• Published 18th May 2014
  • 1,104 Views, 8 Comments

The Return of Prince Grey Ghost - Grey Ghost

A thousand years ago, Prince Grey Ghost lost his parents and in a fit of grief, placed himself into exile. Now a thousand years have passed and he has returned home. Can he adapt to a world that has all but forgotten him? This is his story.

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Reunions (rewrite)

Author's Note:

I want to start this off by saying, sorry it took so long to do ANYTHING with this story. Secondly, as the chapter title states, this is a rewrite. The major changes revolve around the removal of two characters: Haunt and Luster, Haunt belongs to DGGames and after a falling out, I have decided to respectfully remove his character from the story. As for Luster, he belongs to Luster Star, who sadly does not have the free time to help us write this story so I have decided to remove his character for the moment.

Time was moving at top speed all around him, a year but a blink of an eye. He watched the air around him distort in a sea of crystalline blur, the weathered cave walls seeming to flow like water. There was a steady flash of light that filled the cave for a brief moment. Sunlight. The pattern was a regular rhythm, on and off as day turned to night and back again.

Grey Ghost watched from the back of the cavern, a bowl of salad in front of him, only half eaten. Months. That was how long it had been since he had cast the spell, sealing him in a pocket of his own time, waiting for the pain to pass. Months since Luna had turned into Nightmare Moon, months since Celestia had banished her. Months after he had said goodbye to his mother before she had been replaced with that… thing.

Nightmare Moon was not his mother, Luna was.

He sighed, finishing the meal and setting the bowl aside. Why him? That was all that he asked himself lately. First his father, Lord Sombra, had been corrupted by dark magic and enslaved the crystal empire. His banishment had taken the city along with him, leaving nothing but emptiness. Now he had lost his mother and after his fight with Celestia, there was no way he could go back, not now anyway.

He cast his gaze at the entrance of the cave, moving closer to it. A single step past the shimmering way would break the spell and reintegrate him with normal time. It was currently night outside, which generally only lasted for a few fleeting seconds before shifting into day.

Gazing up towards the moon, his heart skipped a beat. The cratered surface of it was gone, replaced with a clear circle of white. The silhouette of the Nightmare was gone.

Ghost bolted to the back of the cave, quickly gathering his things. Research notes, potions, his journal, all quickly shoved into his saddlebags. “Please be safe,” he whispered, placing the bags on his back. He walked to the front of the cave, giving one last look back to his makeshift home. Taking a deep breath, he stepped through the barrier, reintegrating himself with normal time.
He stumbled a bit, his body shuddering. He gagged a bit, depositing his recently eaten salad onto the forest floor. He took a few minutes, catching his breath. Casting a quick glance around, he frowned, noting that the forest had changed greatly since he had entered the cavern.
Something moving caught his attention. A small gray Unicorn, slightly larger than a schoolcolt, in what looked to be Lunar Guard armor, was walking amongst the bracken. He had two swords strapped to his back. The armor had the same crest as Ghost remembered, although the style was completely different. He appeared to be distracted watching a group of parasprites fly around a small clearing.

“Hail, traveler!” he called out, moving toward him, eyeing the swords. “Thou wears the crest of the night princess, tell us, hath she returned?”Ghost asked, feeling his heart hammering away in his chest. He took in a deep breath, doing his best to steady himself.

“Who goes there?” The gray Unicorn drew his blades, pointing them into the darkness. A Flare spell lit up the area. “Identify yourself!”

“We are prince Grey Ghost, free of our self imposed exile.” he explained, shielding his eyes from the light. “Please, tell us, has the Lunar Princess returned?” He felt the tingle of magic, an identification spell, run over him.

The Unicorn’s eyes widened for a moment in surprise, then, with a blink, his eyes became a masked, indifferent gaze. “She has.” He spun both swords before sheathing them. “Nightmare Moon is no more.” he fell to his knees in a bow. “Forgive me, my Prince, for my rudeness. I accept any punishment that you will upon me.”

“Please, rise.” Ghost said, looking at him “May we inquire your name?” Ghost asked, holding out his hoof to the smaller unicorn.

