• Published 29th Jun 2014
  • 457 Views, 5 Comments

Skylight's Story: Monster - NightArrow

Skylight, Shadowbolt Extraordinaire! Her neon-green coat! Her striking pink mane! And what's up with the one orange eye/one blue eye thing? A peek into what makes Skylight, well, Skylight! With a little help from the King of Chaos, of course!

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Ch2: Welcome to Ponyville

Chapter 2: Welcome to Ponyville

Skylight just sat there for a moment, contemplating her next move. “What have I done...?” she said aloud to herself. “Okay Skylight. No time to cry about it now. You’ve already made the decision, now you’ve gotta deal with it.” She stood up. “Now, I can remember everything about my family... and I remember Night Arrow, but... he won’t remember me...” she began to pace. “That means... I’m not a Shadowbolt anymore?” She stopped. “Oh no... but I loved being a... NO. Stop it, Skylight.” She shook her head. “Snap out of it, now’s not the time for being sad. I remember living in... Canterlot!” She said, and spread her wings. “I can get there in 20 minutes flat!”

Skylight jumped into the air and her wings lifted her above the trees. It was at that moment she realized her wings were no longer those of an all-star athlete. She was struggling quite a bit to even get to that altitude, when she would normally just shoot off in whichever direction she pleased.

“Oh Celestia...” she panted, “...make that 2 or 3 hours! Whatever my new special talent is, it had better be worth these useless wings...” she glided over the trees. “Alright, think Skylight. You don’t have that kind of time... what’s a faster way to Canterlot?” Just then, she glided over her old home, the old abandoned Everfree Stadium. “...Ugh, this would be a lot easier if Night Arrow could just help me out...” she groaned. “He always knows what to do.” She decided against stopping, she knew there was nothing there for her anymore. “Oh! I know! There’s a train that goes from that little town just passed Everfree, right into Canterlot! Uh, it’s right where Fluttershy lives...” she thought for a moment, “Ponyville! Yeah! Takes just a few minutes, and I won’t be all sweaty from using these terrible new wings!” She laughed, and changed her course. “Looks like I’m heading there first!”

After a few minutes (which seemed like forever), she finally flew over Fluttershy’s cottage and began to see the small buildings that make up Ponyville. “Geeze, even at full speed, I’m half as fast as I used to be. I’d never even make try-outs for Shadowbolts, far-less the A-Wave...” She tried to think what made her get her old cutie mark. “I was doing something with Night Arrow... uh, racing him? That sounds right...” she struggled with her memories. “Well, whatever it was, it must have really given me an edge...”

Finally, she landed, right near the city hall, and tried to catch her breath. “Okay.... Ponyville... now, I have to find that train station...” Skylight turned around, and with her first two steps on solid ground, she slammed her face against the face of bright pink pony, with a big cotton-candy-like mane. “Oh, wow. I’m so sorry--”

*GAASSPP!* The pony inhaled over dramatically with a huge smile on her face. “A new pony in Ponyville!? What’s your name!?”

“Oh, well not really.” Skylight said, “I’m just kinda passing through. My name’s Skylight and I’m looking for the train to Canterlot--”

“HI SKYLIGHT!” the new pony shouted. “I’m Pinkie Pie, and I wanna officially welcome you to Ponyville!!” She grabbed Skylight’s hoof and shook it violently.

“Oh, thanks, but like I said... I just need to get to the train--”

“What? A train? Already?? But you just got here, silly filly! We don’t have time for a going-away party! Haha, we haven’t even had time for a welcome party!! Then there’s the unpacking party, and then the packing party, the very new best pony friends forever part... is it your birthday soon? This is gonna take a loooot of confetti...”

Skylight smiled nervously and thought to herself... ‘ ‘Wow, she’s about as hyper as I used to be... it’s normally me talking that loud and fast...’

“--I guess we’ll worry about your birthday later, for now I should get your welcome party going! I know just the ponies to invite--!”

“Uh, no, really, it’s okay. I’m actually pretty busy at the moment. I need to get to Canterlot, I’m looking for my family...”

