The Last Man

by YoloSwagginz

First published

There is but one human left in all of exsitence, and when he is unpetrified amongst a world of uncertainty what must he do?

There is but one human left in all of exsitence, and when he is unpetrified amongst a world of uncertainty what must he do? 1000 years have passed by unnoticed and the world has changed. Jan Sjoland is The Last Man.

Chapter 1: A Rocky Start

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The Last Man

Chapter 1: A Rocky Start

By: YoloSwagginz

The air this afternoon was characterized by a particular sweet scent on the Sjoland farm. That sweet scent of spring! That smell that made mortals look across open fields with happy hearts taking in the wild beauty of nature. If you looked a thick pine forest was easily visible from afar with its gloomy cast only like ways down the field and sitting not very from there, was a young man. That young man was me.
And yay do I admit to be a bit girlish here and there but it is my lust for nature that is of that sort. With that I can happily say that I am in fact the talk of the city this morning! Only if you could have seen my visage as I entered the altar in full armor during my ceremony! My Father could only hold me with honor in his eyes as I took that solemn vow to protect all innocent. That is right! I am now a man of 18! I am ready to leave what I know shall be an impressive mark upon the world! This I knew was a spectacular day, for I would say good bye to my worrisome sisters and good bye to the farm and friends of the city. This would be so exciting, to see those creatures which ventured that cursed forest! Another look at the wild flowers with wet drops balancing gracefully on their leaves only sent excitement and awe into me.
My father planned it, my uncle recommended it, and I wanted it. To finally be a knight. It only helped when my family put together enough money to buy an entire suit of armor from my uncle, of course he had spent some time making it and had also discounted it. It had been the present I always wanted, my right to being a man. My uncle had been proud of the high carbon make. It was quite simple steel, and the helmet had wings along the sides. My cities' blue cloth with the crow adorned to it was also laid front and back. I was exceedingly happy with it all! My father gave me his old long sword and a parrying dagger. The neighbors had given me one of their old crossbows as well! Such generosity for my being, and now, I was ready to face the world!


It was exceptionally dark on this night and if you had chanced the sky a look, there would be no moon. Ah but your eye would be caught by a large fire on the horizon. Perhaps the only source of light for miles. If then you dared a closer look at this large flame you would see that it was in fact a tree, but did trees scream when they were lit? Aye, you would see that same tree ablaze only to hear an accompaniment of guttural laughter. This was a scene straight out of some sort of slavery pit. Many of you would have thought this minotaur or some other creature, but no. This was those very same humans. Out for a spot of "fun". The screaming echoed through this normally sleepy village and continued it's rude trajectory until you heard that fate maker, the sharp crack of a blade upon neck bones. The laughing and incessant fun making was reaching the edge of the village. On the hill of this village there stood a lonely farm which had a horrifying view of the chaos. A four legged creature stammered while witnessing the horror from a second story window. Another of the presumably equine creatures stood behind the first. The tears of distress were rolling off this creature's muzzle and hitting the floor. The one who was presumably male turned to the other and made some sort gesture to usher the second from the room. They moved to the room adjacent to them to find their life's joys sleeping in bed unaffected. It was time for these poor fellows to flee. The mother quickly started to nuzzle one of the two and whisper to the next. They quickly were up with sleep still some what floating around their confused faces. The mother was of mostly black coloring and whispered in a tone that was serious but gentle.
"Young ones we must leave, come with me..."
It was no surprise that both of the children had perhaps sensed fear from their mother. Even so they made no argument to follow. The father stood in a manner which beckoned for flight. The three came out of the house in a quiet manner and stood in the back yard. The father had started to utter words of encouragement to the youngest who had only flown a couple of times. He was now looking at his youngest daughter with eyes of love, the small dark pony only gave a small smile of nervousness while the father took the first step into flight. In that instant a small whistling noise echoed through all of their ears. It seemed to emit from the father. The father slowly struggled to the ground and the full gravity of the situation had not fully fledged into the mothers mind until she saw the bolt feathers sticking out of the father's side. Here eyes opened wide in realization, she suddenly screamed!
"Fly young ones! g-"
A second bolt had been fired and it had made a smacking noise as it punctured the mothers right arm, with a glance you could see her wild abandonment as she started to flail in fear, the daughters both let out gasps of pure horror, the darker one started to cry but there was no time, the older one started to attempt a flight. And she did start to fly, until she realized her sister had not been with her. She immediately banked back to see her sister frozen. The emotions coursing though this young alicorn only made it harder to fly and think at once. A black figure crept from the wood and in its hand it held a bow of sorts and it started to snicker. It slowly approached the young one with ugly intent in its eyes. The older sister in flight simply pulled instinct from her mind and shot a beam of something towards said man. The man stopped his laughing but did not fall. In fact his face was still in a laughing manor. If he could talk now he would be panicking! For he was now stone!...


In the Everfree one was never far from beauty noted the knight. Even so the thought of home wedged it's way back into his mind, and the sweet taste of honey had only made it all worse. He looked at his last biscuit and sighed loudly.
"Death be me! How can I save people on my last biscuit?"
The Young Knight now frowned at his last provision. With the thought of loneliness the knight continued to kindle his newly made fire. A large grey rock with some brown specks sat next to him by his temporary dwelling.
"Oh fair rock! What has it come too? I am alone now and it is something I never really had thought so loathsome!"
Another sigh escaped the Young Knight.
If I went back to my family now I could consider myself a coward and a bloody craven. He thought.
This would not do. He was not afraid, but he missed his family. The rock looked at him encouragingly. The Knight thought again.
"You're right rock, what I have seen is well... Pretty amazing to say... aye but..."
The rock gave him another look. To this the knight replied with a chuckle and said.
"That Phoenix was amazing! I saw it and I swear it looked right at me!"
At this point Jan Sjoland started to recall everything he has seen and written about and smiled.
"I guess I'm content, sleep will do me fine..."
The Young Knight lied next to his fire, and it had suddenly struck him how unrealistically dark it was outside.
Wow no moon! he thought...

