• Published 10th Jun 2014
  • 741 Views, 16 Comments

Ponies and Palaces - EricStarstorm

When someone's Dungeons and Dragons character gets caught up in some crazy spell or whatever, they're whisked away to a place that you can probably guess.

  • ...

Chapter 4: Protection

The next morning, Ragnar had a clear destination in mind. The minute he put his armor on and walked out the door, he wracked his brain to remember where the library was. he had made the trip to the market square multiple times yesterday, so he knew how to get there. Once he was there, the library was only a few blocks away--that much, he could remember.

Ragnar's sharp knock on the door was answered once again by Spike. "Oh, uh--"

"THE HORROR'S ON OUR DOORSTEP!" Ragnar bellowed without hesitation.

Spike jumped at the volume of Ragnar's voice. His eyes rolled into the back of his head, and he fell on his back.

"For pony's sake, Ragnar," Twilight sighed. "Do you have to scare Spike half to death every time you come here?"

"Ach...sorry." Ragnar picked up the small dragon's comatose body and put him on his shoulder, then walked in. "It's just that I heard it last night!"

"...Heard what?"

"The Headless Horse!"

Twilight just stared at Ragnar for a minute. Ragnar stared back at her. He thought he saw her lips curl up into a tiny grin, but she seemed to be trying to hide that. After a moment, she gave up and burst out laughing.

"I'm serious, lass! I heard it just as I was goin' to sleep!"

"Oh, I'm sure!" Twilight exclaimed, struggling to speak coherently through her laughter. "You never told me you had a sense of humor, Ragnar!"

"Why would I joke about somethin' like this?!"

By this point, Twilight was laughing so hard that she fell off of her chair. She wasn't responding.

"Ugh...look, just gimme one of those ghost stories."

Twilight's guffaws subsided enough for her to climb back into her chair, and now she was breathing heavily to calm herself down a bit. "S-sorry...I'll hear you out, at least. What happened?"

"It's just like I said...I heard the thing before I fell asleep last night. Is there anything I can do?"

Twilight shook her head. "If you've heard its cry...you can't stop it from coming. That's what the stories say. But...they never said you couldn't fight back."

"...What kind of self-respectin' ghost story antagonist can be fought against?"

"The victims from the stories only had wings, hooves, and magic. You have that axe." Twilight gestured towards the weapon on Ragnar's back. "If nothing else, you can cut off its legs. It'll be a bit messy, but I can only imagine it would be effective."

Ragnar's face suddenly lit up. "Ohh, I get it...he's the first campaign boss!"

"The first what now?"

"It's--ach, never mind." Ragnar got up and stretched. "I dinnae know how I'm gonna prepare for combat in this place, but I can certainly try."

"Wow...you're really serious about this, huh?"

"Couldnae ye tell? If this Headless Horse terrorizes everyone who moves into that house, then it's in both my personal best interest and the best interest of anyone else who would move into it to take care of this thing."

"Hmm...all right. But if you didn't feel the cold, then you've got at least two days." Twilight smiled, and the expression in her eyes seemed to indicate that she was trying to sooth Ragnar's anxiety. "Take it easy until then, okay? It's not worth keeping yourself worked up until he comes for you."

Ragnar would've objected normally, but he knew that Twilight was probably right. In his home world, there was never any moment that was completely safe. Monsters lurked around every corner, and the more corners you turned, the stronger the monsters would get. But here, there were no such dangers. It was a land of peace and harmony--it didn't take a genius to see that. Still, he was a bit troubled. "...Ye still don't believe me, do ya?"

"I feel like you could've been hearing things...but it's obvious that it's really bothering you. Whether it was actually the Headless Horse or not, you think it is, and I take the emotions of others seriously." Twilight cleared her throat. "That said...sorry I burst out laughing at first there."

"Ah, it's fine. Yer concern means a lot." Ragnar smiled. "Well, if I'm gonna take it easy...I'm gonna do it the Dwarven way!"