Pinkie Pie stopped her rant and her big blue eyes got watery. “Your FAMILY!?” She said. “You’re LOST!? Oh no!! What do they look like? Maybe I can help! Are they green pegasus ponies like you? Let me think if I know any green pegasus ponies...”

“Actually, no--”

“Waaaaaitt!!” Pinkie shouted. She stared at Skylight for the longest amount of silence Skylight had experience since she had landed in Ponyville. “...you look super-duper familiar. Have we met before?”

“I really doubt--”

“No no no, I never forget a face...” Pinkie began to circle Skylight. “And that face you’ve got right there looks just like....!! . . . I got nothing.” she sat down. “But I know somepony who might be able to help!”

“No really, it’s okay, Pinkie. I just really need to get to the train--”

“Come with me!! It’ll only take a second!” Pinkie then grabbed Skylight by the wing.

“I don’t think I have much of a choice...” Skylight grumbled, glancing at the clock above the Ponyville cafe.

After a very quick dash through the small town, Skylight found herself in front of a large tree with windows, a door, and even a small balcony on the side.

“Ta-Daaaa!! We’re here!!” Pinkie Pie announced.

“A library in a tree?” Skylight said skeptically.

“Mmhmm! I call it a librartree!” Pinkie laughed. “The very smartest pony in all of Ponyville lives here! Probably in all of Equestria!! She’d definitely be able to help!”

Skylight continued staring at the library. “Uh look, Pinkie. I appreciate what you’re trying to do, but I really have to get to the train station--”

“What’s the rush?” Pinkie interrupted. “The train runs like, all day! Besides, you can talk to Twilight, and I’ll go get your party going! See ya later Skylight!”

The name instantly rang a bell. “Wait, you wouldn’t happen to be talking about Twilight--” Skylight looked around to discover Pinkie had vanished. “Sparkle...?” Skylight sighed. “Well, if that’s the case maybe I won’t have to go to Canterlot after all.”

Skylight stood awkwardly in front of the library. “*Sigh*, Well, here goes nothing.” she said, and walked up to the door.

*Knock, Knock, Knock*

The door slowly creaked open, and a friendly voice greeted her. “Hi! Can I help you?”

Skylight smiled, “Hello! My name’s--” she glanced at her small host at the door, “wait, are you a . . . baby dragon?”

“Yup! My name’s Spike!” The small dragon gestured to himself proudly. “You’re new to Ponyville, aren’t you?”

“You can say that...” Skylight forced a smile.

“Quick, get inside before Pinkie Pie sees you!” Spike opened the door a little wider. “Don’t get me wrong, she’s awesome! But she can be a little much for new ponies to handle on their first day here.”

Skylight laughed, “A little too late for that, but thanks for the heads up.” She walked inside. “So, I don’t mean to intrude, but does a Twilight Sparkle live here?”

“She sure does!” Spike exclaimed.

Skylight smiled ear to ear. This was great! Her time limit wouldn’t be a problem since she’d already found a member of her family!

“But, everypony’s upstairs right now. Her big brother just got back from his honeymoon, and Twilight’s parents are down visiting from Canterlot. They’re all up there talking, and I don’t think they’ll want to be bothered. You can come back tomorrow though...”

“No!” Skylight said. “Uhh, I mean... I can’t! I’m leaving tomorrow. And...” she trailed off and glanced up the stairs. “They’re all up there, huh?”

“Yeah the whole family. Um, what was your name again?” Spike said. “If you’re leaving tomorrow, maybe I can leave Twilight a message!” He walked across the room to a small table with stationary on it.

“It’s Skylight.” She responded.

“Haha, wow! What are the chances?” Spike giggled.

“Look, Spike, it’s really important that I see her today. I’m pretty sure she’ll understan--”

Suddenly, a glass fell from the top of the stairs and broke all over the library’s hardwood floor.

Cresent Moon, Twilight’s dad just gaped at the mint green pegasus from atop the stairs. “Sk... Skylight??”
