• Published 8th Apr 2012
  • 7,332 Views, 366 Comments

Getting Even - Mint

After falling in love Twilight must decide whether to stop Luna from stealing the throne or not.

  • ...

Chapter 13

Celestia and Luna didn’t have many options. They sought a place that didn’t have ponies or where they would not be found by them. That left very few places. If they hid in a forest they might be found by a hermit or hunter and they could pass on the story. They could hide on an island, but they could be found by a ship or pegasi. They would have to find an extreme place, where nopony wanted to go or would go. They could go to the high mountains, it was cold and nopony would be there. This place however ran the risk of them being found by somepony climbing the mountain or a trader moving through. They could go to the far north, where there was a continent of solid ice, but there were no plants and they would be forced to eat meat. That wasn’t an appetizing choice. That left only one place: the desert. There was one to the far west...and it was hot as hell. Nopony lived there, traders avoided it and the heat made it impossible for normal ponies to stay for an extended period of time. Fortunately, the alicorns weren’t normal ponies. After scouring the desert for some time they found a large collection of rocks, hundreds of feet high, in the sea of sand. Using their magic they burrowed a cave into one of the rocks and drew up water deep from underground. There, for what seemed like forever, they stayed.

Luna lay in the cave, the oppressive heat making her sluggish. It was Celestia’s turn to find food. It usually consisted of roots, cactus and the occasional bush. Cactus actually didn’t taste too bad, but bushes were tasteless and the roots were bitter. They had been there for several decades; most of it had been in silence. What could they talk about? All the ponies they ever cared about had died before their time in horrible ways. Now they sat in the heat and emptiness, opting to live in hell rather than around ponies. Celestia finally returned, bearing mostly roots. They had eaten nearly all of the cactuses in the whole desert. Luna didn’t even acknowledge her sister as she dumped the roots on the ground. The white alicorn then trotted over to the well they had made and drew up some water. She promptly took the bucket and dumped it over her head.

“It’s hot.” Celestia said. “More than usual.”

“It always is.” Luna said, not moving from where she lounged on the ground. There was no escape from the heat. Even the nights were blistering. Both of the alicorns were in a rather deep depression. Neither of them had seen another pony since they got there. Celestia, once a stunning pony with suitors coming and going, now had hair that always had a brown sand-colored tint to it. Her face was usually caked with wet sand around her eyes and mouth. Often times she had to use her tail to swat flies away from her. Luna was in similar shape, but wasn’t so much depressed as she was whipped. While Celestia craved attention and affection, Luna desired nothing more to be alone now. She tolerated her sister. Celestia collapsed on her particular spot, and lounged much like Luna did.

“Maybe we should look around, see if the war’s over.” Celestia said.

“We would only attract attention.” Luna said. That was their second line of conversation. They have this brief discussion every few weeks. Celestia sighed with defeat and lay in silence. Luna supposed this was their way of grieving. They were alicorns, all these years were just drops in an ocean of years. Luna would have been happy to stay here for the rest of eternity...but...

Luna’s mind drifted to the source of their troubles, those black alicorns with those violent red eyes. They burned their village to the ground, tortured their family and friends, slaughtered them all and then promptly went on their merry way. Luna’s mind went back to her childhood, one of the only other alicorns she had pleasant memories of, Lucerna. All those eons ago he warned her parents of an incoming war. Her parents wanted to remain neutral in it. The war found them anyway. No alicorn was safe. No alicorn could stay neutral.

Luna picked up her head. She blinked a few times. She actually bothered to think for the first time in a long time.

“Celestia.” Luna said. Her sister’s own head popped up. This was the first new piece of dialogue they had in a long time.

“Y-Yes?” Celestia asked.

“Maybe...maybe we shouldn’t avoid the war.” Luna said.

“Come again?”

“Look, our parents told us to avoid fighting...but they’re gone and the situation has changed. We could wait here until it all blows over, if it will at all, but assuming that it does, how long will it take? Alicorns live forever Celestia. This war may never end.”

“So you’re suggesting...we get involved!? We don’t even know where the different sides are, much less which one is the best.”

“The ones that attacked us are obviously the ones not to pick.”

“But where is the other side?”


“Pardon?” Celestia was now standing up.

“Lucerna.” Luna elaborated, standing on her own. “Remember him? I saw a place in his mind, where he lived, Numbria. I doubt he’s on the side that’s attacking villages. We could find him.”

“So you’re suggesting that we do the opposite of everything we’ve ever done in our entire lives, against the advice of our parents and side with ponies that may or may not have slaughtered everypony we’ve ever known in our lives.”

“That or we could just stay here for a few thousand years and see if it blows over.” Celestia gazed at the ground, not appearing very sure. “It’s a city y’know, there are probably thousands of stallions.” The older alicorn’s head jerked around.

Weeks later, the two alicorns were walking down a cobblestone road. The climate had significantly improved over their previous home, being far more temperate and littered with trees and forests. They were covered in dark brown cloaks, concealing who they were. Luna did indeed take them to the city of Numbria, but were told Lucerna was out in the field with his army. They were informed that there was indeed a war going on, a very big one. Celestia was devastated to find out that every able-bodied stallion, apart from the city guards, had been called into action. All that remained were old stallions and foals. At first the guards refused to give them the location of Lucerna’s field camp, but after a brief stripping of their cloaks they instantly relented. They seemed rather ecstatic actually. Something about alicorns being the most-sought after type of pony.