"I keep forgettin' that the Dwarven way works better when there are other Dwarves around."

"It probably does," Berry said.

The Dwarven way of taking it easy referred to getting drunk at the nearest bar. As such, Ragnar had gone to Ponyville's own tavern, where Berry Punch was as well. A different bartender was there--which probably explained the bar's 24-hour schedule--but otherwise, it was the same as it had been last time.

"So what brings you here today?" Berry asked. "I don't think you're here to tell a story. You seem tense."

Ragnar sighed. "Tryin' to calm me nerves. I heard the Headless Horse last night."

Berry's eyes widened. "Ohh...you're gonna need a lot of booze for that." She turned to the bartender. "Give him three more whiskeys, on me."

The bartender nodded and turned around to mix the drinks. "I'll throw in a fourth on the house," he said.

"...Knowin' I'm gonna need that much drink isn't really helpin' matters."

"It will once you're drinking it," Berry said. She took a long sip of her ale, then put down the mug. "I wasn't sure if he was actually haunting the town...but if you heard him, it confirms that he is."

"I figured as much. When I talked to the mayor about it, she did say it was a rumor."

Berry cleared her throat. "The family that went missing was a family of carpenters. They were some of the best in town--if I didn't know any better, I'd say they were the ones that worked on your axe, there."

"Oh, nae, that was Rarity. Didn't set me back all that much."

"Rarity? I didn't take her for a woodworker."

"Neither did I, believe me. What were ye sayin' about the missin' ponies?"

"Oh, right. There was the mother, the father, and two foals--one a few years younger than Pinchy, one just a few weeks old."

"Ach...'tis a right shame." Ragnar accepted the four glasses that were put before him just then with a polite nod, which the bartender reciprocated.

"Yeah...and it was only ten days ago. There's still hope that they might turn up, but...at this point, nopony is expecting it to happen."

Ragnar downed one of the whiskeys in a single draught. He put the glass back onto the bar when he was done with it and sighed. He had seen a lot of death in his youth--his main motivation to become a paladin was to stop it. "I wish I could've been there to help."

"Don't even act like anypony would blame you." Despite Berry's state of slight inebriation, her voice was stern--almost in a maternal fashion. "You didn't even get here until...what was it, the day before yesterday? How could you have done anything?"

"Yeah, I know...but that doesn't make me feel better, knowin' that they died."

Suddenly, the door of the tavern swung open. A white pony with a pink mane done up in a bun ran into the dimly-lit building, her blue eyes frantic. She wore a nurse's cap. "Miss Punch?"

"Speaking," Berry replied. She looked concerned now. "What're you doing here, Nurse Redheart?"

"Something happened at the schoolhouse..." The nurse's expression mellowed somewhat as she took a deep breath. "Your daughter is injured. Will you come with me to the hospital?"

"What?!" Berry demanded. "What happened?!"

"There's no time for me to explain. Follow me if you're coming!"

Nurse Redheart ran out the door. Berry was about to follow her, but Ragnar put a hand on her shoulder. She turned towards him. "What are you doing?"

"I'm goin' with ye," Ragnar said as he got up from his seat. "It may not be any of me business, but I can help."

Berry considered asking how, but she knew that, just as Nurse Redheart had no time to explain, the same would be true for Ragnar. Instead, she just nodded and ran out the door as well. Ragnar was close behind, praying to whatever gods existed in Equestria that he would be able to keep up.

When Berry, Nurse Redheart, and Ragnar got to the right hospital room, they found that it was about to be rather crowded. A deep purple mare with a pale pink mane was already in the room, along with a butterscotch unicorn stallion with a white coat and a stethoscope. Laying in the hospital bed was a sleeping unicorn filly whose color scheme closely resembled Berry Punch's. Berry ran into the room, and the other two newcomers followed.

"Oh, my baby...what happened?" Berry asked weakly. If she was still feeling buzzed, she did a good job of hiding it. "Please...please tell me she'll be all right..."

