• Published 18th May 2014
  • 1,103 Views, 8 Comments

The Return of Prince Grey Ghost - Grey Ghost

A thousand years ago, Prince Grey Ghost lost his parents and in a fit of grief, placed himself into exile. Now a thousand years have passed and he has returned home. Can he adapt to a world that has all but forgotten him? This is his story.

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Grey Ghost seethed with rage as he left his temporary chambers, the Faust-forsaken book floating in his magic. He moved up to the throne room, ignoring the guards as he banged the doors open. Inside, Luna and Celestia were conversing.

“Grey? Is something the matter?” Celestia asked, looking at him with a frown.

He said nothing, throwing the book at their hooves, narrowing his eyes. There was silence for some time, the air getting tense.

“Explain, now!” he demanded, his eyes puffy and red from his tears.

“Son…” Luna started. “You weren’t supposed to find out this way… I swear to you that I would have told you myself.” she paused. “Where did you find this book?”

“It doesn’t matter! You let them kill him!” he screamed, stomping a hoof. “You could have used the Elements to save him and yet you just let him die!”

“Please, I played no part in this… I was not informed until after it happened.” Luna tried to calm him down.

“This is your fault!” he hissed turning on Celestia, purple energy starting to dance on his horn. “You just wanted him out of the way so you could claim the empire for yourself!”

“Please calm down, son!” Luna begged. “She didn’t want this, either!”

“You lie!” he shouted, his horn surging with dark magic. His eyes became like Sombra’s, a purple mist coming off them. He let out a roar, firing a blast of magic at them.

A group of Royal Guards moved in, casting a barrier spell. However, their magic was not strong enough, the barrier shattering as the guards were blasted back.

“Son, please stop this!” Luna casted her own barrier spell with Celestia.

He let out a feral scream, firing another blast before there was a loud crack and Grey collapsed to the ground, Dust standing behind him, his sword floating in his magic.

“Grey!” Luna shouted, rushing over to him, her eyes wide in fear. She let out a small sigh of relief, seeing that he was still breathing. “Thank you Dust.”

He didn’t answer for a while, returning the blade to the sheathe. “I… noticed my bags were missing… I remembered the book I had inside. Once I heard a disturbance… I knew what happened.”

“It’s not your fault Dust,” she said lifting Grey up, putting him on her back. “Come we must get him to the infirmary.” she gave her son a nuzzle before moving out of the throne room.

Dust kept his eyes down as he followed Luna and Grey, staying silent as they moved through the halls.

“I suppose you're wondering why Grey lost control like that?”

“Forgive me… but… I already know… I’ve been doing some poking around during my free time.”

“Do you?” she asked frowning. “I’ll have to talk to Tia about this later. If you would not mind, Dust, please tell me what you already know.”

“King Sombra is the father of Grey Ghost. His dark magic and Shadow Pony abilities carry over onto him, and the dark magic reacts to negative emotions.” Dust started. “It then takes control, ruling him by emotion alone.”

“You are mistaken,” she said shaking her head. “Grey did not inherit those abilities nor were they Sombra’s originally.”

“My research was wrong?” Dust frowned even more. “I see…”

“You have to understand, back then, things were very different. Even two decades on from Discord’s defeat, we were still trying to fix what he broke. We were so narrowly focused that we didn’t see what was happening to Sombra.” she paused, starting to choke up. “When we finally came to reclaim the empire from Sombra, we found Grey in a hidden room, chained to a table. He was covered in scars and... was comatose for weeks afterward.”

Dust was silent again for some time. “I’m… sorry…” he managed to say.

“It’s in the past, now, Dust but thank you.” she said with a small smile, nuzzling him gently.

He flinched away from the contact at first. “This wouldn’t have happened if I wasn’t so careless… It’s my fault that he found that book.”

“Worry not Dusk, it would have happened no matter what we did... “ Luna said with a sigh, looking at Grey’s prone form.

“But we could have presented it better.” Dust said quietly as they reached the medical wing.

“Yes we could have.” she said nodding. “This does make me afraid of what he’ll do when he meets Twilight and her friends.”

“We should keep him in the castle, then.” Dust advised. “Until things cool down.” He signaled one of the medical ponies over. Luna allowed them to take Grey, watching closely.

“I want him vaccinated to the fullest extent possible,” Luna commanded, watching as they moved him onto a bed, hooking various machines to him.

“Is there anything I can do?” Dust asked, clearly still feeling guilty over the incident.

“Stay by his side, rumors are going to start circulating and the last thing we need are nobles trying to use him.”

“I understand.” Dust bowed his head down. “I’ll do my best.”

“I already told you, you don’t have to bow to me,” she said with a chuckle.

He raised his head and nodded. “I’ll protect him with my life.”

“Thank you,” she said turning to a doctor. “Please inform me when he wakes.”

Dust stood at attention next to Grey’s bed, leaving a small amount of one of his blades unsheathed, just in case, for some extra reaction time.

“Well this is strange,” one of the doctors said, a purple screen floating in front of him.

“What is it?” Dust asked, looking over at the doctor.

“You see these objects?” he asked, turning the screen, showing Grey’s internal structure. All through his nervous system were chunks of material.

“What are those?” Dust frowned as he took a closer look.

“I have no idea. Let me run a test,” he said, sending some magic into one. Grey spasmed, a bolt of dark magic firing from his horn.

Dust instantly whipped a sword out, magic surrounding the blade as he deflected the magic, sending it shooting off into a pile of pillows. “What was that for?” he asked the doctor with a hostile note.

“I was trying to cast a diagnostic spell, not do that!” he countered, frowning.

“Well, it wasn’t very diagnostic!” Dust sheathed his sword, checking on Grey for further injuries. Although he had no skill in healing spells, he did know how to run field medicine.

Grey was still twitching slightly but was otherwise fine. Underneath his coat, his veins glowed a soft purple.

“What’s going on?” Dust asked, turning back to the doctor.

“Whatever those objects are, their full of dark magic,” he replied, watching as the glow faded and Grey returned to normal. “It must have been painful beyond rational thought to have those things placed inside one’s body.”

“Is there a way to remove them?” Dust frowned. “Dark Magic… if one knows how to… can be controlled.”

“I doubt it. Their fused into his nervous system at key points. If we try to remove them, we’d damage it, that is if the surges of dark magic didn’t kill him first.”

“I know an expert on Dark Magic. Maybe he could help Grey keep it under control.” Dust seemed thoughtful. “Although he’s near impossible to get in contact with.”

“You best find him,” the doctor said, preparing to vaccinate Grey.” Or we might have to restrict his magic.”

“I was instructed to stay by Prince Ghost’s side.” Dust shook his head. “I cannot search him out right now.”

The doctor didn’t reply, giving Grey the first injection.

“This better be safe.” Dust muttered suspiciously.

“It’s a mere vaccination, nothing more,” he said, rolling his eyes.

“Right, and your mere diagnosis spell went perfectly okay.” Dust let a note of sarcasm slip into his voice.

“What are you implying?” the doctor asked, narrowing his eyes.

“If you do anything more to hurt him…” Dust glared back. “My duty is to protect his safety, and if you endanger that, you’ll be in trouble.”

“Am I interrupting?” a black pegasus asked, walking into the room, eyebrow raised. His armor marked him as a captain of the day guard.
Dust’s eyes flicked over to him, before removing his hoof from his blade. “No. Nothing. What brings you here?”

“Princess Celestia asked me to guard him as well,” the new pony said, looking over at the sleeping prince.

“Who are you, by the way?” Dust asked. “Forgive me, I’m not familiar with the Day Guard.”

“I am Captain Air Razor of the Day Guards Dawn unit.,” he began, turning to the doctor. “Leave us for a moment.”

The doctor grumbled as he left the room, shutting the door behind him.

“What is it? Is something wrong?” Dust asked, casting a silence spell on the room to prevent eavesdropping.

“I have been authorized to reveal myself to you,” he said, looking into Dusk’s eyes. His body was suddenly consumed by green flames. He grew in height to match Celestia. His fur hardened into a jagged carapace. His wings lost their feathers and became thin and transparent - insect wings. His tail reshaped itself into a long scorpion-like tail, tipped with a stinger. Finally, a long curved horn grew out of his forehead; it was thin and razor sharp, like a sword.

“A Changeling?” Dust blinked. “I know we have a few in the Stealth and Espionage Ops, but you don’t seem to be with us.”

“I’m part of Celestia’s Dawn unit. We handle all of the strange anomalies that appear from time to time.” Air Razor said. “My real name is Slash,”

“What do you need?” Dust asked, looking over at Grey.

“Like I said, I was sent to guard the prince. He is technically an anomaly.”

“I don’t appreciate you calling him that.” Dust frowned. “There was no reason to send a second guard, I could handle it on my own.”

“Celestia is just worried about her nephew,” he said rolling his eyes. He returned to his pegasus form, standing by the bed. The room went silent as the two stared at each other in contempt.


“I thank you all for coming on such short notice,” Celestia greeted the Elements with a smile. “I would not ask if it wasn’t important.”

“It’s no problem. What did you call us for?” Twilight asked, her friends standing by her side.

“Luna’s son, my nephew Grey Ghost, has returned.” Celestia replied, internally smirking at their reactions.

“And what the heck does that have to do with us?” Rainbow Dash was pulled from a Wonderbolts event, and wasn’t exactly happy about it.

“This is... hard to say... you... killed his father,” Celestia said, her smile vanishing rather quickly.

“Wait, you mean Sombra?” Twilight stepped forward. “King Sombra is his father?”

“Yes, King Sombra was his father,”

“Why would Luna consort with that horrid creature?” Rarity asked, making a face.

“He was not always like that,” Celestia said with a sigh, shaking her head. She lead them into the dining hall, which had been set up for lunch.

“I don’t know what to tell him.” Twilight sighed, looking down at the ground. “We… didn’t have a choice… there was no time to get the Elements.”

“He... already found out. Sadly, he did not take it very well,” Celestia admitted, sitting down at the head of the table.

“I guess being friends is out of the question?” Pinkie asked nervously.

“I hope not,” she said, gesturing for them to join her at the table. “Grey has a history of impulsiveness, though after what Sombra did to him, it’s only gotten worse.”

“What did Sombra do to his own son?” Applejack asked, frowning as the Mane 6 took their seats.

“The truth is, we don’t know. When we went to confront Sombra, we found Grey in Sombra’s lab, strapped to a table. He was comatose for weeks.”

“That’s… terrible. Who could do that to their own son?” Twilight asked nervously.

“As I said, Sombra was not always like that,” Celestia said with a sigh. “How have you been adjusting to your new status Twilight?”

“Erm… it get some taking used to…” she answered. “But… is there anything we can do to reconcile with Grey?”

“The fact that you cured Luna will help,” Celestia said, nodding. “Luna and I have decided that we wish for Grey Ghost to go with you when you return to Ponyville.”

“Um… is that really okay?” Fluttershy finally spoke up.

“Fluttershy, Grey is a 1,000 years behind like Luna was. Can you imagine what the noble’s will do when they find out?”

“If we did it with Luna, we can do it with him, too.” Twilight sounded confident. “Right, girls?”

They nodded and murmured in agreement.

“Thank you all, though Grey might... react badly to your presence at first,” Celestia said with a frown. “It would be best if you don’t mention the Crystal Empire.”

“Understood.” Twilight nodded. “Is that it?”

“I would watch out for dark magic outbursts,” Celestia said, nodding her head.

“Thanks for the advice.” Twilight and the others began eating. “We’ll do our best.”

She smiled, partaking in the meal, as well.


Grey Ghost groaned as he opened his eyes, trying to ignore the throbbing pain that enveloped his head and horn. “Mother...?” he asked, looking around.

“Grey? You’re awake.” he heard Dust Storm’s voice, seeing the young Unicorn by his bedside. “Are you all right? Do you need anything?”

“My head... “ Grey whimpered out, cringing a bit.

“I’ll get you some more pain medicine.” Dust said, tapping the enchanted crystal meant to contact the doctors. “Doctor, we need more painkillers for Prince Ghost.”

