• Published 20th May 2014
  • 563 Views, 9 Comments

My Little Pony: Origins - Hazzel Nut

Have you ever wondered how some of the ponies came to be in Ponyville? For this young filly the answer may be more shocking than you would expect. Follow Suzzie as she takes a journey to find who she really is- or maybe what she really is.

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The Night

Scootaloo awoke with a start. It was still dark and her heart was pounding wildly in her chest. 'What was that noise?'


Scootaloo jumped to her hoofs, the fur on her back standing on end. As she peered into the dark forest she saw two glowing green eyes looking back at her.

Rainbow Dash tossed around on her bed accidentally knocking the covers onto the soft floor. She had woken up in the night and was having trouble falling back asleep- which was surprising, considering her bed was made of cloud.

'Maybe a midnight flight will calm my mind,' she thought. Not being able to sleep was a very rare occurrence for Rainbowdash, but the idea of flying after dark had a certain appeal to it.

As the light blue pegasus swooped through the sky, she could feel the chilly night air sting against her cheeks and whip through her mane. As Dash began to pick up speed she stretched out a leg, creating a cone of air resistance around her body. She would get it this time for sure. The the cone began to contract and press against Rainbow Dash, when she suddenly skidded to a stop in mid-flight. Time seemed to pause for an instant before Rainbow's momentum caused her to slingshot in the opposite direction towards the ground.

A scream escaped her lips as she flew backwards through the air. "Ahhhhhhh..."

"...hhhhh!" Scootaloo shrieked as the front wheel of her scooter hit against a rock and launched her through the air. She landed on her back a few feet away from her ride, on a dirt path leading from the Everfree into Ponyville.

The young pegasus was paralyzed with fear as a large wolf-like creature quickly descended upon her. It was completely made up of sticks and logs and two glowing green eyes underneath leafy eyebrows. As it loomed overtop of Scootaloo it's rancid breath nearly caused her to dry heave. A single drop of pale yellow tree sap fell from the beasts mouth onto Scootaloo's mane. She whimpered as the timberwolf leaned forward, opened wide it's muzzle, and without warning flew off her and shattered into twigs next to an unsteady rainbow maned pegasus.

Scootaloo got to her hooves a hid behind a nearby tree before the new pony could turn around to see her.

"Whoa, did I just take out a timberwolf? Awesome!" The prideful pegasus brushed the front of her leg against her coat then stretched it out in front of herself to admire it. "Ha, I guess I'm so amazing that I end up doing cool things even when I'm falling out of the sky!" Letting out a rather loud yawn she jumped into the air and flew away.

'Whoa, who was that?' Scootaloo wondered as she ran out from behind the tree to watch her rescuer fly away in the moonlight.

There was no way she was going to stay near the forest, so after retrieving her belongings, Scootaloo decided to take off in the direction of the pony who had saved her.

The night was nearing it's close as Scootaloo rode into the small town. She turned down a vacant alleyway and slumped off her scooter behind an empty box. Exhaustion got the best of the filly, as she laid her head on the unrolled sleeping bag and was once again taken by sleep.

Author's Note:

Hey guys, thanks for liking my story! You're all awesome! /)*(\
Sorry this chapter is a bit short, I'll try to have the next one up soon.