• Published 18th Feb 2012
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Monster Hunter: Ponies United G! - Hitori09

2 universes collide. Will "the elements of Harmony" survive in that svage new world?

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Chapter 2: The dangerous Hunter´s world

Monster Hunter: Ponies United G!
Story by: Hitori 09

Chapter 2: The Dangerous Hunters World

In the Canterlot palace all where chaos, ponies everywhere fixing what the vortex destroyed several hours back. Rarity was in one of many guest rooms, after faint in the balcony. Celestia was coordinating every pony around while Luna and the Doctor was discussing about how to re-open the vortex and bring back Twilight and the others.

“But how we are supposed to open that thing again! We almost die there too, we lost our magic for several hours, just recently I feel strong enough to cast a spell” Luna speaks walking in the balcony, while the Doctor analyzes the zone with strange artifacts who only him knows to use. “And that happen even with the power of Discord! If we tried that alone we would be death by now!”

“Your highness please remain calm! I think I can come with a solution for this” His instruments shows many energy remains in the place where the vortex opens. The Doctor using a portable monitor starts to explain. “Apparently the Vortex is still open, but is week and can´t transport nothing but the air or smoke apparently. And with the information I gathered about it in its, what I would say, “maximum power”, I can figure out a way to open it with less power than you use the first time. I just need to do some calculations and make some experiments in the laboratory “

“And how much time you think you will need to finish Doctor?” Luna asks concern on what terrible things Twilight and the others would be suffering right now.

“I don´t know, at least we have some time to solve this situation” The Doctor says looking at his instruments. “If my analysis is right, we still have almost a year to solve this, after that, they will be trapped there forever”

Meanwhile in the other world, where the vortex appeared was nothing, not even the elder dragons where on sight. Kayrin was still in the place with her companions Jasmine and Daigo.

“Mistress, please this wasn’t your fault, we must move on now nya” Jasmine was trying to sheer Kayrin, who was depressed after losing her comrades “Please mistress “

“It doesn´t matter now, it happened again, I wasn´t able to protect them” she was immerse in her thoughts. “and now they´re death now” Hitting the ground angry “Gah! If only… If only I…”

“They are not death Kay” Kayrin looks at Daigo, who was looking where the nearest lightning balls fall. “Whatever was that thing I don’t believe it kills them nya, the better way to be sure is to look where those balls fell and make sure what those things were nya. If those things are what I think it they are we might get some answers” Looking back at Kayrin with a straight look he continues “at least this time you will be able to do something about it”

Kayrin sat there a bit longer, and then cleaned her face from some tears and gathering just the necessary things she prepared to go where the balls fell. Jasmine don´t know what they’re talking about but was afraid to ask, she just look with a smile when Kayrin was ready to depart again, being as strong as Jasmine knows her. “I´ll brings you back my friends, I promise” she mumbled to herself.

It was another morning, Twilight was dreaming the incident, how she was betrayed by Discord and being sucked in the vortex.

“Twilight, Twilight!” A familiar voice wakes her up “Twilight! o thanks Celestia, are you alright?”

“Ouch my head” she slowly recovers while looking for Spike, only able to see a Cat-like creature in front of her “Spike, where are you?”

“I´m here, can´t you see me?!” The cat speaks “are you alright?”

“GAAHH!! WHAT ARE YOU! WHAT DID YOU DO WITH SPIKE?!” Twilight jumps back after seeing the cat talks.

“It’s me Spike!” The cat explains “I know that I don’t look like a dragon anymore but it’s me, really!” He gets closer to Twilight, who was confused and scared “and you also don’t look like yourself anymore”

Twilight confused look at her hooves, but instead of it they were hands “W-What´s this!! What happen!!!” Twilight looks at herself, having now a humanoid body, the only remains of her pony body was her hooves on her feet, her tail and ears, her skin color changed and was wearing strange clothes only covering her breast and hips. Then she looks for her horn, it was there but it was smaller than usual. “Where, why, how!?”

“Twi, Twilight... can you just… erh Twi…” Spikes try to continue explaining to the altered and almost panicking Twilight, but she wasn’t hearing anymore. “TWILIGHT!” He screams and her Panicking friend finally stops.

“Just calm down now, panicking now will not help us to know what happened!” Spikes yell at Twilight, who takes a deep breath and try to calm down.

“You’re right Spike, I-I don´t know what I would do without you” Twilight now watch her surroundings, “where are we?”

“I don’t know, but it looks like some pony’s camp site” Spike answer “A very rustic one if you ask me”

“It certainly is, and what kind of material is this? it feels like… fur…” Twilight inspect the bed where she is sitting on when she spotted another creature like her sleeping near her, scared she jumps back when she noticed the multicolor hair she has. “This can´t be… Rainbow Dash?”… carefully she approaches to the sleeping one and start to exanimate, her wings were still on her back but they were now smaller than usual. She still has her tail and hooves on her feet just like Twilight, everything else were changed. “Oh in the name of Celestia! Spike what happened?”