Now they both were walking in the direction the guards indicated. Celestia was dragging her feet, slightly depressed that she hadn’t had any real attention yet. Luna however had her eyes and ears opened. She began to notice things. The further they walked down the path, the fewer ponies she saw. A day or two ago they passed a village. All the ponies were very quiet and skittish. Several times since then Luna had spotted what appeared to be abandoned villages, some of them partially burnt, a few of them burnt to the ground. Still, they marched on.

Finally, as they crested a hill they saw it. There was a sea of tents surrounded by a wooden palisade wall. There were ponies swarming about the place. Just as they gazed upon it a legion of pegasi swarmed away, heading in all directions. There were also earth ponies on the outside of the encampment, apparently doing some form of drills. Inside of the camp, unicorns were tossing various objects through the air, practicing their magic. There had to be well over ten thousand ponies below and above them. There were more ponies than either of the alicorns had ever seen in their entire lives. For several moments they were in awe, completely dumbstruck by the sight. Finally, Luna regained her senses and cleared her throat.

“Let’s go.” She stated, beginning to trot. Celestia followed, wordless. Both of them stared around like tourists, completely fascinated by all that was around them. Celestia was so shocked that she didn’t even notice that she was surrounded by ten thousand potential dates. It took them some time to get to the gates of the place, earning some curious gazes from some of the ponies doing drills. Eventually they arrived. The moment they did however the ponies guarding the gates crossed their spears, barring their entry.

“Halt!” One of them shouted. Both of the ponies flinched. They had never met soldiers before and were unfamiliar with their demeanor or behavior. “State your business!” Both of the ponies were hesitant to speak, but as Celestia abruptly developed the hiccups from being frightened Luna decided to speak.

“We...wish to see Lucerna.” Luna stated.

“King Lucerna is very busy.” The solider stated. “Is this a field report or official business?” Luna didn’t have a field report, and she wasn’t sure what qualified as official business.

“N-No...” Luna said.

“Then you will have to leave!” The guard shouted. “This is an official military camp and is not open to civilians!”

“But...but we’ve come all this way...” Luna muttered.

“If you don’t obey, I will have you escorted away!” More guards abruptly appeared around the gates, all of them armed. Luna gulped, Celestia began hiccupping even louder.

It was then, by a stroke of luck, they saw somepony walking in the camp not too far away. He was surrounded by a retinue of armored ponies, apparently giving him information as he trotted along. They instantly recognized the pony, despite the fact they had only seen him once before in their lives. His bright red mane and vanilla-green coat were unmistakable. As a reflex, Luna leapt forward. The guards instantly ran forward, grabbing and pushing her back. Several more guards rushed in. With all of her strength, Luna managed to not be seized, even throwing a few back twenty feet or so.

“Lucerna!!!!” She shouted at the top of her lungs. He was quite a distance away, but he managed to hear. He turned his head towards the gate, a puzzled expression on his face. Who could possibly be trying to rush into their walls? Luna then remembered her cloak. She reached up and jerked it off her body. The moment she did she spread her wings to their fullest extent and raised her head. Surprisingly, the guards scattered, some of them falling all over themselves. They appeared afraid. Many of them were shouting about Luna’s dark color and were desperately scrambling for weapons. Celestia jumped in as well, throwing off her own cloak. Her bright white coat instantly left them puzzled and left the guards befuddled as to what to do. Lucerna’s eyes however widened. He quickly trotted over, his mouth slightly agape.

“Luna?” He asked when he was finally close enough. “Celestia?” Instantly, the two sisters appeared relieved, overjoyed that they finally found somepony that knew them. “Let them through!” The guards parted, clearing a path. “Come children.” Both Luna and Celestia took off running. Despite the fact that they had only met him once they were overjoyed to see Lucerna. They instantly hugged him, both of them wrapping their hooves around his neck. He happily reciprocated. “I feared that all of you were lost. What of your mother and father?”

“They’re dead.” Celestia said.

“A pity.” Lucerna replied, his voice falling low. He sighed, as if there was a great weight on his sholders. He then finally released them. “I feared as much. I’m happy that you are both well however.”

“If...If you don’t mind me asking...” Luna began. “How did you know our parents? They never said.” Lucerna chuckled.

“They were never much for familial ties.”

“What?” Luna asked.

“I am your great uncle.” Both of the female alicorns looked surprised.

“R-Really? Hic!” Celestia said, promptly followed by an outburst.

“Truly.” Lucerna said. “Come, we have much to discuss.” They instantly followed him, going in the direction of a huge tent in the center of the massive camp. “Your mother is my niece. After the...unfortunate demise of your grandmother, Aestiva became more reclusive, more focused on her art. She had no interested in ruling.”

“Ruling?” Luna asked. “You mean she was...?”

“Indeed. Your mother was a princess, heir to the fallen throne of Equestre.”

“Fallen?” Celestia asked.

