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Prologue - First Job of the Day!

“ERZA!!!” Natsu shouted as the huge beast threw Erza.

“Go help Erza! I’ll deal with this!” Grey commanded Natsu

“No way! Since when I take orders from you?!” Natsu stubbornly ignored Grey's order

“I'm not ordering you Natsu! I'm just asking you to help her! GO!” Gray shouted back.

“Alright! Just leave some for me! Don't go hogging all the glory!” Natsu shouted as he ran towards his injured teammate Erza while Grey fought with the beast. Happy who was taking care Lucy who was thrown back as well, noticed Natsu retreating from the fight.

“Where are you going Natsu?!” Happy inquired as Natsu passed by him.

“I need to check on Erza, she was thrown somewhere around here!” Natsu ran off to the forest to look for Erza.
Meanwhile Gray was having trouble fighting the beast.

“Ice wizard power... CANNON!” Grey proceeded to repeatedly blast the beast with ice missiles, but even his strongest attack couldn't leave a scratch on the monster's tough skin.

“This doesn't look good! At this rate this monster will reach Lucy!” Grey continued to assault the monster, while Happy tried to assist Lucy by healing her injured leg.

“Thanks Happy, that should hold it a while” Lucy stood up and ran to Grey to provide support

“Gate of the Lion I open thee! LEO!” the ringing of a bell echoed through the cavern, and Leo the Lion appeared

“What can I do for you, Fair Lucy?” Leo said while kneeling in a gentlemanly fashion. Lucy blushed furiously both shyness and embarrassment.

“He likes you! He totally likes you” Happy said, his face wearing a distinctive smile upon it.

“Knock it off!!!” She shouted at Happy then quickly turns her attention to the beast.

“Leo, Buy us some time and keep that thing from leaving this place! We can't allow it to reach the town!!” Lucy instructed
Leo nodded in confirmation and ran to Grey's position to provide support.
Natsu's search for Erza took him to the middle of the forest.

“ERZA!” Natsu Shouted as he looked for Erza

“Over here!” A distinctive cry could be heard below. Erza was clinging to a branch nearly but her grip was failing.
Natsu grabbed Erza just as it snapped, and began to pull her to safety.

“Thanks Natsu, but what about the beast?” Erza asked as she cleared some dust on her armor

“Grey is still fighting that thing, hopefully he left some for me!” Natsu punched his fists together as he looked over to where the battle was underway.

“Then we have no time to idle here, now do we?” Erza changed to her “Fire Empress” Armor

“Now that's what I'm talking about!!” Natsu Pounded his fist together again in Excitement as they returned to battle...

“About time you got back!” Grey Shouted sarcastically, but it couldn't belay the annoyed tone in his voice due to the fact he was left behind. Although he was the one who asked Natsu to go help Erza.

“Keep your shorts on!” Natsu shouted at Grey!

“Easy for you to say! I'm getting pounded here!” Grey already puffing stood as he watched Leo fight the monster

“No, Seriously keep your shorts on! you took them off a minute ago...” Erza enforced Natsu’s comment as Grey noticed that he did it again...

“This is no time to joke around you guys!! That thing is about to reach Magnolia!!” Lucy said to her team as they all agreed to team up once again

“Happy!!” Natsu called to his winged cat

“Yeah!!” Happy called out

“Let's give this guy a heavy dose of KNUCKLE SANDWICHES!” Natsu roared

“He does realize that he used improper grammar?” Lucy commented on Natsu’s uproar.
Natsu ascended in the air carried by Happy, straight towards the monsters face.
Natsu pounded both of his fists causing his magic to erupt

“FIRE DRAGON! WING SLASH!” Natsu released a huge amount of powerful flames and hit the monster going full throttle.

“Ice Wizard Power! BLADE SHOWER!”
Grey summoned a barrage of Ice daggers and fired them at the monsters abdomen

“AHH!” Erza flew up to the monster and performed a surge of fiery slashes. Damaging the monster through his armor-like scales
Leo kept on hitting it with full force
All of them attacked the monster at once until it finally collapsed as a sign of its defeat.

“SUCCESS!” They all cheered as they finished the job.
They went back to the guild to collect their hard earned reward.
An hour of rest later, Natsu went on to look for another job, when a particular job caught his eye

“Hey let's do this next!” He tore the poster down and showed it to his team..

“Huh? What’s this?” Lucy reads it out loud

“We need of your assistance! A terrible crisis has befallen the land of Equestria and we need your help! We could usually handle such a crisis before, but because we have lost our most powerful artifacts the ‘Elements of Harmony’ we can do little to stop this... Please we need help urgently!

“That seems easy enough. But who is Celestia?” Lucy asked as she continued reading it

"And where is Equestria?! It doesn't say where in this part of region... or on any of our world maps!"

"Must be somewhere around here!" Natsu told Lucy, he was completely oblivious that Equestria didn't exist in their world, Lucy ignored Natsu and looked at the reward for the mission... She nearly choked on the cake she was eating.

“90,000,000,000 JEWELS?!” They all said in unison as they all became pumped up!

“OH YEAH! NOW I'M ALL FIRED UP!” Natsu Boasted.

“Let’s get this show on the road!” Grey Said in complete confidence.

“Locked and loaded!!” Happy Shouted

“I just love a good adventure.” Erza said as they went out for their mission.
Makarov who was listening to them, knew that they obviously didn't know where they were going, so he followed the group to show them the way to Equestria.

“So gramps... Where is this Equestrica is?” Natsu asked the guild master.

“There he goes again... Wrong grammar.” Lucy said promptly just to annoy everyone around her

“It’s called Equestria, Not Equestrica! And it’s not from our world Natsu.” Makarov said as they approached a huge mirror like gate way.

“Is that what I think it is?!” Gray asked as he gazes to the colossal mirror in front of him

“Yes, It’s the mirror of the Ice Giant. They say with the right magic, it could transport humans like us to another dimension.” Makarov explained

“Sweet! We could meet some aliens!” Natsu already in a pumped up state

“Now hold just one minute there Natsu!!” Makarov clobbered him in the head with his staff to shut him up. Natsu gave out a yell of pain.

“Just remember one thing in there, Natsu... DONT DESTROY THE DARN PLACE! Remember the last time in Fiore port?”
Makarov reminded him of the incident that happened a year ago.

“That was then! This is now!” Don't worry I won’t do anything this time! Trust me!” Natsu assured the old man

“That's what I'm afraid of.” Makarov muttered to himself as he proceeded to open the gate.

After a couple of minutes the mirror gave a bright shine the portal was open.
Lucy went in first followed by happy, then gray, then Erza. Natsu was about to go last when Makarov stopped him

“What is it gramps?” He asked

“Just don't do anything stupid there. Okay Natsu?” He asked the question one last time. Just to make absolutely sure.

“Trust me gramps, I won’t!” he said to the old man. Satisfied he let him go.

“Okay now when you go in don't just go barging in~”


Makarov literally dropped his jaw down to the earth as he watched Natsu charged in full blast to the mirror! As soon as he got in his flames damaged the right side on the mirror causing it to shatter and collapse completely. Makarov just stood there motionless, in shock of what just happened to the mirror. And what suppose to be the only way back to their world. “NATSU!!” Was the only words came out of his mouth.