The next morning was Absolutely beautiful and the Young Knight gave a smile as he arose. He quickly scarfed down his last honey biscuit and dawned his helm. He gave the rock a bow and picked up his things. He made for a blind path through the woods and perhaps in search of food. He had wandered around for some time with the intention of food to be had. He leveled his new crossbow at a couples of animals but alas, they were all too small to catch with a bolt. This did not stop his walking however and at length he had come across some wooden trestles. They hung lazily over an overgrown path and so he walked this path for about 30 minutes until he came upon a clearing, with some poor sheltered cave to boot. He walked up and unto the cave with the intention of possible shelter until he was taken aback, by whispers. He took a suspicious look towards the cave and peered in. He leaned over in a sneaky fashion to look into the gloom. He had affixed his eyes and then suddenly Ah! His voice had abandoned him! He saw what was two small creatures. Like horses? But he hadn't a clue if they were those flying buggers, Pega...pegasi? But these creatures had horns as well. All our hero Jan knew was of the war that the three species have been fighting farther in the north. They were apparently into some awful winter war. Perhaps these were refugees? He gave a soft call to them and noticed them both tense.

"Hello!" he called excitedly.
The lighter one said something he didn't understand, most likely their language. The Knight saw their apparent fright and slowly backed away from the entrance. The white one came boldly out at Jan with a harsh tone and fire in it's eyes. Jan simply waved his hands and in an expression of bewilderment. The light pony had tears in its eyes now and looked onto the human with pure hatred? Jan only backed away with a hand in front of him. The white pony flicked its pink hair aside and charged it's horn. Jan was not well known to magic so in fear he unsheathed his longsword and pointed it at the feral beast. Jan started to utter the words of peace and so he did...
"My life is devoted to innocence, I am protec-"
Jan's words caught in his mouth as he tried to continue his vow. He was horrified in the realization that his body was no longer responding to him. He tried to put his arm down but it would not budge. He started to panic and the world started to collapse around him, a tunnel of darkness enveloping him. He was scared...


Let sit and watch 1000 years pass by you. See that the world has changed in this forest. And see that there once was a statue of a brave knight in this clearing. You can see it is covered in vines, greenery, and mould. This is a somewhat peaceful area, in this clearing that is. All is well in this forest until a shocking spectacle catches the attention of all... including the statue! The sky and forest have become absolutely shaken! Something of a giant ring of spectrum colour appears in the sky over the forest! There is something coming for our humble clearing...

Chapter 2: Endangered Spectrum

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The Last Man

Chapter 2: Endangered Spectrum

By: YoloSwagginz

Imagine if you would, that you are in a peaceful clearing in the middle of a dense forest, and as you sit and look, you can hear a strong breeze flowing through the tree tops accompanied by the song of birds. You can see the sun's rays casting over pollen in the air and you can even imagine the smell of spring if you like. And if you were here, you would probably reckon that its the late afternoon. In this lazy and beautiful clearing you would be unpleasantly suprised by a reverberating soundwave that is heard echoing through the forest with a loud "SMACK", almost like thunder. You would not only be suprised by the sense of sound, but your sight would be taken for a whirl as well. There is a large ring of colour flowing through the sky absorbing clouds as it went...


"That was some speed! Wait until the Wonderbolts see this! They are totally going to see how awesome I am!"

Rainbow Dash laughed verbally and as usual, was very impressed with herself. Now she was gliding only ten feet off the tree tops and was feeling great! She started for flip and a roll to show everyone how awesome she was.

"Another Sonic Rainboom!" she thought "This is the 3rd one I've done in a week!"

To Rainbow Dash the fact that the residents of Ponyville had asked her to practice her famous move somewhere else had felt like and insult. But she figured that the Everfree deserved a show once in a while. And so she showed them! With another flip and even another Rainbow was feeling unstoppable.

As she glided around she noticed that she had gotten pretty far into the forest and that it was probably time to head back. But before she banked off she saw a small clearing.

"Huh? That looks halfway interesting..." she mused.

Rainbow Dash took one final flight around the clearing and decided to touch down...


Jan... Hmmm.... Isn't that my name?... [Bird chirping]... That was definitely a sound... Isn't that a bird?... Ah yes that was a bird I would say... [darkness starts to fade and light as if down a long and narrow tunnel starts to slowly open up.]...Woe?... Oh my, I... That is light I think... Yes that is... Yes and now I believe I am feeling now? Strange... I am... By the gods...

At this point Jan is slowly looking around and is noticing the senses of mortality bleeding back into his life. The first thing that struck him was how green everything was...

My hand? Why is it sticking out in front of me? Oh that is my sword yes! I remember now... I... I... [Jan is now fully un-petrified]
Jan for the first time in 1000 years takes a breath, and with that breath his arm falls out of place and his sword falls to the ground with a clatter. His first breath is now quickly being choked up by sorrow. He bends his neck down and tears slowly start to form in his eyes. He leans forward and falls immediately onto his knees. His vision is blurred and he now slumps down onto his head. Jan starts to cry and in the process falls down onto his side.

-As he lay there a strange spectrum coloured creature takes notice-

Jan starts to look at his useless hands and lets pure emotion flow through him. And after a couple of minutes of this he realized that he sounded like a new born. He took another look at his useless hands and after a moment of breathing decided that getting up was probably a wise decision. He started to stumble onto his feet and made it halfway up before falling again. With another try he came to a vertical position and stood awkwardly.

"Ahh!" he thought "Stop being such a baby!"

Jan took off his helmet and took his armoured hand and ran it through his long brown hair. He brought his hand onto his "proto-beard" and scratched it a little. He took another breath and found his sword lying next to a small pile of vines and roots sitting around the imprint of two feet. He walked over to his long sword and gingerly picked it up.

"That was I'll done my noble blade... I should not drop you again."

Jan put it up into the air and waved it around a little. He put the thing back into the sheath and pulled his helmet back onto his head. He sighed and thought of what was had just happened. His mind was somewhat fuzzy of this "re-awakening" and so he decided to put it off.

