• Published 4th Jun 2014
  • 444 Views, 2 Comments

The Bandits of Equestria - Rare-Like-Rarity

A story about the mane 6 as bandits as they journey through equestria and fight off evil,

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The White Widow

Chapter 1: The White Widow

"Rarity! How much longer?", Rainbow dash complained with a very exasperated tone. "It's been like forever since we left mareizona", Rarity heard the beating of Rainbows wings behind her.

"Stop fussing Rainbow Dash, We are only a few hours out, maybe more if you keep moving so slowly", Rainbow made a slight sigh and stopped talking. Rarity, or most famously known as "The White Widow" had made her way from being a poor mare living in the shadow of the colossal city of canterlot, in a small town, ponyville. To being a country wide criminal with her own bandit name and wanted posters. She started small, stealing gems from local stores, or robbing poor traveling ponies. Her skill grew, she moved from low level robberies to full on assaults on some of Equestria's largest banks, and jewelry stores. She was a hit, her name spread like wildfire throughout the lands the whole military of Equestria is after her. Rarity smiled at the thoughts of her recent heists, as she trotted along the dirt path, her companion Rainbow Dash, or "Red Rainbow" followed behind.

"Rarity?" Rarity held steadfast to her course and replied

"What is it dear?"

"How'd you get that armor? I've never asked. and it's so awesome, I mean, I don't have much an eye for fashion but that armor is beautiful", Rarity looked down at the Light blue armor, it was almost pure white but a very slight blue gave it distinction from her solid white coat. It shined in the sunshine, like gems, with perfect seems of dark purple much like her own mane.

"Oh this? Well I got it from the royal canterlot armory of course.", Rainbow fell to the ground in astonishment

"The Canterlot Royal Armory!? Really that is the most difficult place in all of equestria to break into!", Rarity snickered.

"Not when your dating the head guard," Rarity laughed some more

"You really are sneaky," Rarity nodded her head and laughed.

"What about you Rainbow, your armor is quite powerful, and rather fitting for you," Rainbows armor was red and black with thick Hoofbands that she could use to gain more speed, the color blended perfectly with her cyan coat and her vibrant rainbow mane,

"I got this years ago, more than I can track, from my first attack on stalliongrad its not much, some simple local armor, with a few personal touches," She showed her side with her cutie mark painted onto the armor. Rarity laughed

"It's perfect darling, fits your character wonderfully," Dash smiled and thanked rarity for her complement. The two had been traveling together for quite time, they met in trottingham a while ago while they were both avoiding the local police and from there on it just seemed normal to travel together.

The two mares continued down the dirt path towards trottingdale where one of rarity's older Friends had something that "She would like", Rarity hoped that it was some sort of job since she hadn't had a large heist in over two years now. Rarity's thoughts were interrupted by a rustle of leaves, in the forest it was not uncommon for leaves to make sounds, but not of those sounds, a fast sound, a sound that a forest would make on a windy day, yet no other leaves stir, Rarity kept walking but in a peculiar fashion she stamped her front leg every other step, the leaves no longer stirred, for a split second, then.

Four Ponies leapt from the leaves dressed in mere rags, but armed with large daggers. A large pony most likely the leader of the ragtag pack stepped forward and spoke loudly and boastfully "Ok girl's hand over all your money or we will have to take it from you" Rarity began to laugh "What?! Your laughing?" Rarity waved her hoof as her laughter continued the stallion snarled "That's it," He lunged at rarity, in a single split second a blade ran across the stallions face sending a small amount of blood running down the ponies cheek, The blade was long and thick, made of pearlescent steel. The Stallion stepped back, The blade stayed still in midair with a blue hue over the hilt, Rarity's horn glowing the same color.

"You know it isn't polite to try and steel a woman's money," The stallion stepped back another step, the blade moved through the air closer to the pony. His face was riddled with a mixture of sweat, dirt, and blood. The stallion attempted swat the blade away with the dagger he held in his hoof, but it only clanged of the blade like water on glass. The pony turned at began to run but Rarity tripped the stallion, "Next time you want to hold up a couple of mares, make sure you have better equipment," Rarity flipped her weapon up away from the pony and he scurried away his henchponies following.

