• Published 8th Apr 2012
  • 2,210 Views, 50 Comments

Suck It Up - lightningstorm

An alternate reality Rainbow Dash x Twilight fic

  • ...

Chapter 1

Since the requests have been coming in daily for another chapter I was able to sneak onto a working computer to update this chapter. I hope you all enjoy, and if you don't please do tell why


Rainbow had now been sitting in the police station for at least two hours, and the cops had yet to even begin questioning her. The boredom was killing her, as she sat on a old wooden bench in a concrete cell, listening to water drip off from the roof.

They were treating her like a criminal! She hadn't done anything wrong! How could they do this!? Surely if the Wonderbolts hear of this there will be no chance for Rainbow to make the team.

As these thoughts continued to pester her, she could just barely make out the sound of a door creaking open. Hopping up from her wooden bench and quickly making her way to the iron bars, a old mustachioed cop made his way to into her line of view.

"Ms. Rainbow Dash, we would like you to come with me to questioning." He said, his gruff voice making his mustache bob as he talked. Rainbow could make out the name on his page "Gold Star".

"Yes! Anything! Just let me out of this freaking cell! Its so stinkin boring in here!" The cop opened u the cage as Rainbow thankfully exited the cell.

As they made their way to the interrogation room Gold Star made sure to keep a close eye on Rainbow, analyzing her every move. "Jeez dude, chill. I'm not gonna try to escape or anything." Rainbow said a bit irritated.

"Thats exactly what you would say if you were going to try to escape. Now keep moving." Gold's eyes flashed a glare at Rainbow, giving her the feeling this pony held something personal against her.

The interrogation room hardly looked different from her cell. It was a square concrete room with a glass window on the left side and a table and chairs in the middle.

Rainbow sat in the closest chair as Gold took the one across. "Now, first of all, we require to know why you committed the crime you did." Gold read of a clip board sitting on the table in front of him.

"Well you see, thats a interesting question because I DIDN"T BUCKING DO ANYTHING!" Rainbow had fought to keep her anger in since she entered this building, but that question sent her over the edge.

"I must ask you to lower your voice or else we will be forced to restrain you. Trust me, you don't want that." A sly smile spread across Gold's face.

Rainbow returned a glare at him and forced herself to calm down. "Fine, what I meant to say is your wrong. I didn't commit this crime. I know that for a fact."

"Stop lying." Gold said flatly, his face lacking all emotion besides obvious hated for the cyan mare.

"I'm not lying...I didn't do anything and you better let me go right now!" Rainbow's temper was rising again, but this time much harder to contain. Rainbow had always been complemented on being loyal, and being called a liar was about as opposite of that as you could get.

"Fine, I guess we'll have to resort to more...violent... measures then." Gold said with a forced sigh.

Just then another cop burst through the door. "Mr. Star! A, uhh, Ms. Twilight Sparkle is here. She said she has proof as to Rainbows innocence."

Rainbow could make out a quiet curse before Gold responded "Fine...bring her in."

The second cop exited the room and returned a few minutes later with Twilight, the purple mare looking a bit tired, most likely due to the lateness of the night.

She cleared her throat and spoke "If I may, Rainbow is innocent of whatever crime you have accused her of. I have proof if I may..."

Gold cut her off quickly "So you don't even know what the crime is, yet you say shes innocent? How can you possible..."

This time Twilight cut HIM off "As I was going to say, If I may show you my proof I believe you will understand.: Twilight pulled out a small notepad and bean reading off it "First of all, the time you drug Rainbow off hear was exactly 9:01 PM. If she left college classes and went straight to the bar, according to a normal pegasi's speed she would have arrived at 9:08, giving her very little time to commit a crime and arrive there when she did."

Rainbow silently chuckled when Twilight said "a normal pegasi's speed". Rainbow knew she was much faster than a normal pegasi, but luckily neither Twi nor the cops did.