"Uh, It would be best if I went home I think..."

Jan started to turn around to recall the path he had entered and was caught off guard. Standing ten feet in front of him stood another one of those things.

"Stay back you foul beast! I wish not to quarrel with you!"

Jan was already scared at the sight of this creature, and was thinking of a hundred different ways to escape its curious stare, and when he thought that running was about to be a good idea the blue horse had said something.

"What are you?" said the creature

To Jan these words were slightly recognizable and his mind tried to understand them.

"What?" said Jan giving the creature a moment.

"I said what are you?"

"What? Am I? Yes? I'm sorry but your accent is astonishing."

"What hey?! You're the weird one!"

"Weird? How so? I cant say I've seen very many of you around?"

"Likewise weirdo!" exclaimed Rainbow

Jan didn't understand the last word and when he tried to repeat it, it came out funny.

"Weeerdoh? What in the name of the gods is that?"

This Rainbow Dash laughed lightly into her arm and gave a small smile.

"I'll admit, I have seen a lot of freaks in my time but you buddy! You take the cake!" Rainbow Dash then followed her own misunderstood joke with a series of laughs.

Jan stood there motionless and had taken the statement as an insult, even though it was hard to understand. He had then taken his hand and started to move his fingers around in front of his face as if to brag of his articulation. To that Rainbow simply laughed louder.

"What am I supposed to be jealous of your stupid claws? They don't even look sharp! Pfff hahaha!" Dash then cascaded into another cruel series of laughter.

Jan simply shook his head and decided he was wasting his time. He then ignored the cruel pony creature and started to look around for the entrance. Surprisingly it looked as if everything had grown over and it seemed that the sky was letting on to believe that night was not far away. So to this Jan decided he would rather leave this pony and find another spot to camp. As he started to leave the clearing in the general direction he thought he had come he heard the creature call out to him.

"Hey wait! Don't go. I was just messing with you, you weirdo."

Jan didn't want to waste his time so he decided to keep walking.

"Hey!" she said, sounding a little worried now.

" I was talking to you!"

Jan then turned around to see the creature following him out of the clearing.

"Aye, Well I don't take well to mean beings" he said.

"I'm not being mean I just can't say I've seen someone like you around here before. I'm actually really sore from flight and I was hoping you could like... Wait for me or something..."

Jan stopped now and looked at the pony.

"Do you want me to make you a fire and read you a night story too?"

"Hah sure weirdo I was just hoping that we could, you know camp the night out, it's getting dark out and I can't fly right now...Wait you can make fire?"

Jan was actually tired, and that biscuit he ate 1000 years ago wasn't leaving a lasting imprint on his stomach. He then conceded to the blue pony and said

"Yes I can make a fire! Can you breath?"

To this Dash simply laughed again. Jan then started to gather sticks. After this he was ready to gather those larger pieces and after a while he was starting to break a sweat collecting the proper elements to make a good fire. After 15 minutes it was dark out and the pony had wandered closer to the human.

"Well let's see it I'm getting cold!"

Jan ignored her rude remark and started to pull out his flint and parrying dagger. He glanced at his the blade and saw his uncle's name pressed into the blade. He wondered for a moment how is gambling, drunken, fun making smith of an uncle was doing. No doubt he was at some inn impressing women with his "hot poker" trick.

"What a bugger" Jan thought and the lightly laughed to himself.

He started to strike the rock and steel and had started to make sparks. Rainbow Dash watched from 3 feet away slightly impressed and interested onto how this creature could create fire. Jan sparked about three times before he caught his kindling on fire. He pulled his helmet off and started to blow into the small flame. Gradually he brought it's presence to a heightened sense of being and thus his fire was alive! Dash was not normally impressed by anything but herself but to this she was slightly jealous.

"Okay" she said "That was pretty cool, but I think I can still fly faster than you."

Jan then gave a laugh and shook his head.


It was about midnight now and the fellow mortals were making fast friends. Jan had tried his best to understand the pony and she did likewise. Jan was telling a funny story he remembered from last week.

"And that is when my dad came in... And he said..." "John I swear to the gods, you teach my boy how to dice and I shall have you strung up by your beard!"... " My uncle was not deterred though, and when he saw it fit to mock my father he had said." "[Mocking tone] John.. I swear you teach my beard to hang I'll play games with yer sister!"

To this Jan laughed out loud and started slapping his leg in enjoyment. Dash was yawning and sitting there giving courtesy laughs at Jan's strange stories. She started to think to herself. "Wow this thing can talk, like A LOT. I guess I can live with that... He is kind of funny and... uh cute? Pfff..." Dash shook her head at her last thought and began to yawn again.

"Alright weirdo I'm goin' to sleep now, do you mind?

Jan looked over at her and said "Ah yes, a good story does bring one to thoughts of sleep. I think it wise to find sleep myself."

"Alright, I hope you don't mind if I go use the little fillies room?"

Jan just shrugged at her strange statement and said "Yes I do care not" he then yawned and stretched his arms.

Rainbow Dash then slowly got up and trotted to a quiet place about 300 yards from the fire. She started moving her wings and then thought about the strange bipedal creature. She did feel kind of bad for lying to him about her wings, she wasn't very sore at all she was just really curious about this thing. She hoped that her friends back in Ponyville weren't too worried about her. But she figured by morning she could convince the weirdo to go with her to Ponyville. PinkiePie would love to meet him she knew.

After finding a spot she slowly walked back to the fire, but as she got close to the location she noticed that the fire was very dim. As if it had been kicked out or something. She looked for Jan but saw that he was gone. "What the hey?" she thought.

She started to look around for prints and thought "Your not getting away from me that easily!" She saw his trail, it looked as if he got up and had started to wonder off. She was then stopped by a hand over her mouth. She tried to scream but she calmed down when she realized it was Jan.

"What the heck she whispered!"