“There were more...unfortunate demises.” Lucerna seemed rather bitter every time he said “unfortunate.” “War was imminent and with no one left to take the throne I offered the citizens the opportunity to migrate to my country. Most of them actually accepted my offer, the rest remain as independent villages. I could not convince Aestiva to return, especially after the two of you were born.”

“The war has started hasn’t it?” Luna asked.

“Indeed.” Lucerna said. “For quite some time now.”

“It’s this Nox isn’t it?” Luna continued.

“Indeed.” Lucerna’s voice was much deeper now. They entered the large tent. It was like a circus tent and was filled with war maps on stands, weapons and tables with small figurines on it. There were two alicorns already there. Celestia and Luna gawked on them. Both of them were fully grown, one was a stallion, one a mare. The male seemed to have a dull expression, almost as if he didn’t care. His coat was bright yellow like the sun and his cutie mark was a daisy, not something somepony would expect on a stallion. In addition to that, his eyes and mane were green. His body seemed to scream “plants,” but he also gave an aura of laziness. The mare was quite different. She had brilliantly flowing golden hair accompanied with brilliant green eyes. Her fur was the color of marble and her face was quite possibly the warmest and friendliest that Luna had ever seen. Curiously, she had a dress that covered her lower half, but it did not detract away from her beauty although it did hide her cutie mark. The woman gazed up from the map she was staring at.

“Lord Lucerna!” She said, turning to him and bowing as he approached. The one with the lazy look gave more of a brief bow before turning back to a different map. “I’ve been looking at the movements of the enemy and I think I know how to push them back.”

“That’s great to hear Mitera.” He said. The female alicorn gazed around Lucerna at the smaller ponies behind him.

“Who are these two? I do not recall ever seeing them.” Mitera asked.

“These are my grand-nieces, Luna and Celestia.”

“The daughters of Aestiva and Hiemo?” Mitera asked, her eyebrows raised. “We thought you were lost. It is good to see that you are both alive and well.” She then smirked. “And that you have inherited your mother’s beauty.” Celestia reached up with her hoof and strained it through her mane, grinning.

“Oh well...you know.” Celestia said, happy that she was finally getting compliments. Luna just blushed furiously and gazed at the ground, although she was not sure why she was getting so worked up.

“What is this plan?” Lucerna asked. Mitera nodded and walked over to the table at the center of the room. Luna noticed that one of her back legs, covered by the dress, was completely stiff, giving her an odd walk. She pointed to various figurines on the map.

“As you can see, they’ve distributed their forces in a very standard typical pattern.”

“Nox has always done so.” Lucerna said. “What of it?”

“Well, if he is following the standard pattern then he is putting his food and supplies here, here and here.” She said, pointing as she spoke. “If we can sneak around and burn all the points where he keeps his food...”

“Nox will not sail back.” Lucerna said, pointing to the sea. “You know that. All we will accomplish is to make the layponies within his armies desperate with hunger. They will fight like wild horses, and desperately seek our food.”

“Then we will know where they will attack. It demoralizes them and determines their next action. It’s perfect.” Lucerna however appeared apprehensive and nervous.

“We will force the common pony suffer for the actions of Nox.” Lucerna stated.

“This is war Lucerna. We have to defeat the whole army, not just Nox.” Lucerna stared at the map with a thoughtful expression. “Lucerna!”

“Give...give me time to ponder.” He stated. He then turned and quickly marched out of the tent.

“Lucerna!” Mitera shouted. She took a few stiff steps before stopping. She couldn’t catch him. She sighed and shook her head.

“He’s going to be the death of us.” The lazy alicorn said.

“He’s our commander.” Mitera barked at him. “We will obey his orders.”

“Suit yourself.” The male replied. Mitera sighed again and then stared at Luna and Celestia, as if remembering they were there.

“I’m sorry for that.” She said to them both. “Lucerna has an incredibly kind heart and it sometimes clouds his judgment. It leads to quite a number of arguments. I’ll take care of you for the time being.”

“Good...good...” Celestia said, sounding as if that wasn’t what she wanted to hear. “Um...do you ponies have like a dining hall or canteen or...”

“Are you hungry?”

“Uh...yeah...” Luna sighed to herself. Celestia really wanted to know where the off-duty stallions were. Well, it was what Luna promised her.

“It’s the big tent on the west side of the camp, I can take you there if you want...”

“No, no, I’ll...manage.” Celestia then turned and trotted out of the tent, a spring in her step.

“She seems happy.” Mitera said, smiling slightly.

“She’s gone looking for a stallion.” Luna said.

“Oh...” Mitera frowned briefly before shrugging. “Well she’s young and pretty, as long as it makes her happy.” Luna found herself gazing Mitra’s soft features. She had a gentle beauty to her, much more pleasing than even Celestia. She didn’t even flaunt it around like Celestia either. She must have noticed because the adult alicorn turned towards the younger. Luna jerked her head away and blushed again. There was something about that mare that was making her nervous. Mitera chuckled to herself.

“Need to rest?” She asked.

“I’m...fine.” Luna said.

“Good, I’m going to assign you to the commissioner of supplies.”

“Supplies!?” Luna shouted, jerking her head around. “I did not join this army to move supplies, I came here to fight.” Mitera abruptly raised her hoof. Luna shrunk back, unsure of what she was doing. The mare’s hoof came down on Luna’s head, gently. She ruffled her flowing hair, as one would a small child.