The guard looked at Ghost’s hoof uncertainly, before taking it and standing up. “My name is Dust. Dust Storm.” he spoke in an official manner. “Captain of the Lunar Guard, leader of Unit Seven, Head Researcher of Combat Magic.”

“Well met, Sir Dust Storm.” He said with a nod “Please escort us to Canterlot. We no longer knew our way through this wretched forest.” He said, gesturing to the area around them.

The small Unicorn bowed his head. “As you wish.” he said. “Please follow me, Prince Ghost.” Dust turned around, starting a path through the thick forest ground.

“Tell me sir Dust, hath the Crystal Empire returned?” He asked, following his escort. It felt good to be out of the way and actually using his muscles for once. “It has been so long since we have seen home.”

“Yes, the Crystal Empire is once again in the Frozen North.” he answered. “I’ve been told a lot about you, Prince Ghost. Princess Luna speaks of you very often.”

“Have thou?” He asked, tilting his head. “Please tell us what hath heard of us.”

“Well… I know well about your father. King Sombra, was it? He returned too, with the Crystal Empire.” Dust reached the top of the slope, looking back at Ghost. “However, like before, he was banished by the power of the Crystal Ponies.”

“He was a good king once. Dark magic corrupted him.” He said with a sigh “ We are glad to hear the the empire is well.”

“Princess Luna will be happy to hear that you are well.” the smaller gray Unicorn stopped for a moment to get his bearings, before turning towards another way. “I’ll need to make a quick stop to visit a friend.”

Ghost nodded his head, following after him. He stared at his hooves, lost in thought. How would his mother react to his return. How would Celestia? They had not parted on good terms and he had long since regretted what had been said.

They reached an odd little hut in the middle of the forest. Dust raised a hoof and knocked. There was a few moments of silence, then the door opened. A Zebra stood there, a rather herb-laced smell wafting from the hut, strange bangles around her neck and legs.

“Hello, Zecora.” Dust saluted. “Do you have more potion ingredients? The storages in Canterlot are running low, our shipments got delayed.” He pulled out a list with his magic. “Of course, I’ll pay you double, as usual.”

“If it is potion ingredients you seek, then come in, have a peek.” She opened the door wide, allowing Dust to step in. She smiled at Ghost. “Who is this stranger? I hope he’s not a danger.”

Dust shook his head. “Not a threat.” Looking over at Ghost, he asked, “Are you coming in? This’ll only take a minute or two.”

“Well met dear zebra.”Ghost said with a bow before walking in ask Dust. He looked around, the hut reminding him of his old quarters in the castle.

Dust looked around the shelves, taking a few ingredients off and sliding them into his bag. “Thank you, Zecora.” he said, when he was done. He took out a money pouch and slid across a pile of small gold coins- Bits.

“Farewell, Dust, may your journey be just.” she waved them off as they left.

“We did not realize there was an alchemist in the Everfree.” Ghost said, eyeing Dust’s back a bit.

“She’s not exactly… an Alchemist. She has foreign magic abilities of all kinds.” The forest seemed to be getting thinner, small rays of sunlight poking through the forest roof. “I’m one of the few that is actually permitted to visit her solo, as I’m certified for single combat.”

“We were never one for combat. We specialize in defensive and illusion magic,”he said motioning to his cutie mark, which was of a shield draped with a cloak.

“Ah,” Dust revealed his two crossed, sparkling swords on his flank. “Defensive magic evades me, I cannot seem to learn it no matter how hard I try.”

They reached the edge of the forest, both Ponyville and Canterlot in view, Canterlot being fairly far off.

“We don’t remember this village.”Ghost said with a frown, looking at ponyville “We assume it is new?”

“Ponyville? It’s been around for a hundred years or so.” Dust answered. “Whew, finally out of there. Now we can just teleport back.”

“We thank you sir Dust Storm for your assistance.” Ghost said giving a bow before lighting his horn, teleporting to the castle.

Dust arrived soon after, teleporting next to Grey. He shook his head, holding a hoof to it. “Ugh. I hate teleportation.” he muttered. “Come on now, we’re near the throne room. I’ll inform them of your arrival.”

Ghost nodded, following after him. He took a deep breath, letting it out slowly, trying to calm his racing heart, failing utterly to do so.

As Ghost waited outside the throne room, he heard voices.

“Evening, Princess Luna, Princess Celestia.”