A few moments later, the doctor came in, giving Grey a shot of painkillers. “That should last a few hours, though he may be out of it.”

“Thank you.” Dust turned back to Grey. “Is that better?”

“Yes... thank you...”

“I’ve sent my Unit to look for somepony that might be able to help your... condition.” Dust made sure Grey was comfortable. “He’s an expert when it comes to Dark Magic and its properties.”

“I see.” Grey said, blinking a few times. He tried to focus them, looking off toward the wall.

“You okay?” Dust asked again, worried for his Prince’s safety.

“I feel.... funny...” Grey admitted.

“Well, you’re hopped up on painkillers, so try to just rest for now.” he was interrupted as a letter floated through the window, up to him. He slit the envelope open, reading it quickly. “When you’re feeling better, let me know. Don’t push yourself.”

“Whats... that?” Grey asked looking at him.

“My contact has agreed to meet with you, but in his room only.” Dust answered. “He won’t have it anywhere else.”

“Lets go... “ Grey said, moving to get out of bed.

“Hey, no, you need rest.” Dust pushed him back down gently. “We’re in no hurry, here.”

“We command you to take us... “ he said, glaring at him.

Dust hesitated, then lowered his head. “As you wish, Prince Ghost. Do you need my assistance to walk?”

“No... w-we can walk,” Grey said, attempting to get out of bed, only to crash to the floor.

“Don’t be ridiculous.” Dust lifted Grey onto his back, using a Featherweight spell to lighten him. “Relax, I won’t tell anypony about this.” It was rather a strange sight, considering Dust was only slightly larger than a schoolcolt.

“Just what are you two doing?” Luna asked, standing in the doorway. “My, my Dust, I had no idea you were into Stallions!” she said, a teasing tone to her voice.

“I’m under orders… to take him to Dusk…” Dust panted, straining, even with assistance of the spell.

“Oh no, Grey needs his rest.” Luna said, lifting Grey of his back, placing him in the bed once more.

“That’s what I advised him.” Dust looked over at them.

“Stay in bed Grey,” she instructed sternly.“Make sure he stays in bed, and ignore any orders he gives about leaving this room.” Luna said, tucking Grey in.

“Understood.” he nodded, standing at attention again by Grey’s bed.

“We don’t need rest,” Grey argued trying to sit up.

“Please, I don’t want to see you hurt anymore.” Dust looked down at Grey. “Wait until you recover.”

“Fine... “Grey said, laying back in bed, sighing.

“Dust,” Luna said, looking at the smaller pony. “We have decided to send Grey to Ponyville, you and a few other guards are to accompany him.”

“Ponyville?” he looked suddenly uncomfortable. “I… all right… if that’s your orders.”

“Is something wrong?”

He hesitated. “Permission to speak freely?”

“Of course,”

“Ponyville is where.... where my family still resides…” Dust averted his eyes from contact. “I can’t guarantee that either party won’t get hurt if I encounter them again.”

“I see... if you do not wish to go,” she said, putting a hoof on his shoulder. “I won’t make you.”

He shook his head. “I have duties to fulfill. I agreed to take on those duties once I joined the Guard. I will do as ordered.”

“You are a brave one Dust,” Luna said with a smile. She leaned down, nuzzling him.

Dust blinked, instinctively pulling away at the contact, still avoiding eye contact. “Thank you for your kind words, Luna.”

“Captain Air Razor will be going with you, along with Private Snow,” Luna said, making sure Grey was comfortable.

“What about my personal unit?” Dust asked. “Are they permitted to come, too?”

“Yes, I don’t see why not. Ponyville does tend to get more trouble than the rest of the country,”

“Thank you.” he nodded, almost bowing his head again. “I swear on my life and honor that if anything happens to Grey, I will take full responsibility.”

“I doubt it will come to that but your conviction is touching,” she said smiling. “I shall let you two rest, I must begin Night Court.” she gave Grey a nuzzle before taking her leave.

“Just rest, Grey. I’ll keep you safe.” Dust stood back at attention by the side of the bed.

Grey was already asleep again, curled up in the bed.

Dust couldn’t help but give a faint smile as he waited the night out by Grey’s side.