“I don’t know” Spike answered “when I wake up we were already here, the campfire was like that already and we were in this shape, believe me I was as scared as you when I noticed it, but I think better question is who get us here?”

Twilight tries to get up but was strange, she wanted to walk like a pony but her body makes her walk with her feet only. “Whoa… how I will be able to… aahh!!!” Falling in the bed again “how I’ll be able to find out what happened if I can´t even walk!”

“Try like me just use your hooves, your only 2 hooves anyway, it’s not that difficult I walk like that every day” Spikes suggested.

“Oh, Ok I’ll give a try then” Twilight try to mimic the way how Spikes usually walks, feeling her body react naturally to that move, but still with strange movements.

Outside the Tent, another Cat was returning after gathering some medical herbs from the forest when noticed that her guest was awake. “Oh? Hey you´re finally awake! Nya!” The cat runs to the tent, scaring both of her guests. “I thought that you´ll never awake nya”

“AH! Another talking cat!” Twilight scared fell again over the bed, Spike placed between her and the other Cat like trying to protect her.

“Oh I sorry, I didn’t want to scare you nya” The cat bows at Twilight and Spike while introducing herself “My name is Jasmine, I with my friends are the ones who brought you here and take care of your while you were unconscious these days.

“Nice to meet you… wait a minute, THESE DAYS!? How much time we were unconscious?” Twilight ask surprised that there has passed more time that she thought in that world without noticing it.

“Today is the third day, your friend beside you was barely awake when we found you nya, maybe she needs more time to awake nya” Jasmine walks away where the campfire was, pulling out some tools she start to prepare a medicine with the herbs and other ingredients. “Please feel free to ask me anything while my partners came back, they must arrive in any moment now nya”

Twilight tries to walk again, now more confident that they weren’t in any danger. “There are more cats around?”

“Only one, the other is a human like you nya” Jasmine finished what looks like a green potion and give it to Twilight. “Please drink this, it will give you straight and health again”

Twilight took the potion and just tasted it; it was a strange flavor like wild herbs and honey. “It tastes, interesting… and I´m not what you call human” then she drank the potion “Ehem, anyway where are we? How we get here?”

“Well, we are in the middle of what we call “The Great Forest”, near a village called Poke nya” Jasmine answered while preparing more potion.

“Poke… village? hmm I assume we weren´t in Equestria anymore, that’s what the Doctor was talking about, another world” Twilight starts to pondering, drinking the potion sip by sip.

“Another world nya?” Jasmine ask Twilight, her ears were more sensitive to sounds so she heard what Twilight was mumbling

“Eh? “ Twilight was caught by surprise by Jasmine´s question “Oh no, nothing… nothing that really matters, at least not until I found my other friends” Twilight evaded the question.

“ Why you always say “nya” when you talk? “ Spikes ask to Jasmine

“Nya? Oh that’s because… erh… hmm never have thought about it nya…” Jasmine answers

“AAHHHH!!!” A scream from the tent scared all; it was like if someone just hurt her “MY WINGS!! MY PRECIOUS WINGS!!”

“I think your friend just woke up nya” Jasmine giggles and continues making more potions

Twilight approaches to Rainbow Dash, who was curled on the bed scared. “Rainbow, it´s me Twilight, just calm down please”
Rainbow Dash looks at her “Twi? it´s that you?” She looks at her friend´s new body, and her friendly expression which makes her able to calm down. “W-What happened to us? To my Wings?” Twilight hugs her trying to cheer her up.

“I don´t really know what happen, but what I know it that we are not in Equestria anymore” Twilight sat at Rainbow´s side and continue “And that we need to find a way to go back”

Kayrin and Daigo returned to the camp site with some supplies, Kayrin noticed that her guests were awake and enters the tent. “So you´re finally awake huh?” Twilight and Rainbow feel intimidated by her black armor and cold expression that can be seen through her helmet.

“W-Who are you?” Twilight ask timidly.

“I´ll ask the questions here” Kayrin says “It´s time for some answers, somehow you are connected with whatever happened to my friends so we are not moving from here until you tell me whatever you know about it” Kayrin talks cold to them, Twilight and Rainbow Dash looks scared and confused “But I see you are not ready to answer” saying that she go back to the campfire. “Whenever you’re ready to talk I’ll be waiting here, but don’t try to do anything strange or would be the last thing you´ll ever do”

“And why w-we supposed to follow your orders chump!” Rainbow Dash tries to make a strong appearance and confronts Kayrin from the bed “You´re the one who will answer us what’s going on here?”