“You’re too young for war little one.” Mitera stated. Luna blushed once again, this time out of embarrassment. She dodged from under the hoof and walked a few paces away.

“I am not!” Luna cried, sounding an impertinent child. Mitera giggled, as if dealing with an impertinent child.

“Truth be told we need you there.” She explained. “All the other alicorns are like you, eager for war and unwilling to accept a lesser job. We have fewer alicorns than the enemy and have to make it up with common ponies, however we would need thousands of regular ponies to make up for a single alicorn. All of these ponies require three meals a day. We’ve been having serious problems moving all those supplies to the battlefront. What takes a thousand ponies a month to move would take an alicorn days. I’m not just sticking you there to put you out of harm’s way. I’m sticking you there because I need you there.” Luna grumbled for a few moments quietly to herself.

“Fine...fine...” She muttered.

“Atta girl!” Mitera said, smiling. Luna blushed yet again. Mitera seemed to know the exact thing to say to make Luna embarrassed. “Gramen, would you take Luna to the supplier’s tent?” The male alicorn, who had been present and silent the whole time, groaned a bit. “Oh yes, I know how physically tiresome it is to walk across the camp. Please, if it is in your power and you’re not too exhausted, take her to the supply tent.”

“Whatever you say matriarch.” Gramen snapped. He walked up to Luna and motioned with his head. “Come on, let’s get this over with.” He began walking outside. Luna glanced at Mitera, giving her an odd expression.

“He’s harmless.” She reassured. “Just follow him.” Luna sighed, but obeyed, following the green pony.

Luna walked beside the silent pony. Even the way he walked seemed lazy and out of energy, frequently dragging his hooves. Luna was left with a million questions, curiously most of them circling around Mitera. She could try to ask “Mr. Excited” beside her, but whether or not he would talk was a mystery. Luna cleared her throat to get his attention, but he showed no sign of noticing. Luna growled slightly at his seeming uninterest.

“Sooo...” Luna began, trying to sound casual. “Who are you?”

“Gramen.” He replied and said nothing else.

“I mean...is there more?”

“Gramen 5th Earl of Rostberry, Duke of Ketlith, Duke of Arcadia, Viscount of Wysteria, Greater Secretary of Agriculture, 72nd in line for the throne of Numbria and graduate of the University of Numbria.” He briefly gave Luna a lackadaisical glance. “Hoorah for the fighting squirrels.”

“Huh?” Luna asked, confused.

“The fighting squirrels were our mascots, our symbols for sporting events.”

“Oh.” Luna said. “Uh...anything else?

“I think I might be the Earl of Callabray and Icthia. They died a week ago in a battle and Lucerna hasn’t assigned them to anypony, but I think I’m the one with the least titles.”

“I see.” Luna said. “So...he’s the king?”

“He hasn’t been crowned so we don’t have a king, but technically he’s the regent.”


“Aunt Mitera?” He asked.

“She’s you’re aunt?”

“No, she just acts like she is.” There was a tone of bitterness in his voice. “She was queen of Catalina, east of Numbria.”

“She’s...a queen!?” Luna shouted.

“Was.” Gramen reiterated. “They were almost on the coast. When the invasion came they got slaughtered. Lucerna took as many of the civilians as he could, but ultimately they got there too quick. It all burned to the ground. The only reason she ran was because she came to us for medical attention. By the time she was well again it was all over.” Despite the fact that this all sounded horrible Gramen said it in a flat and effete voice, almost as if he didn’t care.

“That’s...horrible.” Luna said. “You uh...sound sad.”

“Nothing I can do about it.” He replied flatly.

“What is...well...what else can you tell me about her?” Luna didn’t want to sound as if she was trying to gossip, but at the same time wanted to know. Gramen sighed, as if this was all so exhausting to him.

“She’s nosy, she thinks she always knows better and she thinks she knows what’s best for me.”

“So she’s your mother?” Luna replied, a step ahead of what he was implying. Gramen actually looked at her this time, giving her the feeling that he was actually impressed.

“Sharp aren’t you?” He asked. Luna grinned at him. “Just what we needed, a smart-mouth.” Luna merely chuckled. She heard a loud noise above her and gazed upward. Pegasi were performing impressive maneuvers. They were dodging one another and occasionally colliding, apparently practicing for battle. That was when it finally occurred to Luna. She hadn’t bothered to ask perhaps the most important question.

“How goes the war?” Luna finally asked.

“I just do what they tell me.” Gramen said. “I don’t pay that much attention.”

“I’m supposed to believe you know nothing about a war in which you are fighting?” Gramen then grumbled.

“What am I, the tour guide?” He whined. He abruptly stopped and pointed a few tent rows down. It had a flag over it with a crate embroidered on it. “That’s the supply tent. Go fetch.” He turned and began walking in a different direction. “Why don’t they just make me the designated babysitter?”

“Gelding!!” Luna screamed after him. He didn’t respond. Luna grumbled a bit before trotting the rest of the way to the tent.


That was when Twilight felt something. It was something akin to...being excited. It was like what a foal would feel going to a carnival for the first time. A happy memory was about to happen, one that was apparently very important to Luna. Twilight began feeling the same thing, eager to see what would occur.


