• Published 25th May 2014
  • 1,521 Views, 15 Comments

Soldier of Equestria - spook123

A soldier, Tom "Blaze" Jacobs, from a special squad from the USA, found himself in Equestria, where he tries to adabt to the Equestrian life, and protect his new friends.

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Author's Note:

Hello everyone, this is my first Fic, so I hope you like it. If you have advice, don't feel bad to message me. I know that there are multiple HIE stories, so I hope this one will enjoy you guys:)

DATE: 01-JUNE-2053

"Time to wake up ladies" called General Hike.
Tom woke up from his sleep and tried to look at his alarm clock, which he didn't have.
"What time is it?" asked Tom when he got out of bed.
"It's Five in the morning, now get prepared for briefing, I want you all there at 5:30, so you better be quick."
Tom and his squadmembers directly went to the showers, and after that they went to the cafetaria for breakfast. At 5:27 they were finished with preparing and went off to the Main Tent.
"Good morning ladies," general Hike said when everyone sat down. "today, we are starting our assault at the ruins, so listen, I'm not explaining this again" the general said. "Blaze, you and your squad attack from the west side, Storm you and your squa...."

When Briefing was finished, they went off to their barracks to get their equipment. After that, they went to the helicopters.
"Today it's finally time." Ghost said, with a big smile on his face.
Tom looked at him "Yea, whoohoo, I can't wait." he said sarcasticly.
"Well sorry, I didn't know you are on your period." Ghost said with an even bigger smile.
Tom deadspanned at Ghost, who just smiled even bigger. They arrived at the helicopters, and after a few moments, they were up high, on their way to the castle. Tom was staring out of the window, with his necklace in his hand.
"What's up with you and that necklace?" Ghost asked. "You always touch it when we're going on a mission.".
Tom looked at his friend. "It's the only thing I have left of my parents, and is has always given me luck. 'Keep this with you, and it will be the key to a happy life' my dad used to say, so I've always kept it, and sofar my life isn't bad, so I think it actually works." "I've never believed in that shit. " Ghost said. "You have to fight for a happy life, that's why I joined the army. Why did you join it?" Tom stared out of the window as he started to tell.
"I originally come from the Netherlands, when I was 10, me and my family moved to the U.S.A., because my father had a new job there. But before we even arrived, it already went wrong. Our plain was struck by lighting, so we the power went out, and one motor was burning. We crashed down at an open field. My parents and I sat in the middle of the plain, which is the most stable part. When we hit the ground, the only thing I had, we some broken bones and some bruises. The other passengers where all dead, including my parents." Tom went silent for a moment.
"When the emergency team arrived, I had already left the plane, sitting all alone on field. When they asked what I did there, I explained it to them, and they were totally shocked. I was sent to the hispital, where I had to stay for some days. Someday, someone from the police came to ask me about what happened. I told them everything I knew. After that, they asked if I had more familly. Sadly, I had not, so they sent me to an orphanage. When I was there for a week, the police came again, but this time with a strange question. If I wanted to join the army, so I would be trained from my age of 10, so I could became masters of the battlefield. I had nothing left, and the orphanage bored me, so I said yes. And now, After years of training, I'm here, in this helicopter, with you and the other squadmembers on a mission to capture a ruin". Tom smiled when he said that last part, but he felt sad inside.
Ghost was shocked because of his story, then he, the smartass as he is, said: "Well, I don't really call that a happy life, so I don't think that that necklace works."
Tom deadspanned at him, wanted to say something, but then then they saw the light starting to flash, which ment they had to get ready to be dropped.

When they got everything ready, the green light started glowing, which ment they had to jump.
"Go, go, go." Tom said as his squadmembers jumped out. He went as last, deployed his wingsuit, and he started gliding through the air. From where he was watching up high, he saw that the assault had started down beneath him. The Squad landed on one of the towers, and nobody had seen them.
"Okay, here's the plan, Ghost, Grass and Snow, you go in and cause distraction, so me and Helix can get to their pwer generator. If we are not back in 20 minutes, you gotta get the Hell out of here and report us MIA, understood?" Everybody nodded.
"Alright then, let's do this".

Ghost, Grass and Snow went in, and after a few minutes, Tom and Grass heard shooting from inside, so they went in. They activated their optical camoflage, and started moving to the power source. They were halfway there, but Tom a little clicking sound. "Grass, watch ou" BOOM.
Grass exploded before Tom's eyes. Tom became covered in blood. Luckily he had an helmet on, so nothing went in his eyes. Tom then threw and EMP grenade, and he EMP'ed the security systems. He got Grass' dogtags, and he continued alone. He arrived at the power source, and he turned off the power. When he did that, he noticed that there was light coming out of his vest. He found out that the source was his necklace. When he got it out of his vest, a place in the wall started shining. He went to the light, and felt that there was a hole, which had the exact same form as his necklace. He tried to fit it in, and when he pushed it in the hole, the whole wall started schaking. Tom was shocked, while he watched the wall opening, and behind it, was a secret room.

Tom went in, and when he entered, the wall closed behind him. Tom found out he was trapped. He looked around, and saw a strange hole in the ground. Since there was no other way he could go, he went in the hole. He found himself falling, and falling, and falling, and he reached such speed, that he went unconsicous.
Tom found himself waking up in castle ruins.
"Where am I?" He asked himself, not expecting an answer. He saw that he was in different castle ruins then the one where he had his mission. He started to scan the surounding area and tried to message his HQ.
"HQ, this is Blaze, over." He heard nothing.
"HQ, this is Blaze, over." Again he heard nothing. The scan was complete, and he saw there were other life forms, heading his way. He quickly acitvated his optical camoflage, and sat down behind two big thrones. He heard talking, and hold his M27 ready. But when he saw what was coming, he was shocked: he saw talking ponies, some with wings and horns. They left the castle, and since he had nothing to do, he followed them into a big forest.
He finally heard what they said. "... and that's why Fluttershy and I went to the castle. I would have never thought that you would go there too." he heard one say with a "high class" accent.
"Why did you go there Twilight?"
"Well, I went there wi..." She stopped mid sentence and turned around.
"What's wrong Sugarcube?" a orange colored one asked so called Twilight.
"I think we're being followed." She said
"I'll go and look." a cyan colored winged one said. It flew towards him, and he thought he was caught. But he forgot he had optical camouflage on, so it didn't see him.
"Nothing here." the cyan colored said.
"Hmm, strange, I would swear I feel an other being there."
'How could she feel a being Tom asked himself.
"I think it's just the forest creeping you out, because there's nothing here." the cyan one said.
"Well, if you say so, Rainbow." The orange colored said. They continued walking and talking, and Tom still followed them.

After a few minutes, they arrived at the edge of the forest, and Tom saw them leaving. He hid behind some trees, and deactivated his camoflage. He saw the it was almost empty, and it had for 5 minutes invisibility left. He had to recharge it somehow, so he had to do it with a little solar pannel, which comes with his gear. He got out of the forest and sat in the sun so it would recharge. When he went back into the forest after 1 hour, it was only recharged for 3 minutes longer invis. It went night, so he started on a little base, ate some food reserves, drank some water, and he went to sleep.