"My second piece of evidence is what I've gathered from spending a year in the same class as her. I have observed that Rainbow would not mentally be able to commit a crime and not yet admit to it. Rainbow has on multiple occasions in class done something rude or offensive to somepony but always soon tried to make up, or on rare occasions apologize for it. With her feeling guilty for such juvenile things, the weight of committing a crime would have forced her, personality and mentally wise, to admit to said crime."

Rainbows jaw dropped a bit. She had never before heard a pony say something so intelligent that was not a teacher. That and the fact that Twilight would've had to put so much thought into this, just to help out Rainbow, who hardly knew Twilight. She was impressed, and although it was hard to admit, a bit flattered.

"Now what makes you think your so intelligent as to know how this criminals mind works." Gold was trying to hold in his annoyance, but was doing a terrible job of doing so.

"Because I did the calculations and I can say definitely that I am at least 31% more intelligent than anypony in this room." Twilights words were confident but then her eyes widened "Oh my, I'm sorry! I didn't realize, that sounded like I was boasting didn't it? I didn't mean it that way, I promise!"

Rainbow chuckled about how much Twilight could worry about sounding boastful, she had witnessed this on multiple occasions before.

Gold and the second cop whispered something to each other. Gold spoke up "Then answer us this Ms. Sparkle. What is two plus two, minus two, times two, divided by two."

"Thats easy, two." Twilight instantly responded.

Gold groaned. "Well it seems all of Ms. Sparkles evidence is pointing to Ms. Rainbow being innocent. Of course she will still have to go to a court hearing."

This made Dash's heart sink. After all of that she was still suspected. Maybe Twi could be her lawyer...

A few days passed until the court hearing occured. Until then Dash could not stop worrying about if they came up with some kind of evidence against her.

Luckily the hearing came and passed and she was proven innocent, without any evidence against her. As Rainbow exited the building she saw a happy surprise.

There stood Twilight, transfixed in some book as always. Dash made her way over and tapped the studious Unicorn on the shoulder "Hey Twi!"

Twilight jumped from surprise a bit, not having realized Rainbow was behind her. "Oh hey Rainbow! How did the hearing go? Are you innocent?"

Twilight quickly abandoned the book, obviously excited to hear about Rainbow's hearing. This surprised Dash, for she knew Twilight usually enjoyed books more than reality.

"Yep, I got a clean slate. They had nothing against me." The cyan pegasus said happily.

"Thats great Rainbow!" Twilight hugged Rainbow, which caught her off gaurd, but Dash hugged back. The feeling of Twilights warm body against hers felt...weird, but in a good way...she felt so ...nice.

Rainbows eyes widened as she realized what she was thinking. She quickly ended the hug and took a step back to refocus her mind. "Yeah, it is." Rainbow smiled, her thoughts giving her a embarrassed expression.

"Well, see you around then?" A look of hope was in Twilights eyes, at least Dash thought so.

"Yeah...I'd enjoy that." She smiled at Twi who returned it then turned and began to walk off, her book tucked safely away in her book bag.

But as Rainbow watched the purple unicorn walk away, she got a nagging feeling. Like something was pulling her heart forward, it felt good, a happy feeling. Rainbow couldn't help but smile...then realized she didn't want Twilight to leave.

She hurried over to Twilight, she now knew what this feeling was. She for sure had a crush on Twilight. The way Twi stood up for her, how friendly she was to Dash, and that hug...

She knew what she had to do, she needed to know how Twi felt. Even if it was a stupid little crush that would pass over a few days, or if it wasn't a crush on Twilight, but on what she did, she felt the need to know how Twi felt.

But...what if it would pass? What if she got into a relationship she really didn't want? Something in her heart told her it wouldn't pass so easy.

As Dash caught up to Twilight and looked her in the eyes, the words slipped out "Would you like to go on a date sometime?"

Twilight looked back, obviously surprised, and responded with a simple: