• Published 9th Apr 2012
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Before Equestria - Fluttershyfan

The pegasus, unicorn, and Earth pony tribes have a long way to go to live in harmony.

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Part II, Chapter V: Of Royalty and Revolution

"She's terribly irrational, I'm afraid," complained Duchess Coriander, stirring her tea magically as the other nobles arranged themselves upon the various plush couches populating the salon. "Besides, this Equestrian League couldn't succeed even if we were to ratify her treaty. The cultural divide between us unicorns, the Earth ponies, and the pegasi is far too wide."

"I couldn't agree more, Duchess Coriander," concurred April Showers, a countess from the coastal estate of Hornford. "And I'd like to further state that somepony must do something about our new queen before her idealism proves to be the ruin of Unicornia."

"Agreed," said the duchess, and several of the other privileged unicorns echoed the sentiment. "We hold the advantage in the Assembly of Nobles, but Platinum has just enough support—much of it, of course, out of sympathy, and respect for her late father—to prevent any decisive action from being taken against this ludicrous alliance."

"What do you propose, then, Duchess Coriander?" inquired Gold Standard, a stallion who had sat on the Assembly of Nobles for a longer time than most other unicorns had been alive. "You are, after all, second only to the queen in stature amongst unicorns. I would trust your judgment above that of most any other."

The duchess took a slow sip of her tea before replying. "Fine. I'll say what we all must be thinking: Platinum must be removed as monarch of Unicornia, as promptly as is possible."

If the plot had been formulated mere days before, when King Platinum still ruled over the unicorn tribe, such a declaration would have been met with indignation and disbelief. Instead, each and every noble present in the salon simply nodded solemnly—they were not keen on being complicit in an insurrection against the royal family, but drastic action was necessary to preserve the unicorn tribe from cultural decay at the hooves of the treacherous pegasi and Earth ponies. "Now that it's been said," mused April Showers, "we must decide how we will go about removing her. I fear that a public, seemingly unprovoked coup would not sit well with the citizenry, even if the majority do disagree with the queen's ideals."

"Oh, most certainly," the duchess responded. "This regime change must be veiled from Unicornia at large, at all costs. The more unremarkable it appears, the better."

"Might I also suggest," began Gold Standard, "that we establish a solid rationale for our revolution? We are undertaking this plot for the purpose of preserving our distinctive unicorn traditions, and it could be critical to our success that we firmly ground ourselves in the same."

"An excellent suggestion, my lord," April Showers agreed. "This would not be the first time a monarch of Unicornia was removed from power. How has it been done in the past?"

With a snort, a young mare seated beside April Showers drew the attention of all present to herself. "You truly need to ask that question, mother? Any schoolmare could tell you which monarchs were deposed, when, and how."

"Well, then, May Flowers, if you know so much, why don't you enlighten the rest of us?" April Showers demanded.

"Well, I could spend some time elucidating the finer points of unicorn dynastic succession, mother, but why don't I just describe my plan to remove our most beloved Queen Platinum from her throne?" proposed May Flowers, grinning sinisterly.

"Go ahead, May Flowers," Duchess Coriander said, motioning for her to continue with a wave of her hoof. "We're listening."

"Excellent," May Flowers replied. "Now, tell me, by what right does a monarch rule over Unicornia?"

"By the Sacred Tenet, of course," the duchess replied. "By its very nature, magic is what results from the manipulation of will through intangible means to distort or alter the world around you. A monarch rules by the will of their subjects, as indicated by a natural talent for the magical arts."

"Precisely, Duchess Coriander!" confirmed May Flowers, bounding to the center of the salon excitedly. The eyes of all ponies present followed her. "A monarch is willed to rule, and can therefore manifest immense magical power—far greater than that possessed by an ordinary unicorn. If, however, a certain queen could be demonstrated to be lacking in that regard—"

"—she would lose the respect of her subjects, and the Sacred Tenet could be invoked in deposing her," the duchess interjected, finishing the thought which the young mare had begun. "It's an intriguing notion, I'll give you that, May Flowers. How do you propose we demonstrate Queen Platinum's magical inadequacy?"

"Simple: through a traditional duel of sorcery," May Flowers declared. "I will challenge our queen to try her magical powers against mine in the honorable fashion of our ancestors. It shall be a test of skill, strength, and endurance, to conclude only with a formal surrender from the vanquished contestant."

For a moment, the collected nobles contemplated the plot quietly. Gold Standard broke the silence with a hoarse "It could work."

"You'll surely be pushed nearly to the brink of exhaustion," pointed out April Showers, not content to allow her daughter to take on this responsibility without some prior questioning. "Are you sure you want to be the pony to challenge her, May Flowers? There are several more experienced mages in this very room who could readily take your place in this plot."

"Mother, I have the utmost confidence in my own abilities," replied May Flowers. "I believe that there is nopony more apt to take on this task than myself."

"I would disagree," contradicted April Showers. Mother and daughter shared an antagonistic glance before the duchess rose to her hooves, interposing herself between the two.

"You seem intent upon being the pony to duel the queen," Coriander noted, and May Flowers nodded vigorously. "I sense you're fiercely motivated to take on this challenge, and win. I see no reason we should deny you that which you so obviously desire."

"Thank you, duchess!" May Flowers exclaimed, grinning widely. Her eagerness was intoxicating, and the duchess took a moment to drink in the raw, unbridled energy. "I promise that I'll be victorious. Platinum will learn to respect the sanctity of the unicorn culture..."