"One thing at a time," the stallion said firmly. "Miss Cheerilee, you know the story of what happened better than I do."

Cheerilee nodded. "It was recess...the children were just playing games like they always do. One of the kids threw a frisbee, and it landed in the branches of a tree...then Ruby went up to get it, and...she fell."

"She's going to be fine after a few days of rest," the doctor said reassuringly. "None of her bones were broken. That's reason enough to celebrate."

Ruby's eyes suddenly fluttered open as she heard the voices around her. She looked around the room and saw Berry looking back at her. "M-mama...?"

Berry suddenly wrapped her daughter in a close embrace. "Did you hear the doctor, sweetie? You're going to be all right!"

"What...happened to me?"

"You fell from the tree you were climbing," Cheerilee said. "I don't want to see you doing something so irresponsible again. If this ever comes up, let me know next time."

Ruby nodded. "Yes, ma'am."

Ragnar cleared his throat. "I don't mean to be rude, but...well, we don't have to wait days for her to get better. We don't even have to wait hours."

Everyone in the room turned to Ragnar, bewildered looks on their faces. "What do you mean by that?" the doctor asked.

"I'll show ye. Berry, could ye move fer a second?"

Berry seemed a little hesitant, but she complied. She watched curiously along with everyone else as Ragnar put a hand on Ruby's forehead, being careful in putting his fingers around her horn. He closed his eyes and focused for a few seconds, then opened them.

"Lay on Hands."

Ragnar's hand started glowing with white light. The light persisted for about five seconds. When it faded, Ruby's eyes opened fully, and she sat up with a smile on her face. Ragnar took a step back, and she jumped out of the bed and onto the floor. The doctor was quick to object to this.

"Ruby, get back in bed! You're not well!"

Ruby peeked over the top of the bed towards the doctor. "Yes I am! I'm not even hurting anymore!"

"Don't be ridiculous. Let me get a better look."

Ruby climbed back onto the bed and did a full rotation. If she had been bleeding or bruised, she wasn't anymore--her coat was as pristine as it should've been.

"I...don't believe it." The doctor turned to Ragnar next. "What did you just do?"

"I healed her. Ain't it obvious?" Ragnar asked.

"B-but how?!" Berry demanded.

"I'm a paladin, lass! And as a paladin, the gods have given me the power to protect and heal people." Ragnar gestured towards Ruby, who was now doing a happy little jig. "Lay on Hands is one of those powers. I spend a healing surge to give someone an amount of HP equal to how much my surge heals."

Now everyone looked more confused--save Ruby, that is. The doctor decided not to ask any further questions about it, or he would be the one in a hospital bed next. "Can you do this whenever you want?"

"Only twice a day fer now, I'm afraid. I'm a paladin, but not one with much experience."

"...Mr. Hallowshield, I think we may be able to work out a deal."

"All right. What'd ye have in mind?"

"Meet me outside when you're ready, and we'll talk."

The doctor left the room. Meanwhile, Ruby jumped onto her mother's back. "Can we go home now?"

"Well, not just yet! You haven't thanked the nice paladin!" Berry replied.

"Oh, right!" Ruby turned towards Ragnar. "Thanks so much! If I had to lay here for three days, I would've gone nutso."

Ragnar chuckled a bit. "It's no problem, lass. Just don't hurt yerself again, aye?"

"Yes, sir!"

"I definitely owe you one," Berry said. "Next time you go to the pub, just tell the bartender to put everything on my tab if I'm not around."

"Ah, ye don't owe me nothin'. I'll see ye again soon."

Berry nodded and left, with her daughter in tow. Cheerilee cleared her throat. "I should get back to the schoolhouse...I was in such a rush that I didn't have time to leave somepony to watch the kids."

Cheerilee left, leaving Ragnar alone in the room with Nurse Redheart. He was the one to leave next, and the doctor was outside waiting for him. He gestured for Ragnar to join him as he walked, and he complied.