“What have we told you about formal treatment with us?” Celestia’s voice spoke up.

“Try again,” Luna’s voice was gentle and playful.

“Erm… Luna. Celestia. There’s somepony important here to see you two,” he turned to the door and nodded.

Ghost took another deep breath before walking into the throne room. “Mother, we hath returned,” he said, giving a small bow. He closed his eyes, awaiting their reactions, hearing his heartbeat pounding in his ears.

There was complete and utter silence as the two mares stared at the prostrated Grey. No one, save Dust, dared to move, even breathe for their own fears of losing the other if they did. Celestia was the first to advance, hesitantly stepping toward him. She reached out, lifting his chin up so he would face her, “Grey…?”

Dust bowed his head and left the room, letting the reunited family have their time together.

“Yes, dear aunt, ‘tis us, Grey Ghost.” He said with a smile, looking up into her eyes. “We would have returned sooner, alas time magic is rather imprecise.” He turned toward Luna, a smile on his face. “It is so good to see you again mother..”He choked out, tears flowing down his face.

Luna was also crying with happiness. “Silly son, we don’t talk that way anymore.” she pulled him into a hug. “Oh, how I’ve missed you.”

“Welcome back, Ghost.” Celestia said, an awkward smile on her face. Clearly, she could still remember their last encounter as well.

“We want to apologize Celestia, our last meeting ended harshly and we hath long since regretted it..” He said, lowering his head in apology.

“No, it was my mistake.” Celestia stepped up to him, bowing her own head. “I- I was too hasty in my decision. I just couldn’t afford to wait any longer, and… I took the only option that I knew. I should have looked harder. I… just couldn’t think of that… thing as my sister.”

“Nor could we think of it as our mother.” He said shaking his head. “Tis good to be home.” He said stepping forward, giving Celestia a hug.

“Hold on a moment.” Luna gave Ghost a quick hug and kiss before heading out, to catch up with Dust Storm. “Dust! Wait!”

He turned around, already at his doorway. “Luna? Is there anything you needed?” he asked, taking his magic off the knob.

“I… no, we wanted to thank you. For bringing Ghost back. You’ve helped repair the family.” she said, smiling at him. “Truly, you have our gratitude.”

He was silent for some time, before nodding and bowing his head. “I’m only doing my job, Luna. If there’s nothing else that you need me for, then I shall go back to my research.”

Luna nodded. “Thank you again, Dust Storm.” They shook hooves before each retreating to their respective destinations.
“You’ve missed so much.” Luna said filling him in on the details of what happened when he was gone. Considering it was about a thousand years, she wasn’t able to get very far in just an hour.

“That is a lot to take in.” Ghost said, looking at Luna. He had taken most of it well, though at the mention of Cadence and Shining Armor ruling the Crystal Empire, a scowl grew across his face.

“I haven’t even told you the half of it.” she sighed, pouring them another cup of tea. Her eyes roved over to the training grounds, where Dust Storm was practicing on magical training dummies. “You know… you need a personal guard again.”

“That we… I do.” He said with a nod, trying to modernize his speech. “Sir Dust Storm was rather skilled from what little I saw.” He said, smirking at the ease of which he was adapting his speech.

“Yes, he’s one of the leading combatants in the Lunar Guard.” Luna sipped her tea. “It’s how he managed to attain the Captain rank at his young age. I think he would be more than qualified to protect you.”

“Then we... er I would like to make him captain of the Phantom Guard.” Ghost said nodding, taking a sip of his tea. “Your tea is as marvelous as ever mother.”

She laughed. “Thank you, son. And if you wish, we can speak with him about this. He’s currently under my direct command, but I’m sure he would be more than willing to serve another member of the Royal Family.”

“Then let us be off.” He said with a nod, finishing up his tea and standing up. “I wish to discuss this matter with him face to face.”

They trekked down to the training grounds, where Dust was still at it, his magic energy swirling around him as he blasted back the combat dummies. He noticed Luna and Ghost, his magic receding. Breathing hard, he straightened his posture, bowing once more.

“What did I say about formal treatment?” Luna reminded him.

“Sorry.” he looked back at them. “How can I be of service?”

