• Published 2nd May 2014
  • 434 Views, 2 Comments

Lose a leg, or Lose a friend? - Videre Ludus

Octy and Vinyl went for a camping trip in the Everfree Forest Clearing for fun. They were prepared for anything...right?

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Chapter 1

You know Vinyl Scratch, right? Also known as DJ PON-3? Of course you do, she was extremely popular around Equestria! One time, she even made it as a DJ in Princess Cadence and Shining Armor's wedding! I mean, how amazing is that? Ahem, back to my point now.
You do know her, right? I hope you saw her in one of her concerts back then, because you will never see her again. Let me tell you why.

Vinyl, is a very cheerful, and noisy if you ask me, mare of all sorts. She makes her noisy music up in her little studio she made in our attic. She goes at night to do her gigs in the club in Ponyville, named as ' Da Ville's Club'. Sometimes I go there when our ensemble goes to a day off. Quite noisy there if you ask me, even if Vinyl isn't playing. But when she is, oh hohoho, everything becomes a mess! Dancing ponies, Sober Ponies, Drunk Ponies and Lonely Ponies where up in the dance floor, I always stay at the bar, and drink my favorite wine. I always forget what the wine's name is, even if I am a refined pony, I do forget things from time to time.

The day before that awful day, our ensemble took the week-off after our gig at The Grand Galloping Gala-like party in Ponyville. I heard Mistress Rarity did all the decor! How how simply wonderful they were! We made a lot of money thanks to Mistress Rarity's generosity. I was really excited, but at the first day of our week off, I had nothing to do. So I went and read the new book I bought. It's a book about A Love Detective getting fooled by her case itself. It got me interested when that store clerk told me this. As I sat on our chair, my right hind leg, near my flank, just cracked. I groaned in pain, and just shook it off. Vinyl then went down to check if I was okay, and of course I said "Yes". She asked me again if I was sure, and again I said "Yes". She then asked me another question.

"Do you want to go camping?"

I asked where, and she said " In the Everfree Forest's Clearing! It would be lots of fun! I have the little kids come along with us too!".
I looked at her with a face that said "Really?"
"What's with that look?" She asked
I just replied with a blank word." Nothing"

I went and prepared my backpack and my necessary stuff. A jacket, my book, underwear, extra clothes, flashlight, matchbox, sleeping bag, food, water, and a knife. Hey, you never know what may happen! I looked at the clock, and it took at least 30 minutes to prepare for all those things. I wore my jacket already, since the moon was already rising on the horizon. I looked for Vinyl, and it appeared that she was already ready for the trip. Actually her first time doing it on time, really. She looked at me with a questioning face. She said the following words.

" The kids will be here any minute now. Just remember that our trip will be hosted for 3 days in the forest."

I was shocked. 3 days?! In the Everfree Forest?! I thought it was only for the night! I would-


Oh! They're here! I went to the door and opened it with a gentle smile. I saw Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle. But the thing is, they weren't wearing any camping equipment. Why?

"We weren't allowed to go" they said " Our family said that it would be dangerous to be with Aunt Vinyl in the middle of the forest at night". I sympathized with them, because I also know that it would be dangerous to be with a crazy psycho in the middle of the forest at night for 3 days. "Aww.. I really hoped for the kids to come too! Welp, at least I can do the other thing instead.. To shack up and cuddle with Octy! Bahahahahaha!" I slapped Vinyl, and she groaned in pain." What did I do?". I just told her that I would lead the kids back to their homes, and to meet up in the entrance of the forest instead. Of course she agreed, as she rubbed her red cheek.

I did lead the kids back to their home, except for Scootaloo, we parted ways on the bridge. I don't know where she lives, and I insisted to lead her, but she told me she was strong now, and Rainbow Dash would do the same too! Kids these days, huh? I went to the path where it leads to The Everfree Forest's Entrance. Of course, I saw Vinyl near the entrance, with her headphones on, and guessing that she is listening to her music, to check any problems with the song. I went near her, and poked her to maker her notice me, and I smiled, she smiled, we both smiled. She went ahead into the forest, and I followed.

