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Episode 7 - Natsu and Discord!

Erza and the others are completely oblivious that Discord changed bodies with Natsu. Still it will be trouble if he can’t shut Natsu up if he blabs that they changed bodies... Then again.. Who would believe Discord?! The Entity of chaos in all of Equestria... Discord is a bit of an advantage since he ‘looks’ like Natsu..

“Hey Natsu!” Grey shouts at him to get his attention, but Natsu was in deep thought..
“Hey! I’m talking to you” Grey grabs Natsu’s arm to make him look back.

“Unhand me you swine!” Natsu broke Grey’s grip and pushes him backwards..

“What the heck Natsu! What’s up with you today?!” Lucy who is helping grey stand up asked Natsu.

“Oh... I’m sorry about that... I’m just a bit.. Startled.. Yeah, startled!” Natsu (or Discord) made a cheap excuse to Lucy... But Lucy already noticed something was wrong with him... She ignores her suspicions and moved on with the search...


Discord (Or Natsu) Finds himself on top of a tree in the middle of nowhere, he shake himself up to focus his vision..

“What the... Hey where am I? And why do I feel weird?” Natsu puts his hands on his face, but as soon as he sees his hand he freaks out..

“WOAH!! Why is my hand like this?! And why am I in a Dragons body?! And~~” Natsu stops and thinks the situation for a moment... Then he smiles a bit.

“I’m a dragon...” He thoughts, as he dreams to be a dragon like Igneel.. But then snaps back to reality and finally figures out who or what body he is in..

“I’m in Discords BODY?! NO WAY!!” Natsu panics and shouts on top of his lungs that of all things he could change body, why it has to be Discord! He got so mad that he pounded his fist together and busted out a huge fire wing slash at a nearby field, nearly destroying the place in the process...

Natsu then realized that he still got his magical abilities somehow. Despite being in Discords body.. The only problem is... His strength is greatly lowered by Discord’s physical appearance.

Natsu jumps down of the tree, but he took the full force of the impact falling down causing him to scream in pain... He didn't realize that the tree he is in was particularly a home of a certain canary-yellow Pegasus; Fluttershy was going home after cleaning up the town hall saw Discord near her house. Natsu saw the familiar pony walking up the road and waved at her, Fluttershy was scared beyond herself standards and stood there motionless.

“Hey Butterfly! It’s a good thing I saw you, You need to help me with something and~” Fluttershy squealed in fear as Discord walks towards her… Which she didn't know yet that it was really Natsu…

“P-please... D-don't come any closer!” Fluttershy tries to be more threatening in front of Discord and pretended to be brave.. Buts literally shivering in total fear..

“What’s the matter? It’s me, Natsu! You know... The one who performed on you horses earlier?”
Natsu tried to Explain to her that he was Natsu.. But clearly she was too scared to talk to him

Natsu understands completely on how he could convince her that he really is Natsu..

He once more performed the act that he did in the town hall.. He pounded his fist once more and jumped up to the top of the tree and blasted his flames to create the Emblem of their guild towards the ground, same thing he did in the performance.

Fluttershy forgets her fear of Discord.. But now she fears that the fact that he almost burned down the chicken coop down... She finally believes him and walks towards him to ask what happened..

Natsu told her that Discord and him switched bodies.. And don't know how to get back to his body.. For now he’s trapped in Discords body..

“Long story short... This is how I ended up to his idiotic body.. I mean COME ON! What kind of dragon would have so much different body parts it doesn't make any sense at all!!" Natsu became more frustrated on what Discord looks like, even more when his physical abilities are weaker than his original body.

“T-that is... Strangely odd.. uhm...” Fluttershy blushed a bit, yet at the same time felt awkward that the fact she is talking to Discord... Although it was Natsu she is talking to.

“Wait... Your friends with that... Twinkle~ what’s her name right?” Natsu thought of a certain Lavender pony who can also use magic..

“You mean Twilight?” Fluttershy said as she looks back at Natsu..

“Yeah! That’s her... Maybe she could help”

“She might”

“Alright, and then let’s go get her!” Natsu was about to leave when Fluttershy stopped him. Natsu looked back at her wondering what could be the problem..