Jan looked very tense, even under his armour in the black of night. "Pony creature be quiet!" he hissed. I heard chains jingling from over there about 1 minutes ago. Rainbow looked at him in the darkness and said "What?" She took a listen for herself and then she heard it. "Cling cling Cling...Bshhhhhhhh, clink" The sound of dragging chains made Dash tense.

"Uh, what the hey is that?" whispered Dash in a scared tone.

Jan replied with a "I think---!!!!

A large voice boomed "Gotch Ya!" and in seconds Jan was being flung into the air! Rainbow yiped in astonishment and she tried to hide in the bush she was next to. She starred in shock as Jan was throne to the ground with and audible "Thud". She sat there paralyzed watching the scene unfold.


I was aware that the pony was coming my way and I was going to have to silence her. She was following my trail and when she got close I put my hand over her mouth. "Pony creature be quiet!" I hissed. A couple moments of waiting and tense listening were about when suddenly I stopped in fear.... The creature was behind me... I mumbled that I think, and then suddenly my feet were off the ground. I was slammed against the dirt and leaves and then my breath had been taken.

I looked up at the creature to see a tall walking wolf. It went to stomp me but I rolled out of the way. I was quick and within and instant my longsword was in hand. My adrenaline was peaking now and I backed into a fighting stance. The creature looked at me with teeth gleaming in the moon light.

"Fuck you" I said, I then took a daring stagger towards it. The creature deftly moved and made a mocking noise. This made me smile, I was ready to lay this creature out.

"What's wrong, lost your bone doggy?" I said in hopes of agitating it.

The creature knew my words and then spat back "I've found my bone ri-"

I gave it no time to respond and immediately took a savage swing at it's elongated and scarred face, and much to my adrenaline filled happiness I took it's whole ear off in one swing. It sprung back and started snarling, I then took another swing at it now merely toying with the dumb wolf. It started to go into a run and so I called back to it.

"Go back to your master you petty beast!!!"

To this I started laughing until my ears caught the sound of the chains again. I quickly swiveled to look at the source and then I saw it. The poor pony was being cornered by a Minotaur. The thing was absolutely gigantic and it started to advance onto the pony with a gait that suggested it was not afraid. The little blue Pegasus turned promptly turned and bucked the creature square in the face. The pony turned and smirked at her work only to be grabbed by the neck. She started screaming and then I heard the beast handle chains.

By this time my bow was loaded and I fired a bolt into it's back. I saw it's skin twitch slightly but the creature hadn't seemed to notice. I then saw the massive creature put the pony down, but now she was adorned with a rusty collar around her neck. This bothered me quite so and so I charged towards that horned monster, sword in both hands I screamed.

"For KuhlValans!"

I tried to plant the sword in between the beasts shoulders only to by knocked back... It was as if I hadn't remembered the blow, I was on my back and I could taste blood. I slowly rolled around in agony and tried to feel my body. I felt something hard in my throat. It was my tooth! The Gigantic Minotaur simply glanced at me and said "Stay down human, less you lose your place in this world."

To this I replied "Fuck you!" through a bloody mouth. I sat there holding my jaw hoping it wasn't broken and I listened to the beast walk away with that poor Pegasus struggling the whole time. I was in so much pain my head began to spin and I started spitting blood into my helmet... I started to attempt a move only for everything to go dark... My head hurt...

Chapter 3: A Lovely Reunion

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The Last Man

Chapter 3: A lovely Reunion

By: YoloSwagginz

I awoke, breathing slowly as if still within the confines of sleep, but rather I was conscious. I let out a small sigh and sat up. I slowly brought my hands back to support myself and I took a look at the rather old pile of brown and yellow leaves I was amongst. The memories of the massive hit I had received last night started to trickle back into my thinking space. The raw sense of pain started to become more apparent as the blood started to leave my head and face. I took a moment to draw in a large breath and stood up. My teeth were missing...

"That poor little Pegasus has been taken...and it looks like I am best to follow the loathsome beast that so apprehended her."
I stated this into the foggy morning, addressing no one in particular. I felt my face throb and so too took in the surroundings. I picked my longsword off the cool ground for the second time in two days I realized that I was stricken hungry.

"No matter, I must find this absurd creature that showed me some what of a kind nature." I thought.

To this effect I immediately observed the ground around me and found a large fur covered ear. I slowly smiled to myself and thought it a grand souvenir. With a bend at the waste I picked it up and slipped it into my hard pack. I again scanned the ground for hoof marks of any kind. There all around were the giant imprints of the beastly minotaur which had given me the bad news the night before and it wasn't hard to follow them. I gave a quiet chase and tried most to stay observant. After about 2 hours of walking I again was reminded that it had been almost two days since my last meal. My turbulent stomach had done well of reminding me at every turn. This led on for a small while longer until the tracks had led out onto a lake.

"Water... and where there is water, there is fish to be had."

I approached the water timidly and stepped a few feet into the shallow. I started to look around the water for fish when I had suddenly been met with my own reflection. The steel plated helmet that stared back at me was one with a new shiny scrape across it and looked as if it had been showered in leaf bits. I took off my helm for an inspection and noticed the dried blood caked all over the inside and on my visor. I started to wash the helmet and looked at my own reflection, this time without the helm. I was surprised to see a tired man who almost looked 30! Dried blood all over his face and two teeth missing. Not only this but the face was all purple and bruised. I decided a quick wash would do and so I did.

Later I had seen two fish and had successfully skewered both of them with little trouble. The bow was worth the money obviously. I then after a small meal had taken to following the tracks again, but this time I could not find them. I quickly threw myself into a panic and was about to yell in anger when I saw it. There lying next to and old stump sat a large cyan feather.

"Yes" I thought "This belonged to my beloved creature"

I so then picked up the feather and looked for another. The Pegasus wasn't daft, no she was leaving me a trail, picking feathers and dropping them as she went. I soon saw as the feathers became more frequent and had followed them for a fathom or two. Until it was about noon.

