• Published 18th Feb 2012
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Monster Hunter: Ponies United G! - Hitori09

2 universes collide. Will "the elements of Harmony" survive in that svage new world?

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Chapter 3: Training begins. To Hunt or not To Hunt

Monster Hunter: Ponies United G!
Story by: Hitori 09

Chapter 3: Training begins. To Hunt or not To Hunt

Was nearly evening when Twilight and the others were arriving at the Pokke Village, a small town at the side of the mountain. They were tired for a long walk from the forest, and was a cold evening, Rainbow Dash and Twilight where tired and were freezing while walking through the village wearing almost nothing over her bodies.

– I-It’s really cold here – Twilight was trying to warm her hands while Rainbow walks silently but shivering a bit. Spike still was sleeping on Twilight´s backpack, with Daigo which injures was almost healed thanks to the potion.

- Come on, we´re almost there – Kayrin sheer her guest to continue, arriving at the door of a humble house. Its roof was covered in snow and looks like no one were livin in there for some time ago.

- T-this is y-your house? – Rainbow ask, a bit disappointed about the look of it – I-I was ex-expecting something e-else –

- I Just rest here – answer Kayrin with a smile – I don´t spend much time here when I’m out hunting monsters in other regions, even for weeks, come inside before you´ll freeze – she let in her guest who sat in front of the chimney as soon as they can enter, Jasmine ignites it while Kayrin unpack. Daigo half-awakened walk inside another room, which was the kitchen followed by Jasmine.

- you need to dress properly, let me see if I has something you can use - searching in a large chest inside the house Kayrin take out some old clothes and armor pieces.

- Thank you, but… - Their stomach interrupts her, they hasn’t eat nothing aside the potion for almost a day now, they were starving – we prefer something to eat first –

Still looking for something Kayrin continue with the chat – of corse, just give me a minute… I know I have something here – she almost jump inside the chest looking for some more clothes when continue – By the way, what do ponies eat? - She asks while pondering over a furry coat.

- Well, we have various types of food in Equestria – Twilight was warmer now, and Rainbow was warming her little wings, she almost can´t feel them because the cold. – We eat Daffodils, Daisies, Celery stacks, some fruits like apples and oranges and… - .

Rainbow continues with Twilight list of food – And some sweets like apple fritters, apple tarts, sugar flavored Cupcakes, blueberry muffins… -

- wow, mostly a vegetarian diet – she approaches to them holding some fluffy clothes, pants and coats – take, put this on, this will keep you warm, and what about meat? You don’t eat meat aren’t you? –

-Yuck, that’s disgusting! – Both ponies answered with a repulsion expression on their faces, Twilight then continue – we are ponies, our bodies are not supposed to eat meat. And it’s really gross, the only thing we eat from another living creature are eggs and milk, why you ask?-

- Well bad news then, the main food here is meat– Kayrin replied walking to the kitchen. – I won’t force you to eat it, I think the chef can do something good with veggies and fruits, but in the field the only food you´ll eat probably will be meat, so I suggest you to get used to it quick. Once you get dressed come to the kitchen, I’ll order something to eat –

Twilight and Rainbow look each other, and wondering about the meat.

-This place sure is weird – Twilight speaks while putting on the clothes – the humans are apparently mostly carnivores -

-Yeah they remember me a griffon, they mostly ate meat and rarely fruits and other things, we must hurry to learn to fight those creatures if we want to find the others and go back to Equestria – Rainbow replies

-You know what that means right? To fight those creatures? To use a sword? – Twilight looks straight to Rainbow

- Yeah, means that we need to kill – Rainbows answered with not apparent concern about the theme

-Exactly, kill, murder another living creature. I-I don’t know if I can do that – Twilight shivers just thinking on it, remembering the injuries that the Velocidrome suffer when Kayrin defend her and Rainbow.

- It´s really… something… but think it like this… - Rainbow then look at Twilight straight to de eyes – If you don’t kill, you get killed, and I don’t want to be the dinner of any creature –

Twilight then remembered how Daigo fights the creature even with those injuries – You´re right; these humans and cats really are brave to hunt those creatures being still small compared them, it´s like the “nature of the strongest” it´s inversed here –

Rainbow Dash remembered the first impression of the Velocidrome on her, and feel uneasy – A-And what you gonna do? Will you try the meat? ´cause I will - Suddenly Rainbow changes the conversation theme.

