• Published 11th May 2014
  • 501 Views, 3 Comments

Angel's Carrot raid - Im_ded_lmao

Angel has been acting strange, stealing all the carrots of Ponyvile and ruining the day for a certian human.

  • ...

The Raid

Author's Note:

This is my first story and just to make it clear, I don't have much experience with writing but I tend to try my best. I plan to write different stories involving the main character in this story including his origin.

As for the idea of the story, I honestly have no idea how I came up with it. It just poped into my mind.

*yawn* I arose from my bed, my eyes blinking as Celestia's sun and all its glory beamed onto my face. The bedsheets laid on the oak wood floor aside my bed as a reminder of my night of tossing and turning. I stood and walked over to the dresser where i deposited my PJs. I looked to see what I had in stock. There was my tuxedo from last year at the Gala. On the left was a large tear which went clean through. Next to it hung my, quite frankly, poorly made, last minute costume for Nightmare Night. At last, there was my proper wardrobe, a pair of pants with a blood red tee. I slipped on my pants which were refurbished by Rarity one to many times. As for my shirt, it was actually quite clean. I headed downstairs to make my usual morning salad. Being in a world where there are only herbivores kinda changed my view on food. It felt barbaric to eat meat. I neared the staircase eager to start my day. I was going to take my first step down but then I suddenly slipped causing me to fall forward down the staircase.


Before long, I was upside down and head first against the front door. A banana peel taunted me as it laid next to me planing its next move. My legs were hanging above me as my mind tried to comprehend what had just happened. My head pulsed in pain.

"Hee hee!"


Two very familiar voices rang in my head.

"PINKIE PIE! RAINBOW DASH!" I yelled so loud I thought all of Ponyvile had heard.

Both of them emerged from my living room laughing their horse faces off. Rainbow Dash was barley able to stay airborne as she flew in next to me. Pinkie Pie was particularly bouncing off the walls as she followed.

"Ha ha ha! You should of SEEN your face!" Rainbow Dash continued chuckling.

"What the hell was that for?!" I asked as the two prankster ponies stood next to me.

"Its just some good o'l fun Natie!" Pinkie said as I regained my balance standing up.

"Yeah... but I could have gotten seriously hurt!" I said rubbing the back of my head.

"Aw... come on Nathan!" Rainbow Dash said, "You've gotta admit, it takes strategy to get up early and put a banana in just the right spot so that you would... FALL for it!" The duo again burst into laughter.

"So you two woke up early in the morning just to prank me?" I crossed my forearms. "I think I should be the one laughing" I said feeling they've reached a new low.

"Yeah, but You know what they say, the early pony gets the prank." Pinkie said as their laughing intensified.

"*sigh* Anyway, can you guys get out... I'm kinda getting ready for my day."

"Sure. Just don't slip on any more bananas while your at it!" Rainbow Dash added.

Their laughter exploded as I opened the door and led them outside where they calmly trotted (and flew) away looking for their next victim.

"Good grief that's over" I said slamming the door shut, making sure to lock it. I was going to walk into the kitchen when again I slipped on that diabolical peel.

"GOD DAMMIT" I yelled while laying on the floor.

I got back up and picked up the peel to finally put it in its place. Walking over to the kitchen I dumped the peel in the trash. I then went over to the kitchen counter and began to make my salad. The recipe for my salad was etched in my mind. I walked over to a cupboard and pulled out a bottle of apple cider that was kindly provided weekly by Applejack. I poured myself a glass and set it on my table. I grabbed a medium sized bowl and set if on the table along side the glass of cider. The rest of my salad was located in my garden. I walked out of my kitchen, past my living room and into the backyard. I continued over to patches of various vegetables. I picked out the needed veggies that were clearly ready for picking. Thanks to Applejack, I knew exactly which ones were ripe.

"Let's see... lettuce. Check. Onions. Check. Carrots. Check!"

I had everything in hand as I was about to turn around and head inside but suddenly, I heard a noise coming from across my home. The sound grew louder, then an unmistakable bunny appeared atop the fence dividing my garden from prying hooves.

"Oh... hi Angel" I said knowing he didn't understand.

"Where's Flutters?" I asked followed by a slight chuckle.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw the mare of question.

"Oh Angel... can you please tell me why your acting like this?" Fluttershy said flying over to where the angry bunny stood.

"Oh, hello Nathan" Fluttershy said turning towards me.

"Yeah... why is he acting like this?" I said as Angel hoped off the fence and into my garden.

"Oh... I have no idea. He's been like this since yesterday. Its been a wild goose chase" she said blowing a piece of her light pink mane away from her face.

He began cataloging through my various vegetables. He stopped at my freshly picked carrots.

"Oh! I get it now. He's just hungry" I said turning towards Fluttershy.

"No... that's not it. I've tried feeding him but he doesn't eat. He just goes about looking for carrots and not eating them. I wish I knew what was wrong" she said looking worried.

Angel suddenly jumped up onto my hands. Startled, I dropped each piece of my incomplete salad. He then took the two carrots I picked and hoped away in mesmerizing speed.

"Noo" I yelled lifting my hand towards the bunny.

Fluttershy followed Angel to the best of her ability as I hoped over the fence and did the same.

"Angel. Please slow down." Fluttershy was barley able to pursue the bunny.

He was holding two carrots about half the size of him but as if nothing he continued blazing through the streets of ponyvile. surprisingly, I eventually passed Fluttershy. I was prompted to gain my carrots to finish my salad and continue my day. I grew ever closer to Angel.

"I've... got... you... Now!" I trusted my hands as I prepared to catch the runaway carrot snatcher, But as if either by coincidence or fate, my progress was cut short by a banana peel.

I flew through the air and then plummeted to the ground rolling violently. When I finally stopped rolling along the harsh dirt floor, I was met with the laughter of two particular ponies that I knew all to well.

"Aww yeah! Second time!" Rainbow Dash hovered over my head. "I told you... not to slip on anymore---" I shut her muzzle before she could say anything else.

"Zip it!" I let go of her muzzle but she continued laughing.

"Woopie! You were all like, 'woosh' and then you were all like 'wee!'" Pinkie said mirroring every move I made in the past ten seconds.

"WHAT! THE!..." I felt an enormous headache that froze my words. I cupped my hand and laid it across my forehead.

"You know what? Never mind. Rainbow Dash, I need your help!" I stood up. "Your the fastest pegasus I know."

"As if I didn't already know" she said rubbing her chest with her hoof.

"I need you to..." she took a gasp of excitement. "Catch a bunny" I said with a straight face.

"What? Why?" She questioned.

"First of all, its your fault I'm asking you. Second, Angel took my carrots!" I said over exaggerated.

"Your kidding, right?" Rainbow Dash looked at me with a funny face.

"Well, Angel has been acting strange stealing carrots and all." I said.

Just then Flutters finally caught up.

"Hey Fluttershy" Rainbow Dash commented.

"Oh, hi Rainbow Dash" Fluttershy replied.

"Aren't we forgetting something? We need to find Angel" I said while punching my fist against the palm of my hand.

Each one of then gave an ethnic "yeah!"

"Looks like he was headed for Sweet Apple Acres" I said pointing in the direction of the famed apple orchard.

We were headed for Sweet Apple Acres. I turned around to see Pinkie sticking her face to the ground.

"You coming?" I asked.

Pinkie kept her face on the floor as the silence continued.

All I heard was the town of Ponyvile and all its residents getting ready for their day as I have originally intended.

"Umm... Pinkie?" I said walking towards her as the others continued on their way.

I eventually stood directly next to her. I bent down to her level and figured out what she was gazing at. It was a tiny ladybug, but it stood stiff.

"Come on Pinkie, we re-." She cut me of with a faint 'shhh'.

I know held my head in the same position as Pinkie.

"I'm... waiting... for... it... to... blink..." Pinkie Pie said moving her head lower.

I stood back up. I didn't want to tell her the truth so I didn't. Instead I began running towards Sweet Apple Acres waving a small goodbye at Pinkie. Surprisingly, i was able to catch up with Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.

"Where were you?" Rainbow Dash asked. "And where's Pinkie pie?"

"*sigh* Pinkie was just staring at a ladybug, having a starring contest with it..." there was a moment of silence. "A dead ladybug..."

Fluttershy nearly fainted as I said those words.

"You told Pinkie right?" Fluttershy asked sounding quite concerned.

I chuckled, "Nah... I decided to let her have her fun."

We eventually neared Applejack's barn.

I turned to R.D.,"Okay, Rainbow Dash, the moment you see Angel, I want you to fly after him."

"Not a problem." she said with a smile and determination on her face.

"Look" Fluttershy said pointing a hoof. "Its Applejack."

Applejack was chasing a small white figure out of a garden next to her main barn.

"Angel! Why you! Come back here!" She yelled chasing the bunny away.

Angel was now carrying a colossal burlap sack and was headed towards the Everfree. Applejack trotted after him but it was no use for Angel's speed.

"There he is!" Rainbow Dash bolted towards Angel with amazing speed.

With Rainbow Dash nearing Angel, he hoped up avoiding her and ultimately leading her into Applejack. The two collided as Angel made his escape. We ran over to then to make sure they were alright.

"Wow, that bunny is fast!" Rainbow Dash said with a surprised tone.

"What was that fer?" Applejack stood up pushing Rainbow Dash off her body.

"Same as you! Trying to catch Angel." Rainbow Dash said looming over to the sky.

Applejack stood back up and sprinted towards her raided garden. I expected to see a face of horror but instead she held a confused look.

"What in tarnation..." Applejack said looking around her garden, " He only took the carrots!"

Me and Flutters quickly followed as Rainbow Dash searched the ground by air. To my surprise she wasn't lying. Each and every vegetable was untouched except for the plucked carrots.

"What exactly is that bunny up to?" Applejack said diverting her gaze from the garden and to us.

"Oh, hey there Fluttershy, Nathan." She said walking towards Fluttershy. "Whats wrong with Angel?"

Fluttershy explained everything to her while I walked off searching for Rainbow Dash.

I cupped my hands and guided them to my mouth.

I yelled to the top of my lungs, "RAINBOW DASH!"

Applejack and Fluttershy took a brief moment to look at me but then dove back into their conversation.

"WOAH!" Rainbow"s voice echoed across the sky.

"What is it!?" I replied, my mind full of curiosity.

Rainbow Dash flew in next to me and said, "There's a HUGE orange mountain thingy in the Everfree!"

I couldn't believe her. Knowing her and her mischievous ways, there was no way I could believe her.

"An ORANGE mountain?" I burst out laughing. " What's next? A blu-"

Rainbow Dash stopped me there as she flew towards me.

"Look for your self!" She said putting her hoofs under my arms and flying towards the sky.

"Ahhh!!! Put me down put me down put me down!" I yelled kicking my feet. "Your going to get me killed!"

"You keep that up and your going to get yourself killed." She said presumably trying to help.

She was a good thirty feet up in the sky when I noticed a giant structure looming over the Everfree.

"For the love of Celestia... what is that?" I said motionless.

"I told ya." Rainbow Dash said going down back to land at a steady pace.

Sudden realization shot through my head as we headed downward.

"The carrots!" I said.

As my shoes touched the soft dirt, I ran towards Applejack and Fluttershy. The two had promptly finished their conversation and looked up at me.

"Your no going to believe this..." I said adding a dramatic pause that was immediately ruined by Applejack.

"Well, spit it out!" She said.

"Angel is using the carrots he's stolen... to build a castle!" I said pacing wildly.

It remained quiet until Applejack broke the silence. "That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard."

I saw Flutters flying up to confirm my suspicious. In a couple of moments, she was back on the ground.

"Oh my... he's right." Fluttershy shy said turning to the sceptical Applejack.

"How could... but he's just..." Applejack blurted out in confusion.

"Look... it may seem weird, but its the truth!" I said walking over to the a nearby tree. "We," I began pulling on a branch. "Are going to need," I pulled on it one last time. "A plan!" I said standing triumphantly with the broken branch in hand.

They all looked at me with blank faces. Both Rainbow and Applejack burst into laughter. Fluttershy stood there looking worried.

"What's so funny!?" I yelled dropping the stick.

They continued laughing while Fluttershy flew off towards the Everfree.

"I'm sorry Nathan. Its just..." Applejack collapsed in sheer laughter before finishing her sentence.

"But the carrots!" I exclaimed. "We need to get back those carrots!"

"They're just carrots." Applejack said walking over to me. "Your blowin this whole thing outta proportion. Now you just head home and get some breakfast in your system." She chuckled pushing me to the road that led back to Ponyvile.

"But..." I couldn't come up with an excuse to why Angel would need so many carrots.

I took a long pause. I turned to the lone pony standing behind me. Fluttershy was gone and I presume Rainbow Dash headed home already.

"I'd like to see you live your life without carrots!" I yelled.

"We will." She said. "There are much more things to eat besides carrots."

I kept walking down the deserted dirt road. I stuffed my hands into my pockets. The sun was hanging directly overhead. I remained silent as I entered Ponyvile. I saw Pinkie, still with her head on the floor and her focus on the dead ladybug. I passed her not saying a word. She noticed me and immediately sprung up looking at me.

"What's wrong Natie?" She said with a big smile.

"Its... its nothing, just hungry that's all." I said looking at her not able to keep a frown on my face.

"Aww... I'll be happy to bake ya something!" She said with enthusiasm.

"No... I'm good. Thank you any way." I replied continuing to my house.

She happily began to skip to Sugarcube Corner while I went the opposite way.

I reached my home. Walking up to the door I grasped the nob tightly and attempted to open the door. The door was stiff, not moving from its position. I grasped it tighter.

"Come on... you stupid door!" I gave one fierce tug.

I flew back and landed straight on my back.
"*sigh* Could this get any worse?" I said followed by the sound of lightning then rain.

A voice echoed above me.

"Oops, sorry." A female voice said.

I looked up and saw a lone cloud. Atop it stood Derpy Hooves.

"Its alright." I said waving at her with a pint smile.

The cloud retreated into the clear day sky. I sluggishly walked over to my backyard. I saw the vegetables I had picked this morning laying on the floor flooded with flies. I hoped the fence and walked into my house. I entered my kitchen to find the glass of apple cider in perfect condition. I took a small sip of it and left it on the counter. I then looked through the cupboards for something to eat. There was nothing. I went over to my room and approached the nightstand. I opened it to find only three bits.

"Well... I'm poor. Celestia's loan doesn't come till next week." I said putting the three coins back inside.

I flopped back onto my bed. I turned to the clock face. It read 1:42. I took of my dusty shoes and just laid there, my mind drifting away as I fell asleep.

Comments ( 3 )

Welp, if this is your first story it's certainly better than mine was. Keep working at it I think you could get quite good.

Good job i really enjoyed this

I really like this story:twilightsmile: grab your ass cause soon as you blow carrot castle to kingdom come your gonna be swimmin in orange gravy!

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