• Published 13th May 2014
  • 768 Views, 10 Comments

Two Background Ponies Revisit Season Four - Piccolo Sky

With Season Four over, the "Two Background Ponies" go back over all 26 episodes and recap the reactions they've had over the past six months.

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Power Ponies

Power Ponies

Over a urban street landscape, late at night with a full moon hanging low and wisps of clouds or smog rolling by, there was a scene outside a city amusement park that looked rather ghastly. Scores of dead fairgoers and children with horrible, twisted grins on their dead faces, and numerous police officer ponies forming a barricade around the area and aiming their weapons inside.
Inside a circus tent within the fair pavilion, there were already a couple dead officers looking much the same as the innocent victims. There was no other sign of life for a moment...before a brilliant white flash went out and, seeming to be sucked out of a hole in reality, a green and blue pony were drawn out of a cosmic portal and deposited right inside...both wearing superhero costumes. After they landed and the portal closed, they both stared forward a moment...before the green one turned and glared at the blue one.

"...You told me you looked at the back cover of that comic before you bought it and made sure it had an 'ending'."

The blue one shrugged. "No comic book ever 'ends' nowadays! How was I supposed to know the shop in town started carrying the enchanted ones?"

"Those comics only killed 30 ponies this year alone, Sam!" Carl snapped in response, before facehooving. "Ugh...no wonder PC Comics is going out of business..."

"Yeah, especially considering kids are the ones who read most of them..." Sam groaned before looking at himself. "Let's see...I'm dressed in black...triple-weave Kevlar across my chest...my little 'accessory belt'-"

"Utility belt, man! Utility belt! Sheesh! You're like one of those guys that calls action figures 'dolls', aren't you?"

"...So I guess that makes me Batpony." He turned his head to Carl. "...You must be Sparrow."

Carl looked uneasy. "...First, second, or third generation? Or that fourth one from 'The Dark Warhorse Returns'?"


"Thank Celestia I'm not second. Especially since the villain in this one is-"

He was cut off by an insane cackling, and both Sam and Carl looked to the source...just in time to see a ghastly, white-faced, green-maned, purple-suited stallion walking out of the shadows, looking completely crazy and malevolent as he gazed at both of them.

"...The Jester." Carl finished.

"Glad you could make it to my three-ring circus, Bats and Birdboy!" The Jester cackled. "Hope you have fun at my greatest show in Equestria!"

Both Sam and Carl grimaced.

"...We can't go back unless we stop him, can we?"


"Sh't. Terrific...and I don't even have superpowers... Alright..."

Sam began to reach for his utility belt. "First things first...which one of these pockets has the gas mask? Because I am not about to risk getting a faceful of Jester Venom doing this... Then I guess you run around behind so he doesn't slip away and I'll try-"


Sam immediately snapped his head up in shock, to see that Carl had picked up a revolver off of one of the dead policeponies and had just shot the Jester in the chest. The pale-face clown pony only had a second to look shocked and gagged before he collapsed to the ground. He tried to do his signature insane laugh...but that was a bit hard with a bullet having ripped his pleural sacs and one of his heart valves. After that happened, Carl calmly walked up to him, pointed the revolver at his head and fired the remaining five shots into it. That done, he exhaled and tossed the gun away, then looked back to Sam.

"Mission accomplished."

Sam was a bit slack-jawed.

"You just..."

"Shot him to death. Yeah...something Batpony should have done sometime in the 1980s after the Jester started boasting about how easy it was for him to escape Arklay Asylum and racked up another 20 or so innocent lives every time he got out. Technically, Batpony is the villain by letting these guys get away with mass murder in every issue so he doesn't have to get his hooves dirty. Either that or a blithering moron."

Before anything else could be said, both ponies were sucked back into a white flash out of the carnival tent...

...and moments later, erupted out of the comic book in Sam's house and landed in a pile in front of it. They both groaned and grunted before climbing off of each other and looking back to the comic, just in time to see it fade into thin air.

Carl frowned at it. "Good riddance."

"No kidding..." Sam griped. "Next time, I'm sticking with a nice, harmless Harvey Hare comic."

Carl slapped Sam up the side of the head at that. "Don't you dare, you idiot! How many ponies do you know in real life could survive an anvil being dropped on their heads?!"

Sam recoiled in pain, and then frowned as he rubbed his head. "...Technically, Princess Twilight Sparkle-"

Suddenly, Carl looked up, and then cut him off. "Wait...Sam?"

The blue stallion sighed. "Yeah?"

"...Didn't we kind of find out a couple weeks ago that things we thought were pure fiction occasionally turn out to be completely real?"


The two stood still a moment...before they heard police sirens in the distance. They soon grew even louder than that...before the sounds of wagon wheels outside of Sam's house ground to a halt. A moment later, both went a bit wide-eyed and looked to the door as they heard a furious pounding on it.

"Sam-Listens-to-Carl's-Problems! Incarlsistency! Open up in there! We have a warrant for your arrest for a murder committed in Trotham City!"

The two nervously looked to one another at that for a moment.

"What do we do?!"

"Only one thing to do! Escape into another comic book until the heat blows over!"

"Well...what other enchanted comic books do we have?!"

Carl snapped to one side, and soon came back with another one that he showed to Sam. Immediately...the blue stallion's face fell.

"...'The Pacing Dead'? Please tell me it's not the one while they're on the farm..."

"Eh...unfortunately it's after the Quartermaster has been introduced and after he lost an eye..."



…So how did the cops find us so fast?

…Sam, we got teleported into a comic book, forced to act out the roles of fake superheroes in a fake city, not to mention the fact we’re talking, colored ponies who wear clothes…and you’re worried about how the cops found us so quickly?

Alright, alright…but how’d we get out of those murder charges?

The same way everyone escapes punishment in Equestria, Sam. We bowed our heads, shed a few tears, and said: “We’re really sorry we made so much trouble for everyone. Could you find it in your hearts to forgive us someday?”

Oh yeah…