-WHAT? – Twilight just say that while Rainbow leaves to the kitchen – ARE YOU SERIOUS? -

- Y-Yeah, we are no longer ponies anyway- Rainbow answers seeming self-confidence about it – And I´ll do whatever is needed to find our friends and go back home, even if it´s means to eat a whole beast – Rainbow´s last words remembers to Twilight one important thing she must wonder soon, why and how they were changed into humans?

- I-I suppose you´re right, we aren´t ponies anymore and we need to know why we changed – Twilight and Rainbow walks into the kitchen, which was a huge room with a table in the middle and a really big oven with a face of a monster which looks intimidating with the fire inside; Another smaller ovens where at its side cooking diverse types of food. Behind on the wall where many shelves with many kinds of food, veggies, crabs, different type of meats and many different species, the smell of roasted meat, rice and cooked fish overwhelm the ponies, making them to droll a bit.

Spike wakes up following his nose to the kitchen behind his friends – Wow, its smells really good – around the kitchen was many cats in cook costumes; Kayrin was talking with one next to the ovens when Spikes get near to them – Hey, do you have some gems for me to eat? –

Kayrin and the cat-chef were surprised with that question – gems? ... You eat… gems – The cat ask to the now ashamed dragon-cat.

- Spike! – Twilight yells at him – you can´t bother others with that type of questions, you don´t know how value or rare are the gems in this world, or even if they exist here –

- They exist of corse – Jasmine, who was near answer to her – but we can´t eat them, they are very hard nya –

- you see, and remember, right now you aren’t a dragon, so you might not be able to eat them, or breath fire – Twilight continue yelling.

- Oh but I CAN breath fire, let me show you – taking a deep breath Spikes exhales a little but really hot green fire - you see, Rainbow still has her wings and you might still have your magic –

-Magic? – Kayrin interrupts the little purple cat – you can do magic twilight? –

- Huh? Me? Well! – Twilight reacts hesitantly after thinking all this time that she has loses her magic

- Of corse she can, she´s the most powerful unicorn I know after the princess – Spike answers making Twilight blush.

- Well I-I´m not sure about it, I´m not a pony anymore and… - Twilight answers nervously

- But you still has your horn – Spikes says

Twilight touched her horn again, wondering if she still can use magic or not when her stomach interrupts. – Maybe you´ll feel more confident to try that “magic” after a good lunch – Kayrin tells her – I ordered a vegetarian dinner tonight, so you can eat whatever you want without worry about nothing –

-T-Thanks – Twilight, blushing from the scene she did, she doesn´t like to show of her magic without a good reason and almost starving she surely don’t feel able to try magic jet.

The 2 anthropomorphized ponies and Spike sat at the table where the other chef-cats where placing several plates of boiled veggies and cooked fruits, something that feels to them something familiar to eat and a delicious meal. Kayrin and her companions ate a carnivorous meal as ever with a variety of veggies too. They talked all the night about their differences between their worlds and creatures, their manners, the life of a hunter and many sort of things of interest to them, and went to sleep after finish.

Kayrin and Daigo sleep near the chimney, Jasmine and Spike over some pillows near the bed, Twilight and Rainbow sleep together in the bed. Twilight wasn´t sleep jet looking at the night sky worry about her friends, about Equestria, about the princess and Ponyville. – Rainbow Dash, are you still awake? - Twilight ask to Rainbow who was half sleep.

-Yeah, What´s up? – Rainbow answers

- Do you think or friends are ok out there? Did they have where to stay at night? – Twilight ask mostly to herself than to Rainbow, wondering about it

- I… - Rainbow cover her head with the blanket – I prefer not to think about it now, tomorrow we can start looking for them, but now I think it´s better to rest than to worry – Rainbow turns over her back and watch at the rustic celling -They´ll be fine, Applejack is strong and knows to take care of herself by her own, Fluttershy is good with animals, so she probably got the help of something tiny and not that aggressive, and Pinkie… well is Pinkie –

Twilight giggle a bit remembering Pinkie – You right, probably she was able to perform a wild party in the woods – Rainbow and Twilight giggle, but they were worry about them. – Hope we can find them before another thing founds them – Kayrin hears all their conversation, wondering if her friends are ok in the world of the ponies.

Meanwhile, near a cliff in the forest, a wobbly feminine figure walks holding herself to the trees to keep on her hooves - Where am I? – The creature was talking to herself watching everywhere totally panicked – What am I? – She was completely nude, her hair and tail was pale-pink and has a fringe over her face. On her hips she has a mark of 3 pink cyan butterflies and on her back has little wings which she moves to be able to walk with more balance. – Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Twilight; some pony please, help me! – She timidly screams, scared that any unwanted creature finds her, she find a place to rest under the roots of a humongous tree feels safe and then faints.