"How'd you know?" Rainbow asked as the sounds of hoof steps fleeted away,

"Simple, First they smell like rotten ham, second they leaves were moving and it hasn't been windy for days," Rarity sheathed her weapon back into its holster on her left side and continued walking

"Wow, That's impressive, Thanks for the signal by the way, it would have never known"

"Of course darling, it would have been fine either way, although I thought someone with a bit more experience might have been following us, Although it could have just as easily been"

"yeah it could have been, But hey, if more bandits are showing up doesn't that mean we are close?" Rarity nodded "Sweet! Finally!" Rainbow dash took off into the sky and just above the clouds she could see the castle city or Trottingdale, as she swooped back down she was giddy with excitement. They were almost there.

The trail had seemingly ended and the trees had become less dense as the looming castle city lay only a short distance away, Even Rarity was looking forward to some rest, also she looked forward to seeing her old friend Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash also had some company in the city, Someone she dubbed "The tangerine terror" the name sounded ridiculous but, also slightly powerful, but also sounded soft at the same time, Rainbow swore up and down she and Rarity would get along.

After multiple days of excruciating travel they reached the large gates looming over them in such a way that made the two mares feel like ants, the city had been known prior as the city of giants. The guards atop looked minuscule, but the voices where amplified so the ponies could hear. "State Your business in Trottingdale" The guard barked, Rarity's horn glew light blue and then she began to speak

"We are here, to see some old friends," Rarity's voice has amplified by the spell she had cast. The guards disappeared for a single moment then the colossal gates opened up into the castle city, as they stepped off from the rough dirt onto tiled roads, rarity let out a sigh of relief. "Finally, now onto the trotting tavern, come now rainbow" Rainbow dash slowly descended to the floor caught aghast at the large castle structures that loomed above her head, they were magnificant many reached the clouds, some even floated above the ground and into the sky, obviously those were home to pagasi, the late afternoon sun caused crystals and diamonds to shimmer off some houses which were decorated with such jewels. They slowly walked along the path both of their heads craned up to see the memorizing skylights above them, the city was beautiful, rarity felt almost envious of the inhabitants, even being her seventh or eighth trip, the city was a breathtaking as ever. The Sun began to set letting way to the darkness and the intrusion of stars and the moon. The mares, had moved through the town quickly and neared Fluttershy's tavern.

Rarity couldn't wait to see her old friend, it had been far too long since she has seen her, the tavern now was just ahead. As rarity opened the door a glass flew through the air nearly hitting her but she caught it with her magic, she looked up at the tattered tavern the stools had been scattered about cider and alcohol was spread around on the floor Fluttershy was behind the counter fighting off multiple armed guards with nothing but a part of a stool, rarity leaped into action her blade slashed quickly at the ponies, one strike was hard enough to knock of the guards helmet, they staggered back from the blows, then a rainbow blur went in front of rarity and with swoop both laid against the wall unconscious. Rainbow and rarity gave a quick hoof bump before helping fluttershy out from behind the bar

"Why are these guards attacking you?" Rarity asked with concern

"Don't ask me, they barged in here about ten minutes ago questioning about you, and our group, I didn't tell them anything I swear" Fluttershy hid her face behind her wing,

"It's ok darling, I'm wondering how news of me spread this quickly, and this far north. Fluttershy darling, has anything happened as of late, anything odd?"

"Umm... I don't know Maybe" She made a squeak of a noise before cowering further behind her wing

"Darling come out from behind there, it's been so long there is no need to be shy, give me a hug" Rarity lifted up her wing showering her green eyes, fluttershy let her wing go back to a resting position and gave rarity a tender hug with her hooves. "So, did anything happen?" Fluttershy smiled and let loose her hug.