Kayrin just look back at them “Only if you answer me. If you want to survive here you must need to know whatever you need to know from this place. But I won´t talk until you talk”

“S-Survive? W-What do you mean with that?” Spikes ask scared from her and her black long sword she welds on her back.

“We don’t know how it happens but we know that you’re not from this land” Daigo answers while unpacking the supplies. “So you must know at least that in this forest are creatures that would gobble you in one bite if you go to the forest unprepared. If we didn’t find you when we did you probably would be death by now nya”

“What kind of…” Twilight was about to ask something but Kayrin interrupts her

“Hey, we already answered one question of yours. Now is my turn, don’t you think?” Kayrin took off her helmet and show her face to her guests, seeing that Twilight feels more comfortable talking with her. Rainbow Dash still has her doubts about but wasn’t able to coordinate her body to walk yet.

“First of all, who are you and where do you come from?” Kayrin starts her questions “you really look strange, barely human”
Twilight see her factions and start to compare with Rainbow Dash, she noticed that Kayrin´s ears and feet where different and she has no tail, or wings like Rainbow. “Hum well, my name is Twilight Sparkle, my friend here is Rainbow Dash and this is Spike, we came from a magical land called Equestria with other friends...”

Rainbow was trying to stand up, mimicking how Kayrin moves when hear about her friends. “Wait what!? the others were sucked by that thing too!?” Kayrin was interested in what they start to argue. Rainbow Dash finally stood up without noticing it while arguing with Twilight “How that happened? And why we were transformed into these creatures? I can´t even fly with these wings, we gonna stay here forever!” She starts so flap her wings while arguing.

“Calm down, we´re gonna find a way to go back but first we need to find our friends and find out the exact reason we were transformed” Twilight tries to calm down Rainbow “And those little wings are not as useless as you think” pointing to the floor she makes Rainbow to notice that she was hovering a bit.

Rainbow stop flapping her wings and fell out, barely keeping balance over her only 2 hooves. “Whoa… tha-at´s … that’s something… I guess” giggling she finally gains balance and was able to stand. “I guess I just need practice”

“Well, we introduce ourselves, can you care to tell us who are you?” Twilight ask

“Ok, My name is Kayrin and these ones are my comrades, Daigo and Jasmine” Both cats bows to the humanized ponies “we are hunters”

“Hunters?” Twilight surprised, she never meets a hunter before as there is not many hunters in Equestria.

“My turn” Kayrin says before Twilight can even speak another word “What the heck are you? You look like humans, even the ears are relatively common here but, tails, wings and even a horn on your forehead?”

“We are ponies, to be more precise, I’m a unicorn, or used to be one at least” Twilight answer touching her horn

“And I´m a Pegasus, and I’m the best flyer in all over Equestria” she expands her wings unconsciously.

“And I was a dragon” Spike says proudly. Kayrin looks at him incredulous.

“So, you mentioned that this world has some deadly creatures” Twilight asks concern that her friends would be in danger “what kind of creatures? Dragons, manticores?”

Kayrin just look at them for a second then started to laugh “If there were these creatures only, the hunters probably were not needed” Giggling a bit she continue explaining “ There are dragons yes, but you don’t need to worry about them, They are rarely seen around, there are creatures more vicious and quicker than the dragons here. Creatures that attacks other creatures on sight, too aggressive and territorial, even when we usually don’t represent any danger to them. And others who only are evil”

Twilight feel scared by those words, thinking on what will happen if her friends are facing right now one of these creatures. Rainbow Dash feels the same, and feels frustrated that she can´t help them, barely able to stand on her hooves.

“And how you end here?” Kayrin suddenly ask, “You came from “a magical land” you said, how is that land and how you get here?”

“Well, is something complicated to explain but…” Twilight describes how is Equestria, Ponyville and the peaceful they are, then explained how they get stuck by a vortex and what caused it, using the most common words she could find to make everyone to understand.

“So, You´re Ponies?” Kayrin speaks “well that explains your appearance”

“Oh no, this shape isn´t how a pony looks like” Twilight continue “Actually we walk on 4 hooves, like these ones but also on our… hands isn´t it? ...” While Twilight and Kayrin chat about what are ponies and what are humans, Rainbow Dash was practicing her walk and the cats help her to improve, soon started to run around the camp. Using her wings she was able to turn quickly and run faster, tripping sometimes in the process. In the Forest near the camp, a pair of glowing eyes was watching the camp, seeing how Rainbow Dash runs far away from the camp site. Silently the creature lurks around Rainbow who was now dangerously far from the camp. Rainbow tries to jump and use her wings to glide but ended face down in the dirt near the woods, standing up she noticed two feet with sharp claws, and looking up she saw from who those claws was, it resembles for her a dragon and was unable to move cause the fear.