In other part of the forest, in a cave under a waterfall a mysterious man pulls in an unconscious pink puffy haired and tailed feminine creature with a mark of balloons on her hips, the mysterious man place her over an old bed inside the cave, where was a very old camp site. –Ok, this is all I can do for ya until you wake up – the man says leaving her sleeping in the cave.

Not far from there, in a village where only cats lives many of them where helping to carry an unconscious feminine blonde long haired and tailed creature with a mark of 3 apples on her hips. They placed her near one of their houses and cover her with some blankets made of leather and fur of many animals. The chief of the village, and old black cat with a smoking pipe in his mouth, makes sure that everyone stay away from her until she awakes, being him and his young son the ones who watch her.

The next morning at the training camp in Pokke village, Kayrin, Twilight and Rainbow were ready to train with the different types of weapons who a hunter uses in battle, Twilight and Rainbow wearing a basic armor –Ok ladies, as you already know a hunter must be capable to survive in the field while hunting his prey, this knowledge you’re about to learn take years to master but as your case is special you´ll take the quickest lessons about it – Kayrin was using her dark armor set and in front of her was 12 different weapons, 5 which looks like swords, 2 like lances, a big hammer, a musical instrument, 2 like crossbow and a bow – The weapons have 2 main categories, Melee weapons and range weapons – taking “the sword and shield” – and choosing the right weapon often makes the difference between life and death –

- And how we know which one is the right weapon? – Rainbow ask, amazed by the different weapons – why we can just go, take the big sword over there and take out the beast with a single blow? –

- I like your optimism Dash but even the weakest of the monsters can survive many attacks of that sword, and many of them really are too fast for that, just try to carry it – Kayrin says moving to the great sword, with was a double-edged metal sword.

Rainbow tries to lift it but can´t even move it an inch. – Ghnn!! , how- how you fight with this thing? –

- Hardly and slowly – Kayrin answers moving to grab the sword herself, with technical skill and effort Kayrin lift the sword – Now, stay back! – Rainbow move far from her and then Kayrin makes some fighting moves in the air, making look the sword light as the air – To use this sword, you must use its weight at your side and move – unleashing a final slash to the ground – like it was part of your body – Rainbow was amazed how Kayrin moves that sword feeling really excited to learn. – But I think this one isn’t for any of you; let’s start “the basics” –

-What? , you not gonna start with a long and boring speech about how to use a sword right? – Rainbow says disappointed

Kayrin give her a flaming red sword and a black-red shield – Not exactly, I’ll just show how to move the sword and then it´s up to you, to fight a monster with a melee weapon usually depends more in react fast and less in think on your next move – she gives to Twilight a pair of sabers – These ones are commonly known as “twin sabers” and… -

Twilight interrupts her with an uneasy look – Kayrin, I-I don’t feel like I can do this – Looking at the weapons she was scared thinking that she need to kill – I don’t want to hurt anything, not to think on kill-

- I thought you want to find and save your friends – Kayrin says

- And I want, but it´s just… - Twilight was afraid, and really doesn´t know what to do – it´s not right, I don’t feel right thinking that I´ll take another creature life, it´s like if I were killing another pony –

Rainbow hearing that looks at the sword in her hand; it was red like flames and has scratches from past battles; she knows that that sword has already kill some creatures – Kill or be killed right? This is all about here right Kayrin? –

Kayrin look at both frightened girls with concern, how they supposed to fight a creature if they even are afraid to fight – it´s something like that yes, but I don’t want you to kill anything if it’s not necessary- Both girls look at her a bit confused but feeling better to hear that – I just want you to be prepared for the worst, and the true is that the worst is to kill –

She then took the black long sword unsheathing it – this armor, and this weapon were made of a powerful and fearsome beast called Nargacura, these are commonly creatures of the night and don’t attack humans unless some foolish one enter in his hunting field. But the one who I take its wing for this sword was different; it searches for humans on purpose, attacking villages and killing people, even in midday -

- But it was his nature right? A carnivorous creature hunting its prey – Twilight says remembering how the food chain works in nature

- We though the same at first, but the creature never ate the ones who kills - Kayrin start to remember the day when she fought that beast – I and a friend where hired to protect a merchant caravan, which pass through the monster´s territory. It carries supplies and medicine for the ones who was recently attacked –

Kayrin sat on the ground cross legged and place the unsheathed sword over her legs -When we arrive at the village what we found was horrible. All the village was destroyed, dead people every were, signs of fight and the tip of the beast tail, no one were outside except for us and the beast who was sleeping over some flattened houses –

- So you fought it right? – Rainbow says – You run an attack the beast like you did with the Velocidrome right? –

-I tried yes but my friend stopped me. He convinced me that to fight it was a lost cause, looking at the ruins of the town I agreed with him and start leaving with the caravan -

- So you leave it there? - Twilight ask – I thought they hired you to kill the beast –

-They hired me to protect the caravan, if the beast were attacked it you can bet it I fight it until the end – Kayrin answers.

