• Published 3rd May 2014
  • 3,741 Views, 65 Comments

The Last Man - YoloSwagginz

There is but one human left in all of exsitence, and when he is unpetrified amongst a world of uncertainty what must he do?

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Chapter 3: A Lovely Reunion

The Last Man

Chapter 3: A lovely Reunion

By: YoloSwagginz

I awoke, breathing slowly as if still within the confines of sleep, but rather I was conscious. I let out a small sigh and sat up. I slowly brought my hands back to support myself and I took a look at the rather old pile of brown and yellow leaves I was amongst. The memories of the massive hit I had received last night started to trickle back into my thinking space. The raw sense of pain started to become more apparent as the blood started to leave my head and face. I took a moment to draw in a large breath and stood up. My teeth were missing...

"That poor little Pegasus has been taken...and it looks like I am best to follow the loathsome beast that so apprehended her."
I stated this into the foggy morning, addressing no one in particular. I felt my face throb and so too took in the surroundings. I picked my longsword off the cool ground for the second time in two days I realized that I was stricken hungry.

"No matter, I must find this absurd creature that showed me some what of a kind nature." I thought.

To this effect I immediately observed the ground around me and found a large fur covered ear. I slowly smiled to myself and thought it a grand souvenir. With a bend at the waste I picked it up and slipped it into my hard pack. I again scanned the ground for hoof marks of any kind. There all around were the giant imprints of the beastly minotaur which had given me the bad news the night before and it wasn't hard to follow them. I gave a quiet chase and tried most to stay observant. After about 2 hours of walking I again was reminded that it had been almost two days since my last meal. My turbulent stomach had done well of reminding me at every turn. This led on for a small while longer until the tracks had led out onto a lake.

"Water... and where there is water, there is fish to be had."

I approached the water timidly and stepped a few feet into the shallow. I started to look around the water for fish when I had suddenly been met with my own reflection. The steel plated helmet that stared back at me was one with a new shiny scrape across it and looked as if it had been showered in leaf bits. I took off my helm for an inspection and noticed the dried blood caked all over the inside and on my visor. I started to wash the helmet and looked at my own reflection, this time without the helm. I was surprised to see a tired man who almost looked 30! Dried blood all over his face and two teeth missing. Not only this but the face was all purple and bruised. I decided a quick wash would do and so I did.

Later I had seen two fish and had successfully skewered both of them with little trouble. The bow was worth the money obviously. I then after a small meal had taken to following the tracks again, but this time I could not find them. I quickly threw myself into a panic and was about to yell in anger when I saw it. There lying next to and old stump sat a large cyan feather.

"Yes" I thought "This belonged to my beloved creature"

I so then picked up the feather and looked for another. The Pegasus wasn't daft, no she was leaving me a trail, picking feathers and dropping them as she went. I soon saw as the feathers became more frequent and had followed them for a fathom or two. Until it was about noon.

The fog had cleared after the morning and as I traveled the scent of smoke came to me. This made me un-sling my crossbow and put the stock to my shoulder. I creeped through the woods now like a wolf watches it's prey. And there! There was a clearing up ahead and I saw the beast rolling an entire buck on a spit! The fire was massive and very loud. I looked around the clearing for the blue Pegasus but was put off by the absence of it's presence. There next to the minotaur stood the tall wolf bickering at itself over something. Jan got close enough to hear the conversation.

"Yes, that is why I don't like Equstrians...Too whinny and easy to provoke." said the wolf. "I still cant believe that little bitch bucked me! I guess she couldn't wait for me to stick it in her! haha!"

The minotaur did not saying anything, it just sat there attending it's meal. It's massive arms rotating while the wolf babbled.

"I think I'll go give that little bugger ah visit again and see what she'll be wantin of mee... heh"

The wolf turned from the bond fire and started walking into a half beaten trail. Jan followed without hesitation.


"I cant believe that stupid wolf would do this..." thought Rainbow Dash. "That ugly thing." Rainbow Dash started to put her hoof to the ground and draw a circle in the dirt. Her thoughts started drifting to all of her friends and she started to cry. Her mourning was abruptly interrupted by the sound of soft foot steps. She looked up to see the evil wolf coming back to her.

"Oh Celstia, no more" she thought.