"This might have something to do with princess Celestia showing up here a few weeks ago." Rarity rubbed the bottom of her chin,

"Well if the princesses are here-" Fluttershy interrupted with a soft tone

"Not Luna, she wasn't with Celestia, only her guards and another purple mare, not sure who she is though, probably one of Celestia's students or something like that"

"I have never seen the princess without her beloved princess of the night, and now that you mention it, the moon hasn't seemed to arise in the sky yet, if she is this far north, then there is a good chance that something is wrong in the royal family" Rainbow dash nodded in agreement another voice shattered the quite of the tavern, as the door swung open with force

"Your Quite the detective, White Widow" They turned to the door and standing in the small tavern doorway was a purple coated mare in black and gold robes, surrounded by a small platoon of guards, royal guards, in full battle armor, at least six of them. "So you are the ever so famous white widow, in all her glory, or should I say rarity, the small town mare from ponyville?" Rarity's anger flustered and her sword came unsheathed in the blink of an eye, "You're quick I'll give you that, It's about all I will though" Rarity sheathed her sword, and smiled,

"Well, I appreciate your comment's, but it seems that I must bid thee a goodday," The purple mare closed in but before she could cast a binding spell rarity had disappeared in a blink of blue light with her two friend's.

"The chase begins", The purple mare disappeared in a flash as well leaving the guards standing at the door confused, Rarity and her companions appeared upon a roof, a few houses away from the tavern, Rarity shook her head, her companions seemed dizzy at the sudden teleportation,

"Sorry you two, that was only the second time I have used that spell" Rainbow waved a hoof as she almost fell over, before they could properly get their bearing's they heard a flash of magic behind them, the purple mare appeared on the rooftop. "Run!" Rarity screamed as the three ponies began to sprint away jumping from the tops of buildings, rainbow stayed in the air above "Rainbow, take fluttershy and get away from here, she wants me there isn't any reason that you two should be caught up in this."

"I'm not leaving you rarity!" She said and fluttershy nodded in approval, Rarity smiled and faced forward running once again the purple mare was much slower than them, only depending on her teleportation to get herself closer to them. Rarity jumped from the rooftop onto the next, but caught her hoof on the edge of the roof and stumbled breaking off bits of tiling off the roof as she rolled off the roof and hit the ground with a sound of steel as her armor took the brunt of the fall, but her leg was most likely broken.

"Rainbow! Fluttershy! you have to leave, I think my leg is broken, you need to leave now!" she lay on the ground holding her leg with her other hoof. "Just go!" she screamed

"Not a chance in Equestria!" Rainbow landed next to twilight protecting her from the purple mare and the guard ponies that had finally caught up, she unsheathed her short sword and held it in her mouth she charged at the enemy, the blur of rainbow colors flashing through the ponies the clash of steel against iron was a means of rainbow winning, she was going to do it, but as she came towards the group once again, a purple aura surrounded her and she was held in midair, she grunted in struggling but rarity knew she would not break the hold, fluttershy came down and tackled the purple mare knocking the magic loose from rainbow but getting herself caught by hoof-cuffs from the guard ponies, rainbow attacked the group again, rarity couldn't let them fight alone, she lifted herself up limping towards the fight with her blade held in the air by magic. A large purple barrier surrounded the group and grew solid as dash ran straight into in knocking her out instantly, as they cuffed her the purple mare came towards rarity

"You have nowhere to go, white widow", the mare smiled but it was cut off by the shiny blade of rarity's weapon slashed at her face but with a quick move the purple mare shot a bolt of light and it launched rarity across the alleyway into the wall and she wailed in pain the blade clanged against the floor, rarity's head was swimming as the purple mare stood over her, the last thing she saw before losing consciousness was the mare's horn glowing purple

Author's Note:

So this is the first chapter of my new fanfiction, only my second fic, so constructive criticism is appreciated, i hope you enjoy it

Comments ( 2 )

Space out your paragraphs, please. It's a pain on the eyes.

Haha sorry, im trying something my english teacher told me, but i dont think she explained the whole process, ill make some edits, see if i get it right :twilightsmile:

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