- So, it attacked you right? – Twilight ask

- Sigh, yes - With an unusual sad tone in her voice Kayrin answers - To make a long story short, and avoid all the “uncomfortable details” for you, my friend was injured by the beast and forced to retire from hunt, the caravan ran away safe to the nearest town and I killed the beast –

- But why so sad then, you won and plus you avenged the town – Rainbow says trying to sheer her up

- Actually the one who deserves avengement was the Nargacura – Kayrin answered –The beast has a big scar on its left eye and wounds over all its body, commonly a beast in this state would run to hide and heal for another day, but this one attack us immediately, if I didn’t kill it there it would attack some other village son after he recovers enough –

- But why it attacked then, it don’t make any sense that a wounded beast with a way to scape attacks – Twilight ask confused

- Fear - Kayrin sheathed her sword and continue – There were rumors that some villages were trying to tame and use the beast to fight for them, and apparently this one was one of them. This Nargacura has that fear to humans and the villages who tortured it that it come with one solution, banish what it fears. No much time after the beast were killed the hunters guild confirms that in that village had captive many young creatures in really bad shape, most of them were put to sleep forever ´cause they´re health while others don’t last longer than a month after that. The Nargacura I fought was an extraordinary one, able to survive all of that torture for years. After I knew about that I pay to make this armor of him, to try to gain his fighting spirit and remember that not every monster are bad, sometimes we make them bad –

- That was awful - Twilight were immerse in her thoughts, knowing that Kayrin was right but still unsure about the theme. Rainbow holds again the sword and walks to the center of the arena and starts to swing and slash the air with it, her wings made her very agile, more than any other human. – This world is cruel, need to kill to survive and make you to took hard choices – she spoke while practicing – the sooner we found our friends the sooner we can get back to our pacific old lives, but while that happen I´ll live under this cruel world rules – taking a little break she continues – I don’t want to kill either but I’ll do anything to protect my friends -

Twilight look again at the weapons and choose the bow as her weapon. – If I need to defend myself then I prefer to do it from a safe distance, I don’t want to look at the face of the creature if I ever end killing it – she say to herself, still uneasy over it but with determination on her eyes – We will find our friends and somehow I´ll bring us back to home –

- That´s the spirit - Kayrin replies her – and if even happens that you need to kill something I´ll be there to do the dirty work, after all my friends are probably trapped in your world too and I won’t let you alone until I find a way to bring back them-

The 3 girls then started to practice with the weapons; Rainbow Dash tries every one of the melee weapons and finally chooses for herself the “dual swords” which looks like the Velocidrome claws. Twilight not only practiced how to use the bow but to try again to use her magic which was weaker than usual but makes her feel more faith in herself.

Meanwhile under the roots of the humongous tree, Fluttershy wakes up smelling something sweet in the air, she hasn´t eat nothing since she arrives there and was starving. –What´s that sweet smell? – She asks to herself following her nose to a honeycomb in the ground, she even think about it when she started to eat it – It´s delicious! – And after satisfying herself she stands up over her hooves and carries with her the rest of the honeycomb. – I- I suppose I can bring it with me right, there is not even bees around to claim it – She start to walk over her hooves, feeling her movement more natural than the first time when she woke up in the middle of a crater.

- Oh my goodness, what I supposed to do now? , I´m lost in the middle of nowhere, I´m alone, and even I´m not in my body – she speaks to herself, remembering the awful situations she was – I need to find the others before something finds them, or something finds me! – She continues walking timidly through the forest while eating from the honeycomb leaving a trail of it where she walks. Some miles away from her a fanged beast smells too the sweet aroma of the honey being carried by Fluttershy in the air and start to follow it.