"You said you can do that twice a day, right?" the doctor asked.

"Aye. I'll be able to do it more as I get stronger."

"Had you done it before you helped Ruby Pinch?"

"That's a no, Doctor."

"All right, then, here's what I propose." The doctor stopped and faced Ragnar, prompting him to stop as well. "If you're willing to come here daily and use your healing magic on as many ponies as possible per day...I'll talk to the chief of medicine about giving you compensation for it."

"...Ye'll pay me fer comin' in once a day and usin' Lay on Hands?"

The doctor nodded. "See, healing magic in Equestria is next to impossible to learn. Even if somepony can learn it, the magic doesn't work as well as it could--it restores the body and heals wounds, but in a fashion that makes the affected bones brittle and the affected skin weak. Research is being done to make improvements, but it's a slow process. Your magic seems to work very differently, though--it just healed that child with no repercussions. Such an ability is invaluable to us."

"I...guess that makes sense. It doesn't work on sick people, though...just injuries."

"That's half of our job, Mr. Hallowshield. You'd be surprised how often accidents happen--whether it's a pegasus crashing, a unicorn overloading his or her magic, an earth pony taking a nasty fall...our work is never really over. But with you around, it would be much easier."

"Well, of course I'll do it. I get to help people, and I get paid fer it? That's a win-win in my book."

The doctor nodded. "Excellent. Come here whenever you have free time. For now, though...you should be able to take care of one more patient for today."

That night was cold--blisteringly so. Ragnar slept in his armor and cocooned himself in his blanket, but he couldn't escape the freezing temperature. He could see his breath, and his joints even felt stiff. There was no way he was going to sleep. Because of this, he spent much of the next day asleep--he wouldn't be able to fight the Headless Horse with an addled mind.

Unfortunately, Ragnar slept longer than he had intended to. He was rudely awoken by a sound that seemed like a cross between a horse stepping on stone and a small explosion. The sound repeated at a rhythm, and Ragnar knew exactly what it meant.

The Headless Horse was there.

Wide awake now, Ragnar looked out the window. The sun had just gone down, and only a small patch of dull orange sky showed any indication of its retirement for the day. He got up from his bed and prepared himself, grabbing his axe from its place on his back and holding it in both hands. More footsteps resounded through the house as he waited.

"I ain't gonna let ye terrorize anyone any longer than ye already have," Ragnar said.

More footsteps.

"I be a paladin. It's my job to protect the innocent!"

The footsteps got even louder than they were before.

"And as long as ye threaten these townsfolk...I won't have any mercy on ye!"

By now, the footsteps were so loud that Ragnar could barely hear himself think...and they still grew louder.

"COME ON, BEASTIE!" Ragnar planted his feet and prepared to strike. "ROLL FER INITIATIVE!"

Finally, the footsteps quieted down. A tall horse walked into the room through the wall to Ragnar's right. It was a sickly shade of white and had a billowing tail that almost looked like a cloud. As far as Ragnar could tell, it had no cutie mark. It also had no head.

"I thought ye'd be taller," Ragnar said in a threatening tone.

The Headless Horse charged at Ragnar. It slammed right into him in an attempt to knock him down. He could feel its power as it impacted with his chest, but his feet didn't move. He was unfazed, despite his enemy's best efforts. Suddenly, he lifted up his axe, and his eye glinted dangerously. Just as he was about to swing, he smirked as his attack roll went through.

He got a natural 20.

Ragnar's axe sliced through the air with deadly force. The second it impacted the Headless Horse, the sheer power behind the blow sent it flying, and it hit the wall. Pieces of sheetrock flew across the room, dislodged from the wall by the impact. The Horse fell onto the floor and got up, and if it had a face to make expressions with, it would certainly be much easier to tell that it was angry. It turned its back to Ragnar and tried to buck him, but it was a sluggish motion that was easily dodged. Ragnar swung his axe at the Horse's legs to try and cut them off, but it made them incorporeal for a split second--long enough for Ragnar to stumble and fall onto his face. He got up just before the Headless Horse bucked again, this time with much more grace. The attack hit Ragnar square in the chest, and he stumbled backwards a few steps. He recovered as quickly as he could and retook his battle stance.