The sickening beast drew closer to her and the smell of him was overwhelming. He was now in front of her with a giant grin across his scarred muzzle.

"So little pony, you want to play with me again eh?"

Rainbow Dash just looked away and started to sob. The creature extended its long fingers and grabbed Rainbow Dash's mane, giving it a yank.

"You can be the dumb mare! I'll be the BIG stallion hahah!... Come on, open wide!"

Rainbow Dash just closed her eyes and tried to fight his grasp. She did so for a couple seconds until the soft sound of a whistle was heard, followed by the sound of a stick breaking against a tree and the same thing falling into leaves. The grasp the wolf had held was now gone, she turned and looked to see the wolf smiling down at her. It slowly brought it's hand up onto it's throat and brought it back covered in matted blood now seeping down the neck. The wolf tried to say something but blood started to foam at it's mouth. Right behind the wolf came a knight holding a longsword in one hand, he slowly walked up behind the creature and dispatched its head in one easy swing.

"Jan!" cried Rainbow Dash "I knew you come to save me!"

Jan put one of his fingers to his mouth and knelt down to touch Dash gingerly.

"What are friends for then?" said Jan in his strange accent.

Rainbow Dash wanted to hug him but the body made things awkward. Rainbow Dash started to look at Jan, her heart was fluttering. Jan started inspecting the collar around her neck, and after looking at Rainbow for a couple seconds he spoke.

"Are you hurt?" said Jan

"Only my feelings" said Dash with a sincere smile.

Jan paused and looked at her, "I want to apologize, friend... I never asked you your name and I merely talked about myself."

"That's ok you weirdo, my name is Rainbow Dash. I mean, how could you not know that?" The knot in Dash's stomach had disappeared and she was now excited to escape. Jan looked over her again and decided that cutting the chain was the best idea. He took the blade and hacked as close to Rainbow as he could. Three savage strikes and the chain gave way.

Dash flexed her wings and started to walk around freely. She looked back at Jan eternally thankful. Jan now flapped his arms around to signal that flight was to be committed. She smiled and thought about getting the heck out of here.

"What about you Jan? Where will you go?"

"I will head for home, I hope that one day we will meet again."

Dash knew that what he was saying was pretty much impossible. The fact that he had a home that is. Dash had never seen whatever he was and if there were more of him, Equestria would have known. She looked at the figure one more time and said,

"Jan, come to Ponyville after you visit home. That's where I live, we should hang out sometime."

"Ah, I admit I have never hear of such a place, but I promise that I will come around after I leave this retched forest!"

Dash gave one more smile and took off! Not as fast as usual because of the chain and the fact that she was really hungry, but she felt immensely better. She flew as fast as her wings would take her, and after an hour she knew she would be home. She started thinking of what to say when she got back. First she would sleep for days, second she wouldn't tell anyone about this happening and third she was going to find out what the hey Jan was. This was releaving.


I watched the beautiful creature I had just freed and then I smiled. A warm feeling engulfing my body, a feeling that Jan wouldn't trade for anything. That I would say to be the first victory in a thousand to come. I then started to think of home and decided that I would leave, almost immediately. I picked up the big dog's head with both hands and judged it.

"Justice you old fuck" I thought

I stood there examining my first real kill until a funny thought crawled it's way into my mind. Ah yes, a prank shall do.

The minotaur hadn't moved still, it now tasted the meat and started to look buggedly at the food. Jan had waited at the edge of the clearing and with the utmost patience observed. The minotaur tore an entire limb off and started to gnaw on it. Jan picked his moment precisely and casually strolled towards the fire, a victory swagger with him. He walked up next to the beast and held the head by the snout, attempting to hand it to the oblivious cow.

"Hey, would you like some shit on that?

The minotaur turned it's massive head in starred at Jan in amazement.

"Here I'm done with mine" Jan then used his whole body to lob the head of the desecrated wolf into the visage of the beast. The throw was complete with a "thud" as the head hit the ground. After this time Jan split into the forest doing his best head long sprint the whole time adrenaline and laughter following.


It was close to nightfall and Dash was finally home!

"Just in time for the Canterlot games I think" she said with a little bit of strain.

She slowly glided down to her cloud house and landed on the front lawn. She opened her door and promptly fell asleep.