Meanwhile in the cave behind the waterfall Pinkie Pie wakes up, dizzy and starving. – Wow, that really was a doozy, where am I? And where is every pony? – Her stomach makes hunger sounds interrupting her and making her to look at her body. – I think the important thing now is to find some food. Hum…. – rubbing her belly in hunger she finally realizes that her body changed – huh? What! M- My hooves!! My body!! What happened!? – She remembered the speech of the Doctor about dimensions – this is what that smarty pants of the doctor means with other dimensions!? , so they know that this probably could happen and make a spell to change me or some pony else into this body to have better chances to survive here and don’t attract much attention if I or some pony else were stuck here and appears in a populated zone!? – Her straight expression changes rapidly into her laughter commonly face after saying that to herself giggling a bit – Don’t be silly Pinkie, the one who must cast the spell would be the Princess Celestia or Princess Luna not “the docta” – She quickly checks her body, having now 2 legs and hooves on it, hands where her front hooves were and feeling good having her body straight up to the floor. – Well, I can´t just stay here while my friends are out there lost – she stands up and tries to walk, falling without even able to do her first step. – Whoa! I think I need to learn how to move this body first – she stands up over her hooves again, being not so strange to her due to her random nature. – Ok, this body seems to be used like this, 2 legs like the chickens, just remember to put a hoof in front of the other – she tries again to walk, and step by step she starts to walk – one, two, one - falling after her 5th step, she fells over the someone who helped her to stand.

- Hey, are you ok lady? – The man ask to her

- Y-yes, I´m fine I just… – Pinkie looks at him when realized that he wasn’t a pony – Whoa!! – pushing him she jumps backwards barely walking and starting to fell when he holds her again.

- Hey calm down, I´m not gonna hurt you – He says to the scared Pinkie who look at his eyes. – are you ok sweetie? –

- Y-Yeah sure – she was surprised to know someone kind and being not a pony.

He helped her to stand up and holding her hand helped her to walk –you surely hit your head badly to even forget how to walk, are you sure you’re ok? -

-Completely sure I am thanks, and what´s your name? – Pinkie ask him with her eagerly and cheerful voice - ´cause Granny Pie always told me to not talk to strangers, and telling me your name will make you not to be a stranger anymore like how many strange you know that you know their names and till being strangers… –

The man giggles at the hyperactivity of her – alright, alright I´ll tell you my name- He stand in front of her and shakes her hand – my name is Al, and what´s yours? –

With a big smile Pinkie shakes enthusiastically his hand too – My name´s Pinkie Pie, well it´s not my complete name but I don´t like my complete name, sound way too boring to me, Nice to meet you! – That day Al helped Pinkie to get used to walk on her hooves while they chat about how she get here and what was that place, forgetting all about her hunger and the urge to find her friends by the excitement of knowing a new friend.

Meanwhile in the Cat´s village, Applejack starts to wake up. – Whoa nelly, what a trip - she feels dizzy but remembered clearly all what happened, the treachery of Discord and how she jumps to save her friends – Twilight! Hey what? Where´s every pony? – She looks around looking for her friends, but she just saw strange small constructions and many cats looking at her.

- Oh? You finally awake, we thought that you´ll never woke up again – the old cat chief speaks to her – Thanks goodness you´re ok – all the cats were gathering around and mumbling about her

- W- What in tarnation!? A talkin´ cat!! A bunch of talkin´ cats!! – Applejack jumps out of the little bed

- Ho ho ho. Sorry if I scared you young one but we are not what you call cats, we are known as “Felyne” – The chief says calmly to the panicked girl – And I could say, you’re not from this land aren´t you, you’re not look completely like a human-

- Wha´? – she barely reacts and looks at herself, she was standing over only 2 hooves, her front hooves became hands and her skin has changes completely – In the name o´!! What happened to me?! – She lost her balance and fell on the bed totally panicked seeing herself in that situation. – This can´t be happenin´, calm down an´ remember, Ah´ … we were usin´ the elements and … Discord – She mumbles to herself loudly when a baton pokes her head.

-Hey, young lady, it’s time to calm down and rest, was a long fall after all – The chief points to the sky with his baton – I´m surprised that a human where able to survive that, well I must say that your age helped you –

- Human? – Applejack confused replies to the chief – Sorry lil´ one but Ah´ not a human, Ah´m a pony, or a´ least I used t´be, what you mean with “ah´ survive”? Or at least can tell me where am Ah´ or my friends? –

The chief starts to walks away to a little house near after that – Follow me and I´ll tell you whatever I know, but I can say you are in a safe place, no one will hurt you here –

Applejack followed him walking over her hooves and hands like she usually do and feel her body act strange with that movement. – Ah´ think Ah´m not supposed to move like this anymore, but there´s no time for tha´, Ah´ must look for the others before somethin´ really bad happen –