“What’s the matter?” He asked the Yellow Pegasus with a concerned look on her face. She looked at Natsu trying to make him notice what she is trying to tell him, which he did.

“Oh.. I see.. I’m Discord.. Blast it!” Natsu got really frustrated which Fluttershy backed away, fearing she might catch on fire.

“I-I uhm.. I’ll go and get them, I-If you want to..” She said to Natsu, As he nods to Fluttershy to go on ahead.. Fluttershy flapped her wings and began her way to Twilight’s Library..



The group walks deeper in the forest searching for Discord..

“Natsu, are you sure that you threw him towards here?” Erza asked as they walked to the forest.

“DON’T ASK SO MUCH!!” Natsu shouts at Erza who really had enough at Natsu’s Behavior and punched him straight.

“I have enough of this Natsu.. What is wrong with you? And why are you acting like this?” Erza asked him directly..

Happy went close to help Natsu up, but knocks him over like a rag doll.

“HAPPY!” Lucy Catches the blue winged cat, as he starts to cry.

“Natsu!! Why did you hit me like that?!” Happy lets out a loud cry as he weeps through Lucy’s shoulder..

“I understand that you would be frustrated, But hitting Happy?! It’s not like you Natsu”
Grey went to calm the crying Happy, as Natsu stood up by himself.

“Well things change!! And I don't give a darn thing about my attitude so back off!” Natsu kept on shouting angered by them being too nosy.

Erza can’t just stand there and do nothing. She then about to give Natsu a hard punch to the head, when he blocked it with his bare hands... Erza and the others watched as Natsu blocks Ezra’s punch... Which he never actually did once!

Erza who felt something was definitely wrong with Natsu, because in all her years... He never actually sees Natsu this serious before... Only in battles at least.

Natsu gave Erza a mighty punch, but Erza was fast on her feet and quickly dodged his attack..
Another thing Erza notices that Natsu didn't use his fire magic on her, usually when he attacks her he gives his all to it and sends out at least a small amount of fire attack through his fist.

“Something tells me, that is not your friend” Gilda who was watching from behind tells the group. All of them tried to confront Natsu and tries to subdue him, but ran away.. They chased after him through the edge of the forest..


Natsu, was waiting for Fluttershy to come back, Went inside her house.. The animals there all got scared and hid from him. Especially Angel who locked himself in his little house and funny enough a note in his door said “Danger - Deep Excavation”

Natsu didn’t notice the animals living in Fluttershy’s house at all... He went in to look for food, as he was a bit hungry...

“What?! No meat? Oh, Come on!!” Natsu rants as he searches the entire kitchen for something her really can eat... But to no luck.

He got out of the house just as a group of ponies heading to Fluttershy’s house. The ponies gasped in surprise, as they see Discord came out of the house.

“It’s Discord!!” Rainbow Dash Shouted.

“Oh my goodness!!” Rarity fainted and drops to the ground... Before giving a short comment of herself being dirty..

“Get him!!” Applejack Charges towards Discord, which she didn't know it’s actually Natsu.

“What the~ “Natsu barely finished his sentence before a hard painful kick to the groin came to his sensation.. Natsu nearly screams as Applejack begins bombarding him with kicks.

Fluttershy tries to explain to Applejack that, that in fact is Natsu and not Discord..

Twilight, who was with them stopped applejack before she could do a lot of damage to Natsu..

“Hey! Leggo’ Twi! It’s Discord! Its~”

“Its Natsu AJ..”

“Say wha-?”

“You heard me... Its Natsu” Twilight goes to the pained filled Natsu and tries to calm him down..
Despite the pain he is feeling... He understands why they attacked him.

Later, Natsu recovered and tells the entire group what he told Fluttershy earlier..
Twilight thinks about the situation for a second then looks at Natsu..

“Hmm... This is strange.. I never heard of Body Transfer before”

“Yeah? Well in our world, Body Transfer is a form of Magic some wizards can do” Natsu Replies Twilight who doesn’t seem to understand..

“Are there such Spells to return you back to normal?” Twilight asked him. Completely understanding some of what he is referring to.

“There are some Wizards that can do such thing but they’re back at our world you see”
Natsu replied...

“Then, we shall find somepony who can help”

“Or someone...”