The fog had cleared after the morning and as I traveled the scent of smoke came to me. This made me un-sling my crossbow and put the stock to my shoulder. I creeped through the woods now like a wolf watches it's prey. And there! There was a clearing up ahead and I saw the beast rolling an entire buck on a spit! The fire was massive and very loud. I looked around the clearing for the blue Pegasus but was put off by the absence of it's presence. There next to the minotaur stood the tall wolf bickering at itself over something. Jan got close enough to hear the conversation.

"Yes, that is why I don't like Equstrians...Too whinny and easy to provoke." said the wolf. "I still cant believe that little bitch bucked me! I guess she couldn't wait for me to stick it in her! haha!"

The minotaur did not saying anything, it just sat there attending it's meal. It's massive arms rotating while the wolf babbled.

"I think I'll go give that little bugger ah visit again and see what she'll be wantin of mee... heh"

The wolf turned from the bond fire and started walking into a half beaten trail. Jan followed without hesitation.


"I cant believe that stupid wolf would do this..." thought Rainbow Dash. "That ugly thing." Rainbow Dash started to put her hoof to the ground and draw a circle in the dirt. Her thoughts started drifting to all of her friends and she started to cry. Her mourning was abruptly interrupted by the sound of soft foot steps. She looked up to see the evil wolf coming back to her.

"Oh Celstia, no more" she thought.

The sickening beast drew closer to her and the smell of him was overwhelming. He was now in front of her with a giant grin across his scarred muzzle.

"So little pony, you want to play with me again eh?"

Rainbow Dash just looked away and started to sob. The creature extended its long fingers and grabbed Rainbow Dash's mane, giving it a yank.

"You can be the dumb mare! I'll be the BIG stallion hahah!... Come on, open wide!"

Rainbow Dash just closed her eyes and tried to fight his grasp. She did so for a couple seconds until the soft sound of a whistle was heard, followed by the sound of a stick breaking against a tree and the same thing falling into leaves. The grasp the wolf had held was now gone, she turned and looked to see the wolf smiling down at her. It slowly brought it's hand up onto it's throat and brought it back covered in matted blood now seeping down the neck. The wolf tried to say something but blood started to foam at it's mouth. Right behind the wolf came a knight holding a longsword in one hand, he slowly walked up behind the creature and dispatched its head in one easy swing.

"Jan!" cried Rainbow Dash "I knew you come to save me!"

Jan put one of his fingers to his mouth and knelt down to touch Dash gingerly.

"What are friends for then?" said Jan in his strange accent.

Rainbow Dash wanted to hug him but the body made things awkward. Rainbow Dash started to look at Jan, her heart was fluttering. Jan started inspecting the collar around her neck, and after looking at Rainbow for a couple seconds he spoke.

"Are you hurt?" said Jan

"Only my feelings" said Dash with a sincere smile.

Jan paused and looked at her, "I want to apologize, friend... I never asked you your name and I merely talked about myself."

"That's ok you weirdo, my name is Rainbow Dash. I mean, how could you not know that?" The knot in Dash's stomach had disappeared and she was now excited to escape. Jan looked over her again and decided that cutting the chain was the best idea. He took the blade and hacked as close to Rainbow as he could. Three savage strikes and the chain gave way.

Dash flexed her wings and started to walk around freely. She looked back at Jan eternally thankful. Jan now flapped his arms around to signal that flight was to be committed. She smiled and thought about getting the heck out of here.

"What about you Jan? Where will you go?"

"I will head for home, I hope that one day we will meet again."

Dash knew that what he was saying was pretty much impossible. The fact that he had a home that is. Dash had never seen whatever he was and if there were more of him, Equestria would have known. She looked at the figure one more time and said,

"Jan, come to Ponyville after you visit home. That's where I live, we should hang out sometime."

"Ah, I admit I have never hear of such a place, but I promise that I will come around after I leave this retched forest!"

Dash gave one more smile and took off! Not as fast as usual because of the chain and the fact that she was really hungry, but she felt immensely better. She flew as fast as her wings would take her, and after an hour she knew she would be home. She started thinking of what to say when she got back. First she would sleep for days, second she wouldn't tell anyone about this happening and third she was going to find out what the hey Jan was. This was releaving.


I watched the beautiful creature I had just freed and then I smiled. A warm feeling engulfing my body, a feeling that Jan wouldn't trade for anything. That I would say to be the first victory in a thousand to come. I then started to think of home and decided that I would leave, almost immediately. I picked up the big dog's head with both hands and judged it.

"Justice you old fuck" I thought

I stood there examining my first real kill until a funny thought crawled it's way into my mind. Ah yes, a prank shall do.

The minotaur hadn't moved still, it now tasted the meat and started to look buggedly at the food. Jan had waited at the edge of the clearing and with the utmost patience observed. The minotaur tore an entire limb off and started to gnaw on it. Jan picked his moment precisely and casually strolled towards the fire, a victory swagger with him. He walked up next to the beast and held the head by the snout, attempting to hand it to the oblivious cow.

"Hey, would you like some shit on that?

The minotaur turned it's massive head in starred at Jan in amazement.

"Here I'm done with mine" Jan then used his whole body to lob the head of the desecrated wolf into the visage of the beast. The throw was complete with a "thud" as the head hit the ground. After this time Jan split into the forest doing his best head long sprint the whole time adrenaline and laughter following.


It was close to nightfall and Dash was finally home!

"Just in time for the Canterlot games I think" she said with a little bit of strain.

She slowly glided down to her cloud house and landed on the front lawn. She opened her door and promptly fell asleep.

Chapter 4: Hard Truths

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The Last Man

Chapter 4: Hard Truths

By: YoloSwagginz

*Knock knock*... "Rainbow Dash, hello?" *Knocking continues* "Rainbow Dash!"

"Huh, What?"

In the halls and rooms of a particular cloud house, was the sharp sound of knocking. The knocking was not unusual but rather annoying. That same knocking stirred a certain creature from a long needed slumber. That creature was of course Rainbow Dash, and she wasn't exactly in the mood for visitors.