"Now ye've done it," Ragnar said menacingly.

The Headless Horse didn't respond with words, of course. Instead, it turned towards him and pawed the ground, preparing to charge again. Ragnar didn't give it a chance--he ran forth and swung his axe in a wide arc towards his enemy. It didn't have a chance to dodge before the axe dug through its flesh like a hot knife through butter. It reared up on its back legs and brought them down forcefully onto Ragnar's helmet. Ragnar flinched, but the attack didn't hurt nearly as badly as he thought it would. He took the opportunity to swing his axe upward towards the Headless Horse's exposed stomach, but it responded by making the targeted area incorporeal, and Ragnar's strike went right through it. The Horse backed up and tried to trample Ragnar while he was down, but he recovered quickly enough for the attack to miss. As the target ran by him, he swung at its stomach again. This time, he caught it just before it could respond, sending it skidding towards the opposite side of the room. It wasted no time in charging again, and this time, Ragnar couldn't hold his ground. It slammed him into the wall, taking part of it off again. Ragnar could feel himself slowing down, and the beast had only been made angrier. It seemed as though he had bloodied it with that last attack.

"I've got ye on the ropes, monster!" Ragnar yelled as he swung his axe again. His position was a bit awkward due to the Horse's body being right up against him, but he still managed to hit it surprisingly hard. It stumbled, only barely standing now. Ragnar decided to put it out of its misery...but before he could, it reared up on its back legs again and slammed them down on the floor. A mass of black energy snaked out from the ground and headed straight for Ragnar. He tried to dodge, but he was nowhere near fast enough to avoid the attack. It slammed him into the wall again, and he could feel himself losing consciousness. The Headless Horse walked towards him slowly as he was recovering. It stood directly in front of him and raised its left foreleg, preparing to finish the job...just as Ragnar found his strength once more. He swung his axe upwards, cutting deep into the monster's flesh. It let out a horrific wail as the axe continued to slice through it. Just as the axe would've gone completely through it, it disappeared in a puff of smoke, its wail reverberating through the area. Only when it was completely gone did Ragnar allow himself to relax.

A feeling overtook Ragnar that he couldn't describe. It was as if there was a glow of warmth inside him. He stood up, feeling his power grow even in his weariness. He put his axe back where it belonged and stood up tall, pride and relief threatening to overflow in his spirit.

"Level two," Ragnar said to himself. "Never woulda guessed this is how it would happen."

Comments ( 8 )

Sweet, level up! Now if you could so kindly tell us what he'll spend his points in... would Concentration and Persuasion help a paladin?

4617405 Keep in mind that Ragnar is a 4e character. I'll probably go over what he got next chapter if I can find a way to squeeze it in.

4617418 You're talking to someone who only knows the DnD rules present in Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights 1, buddy :applejackunsure: Is there a difference between the rulesets of those games and 4e?

4617547 Quite a bit. I suggest doing some research on your own about it--there's too much for me to cover in a Fimfiction comment, and this isn't really the place for it anyway.


healing surges being the most obvious and spellcasters are a bit different if memory serves

overall players and enemies are a lot tougher then 3.5
as each now has daily, encounter and at will powers dependent on their race on top of their regular attack.

no longer is It just spellcasters with more than basic options all classes have special skills and abilities to pick from and more to select each few levels or level ( not sure which and I'm not digging a manual out to check)

if you want you can proable look up what he can have here its no in book guide but hey...

Oh this is only going to be more fun as it goes on. I can't wait for more.:twilightsmile:

Its dead jim.

It was a cool idea for a story!

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