Luna entered the tent. It was stacked bottom to top with wooden crates. There were ponies running in and out of it, loading the boxes desperately onto a cart. Luna stayed out of their way for a few moments, staring. A pony with an abacus was walking along the crates, examining them and moving the beads on his device.

“Move the grain first!” He shouted. “It’s the staple food! Move the vegetables last!” He desperately trotted along, looking at the writing on the crates. That was when he nearly ran into Luna. Once he realized somepony was in his way he jerked his head around, apparently annoyed. “Who are...?” He began incredulously. Once his eyes studied her for a moment they instantly widened. He then stepped back and then did something Luna never expected. He kneeled before her.

“Forgive me my lady.” He stated.

“Hu...hu...huh?” Luna’s mouth was hanging open and she was completely dumbfounded.

“I did not recognize you. Are you of Lucerna’s house?”

“Uh...he’s...my great uncle.” Luna sounded stunned.

“Then I am your loyal subject, how might I help you?” Luna’s heart began to flutter. This was the first time, in her entire long and infinite life, that sompony had given her that kind of respect. She felt...important, needed and wanted. Ever since she had been born she was dependent on others. Now...it was like they needed her. Luna could feel her chest swell with pride. For the rest of her life she remembered this moment...the moment where she no longer felt like a refugee...but like a royal.

“I...I’ve been assigned to assist the commissioner of supply.” Luna finally said.

“That would be me my lady.” He stated. “What are your orders?” Luna continued to stare at him. He was still on his front knees, unmoving, his workers occasionally gawking at him.

“Why are you still on your knees?” Luna asked.

“You have not told me to rise.”

“Oh...uh...you can rise.” He instantly obeyed, picking up his abacus and standing back on his feet.

“Thank you my lady.”

“You can...call me Luna.”

“It will be Lady Luna then.” Luna began to blush. This place was so foreign to her. There were...nice ponies...and so many of them...and respect.

“I was...just...I’m here to help. They told me they needed an alicorn in supplies.”

“You wish...to do manual labor?” He asked. “Isn’t that inappropriate?”

“No I...I don’t mind.” For a few moments the commissioner stared at her, his eyebrow raised.

“As you wish my lady.” He pointed to the boxes. “The soldiers are almost done with their drills for today, and they’ll want their evening meal. We’re running behind as usual. We need to get the food to the dining tent where we hand out rations. By this time of day we are so exhausted that we can’t move all the food in time. I don’t want you to strain yourself...” Luna lifted her eyebrow, feeling slightly offended. “...but if you could help move a few of the boxes into the cart we would be most apprecia...” He stopped short. Luna’s horn lit up. In an instant all of the hundreds of boxes, including the one in the hooves of the ponies and in the cart rose into the air. The commissioner stared dumbly for a moment while Luna stared on with a smug smile. “Oh.”

“Yeah...” Luna said. She calmly trotted out of the tent, the boxes following her like little ducklings, following her every step.

The commissioner followed her and instructed her where to put the supplies, which she did with ease. She stacked all the crates in perfect order, one by one, much to the commissioner’s surprise.

“So,” Luna began, as the last box fell into place. “why are all of your workers earth ponies? A few unicorns could do this work much faster.”

“That’s true.” The commissioner said. “However, they’re needed for the war. Pegasi and unicorns are much more useful in battle than we are.” That reminded Luna of a question she had asked before.

“How goes the war?” Luna asked.

“Rough.” The commissioner replied. “We have a lot of losses. Every few months we bring in more troops and I doubt anypony from the past year still remain, although we send the wounded back home to start more families so they, like their fathers may go on to war.”

“Fathers?” Luna asked. “How...long has this war been going on?”

“I...don’t know precisely.” The commissioner admitted. “Although I do remember my grandfather with a leg missing telling me of his exploits.”

“How did this all start?”

“I do not know precisely. I do know the dark army arrived long ago from the ocean to the east. I imagine they ship ponies in as well. I’ve been hearing rumors that every single alicorn is now involved in this war, on one side or the other.”

“My sister and I may have been the last hold-outs.” Luna admitted.

“Well, we appreciate you my lady.” The commissioner said, briefly bowing. “You just did half a day’s worth of work in a few minutes. I am grateful.”

“Thank you.” Luna said, smiling. “Say...where could I find Mitera?” She had a sudden, and unexplained, urge to go talk to the mare.

“I imagine she went back to her own camp.” The mare felt disappointed.

“How many camps are there?” The commissioner laughed.

“A lot.”

For several weeks, Luna found herself bored. She would occasionally have to fly to a different camp and move ungodly amounts of supplies, but otherwise she did nothing. Rumors were abound throughout the camp about a white alicorn that spent all her time around the soldiers, flirting and spent the night with you if you were nice enough to her. Needless to say, Celestia was already back in her element. Luna wasn’t surprised. When times were bad, they stuck together when times were good...they...barely see each other. Regardless, Luna did her job and spent her time with the earth ponies. They reminded her of the nice villagers from what seemed like so long ago. Everything was fine and happy like they always had been...until...

Luna was moving boxes when it happened. It sounded like thunder cracked across the sky. She jerked her head up at the cloudy sky. A white fireball dropped down as quick as lightning. It struck inside the camp, sending up a massive explosion and a deafening boom. Shouts went up around the entire area.