Daigo notices the creature in the woods when it was about to attack Rainbow and pushed her, receiving himself the attack. “GAAHH!!” Daigo screams in pain and before the beast lift him from the ground he grabs a branch and stab it in the eye making it to let him free.

“Daigo!” Rainbow screams while dragging herself away from the beast.

Daigo, free from the beast mouth, was ready to fight with only his branch covered in blood. “RUN!” He screams to the others.
In the camp site Kayrin and Twilight hears the screams of Rainbow and Spike who were running to the camp followed by the beast. Daigo was holding one of the beast feet trying to slow down the beast. Jasmine was running aside the beast trying to do the same.

“Rainbow!” Twilight just stand up and scream, not knowing what to do. Kayrin quickly took her long sword and run facing the beast. She pass the now exhaust Rainbow who fell on the ground and with a slash stops the beast.

Twilight run to Rainbow and helped her to stand and return to the tent. “W-What´s that thing!?” She asks while running away. Jasmine runs with Twilight and the others, lifting what looks like a fang in a stick that was near the campfire. “Stay close, I’ll protect you nya” Jasmine was in a fighting stance ready when the beast tries to get close.

“Protect us!?” Spike yells “That thing is almost 10 times your size!! It’s even taller than Kayrin, she´s in danger!”

Twilight and Rainbow just look the fight in horror, thinking that they need to help but unable to do nothing. Kayrin and the injured Daigo fights the beast, dodging its attacks and attacking when they had a chance, finally the beast was badly injured that just run away from them.

Kayrin carry back her injured partner and give him one of the potions Jasmine prepared. Rainbow felt guilty seeing the poor cat covered in blood. “I… I just” Rainbow try to say something but nothing came from her mouth.

“I TOLD YOU TO STAY IN THE CAMP!!” Kayrin yells to Rainbow “YOU WERE LUCKY THAT DAIGO WAS THERE TO SAVE YOUR ASS BUT THE NEXT TIME YOU WILL BE THE ONE WHO GETS THE BITE!” Kayrin was really angry and was about to hit Rainbow, but she hold herself seeing in Rainbow´s eyes that she was really scared. Kayrin became silent then and carry Daigo back to the tent´s bed and sat near him.

Rainbow was frustrated, remembering the bravery that the little cat shows before that beast and how scared she was. She, who was proud and strong, was nothing more than a coward when was in real danger, she thought of her sitting near the campfire and starts to cry in frustration. Twilight sat at her side with Spike and tries to calm her “Come on Rainbow, everything will be ok”

“No it won´t” Rainbow answers to Twilight “I was terrified Twilight! I was almost sure that I was about to die there! I was pathetic!” Looking back to the tent she continues “And that little one, look at him, he almost dies trying to save me!”

“Come on Rainbow, you know that it wasn´t your fault” Twilight hugs Rainbow “We know that if you were in your normal body you would be able to fight back that creature, like you do with that manticore back in our world, you were just “out of your element” that’s all”

Rainbow remembered that incident, the first time that the six friends confront a terrible foe, and came across terrible creatures and fearsome situations. She then stands and walk to the tent, facing Kayrin “Kayrin, teach me”
Kayrin didn´t look at her. “What?” Only answered

“Teach me how to fight! How to confront those creatures!” With tears of frustration Rainbow yells at Kayrin “I don’t want to let another one get hurt because of me! Please teach me!” Then she fell on her knees, now crying “please, make me strong… as strong as you… please…”

Kayrin just glance at her without saying anything, still angry. Twilight saw the scene from outside the tent “Please teach us” Twilight replied too “we don’t want to become a nuisance to you, and we need to find our friends in this world, so we need to defend ourselves and our friends, please teach us how to fight back”

Kayrin don’t say a word and look back at Daigo, who was now sleep. Jasmine then answered “We will teach you nya, but we don’t have the equipment to do that here, we must go back to the village to get armor and sword for you nya” looking back at Kayrin she knows that her mistress really wanted to say yes, but can’t do that at the moment

The rest of the day Jasmine, Twilight and the others help to lift the camp, only leaving the tent and the bed to rest that night. The next day early, Kayrin was outside the tent with Jasmine and Daigo ready to go, Twilight and Rainbow was awakening and getting ready to go, Spike was still sleep over the backpack that Twilight now carry.

Twilight and Rainbow feel uneasy on Kayrin when start the trip to the village, when Kayrin suddenly speaks “I won´t be an easy instructor, you hear?”

“What?” Both ponies say at the same time confused

“So you really will teach us?!”Rainbow says excited about.

“AND I won’t repeat myself twice, understood!” Kayrin says with a prominent voice

“Yes miss” Rainbow answered like if she was in the infantry. Twilight just giggles, following them with Jasmine and Daigo, who has now bandages around his body but fine.