"Keep your shoes on!" yelled Rainbow Dash. "Who the hey is knocking? It's like uh, 12:00 in the afternoon."

Rainbow stood up and arched her back, which was then followed by a long yawn. She looked at the door in mild confusion, and then realized she had fallen asleep right next to it. Her hoof pushed the nob down and the door cracked open. Before the door had fully opened Dash realized she was still wearing the rusted old collar and chain. Her quick thought was interrupted by Twilight Sparkle's presence. The purple alicorn pushed the door open fully and Dash backed away. Twilight's expression was visibly brightened by the sight of Dash.

"Rainbow Dash, were have you been? and what is that around your neck?"

Rainbow Dash was too tired to think of a good excuse, so she simply said, "I was testing it?" This statement was not taken very seriously and it didn't seem to bother Twilight too much. So she simply walked over and gave Dash a hug.

"Hey Twi, sorry I haven't been around, I was uh, in Cloudsdale. Nice of you to come and visit me!"

"No problem Dash, everyone was wondering where you were, It's been two days since anyone has seen you. So I thought you might be sleeping, so here I am!"

"Yeah like I said. Anyways. Whats been happening in Ponyville? I was just back visiting my parents."

"Well nothing much, but you missed Pinkie's Saturday party."

"Oh, yeah I guess I should have told someone I was going huh?"

"No it's fine Dash, are you okay with that thing around your neck, you look a little rough?"

"Yeah you know, I... Was strength training with this collar. Flying against it and trying to break it..." Rainbow Dash took her hoof and pushed the dismembered chain into view. "As you can see, It wasn't awesome enough for me!"

Twilight rolled her eyes and laughed. "Yeah, That's for sure... How are you going to take it off?"

"Uh maybe you could break it with your magic?" Dash said with a smile.

Twilight's purple aura surrounded the chain and she started tugging on the metal in all different directions. The collar gave way and fell through the floor. "Oops, hope that doesn't hit somepony!" Twilight said with a start.

"I'm sure it's fine" retorted Dash "You want something to eat?"

Twilight nodded indifferently and said "I'm fine, but thanks Dash. But maybe we could go hang out with the girls today. Would you join us at the Library around 3:00, we're going to plan a sleep over?"

Dash quickly replied with "Of course! Just let me wash up and I'll meet you guys in a little while."

Twilight smiled with an "Okay, see you then Dash"

Rainbow Dash gave a wave as Twilight took flight from off of her cloud. She turned to her kitchen and walked in. She grabbed an old carrot off the counter and started to eat it slowly. Her thoughts started drifting to that strange thing she had spent been the last two days with. "I wonder if he is okay?" she thought...


"All so bloody unfamiliar" Jan thought with a note of panic. "This is the way I think... Yes... wait? Is it so? Jan was now some ways away from that freakish cow, and was now leaving the forest in search of home. Jan was holding up his map onto a tree looking at it in confusion.

"Bloody Hell!" I swore aloud. "This map was never wrong before!?" I turned the quill in my hand a couple times and kept looking at the scenery which so laughed at my face. Foul trees, playing tricks on me I suppose. I think walking in a northern direction is best, or...

I put the quill back into my hard pack and my map as well. I felt very frustrated and was feeling a little defeated. I looked at the quail on my hip and started to think of eating. Ah no, I thought, I should bring it back to my family in one piece. Hmm this path will have to suffice I guess. I walked down a beautifully arranged path through the very same woods I should have left hours ago. I did walk for quite a while until I came upon... The Old Stone Bridge! Ah this was a landmark I could never forget! Good and bad memories from this old place. As I strolled across the bridge it became obvious to me that It was not the same. This place looked a lot more, used perhaps? Some stones here and there were missing and the rest was obviously worn down.

"Ah! Bollocks! This bloody bridge was made but 10 years ago!" How has it come to look so old?

I remembered the very masons that built this thing? It is in such disrepair. As I walked even more so to were KuhlValans should be I started to develop a strange feeling. The thoughts of the past events were starting to fall together, and as each wicked puzzle piece started aligning they all pointed to the same strange thought. Have I been gone for long?

^ The river was different. Even the ground was different... This wasn't right at all. I looked over at were a fallow field should have stood and were the merchant's stand was once placed. There, now stood a thick stand of trees were once there was a pub. My throat started tightening in fear. I looked around again, and thought that perhaps this was the wrong place. My legs started to carry me into the direction of my father's farm house. I started walking faster until I went into a dead sprint. The thought of missing everyone was flowing through my head like the waters of a broken dam. My breath started to catch me and when I made it over the hill, I looked hopefully into the valley were my farm.... I started walking slowly towards the general direction starring directly were the farm had always been. My heart was in my throat now and my vision was immediately blocked by tears of pure sorrow. Sobs started escaping from my body... I walked into the direction still... feeling sick..

"noo..No...*sobs*.. no...." NOOOO!!!

I fell to my knees and sobbed harder than I have ever before. My whole body shaking as I recognized the cobble stone foundation of the barn... My hands started shaking and I looked at the steel wrapping my fingers. My hands looked distorted through all the tears.

"nooo... NO! my blithering sadness turned into blinding rage! I stood and took my helmet whipping it across the wheat into a bush.

My heart was broken. I threw my retched longsword to the ground and took my bow and tossed it into the air. I looked up into the dark sky crying tears of rage and sorrow.

"GODS... Why have you forsaken me??"

I looked down at my self and grabbed the dagger from it's sheath across my chest. I held it onto my neck feeling it's sharpness... I dropped it and fell to the ground blithering the whole time... It started raining in the wild field...
^ (stop song)


"Oh my gosh! It's Dashie!!" Squealed Pinkie Pie

Rainbow Dash flew down into the library and landed on the ground, seconds later she was ambushed by Pinkie. The pair tumbling happily into AppleJack. Rainbow Dash gave Pinkie a huge hug and laughed at the sight of all her friends.

"Watch it there miss Dash" AppleJack said playfully.