“RAID!!!!!” All of the pegasi flew up into the air, darting into the clouds. All of the unicorns in the camp stood at attention, as if waiting for something. Pegasi then began dropping out of the sky, like rain.

“ALICORNS!!!!” Almost instantly the few alicorns present in the camp, including Lucerna and Gramen, flew up into the air. As soon as they entered the clouds they lit up like a thunderstorm. Pegasi were tumbling down, battered and some of them incredibly bloody. They dropped all around the camp. Luna was mesmerized. In a matter of seconds everything had changed yet again in her life. For a few minutes it was raining ponies, most of them landing in a heap and then dragged off by earth ponies for treatment. Finally, Lucerna descended back down and hovered over the camp.

“BOMBARD!!!!” Instantly, all of the unicorns began firing blasts at the sky. Lucerna flew back up into the clouds, seemingly unconcerned by the attacks. The sky was now lit up, like there was powerful sunlight behind it, desperate to shine through. That was when something new dropped from the sky.

Something black slammed into the ground near Luna. The alicorn stared dumbly as something with one wing stood up. It was a pony...or it was supposed to be. Its body was black, its mane was black and its eyes were red. Its wing had been blasted off and it was bleeding out of it. The pony stood up and hissed like a crazed creature. Its red eyes rested on Luna. It snarled and its horn lit up. In a split second, it all happened. A blast of magic shot at the alicorn. A nearby earth pony however dashed in the way. The poor pony instantly lit up in flames. It screamed in unholy pain as its skin cooked off its bones.

Luna snapped and then screamed in sheer terror. She could smell it...that terrible and sickening smell of burning flesh. Her mind flashed back to that horrifying day she found ponies she knew and loved piled together and burnt. The alicorn turned and ran, diving into a tent and curling into a ball. She wasn’t sure what happened next. There were countless concussive blasts. The tent collapsed around Luna, covering her. She could feel dirt piling on top of her as she shook in fear uncontrollably. She could hear the terrible screams of ponies as they were blown apart.

The attack must have lasted for hours. Luna knew she was buried, but actually preferred it right now. Even when silence settled Luna did not move. She wanted to be sure...so she waited. The alicorn waited for a very long time. Every time she thought it was time to move her fear got the best of her. Finally however, she was getting hungry. Luna began digging her way out. It took her a lot longer than she thought. After another long period she managed to tumble out of the pile of dirt and breathe fresh air.

The camp was gone. All that remained were piles of dirt and debris. Smoke was billowing out in places. Even the forest and field that had been around them were filled with craters and burnt patches. It was all gone...once again...it was all gone. As Luna’s wide eyes scanned the area she saw somepony familiar...but confusing.

“Gramen?” She asked. His head was bent down to the ground and he seemed to be doing something. Completely numb, Luna trotted over. He didn’t even seem to notice. Once she got close, Luna could hear him singing at the dirt. “What are you doing?” He held up his hoof, indicating silence. He continued to sing, a soft melodious tune. Then, much to Luna’s surprise, a small plant sprout grew out of the ground. The tiny protrusion seemed to be growing along with Gramen’s gentle tune. It stopped however, after growing less than an inch and only shuddered. The stallion sighed and lifted up his head.

“The ground has been scourged.” He said.

“Scourged?” Luna asked. He still didn’t even look at the mare with him.

“Too much death.” He said. “This place...it will take a lifetime for plants to return.” Sadness overwhelmed the alicorn’s face. Luna was surprised. She thought he didn’t care about anything. “I can’t stand it.”

“The death?”

“The silence.” Luna turned her head around and around. She could hear a lot of things, mostly the sound of things burning.

“I hear things.”

“You don’t hear the trees.” Gramen said. “You don’t hear the grass, the flowers and the bushes. I can hear them all...but not anymore.” He stared down at the tiny sprout on the ground. “It’s screaming.”


“Screaming in pain. It’s hungry, it’s lonely...it won’t make it.” Gramen leaned back down to it. He began singing again, this time low and solemn. Instantly, the tiny sprout withered and receded back into the ground. “I’m sorry.” There was a period of silence.

“I don’t get it.” Luna said. The stallion turned towards her, now appearing annoyed.

“What don’t you get?”

“You don’t...seem to care about anything. So you care...about plants?” The alicorn stared at her, a blank expression on his face.

“I can hear them.” He said. “That’s the truth.” He stared out at the devastated landscape. “I love plants. Their song is so peaceful, slow, and meaningful. They are patient, simple and everywhere. If I’m worked up...if I’m angry...if I speak to some other pony...I can’t hear them.” Gramen sighed. “Now it doesn’t matter.” There was silence between them. It would appear that he was much deeper than Luna thought.

“Is everypony...dead?” Luna asked, fearfully.

“No.” Gramen stated. “They left here, but they’re not dead. They’re looking for you.”

“Really?” Luna sounded surprised.

“Especially Lucerna.” Gramen said. “He...doesn’t want to lose any more family.” Luna suddenly felt very warm inside. There were ponies out there who actually cared about her. The stallion lifted up his horn and shot a bright light into the air. Before Luna had time to worry about what it was a flash went off beside her. A pony had teleported over to her. It was Lucerna, who immediately wrapped Luna up with his hooves.