“Sir Dust Storm, I wish to speak to you on an important matter.” Grey said, looking him over. “I am reforming my guard, the Phantom Guard, and I find myself in need of a captain.”
Dust’s face remained emotionless as always. “You… wish me to be the Captain?” he finally asked, after an awkward pause.

“Yes I do.” Grey said with a nod. “I believe you will fill the role nicely.”

Dust looked over at Luna, who nodded. He hesitated for a moment. “Then… am I no longer your personal guard, Luna?”

“No.” she admitted. “But I trust you will protect my son. Please, will you do this?”

Dust though for a while longer, before nodding and bowing to Ghost. “Then I am at your service.”

“There is no need to bow to me,” Grey said with a smile. “Now, where will I be staying? I can’t imagine my quarters are still available.” He said, turning to look at Luna.

“You could use Dust’s room. It was a Royal Suite, but he never used it.” She looks over at him with a smile. “He prefers sleeping in his research room. When he does sleep, that is.”

“I will take it, if it is alright with Sir Dust,” Ghost said, a smile on his face.

“Of course. And it’s just… Dust.” the smaller gray pony nodded. “Is there anything you request of me, Prince Ghost?”

“Nay Sir Dust, you deserve respect.” Ghost said looking at him. “If you would be so kind as to show me to mine room, I would be most grateful.”

Dust looked a little uncomfortable. “Please, my Prince, the formal treatment is not necessary.” he adjusted his armor slightly. “My research room and bedroom are in the tallest tower of the castle. It would be faster to teleport.”

“Then I shall leave you to your training. Report to me when you are finished.” Ghost said, lighting up his horn, vanishing in a flash of green. Once inside of the tower, he wandered for a bit before walking into Dust’s room, closing his eyes.

The room looked completely unused, but was well-kept regardless. There was a large bathroom, complete with a giant bathtub, and an ornate sink. The bed was also very large, with thick drapes over the sides. A few banners bearing the Lunar Guard crest hung from the walls, and books lined the shelves of the room. There was a set of double doors leading out to a balcony overlooking the gardens.
Ghost sighed as he looked around heading into the bathroom to clean himself up.

“Dust Storm, a moment please.” Luna called out, catching Dust just as he walked back onto the training grounds. Besides the two of them, the field was empty.

“Yes, Pr-.” He stopped, catching himself. “Yes, Luna?”

“Let us spar.” she said looking at him before summoning up her own weapon, an ebony bladed double bladed sword.

“Very well.” Dust unsheathed both his swords, casting a spell over his katanas, a training spell that made sure the blades would never actually make contact with a body.

“Do you know why I wish for you to guard my son?” Luna asked, walking around him, twirling her sword around in her magic.

“I do not.” he answered, carefully following her movements, readying one blade to defend.

She struck out, her blade colliding with his, pushing him back a step. “It’s because he needs more than just a guard, he needs a friend.”

Dust quickly deflected the blow, knowing he didn’t have the strength to lock blades for long. He slid to the side, striking with his other sword, quiet for the time being.

“I know friendship should come naturally but he will need more than me and Tia if he is to adjust to this world.” she continued, unleashing a flurry of strikes. “Nobels will try to use him, seeing how he is like a foal to this new world.”

Dust’s agility allowed him to keep up with the attacks, although his strength was slowly sapping from all the blocks. Concentration showed on his face, but he still managed to speak. “I understand. I will do my best to make sure that does not happen.” He began dodging the next series of attacks, as opposed to wasting his stamina trying to parry.

“I would also like for you too keep his father’s fate a secret, at least for now. Grey would not react well to his father’s death.” she said, spinning her blade, aiming at his horn.

Dust chose to block this attack with the flat of one of his swords, tilting it so her blade slid away. “Are you asking me to conceal the truth, Luna?” while her blade was still disbalanced, he swung the other sword, the metal glinting in the moonlight.

“In a way, I should be the one to tell him. I am afraid of what he might do if he found out some other way.” she said jumping back, steadying her blade.

“I understand.” he moved quickly forward as she moved back, taking advantage of the opportunity, using magic to boost himself into the air, twirling rapidly, causing a cloud of dust to encircle him and his spinning swords: his signature battle technique that earned him his name, the Dust Storm.