Everyone laughed together and Rainbow Dash was glad she was back. Pinkie Pie took no time in questioning her disappearance.

"What the hey Dash? Did you get lost at your house? Did you see your parents? Were you struck by lighting? Wer--"

"Pinkie! Give it a rest already, I was--"

"Give it a rest? I haven't seen you in two days!" Yelled Pinkie in astonishment.

Dash simply laughed and pushed Pinkie off her. Turning to the group.

"Oh, Dash, you simply must have told us! Why, you missed Pinkie's party! Rarity exclaimed

"Yeah yeah, I just went out to see my parents, no biggy right?"

"Not at all!" said Twilight "We're happy your back already!"

"Yes we we're so worried!" said FlutterShy smiling innocently at Dash.

"Ah sorry guys I didn't mean to scare you.." The guilt of lying was starting to get to Dash.

"No problem, let's get started planning our sleep over!" Said Twilight prancing with excitement "I've already planned an exciting night!"

"Alright!" the group echoed.


My breath was calm, and I was on my back... What I saw above me was not a normal sight. In fact this was normal at all. There was clouds, more beautiful then I had ever seen. Golden rays beaming through the air, and the sound of soft wind. I began to sit up and noticed that I was sitting on a cloud, in full armour. Normally I would have been scared from wits, but no. This felt right. I slowly stood up and all the sorrow and pain from before was just something to laugh at. I looked around and everything was calm. I turned slowly, to the sound of wings softly beating the wind. I looked up and was met with a sight I hadn't seen in a while. It was my sister. She slowly floated down to my with large black wings on her back grace in every movement, and a smile across her face looking lovingly at me. Her arms reached out to me as she got close and I reached up to grab her hands. I pulled her down to my height.


"Brother" she said warmly, "It has been long since we have spoken."

I looked at my sister with a kind heart, and said "You look more beautiful than ever. Where is father and the others?"

She smiled "Oh Jan, do not worry of them, they are safe"

I held her at arms length and brought her into a hug. I wanted to weep, but alas, I was too much at peace.

"Jan I'm here to tell you, we are fine... And so are you... We want you to live life and not think of death.."

"Ah but sister... I am alone"

"In the waking world this is true, but we are waiting for you... Just live and be happy..."

She slowly started drifting from me but I made no effort to stop her. If you had seen this sight it would have been interesting to say the least. There on a cloud, stood a gloomy looking knight, covered in dirt and mud, with a long white slash mark across the face. He holding his arms up to a beautiful angel, with fully fledged black wings... It was magnificent...


My eyes flew open to the sound of a massive storm overhead. The sky was dark and the rain was pelting me. I sat up and smiled. This smile was one of mixed emotions to be sure. I was definitely happy now, but I was still alone. I could not help but still be thankful for the life I had now. This spurred me to be somewhat excited.

"Oh gods it was good to be alive!"

I quickly got to my feet and threw my hands into the air laughing joyfully out loud, thunder booming only seconds after my standing. I am alive! It is good to be mortal. It is so simple! I put my hands down and laughed again.

"Thank you gods!" I yelled.

I started gathering my stuff and look around. There next to my sword was a blue feather. I picked it up and looked at it with happy eyes. I know were I must go now!

"To Ponyville!" I yelled into the storm, sword raised.

I quickly gathered my things and bowed to the thunder and lighting, starting another run. I was full of excitement and joy when I got to the river. For there was a boat! Full of light and sounds, it was slowly floating down the river and smelled of incense...


Rainbow Dash was now comfortably sitting with all of her friends in the main part of the library, and AppleJack was finishing her scary story. She finished with a jump and a yell, and Pinkie went flying! Everyone laughed as Pinkie sat there acting extremely scared.

"Come on Pinkie, heh heh, that story only scares the fillies!" Proclaimed AppleJack laughing at her usual antics.

Everyone was doing good and the story was now up to Dash. She decided to tell a story about a weird creature that roamed through the Everfree, attempting to help anyone innocent. She went through describing the creature and talked with fascination all the while the storm booming outside. The story would have been scary if the creature had been mean, but no he was a good fellow and wouldn't harm anyone. As Dash told the story everyone was enthralled. It seemed pretty original and everyone was listening closely. As the story progressed Twilight started thinking of something that she read in a book that described the creature Dash was talking about.

"Wait girls! Dash I think I know what the animal in your story is!" Twilight said smartly "Hold on" Twilight ran over to a book case and pulled a very old book off of it. Her magic quickly cleaning any remnants of dust. She opened the book to a page in the middle and brought it over to her friends. There on the old yellow paper was the drawing of a hideous creature that stood on two legs and held a metal stick. On it's head was a copper pot and it had weird hair growing of it's face.

"Woe!" the group said together

Dash sat there with suspicious eyes and said "That's not what it looks like? That looks all mean and evil?"

"Well Rainbow, this is a very old book of mythical creatures...I think that you're making a story about this thing. It's a... What is it?

"A human" replied Dash.

"Wow, have you taken this book before Dash? The only person who borrows this book is that mint coloured mare, Lyra."


Chapter 5: The Merchant

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The Last Man

Chapter 5: The Merchant

By: YoloSwagginz

There, upon the river, floated that strange vessel. It was red as a fire and had the physique of a galley. It made a curious sight to anypony or anybody really. Jan stood upon the river bank and watched the ship slowly move down the river. It was very dark out and the rain was pushing most visible things out of sight. The thunder was most present, for it did not let up very often. Perhaps every 10 seconds it conducted itself in a tremulous manner.

I watched the length of the ship looking closely for any name to which I could identify it to. As it slowly moved I found myself walking with it down the coast. The visible light emitting from it was warm as well as comforting. I then decided a hallo was necessary.

I brought my hands to my mouth and shouted to the ship. "Hallo?" The ship simply kept plodding along. "Hallo!" again I shouted. To this effect one of the windows of the ship had a shift in light. I was given a response which was not compliant to my native tongue, but sounded like a greeting of sorts. Whatever had responded now pulled the window shut and made its way onto the small deck. It looked strange from here, even in the poor lighting.