I heard a growl. I am pretty hungry, but that was too loud. A bear, per say? Or is it really my stomach? What is it? I looked forward, and saw the clearing in the forest where we stand. I ran to the clearing, and inhaled the smell of the fresh air. I looked around and sniffed the flower below me. A fresh little daisy. I looked at Vinyl and saw her staring at my flank, with a concerned face. I dared to look at my flank, and saw blood from the side. So much blood, from a little cut. Vinyl brought out our First Aid Kit, and took the alcohol and poured some to a cotton ball. She levitate the cotton ball with her unicorn horn, and rubbed the cotton ball around my cut, and took some water to wash of some of the blood. She finally took a band aid and placed it on my cut. I wonder where she got her medic skills. I wish I was a unicorn. Being an earth pony is a burden. No wings or horns to aid yourself. Only legs to carry you body.

I sat down, and thanked her for her help. She smiled. I took my backpack and thought of preparing my tent for later, but Vinyl insisted to do it for me, being injured and all. She did do it, in a flash. And I prepared my sleeping bag, and put it in the tent. I realized something, we need fire. I took the matchbox from my bag and looked at Vinyl and told her to get some firewood for me. After she finished her tent, she went into the woods, and I heard a growl, I shouted to be careful, and she said that she will. Another growl, this one's really loud.

10 minutes had past, and Vinyl's not here yet. Oh I hope she's alright.
10 more minutes. And not a single signal from Vinyl. Where is she? If she doesn't come back in 5 minutes, I will look for her.
5 minutes passed. Alrighty then. Time to look for my friend.


"Aahhhhhhahhhh!!! Gaaaahhh!!" I looked at my flank and saw something yellowish white. My bone, and some chunky, red meat? After that realization, someone screamed. Vinyl? Another yelp for help. It is Vinyl! What to do? What to do? I look around for a bandage roll, to cover my flank. I did, and treated my leg swiftly as I can. I lifted my injured leg, and walked to the source where the scream was heard. Come on, scream again! " HEEELLPP!" I look. Behind me. Vinyl was there. In a Spider's web with some branches on the floor.

I yelled her name. She looked at me like I was a ghost. She looked at my leg. Looked at me again. Wait. She's look at the hill behind me. Before I even turned around to see what it was, a huge boulder landed on my injured leg only, like it was designed to fall there and there only. I did lift my leg backwards, so it can have hit it normally like that. I screamed in pain. Vinyl's shades broke, and her beautiful magenta eyes were shown. I can't move. Tears, probably with some blood. Did you know that, when an earth pony experiences major pain in either one of her legs, he or she may vomit or shed tears of blood. A huge, menacing tarantula came.
Probably the one who lives on the web where Vinyl is stuck now.

I need to save her. But I can't move because of my leg.

And here it is. Decision of a lifetime. Lose a leg? Or Lose a friend.


Lose a leg indeed. I can't live without Vinyl. In many ways. I may lose a lot of blood, but it's worth it. I looked Vinyl and said.
" I'm coming to save you!"

She cried out a no, but it was too late. I tore off my leg by running straight to her, and I took my knife from my jacket's pocket, and stabbed the tarantula on its butt, and slid the knife down to create a huge cut. As I finished, it passed and bleeding. It's sure to die in a few seconds, so I took the knife from the half-dead spider and freed Vinyl from the web. I finished as a fell down, with a blurry vision and crappy hearing, I saw Vinyl crying and trying her carry me on her back, after that, I passed out.


I awoke again in the hospital of Ponyville, and saw Vinyl beside me. I looked at my flank, and saw I had not cuts anymore. I said I was okay, but Vinyl cried, once my hearing got better, I heard a long, monotoned beep. I looked at the monitor beside Vinyl, and saw that straight, green line, with a big fat 0 beside it. Am I... Dead? I stood up, and denied this thought. No of course not! I can walk now! I stood up, and shook Vinyl, but she didn't seem to be affected. She looked up and said "why" at least 15 times, and each word she said caused her voice to croak worse than the last one. She seem to have red eyes now, instead of her beautiful magenta eyes.

I questioned, she didn't answer. I confessed, she didn't care. Am I really... Dead? Or is this just a dream. The door opened up, and showed the doctor. I ran up to the doctor, but he didn't seem to notice me. He went through me. I was shocked. No, this can't be.