“Thank the heavens!” He shouted. “We thought you had perished!!”

“Lucerna...you’re...choking...me...” Luna croaked.

“Forgive me.” He said, releasing her. “I did not want any more death than we’ve already had. We’re abandoning this position and moving to a different place. You’re sister has already fled.” Another pony descended from the sky and landed next to them. It was Mitera. It took her several seconds more than an average pony to land as she almost ground to a complete halt before setting her hooves on the ground. She did however wince a little and stagger on her hidden back leg.

“Thank goodness you’re alright.” She said, a worried tone in her voice. Luna once again found herself blushing. The mare walked over to Luna and lifted her chin. She gazed all over her face and down her body as the patient found her face burning. “You’re a little dirty but otherwise in perfect health.”

“Excellent.” Lucerna said. “Her sister has journeyed to your camp Mitera, please take Luna with you when you return.”

“As you wish Lucerna.” Mitera stated. Both Gramen and Lucerna began trotting off in a different direction. Mitera turned back to Luna with a smile. “We’ll have to walk. The skies are not safe to travel.”

“O...Okay.” Luna said.

For what seemed like hours they traveled in silence. Every time Luna tried to open her mouth her throat got dry and words failed her. She had to walk slightly slower due to Mitera’s ugly limp. Luna had so many burning questions to ask the beautiful mare, but nothing came to her mouth. Finally however, she managed to squeak out a question.

“So...uh...about...Lucerna...” Luna began.

“Yes, what is it?” Mitera asked, sounding friendly. This encouraged Luna to keep talking.

“Um...he’s the leader, right?”

“Indeed.” Mitera said.

“He’s...not very aggressive.”

“No he is not. However, he’s been Nox’s opposition from the beginning.”

“Nox is from across the sea, right?”

“He is.”

“What does he want? Why is he destroying so much? Why did destroy your...?” Luna stopped short and bit her lip. Mitera however knew what she was about to ask. Although the mare sighed a little solemnly she didn’t show any signs of anger or sadness.

“He wants it all.” Mitera explained.


“He wants supreme control over the common ponies, over other alicorns, over the resources, the cities and the seas. If he can’t have it he will destroy it. Most alicorns thought he would never cross the great sea. Lucerna knew he was a real threat the whole time. It took...several decades and a lot of deaths for ponies to see the truth.”

“Deaths?” Luna asked.

“He had assassins working on this continent for generations, religious radicals who worshipped him as a dark god.”

““Unfortunate demises.”” Luna said, echoing Lucerna.

“Unfortunate indeed.”

“My grandparents...”

“Were killed.” Mitera said with a nod. “I only met your mother once, but from what Lucerna told me as soon as your mother found out about her mother and father she became more reclusive. She wasn’t ready to take the throne so another relative did while she prepared. One after the other however the interim rulers fell. The more family she lost the more Aestiva became isolated and more interested in her art. Finally she met an alicorn architect by the name of Hiemo. They fell madly in love with each other. After a few more deaths and with the family almost completely gone they decided to go on a retreat...that lasted for the rest of their lives. The only pony they told where they were going was the one pony they could trust, that was Lucerna.”

“I see.” Luna said.

“Lucerna’s desperate not to lose any more family.” Mitera added. “His family is now all but gone when they used to be one of the largest out of all the alicorns.”

“How terrible.” Luna said. “I’ve been...outside of all of this my whole life. I didn’t know the world was so...”

“Violent?” Mitera finished. “It was not always so. This war is the first of its kind on this continent. We’ve never had this kind of problem before.”

“And on the one across the sea?” Luna asked. Mitera sighed.

“I do not know much about what happened across the sea.” She admitted. “I do not know much about Nox either. Very few have even seen him...but those that have...”

“What? What?” Luna asked desperately.

“They say...that he looks like a monster.” Mitera said. “That he looks more like a dragon than a pony.”

“Is that...possible? I mean, could he be half dragon?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never actually seen him, but I don’t think that dragons and ponies can mix. I’ve never seen a hybrid, and I’m quite old.” Luna nervously glanced away from Mitera. A nagging, but inappropriate question began circling in her head. Luna cleared her throat before speaking.

“Ahem...uh...how...how...how old?” Mitera gave a rather fake and shrill laugh. She had a rather interesting grin on her face as well.

“Old enough little one.” She said in a demeaning way. Luna blushed harder than she ever had before.

When it finally got dark it appeared that Mitera’s leg was bothering her. They settled a little way away from the road and with a few simple waves of her horn Mitera made a fire for them to gather around. Luna was worried that it might attract enemies, but Mitera stated that they weren’t in any actual danger. The enemy hadn’t mobilized yet and they were merely moving the camps so that it would be easier to defend against further raids. Now they both sat around a fire. Luna found herself gawking at Mitera. In the soft light from the fire her soft features seemed even brighter. She was laying on the ground, her dress cascading down her lower body. She was casually staring at the fire, supporting her chin with her hoof. She seemed to be deep in thought. After her last inappropriate question Luna was completely silent. She didn’t want to risk offending Mitera. Seeing her in this firelight however...made Luna’s heart pound.

