’s technically cursed glass, but it does not allow magic of any kind, or any strength to pass through it! That includes when we look through it too!”

“And what, are we gonna hit her with it or something?” Rainbow said, still struggling with it.

Of course not, Rainbow.” Applejack scolded. “We’re not gonna do that, right, Twilight?”

“No, no, I just need you to place the glass in front of her, like a window!” She responded, as they reached the top of the stairs. “Alright Skylight, Night Arrow, and Fluttershy. I need you to stand on the other side of this glass. It should not allow any magic, illusions, curses, or hexes to pass through it, and just maybe we’ll see what’s really going on here. . .”

“Um.. ok.” Fluttershy said.

“Just hurry this up, filly.” Night Arrow said, walking next to Fluttershy.

Skylight smiled. “I really appreciate this, Twi’...”

“Of course! That’s what family does!”

“Heh... I just... I really appreciate it . . . For the first time in a very long time, I just... I feel like I have a real family. . .” Rainbow and Applejack slowly slid the glass between the three ponies and the rest of the room. “I feel so--”

--*Gasp!* Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie and Shining Armor all had shocked looks on their faces.

Skylight suddenly began to panic. “What is it!? What’s wrong!?”

Twilight was at a loss of words “I... um. Well, you...”

“Such bright colors!!” Rarity said.

Pinkie Pie gaped at the sight. “You guys look aaaawwweesome!!”

“What!? You can see them?” Skylight exclaimed, not sure to be embarrassed, relieved, scared or happy.

Twilight shouted excitedly (More from the success of her plan than from actually helping her sister). “Yes! Yes we can! Bright pink mane? One orange eye?”

Rainbow Dash let the glass stand on its own and took a look herself “HA! And it looks like Night Arrow over there is wearing the ‘would be flyers’ flight suit!”

“Ridiculous! Me? In a Shadowbolt flight suit?” He scoffed.

Skylight smiled.

Twilight narrowed her eyes, examining Fluttershy. “There’s definitely magic at work here, and judging from Fluttershy’s eyes, Discord is definitely behind it!”

Applejack leaned in towards Twilight. “Uh, Discord?”


“No, Twi’ I mean... look’it that there red tail... behind Night Arrow. . .”

Twilight, Pinkie and Rarity all gasped, “Discord!!”

The red tail began to materialize behind Night Arrow and was soon attached to a brown torso, one green leg, one lion’s paw, and several other pieces of animals. “HahAHAhahaaa! Magic-proof glass! Oh what fun!” He flew around the room, knocking the glass to the ground. “Geeze, Twilight Sparkle, Celestia trusts you with all the bells and whistles, doesn’t she? I haven’t seen one of these since... well, since Starswirl the Bearded!”

“What do you want, Discord? How did you get free?”

“Oh, Twilight you’re less fun than Celestia. . . I bring back your twin sister from the depths of the Everfree Forest, and this is how you say thanks?”

Twilight turned to her friends, “Girls! Grab the Elements! they’re in the--”

“Not so fast, ‘mane six’! Let’s see how *you* like being turned to stone!” He snapped and everyone in the room froze in place around Skylight. Their faces trapped mid-gesture. Skylight was terrified, seeing all the ponies who had just gone through so much to help her now at the mercy of this god-like trixster. Until now, she had no idea just how much power he really had. “Oh, not you, dear Skylight. I have a bone to pick with you . . .”

Skylight shook with fear, stuttering through her words. “I-- w-what do you want Discord?”

“What do I want?” He placed his lion’s claw dramatically on his chest. “Heh, Skylight, this is your tale! What do you want?” He poked her in the chest. “Now why did I go through all the trouble of hiding your disaster of a color scheme, when the very first thing you do is let everypony see it?”

Discord snapped his finger, and the magic hiding Skylight’s neon form crumbled away, falling to the ground like sand. Her true, original body was shown once again for the world to see.

He continued, slithering around her, “How do you expect to live happily ever after with your precious family when you’re a walking crayon box? You saw how they reacted to the ‘real’ you! They looked at you like you were a monster!”

Skylight looked at herself once again. Stretching her wings, and staring at her old swirly cutie mark. “But I liked my colors.” She said quietly. “I mean, sure they’re not, well, normal... or even natural. But I grew up with them. They’re a part of me now.” She stood up taller. “Just like Night Arrow was...” Skylight walked over to the now stone-Night Arrow. “Don’t get me wrong, having a family is great! I did miss out on growing up with Twilight, and Shining Armor... and it felt great seeing mom and dad again!” She looked bat at Night Arrow, “but all of this, got really, really out of control. I miss Night Arrow, and you didn’t have to take my old life away!”

Discord poofed into a tiny version of himself and stood on the stone-Night Arrow’s head. “Take your old life away--? Skylight Sparkle I didn’t take anything away! Before I showed up you could have easily waltzed right into Ponyville and lived happily ever after. But what stopped you? This arrogant, egotistical teal stallion?” He knocked on Arrow’s helmet like a door. “I got him out of the way for you! Now ask yourself, Skylight Sparkle: Is one big happy family really worth one conceited little pegasus?”

Skylight hesitated for a moment. “I... I don’t know . . .”

Discord was now spinning several plates on sticks pivoting on various points of the stone-Night Arrow. “Well you’re gonna have to figure all of that out. Because you really made a mess of this little game we had going.”

After a moment of thinking, Skylight turned to Discord confidently. “Let me talk to him.”

“What?” Discord dropped a plate to the ground, shattering it.

“Undo your spell on him, let me talk to him!”

“HA! I hardly think you’re in a position of authority, Ms. Sparkle.”

“I need to know!” She pleaded. “I need to know why he never brought me back to my family! I need to know if living in an old stupid locker room all these years was all his fault! Please, Discord! You said this was my tale! MY story! I just need to know I’m making the right decision!”

Discord stopped his witty remarks for a moment. He looked contemplatively at Skylight’s plea. “On one condition.”


“If Night Arrow is out of the game, we lose the 24 hour limit.”

“Fantastic! I--”

“I’m not done.” Discord said. “You get 5 minutes! If you DON’T decide to go and embrace that Twilight lawn ornament over there in time, everything goes back to the way it was before, you’re back in your flight suit, back in the Everfree, but those broken memories of your family in your head, are gone FOREVER.”

Skylight grimaced. “I won’t remember anything about my past life?”

“Not. A. Thing.” Discord said “But if you do give her that hug, you turn back into a normal looking pony, get the family you always dreamed of, but you never see Night Arrow again.”

Skylight thought for a moment. It was a big decision to make in such a short amount of time. But she just had to know. “Deal.” she said.

Discord smiled, and put out his eagle claw. “Shake on it?”

Skylight nodded confidently and shook Discord’s claw.