Luna split her sword in two halves, using them to parry Dust’s swords. “You are certainly improving Dust.”

The block caused Dust to lose his balance in the technique, crashing to the ground, his blades scattering across the ground. “I’m still not good enough.” he answered. stirring on the ground.

“It will come in time.” she said with a faint smirk, her swords floating at Dust’s throat. “I would say that was a match well fought.”

“Let us try this again.” He used his hoof to push one of the blades away, getting up, retrieving his swords. “I need to improve on the cyclone, make the Eye of the Storm smaller. I can’t let myself have such a large opening.”

They went back to their sparring, the clash of swords ringing through the night, the sparks lighting up the field.


There was a knock at Ghost’s door. “Prince Ghost? You asked me to report in when I was finished training?” It was Dust Storm.

“Please come in.”Ghost said, walking onto the balcony.

The door opened and Dust walked in, wearing patrol armor instead of the training armor from earlier, his two trademark blades at his side. “Evening, Prince Ghost.” he bowed, setting his bags down to the side.

“Please, if you wish me to simply call you Dust, then you will have to call me Ghost.” He said with a grin, lifting his head up.

Dust hesitated, then nodded. “I’ve completed my training hours, and I’ve finished my patrol schedule.” As usual, he avoided eye contact and spoke in a rather flat tone.

“Good.” Ghost said, nodding his head. “I asked you here for a simple reason Dust.” Ghost said, noting the small pony’s behavior. “My mother avoided the question so I shall ask you, what has become of King Sombra?”

Dust paused for a moment. “I was under direct instruction not to tell you.” he answered.

“I see.”He said. “Thank you Dust Storm, you are dismissed for the night, report to the training fields at dawn.”

Dust nodded. “I will see you then Pri-” he paused. “I will see you then, Ghost.” he corrected himself. It was rather obvious that he was struggling not to bow as he exited.

Ghost realized, a while after Dust had exited, that his bag was left behind. Curiosity got the better of him, as he noted a book sticking outside of it, titled A History of the Crystal Empire Vol 3. Ghost closed the door with his magic, hopping up onto the bed. Levitating the book in front of him, he began skimming.

“N-no..”He whispered softly, his voice barely audible, tears streaming down his face. He let out a cry of rage, throwing the book against the wall before breaking down into sobs. He curled up above the covers, crying long into the night before sleep eventually claimed him.

“I cannot help but feel troubled, Tia,” Luna said, looking up at her sister.

“Troubled dear sister? I expected you to be ecstatic with Grey Ghost’s return.” Celestia said, sipping her tea. The two alicorns were currently in Celestia’s chambers, enjoying some tea before night court began.

“I just…” she sighed. “I feel that he is not real anymore. Like an apparition.”

“What do you mean sister? He seemed real to me.” Celestia said, raising her eyebrow.

“I fear I shall lose him again, like his father,” she looked aside.

“Luna, I don’t think you have anything to worry about.” She said, placing a wing around her sister. “Ghost loves you.” She said giving her a smile.

Luna smiled back weakly, “Sombra loved me as well, and now he is gone.”

“That wasn’t your fault Luna, you know this.” She said her gaze hardening just a bit.

“Do you think I don’t know that?” she turned.

“I apologize Luna, it’s just you still burden yourself with Nightmare Moon’s actions, I don’t want you putting Sombra’s actions on your shoulders as well.” She said nuzzling her. “Sister… you have told him about Sombra right...?”

Luna hesitated. “I… shall tell him when I feel he’s ready. As far as he knows, his father died of old age, as corrupt as he was when he left.”

“He isn’t going to react well, he didn’t when he learned Sombra and the empire vanished.”She said looking into her tea, a frown on her muzzle.

Luna choked back tears, “I can’t bear to remember any more right now.”

Celestia said no more, pulling her sister close to her, wing wrapped tightly around her. “I’ve sent letters to Twilight and Cadence requesting their presence. Twilight and the elements should be here by the morning.”

Luna held Celestia tightly, “Good. I… I must attend to my duties.”

“Good night dear sister.”She said nodding her head, releasing her hug. “I shall see you in the morning.”

Luna stood, ruffling her wings and nodding, “Goodnight, Tia.” She turned and left the bedchambers silently, the doors swinging closed with a soft click.