“Wh-Wh-What are you thinking about?” Luna asked.

“My country.” Mitera said casually. Luna looked away nervously.

“I didn’t make you think about something painful did I?” She asked shyly.

“No. I think about it all the time.” Mitera replied. She then sighed. “I used to have this garden.”

“Yeah?” Luna asked, suddenly interested.

“I always lived as frugally as being a royal would allow. I always saved as much money as I could for things like healthcare, farming subsidies, educating vouchers...you don’t know what any of those things are do you?” Luna shook her head. “Well, they’re for the common ponies. Lucerna made that standard so I decided to follow it. I made one exception. Most royals get a stipend from the taxes. A rather hefty sum they give us to spend on ourselves for whatever our selfish wishes are. I spent all of that every year on my garden. It was this huge sprawling complex filled with floating enchanted flower pots, waterfalls that sparkled, rosebushes that stretched all the way to the ceiling and these giant colocasia plants that I bred that a pony could actually walk on. I spent every moment of my free time there. I spent lifetimes building, breeding and enchanting that garden. It just a few years...it was all gone.” Mitera sighed. “I loved that thing.”

“You can...build it again when the war is over.” Luna said. Mitera chuckled.

“My country is scorched.” She said. “Only a fraction of my people survived. It will take a long time for the land to heal. It will take even longer for my people to recover the population that they lost and for me to be able to afford a stipend or any kind of luxury will take several lifetimes.” Mitera sighed again. “That’s all assuming that everything goes well.”

“We alicorns live for a long time don’t we?” Luna said, trying to cheer her up. “You’ll get there soon enough.” Mitera shook her head.

“You’re young.” She said. “Although what you say is true...I don’t think you’ve lived long enough to see it yet.”

“See what?”

“To see something you’ve put lifetimes into burn to ashes. Everything you’ve ever known and love, families you’ve known for countless generations and places that have stood since your birth, eons ago, blown away...and there’s nothing you can do about it.” Mitera took a deep breath, but it was jagged and halted. She sighed it back out before rattling her head around. “Sorry, just having a rough day.” Luna stood up, walked over to Mitera and wrapped her hooves around her neck.

“There, there.” Luna said. Mitera felt awkward having somepony so young comforting her. “I’m sure Gramen would be happy to grow you a new garden and it wouldn’t take a lifetime.”

“I suppose.” Mitera said. “He certainly loves plants.” Being so close, Luna could not resist taking a brief sniff of the mare’s mane. It smelled like a crisp spring morning, as if everything was about to come alive. Luna’s eyes drifted down Mitera’s body. She stopped at the dress on her lower half. Luna let go of her head but stayed close, staring into the beautiful mare’s sea-green eyes.

“What happened to your leg?” Luna asked. Mitera gave her a blank stare, as if she were trying to hide her emotions.

“Do you want to see?” She asked. Luna gulped, unsure of why she was so nervous. She nodded. “So look.” Luna trotted around. She felt like she was doing something indecent as she reached for the edge of the dress. With a shaking hoof she lifted it up. Her eyes widened at what she saw. Mitera’s left back leg was gnarled, bumpy and in one long chunk. Whatever happened was painful.

“What happened?” Luna asked.

“There was a battle, a brief one.” Mitera explained. “Lucerna wasn’t ready and I was trying to hold them back so my people could escape. One of Nox’s kin grabbed my leg and broke every bone in it. I was in terrible, debilitating pain. The little imp rapidly healed my leg, fusing everything together so I would be disabled for life. The pain lessened, I turned around and I blasted their head open. My men dragged me away and gave me to Lucerna for medical attention.” She stared off into the woods. “Everything is in one piece, the bone, the ligaments, the tendons and the muscle, all fused together. It took them weeks to figure out what happened, weeks to figure out there was nothing they could do and weeks to deaden every nerve so I couldn’t feel pain. By the time they were done...it was all over.”

“Sorry.” Luna said, mesmerized by her leg.

“You didn’t do it.” Mitera replied. Luna could feel her heart pounding in her ears as a powerful urge began to overtake her. Shaking nervously she pushed the dress higher and higher. Mitera did not show any sign of being bothered. Luna finally lifted it all the way up. Mitera’s cutie mark was now out in the open. It was a red heart, with a rainbow wisp around it. It was beautiful, like she was. Luna found herself gawking at it, as if mesmerized by her hip. All Luna could hear was her heart pounding in her ears.

“Are you going to look at it all day?” Luna was snapped back to reality. She blushed furiously, dropped the dress back down and stood up.

“Sorry.” Luna said.

“Don’t worry about it.” Mitera said. Apparently she hadn’t noticed the expression Luna had when she was staring.

“Good night.” Luna said quickly, trotting around the fire and curling up on the other side, facing away from Mitera.

“Good night.” Mitera said, chuckling. Luna lay on the ground panting and waiting for her heart to slowly calm down. What suddenly possessed Luna to act that way? Ever since she met Mitera Luna couldn’t seem to control herself around her. Every compliment made her blush and every time she was around her she couldn’t calm down. She hadn’t acted like this since...

Luna’s eyes shot open, as wide as they could go. She hadn’t felt this way since...she had been with Skye!

“Oh hell.”