"Vinyl, you've been there for an hour after she passed away! I'm afraid you have to leave. Oh, and also pay for her funeral, okay? I will be there for you and for her."
"But Doc! Come on!" She cried with teary eyes." Just another minute? I have something to tell her... Something I never got to tell her."
" Okay. I will go outside. But if you don't leave in a minutes, we will kick you out!" The doctor said, as he turned off the machine beside me,left, and closed the door.

What will she say to me, that she never said to me when I was still alive? What is it Vinyl Scratch? I'm all ears.
" I don't know if you can hear this, Octy, but, I love you, so so much. All those attempts to make chocolate before Hearts and Hooves day? That was all for you. Those records of your music that I keep in my room? That was for me to never forget how beautiful you are, as beautiful your music is. I... I can't get why you sacrificed yourself, for a person who annoys you so much. I wasn't worth saving.
You could have just threw the knife for me to catch with my magic, but you sacrificed yourself, for me. That is quite flattering, but I can't see you in a beautiful state again Octy. I love you so much Octavia. So so very much." She ended her confession with a kiss and a tear on my cheek.

I smiled. I walked to Vinyl and hugged her, and whispered.

" Don't worry Vinyl. I'm still here for you. I never knew you that you felt that way for me. I love you too."
She looked at me, like I'm solid. "Octy?" She can see me? "Yeah, its me, Octy the gray mare!"
She hugged me with more tears," Why did you have to go?"
"Because I Love You"
"Why do you love me?"
"Because you are wonderful, I have to go now."
"But I'll miss you!"
"You will see me sooner than you think."
"*sniff* Okay, I love you"
"I love you too."

As soon as she blinked, I became invisible and transparent, leaving a lone, bloody little knife from where I am standing. She took it, and put it in her jacket.
"Vinyl! Time to go!" The doctor signaled
"Yes sir"


2 days after Vinyl's confession, a funeral was held for me. Octavia. A gray pony who plays the cello in an ensemble for a lifetime.
A lot of people turned up actually. It wasn't limited to family and friends, but also some fans from our gigs, and our ensemble's lasting members, and other strangers. I sat beside Vinyl, and dried her tears. "Octy?" She whispered."You there?" I tickled her a little at her secret tickle spot, which I only knew. I guess it signaled her that I was here. She smiled a little and cried more. As usual I dried her tears. And a few moments later, the funeral ended, and saw that my body was also smiling, before being buried in my favorite place.

The Hill Where I First Met Vinyl

"This is where I met you, Octy. You were practicing your cello, when I heard you and searched for the beautiful sound." She said, as she looked at my body." You were beautiful as the sunset was behind you."

I know that Vinyl. Your were looking at me when I saw you after I was done practicing my cello. You were still a little ragged in the hair, but we fixed that after earning some money together. I wonder what got us together?

"I'm going to see you soon, like you said Octy"



I followed Vinyl to our apartment, to her studio. There a rope hanged from the ceiling and a knife sat at the chair.
Suicide? No!

"Vinyl! Stop! Please!"
"You can't stop me Octy!" She started to tie the rope around her neck, as she desperately balance on the chair where my knife was.
"Don't jump Vinyl! Don't do it!" I was too late. She jumped, and kicked the chair away. She tried to breath, but she failed. She tried to escape, but she couldn't. Why suicide Vinyl?


To see me, again? Suicide can't bring you to the moon, it will bring you to the land! Like mine! I technically committed suicide whilst trying to save you, but doing suicide like this has a punishment! An hour on the sun! After that you'll come here... But that will be too late... Because in 10 minutes, I'll be going to the moon, while your'e stuck here, on land... And you'll lose every memory you had with me.. And to see me..

You will have to lose a leg.

Author's Note:

:) hope you guys enjoyed! Tell me if I need to improve something!

Comments ( 2 )

Oh yeah! Forgot to say that I suck at spelling whenever I'm typing in my iPad.
And it would turn out to be a fail :twilightblush: . But anyways, please forgive me, and that bear, it was just to confuse you. And me. :heart: :heart: :heart: you guys!

Could do with some editing and slowing down. Other than that, good job!

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