The small ship now careened over to my side of the river and made for a small peninsula covered in foliage. I walked myself in accordance to the ships landing position and awaited the landing. As I looked onto the ship my heart fluttered for a second, for the creature that was aboard was bipedal! Ah, but my hopes were dashed as I saw it had a tail, and it's body was different from many. No creature I had ever seen.

The thing grabbed a rope and tossed one end to me. I caught it and started to tie the rope to a pine tree standing nearby. I turned around to see a wooden board thrown on land and a solitary invitation by the creature. It waved to me and to this I gestured back.

I walked steadily up the board until I was on the deck, I was then meet with the strangest creature I had ever seen. It bowed to me and pointed to the door with it's claw. I simply kept my mouth shut and followed the creature into the doorway of the cabin. As I followed the friendly thing I noticed that it had a long body, almost that of a serpent, but it had a set of arms and long legs to match. As I walked in I was hit with a wave of foreign smells and it reminded me the old trader in KuhlValans. I was a little nervous but I knew I could talk to one like this.

The lizard looking thing in front of me walked behind a wooden counter and turned. I gave him my courtesy and bowed low. When the strange creature reappeared in my view I was shocked. What I saw standing before me was not any Pegasus, nor a Unicorn, It wasn't a horse creature at all. It almost looked like a dragon!

The creature smiled at me with rows of razor sharp teeth, turning it's head and giving a look into my soul. The cat like eyes which belonged to this creature looked as if they were made of gold. He then scanned me cautiously, gaining nothing from my winged helm. I slowly took of my helmet and put it underneath my arm. I gave him a nod and a nervous smile. I was a about to speak when I was interrupted by the thing.

"I'm not going to lie... You are the strangest thing I have ever seen!" His voice was thick with accent. I nearly laughed at his statement and replied in disbelief.

"Strange? I think that in all my life I've never met a talking lizard!"

To this the lizard smiled and rasped. "Ah, In all my life I've never seen a, whatever you are? Who has black hairs growing from the top of their head, and on their face?"

"Well who has bloody feathers sprouting down their neck?" I replied smartly

"I do!" he said laughing

Behind this lizards eyes I could see intelligence, and along with that I could see laughter. He was very odd but was likeable. He was a brown lizard with two whiskers like that of a cat fish at the end of his snout. Both tipped with gold rings. He had feathers of green and brown running from the top of his head down the back of his neck. His body was long and he had two muscular arms. His lower limbs consisted of two strange long legs that were bent backwards at the knee. He gave me another look and laughed to himself.

"Hmm, yes well... I am known as Yulis from Kooark! I am a trader, a gambler and I am liking one of the best captains you'll ever meet!

"Well met... Yulis, I am Jan Sjoland of KuhlValans, I am a knight, an adventurer, and I'm the last human in the universe..." To this last comment I couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. I could only smile at my feet with a wave of anxiety washing over my entire being.

Yulis looked visibly confused and tapped his gold ringed claw on the counter top with a look of wonder.

"Ah, I was wondering what you might be, a human you say? I don't quite know what that is..."

After a long and awkward pause Yulis looked back at the conflicted knight and said "Well you are welcome to stay in my shop while the rain is visiting. You can also buy things, this is a shop after all."

I felt as if the excitement of the dream was bleeding out of my system. Perhaps that was just merely a dream and no more. I shook my head and looked back at my new acquaintance, I did not feel like putting a damper on the mood so I figured that buying something would do.

"Ah, your statement is one of kindness, but I don't know if are paths head in the same direction. Regardless what have you for sale?"

Yulis took his claw and tapped his long chin In thought. He then stroked his whisker.

"I think one such as you a "knight", would appreciate a blade. I do not have many but you can look at what I have, I also have spells about... You don't look like a unicorn I admit so never mind that. If you have anything interesting I would buy it from you..."

I thought for a second and reached into my hard pack, I grasped the first thing I could and pulled it out and onto the counter. I opened my hand to what amounted as a fist full of cyan feathers and a bunched up old dog's ear. I laid the items flat on the table and looked at Yulis for a reaction...

His claw pushed the feathers around and he gave a look at the dog's ear. His judgement of the items did not take long.

"So, a werewolf's ear and some Pegasus feathers... I would give you 2 bits for the ear and 5 for all... 20 feathers." I was slightly perturbed, but I also knew that I was ignorant of this prices of this era.

"Well the feathers were from a friend, I don't know if I could part with them for 5 uh... bits."

Yulis looked strangely at the feathers and said "Hmm, your friend was a Pegasus, why do you have their feathers?"

"Well its actually a long story, I had met this pony in the Everfree, and it was quite interesting to say the least. It had a rainbow coloured mane, and was quite funny... you see she was taken and I had decided verily to rescue the-..." Yulis broke in and said,

"Wait... This creature, was she called Rainbow Dash?"

I looked at the lizard and felt slightly worried. "Uh yes... You know this creature?"

"Of course, most know of the elements of harmony?" In my land we know they had saved all of existence on a couple of occasions! If what you say is no lie, you met her, and these feathers are worth quite some currency..."


Rainbow Dash on this hot afternoon was doing the usual. Sleeping... She sat in her chair with the classic shades and slept by a small pond, where the Crusaders were splashing about. Her nap was going swimmingly and she was dreaming... Of that strange creature... A couple nights before Twilight had mentioned that she had a book about humans, and when they went to ask the local expert on weird creatures, Lyra was not home. She had apparently been of to Canterlot for some business purpose. So Twi put it off after asking a few of questions. Some were concerned some were curious she mostly just wanted to know if Dash was bluffing. But she wasn't. In fact she was wondering if Jan was ok. He said he was going to visit Ponyville, but it has been a couple of days...

Scootaloo whispered to Sweetie, "Hey I wonder if I can get my cutey mark for splashing rainbow coloured Pegasi?

With a large splash Dash was up in a second, covered in water and looking shocked. She glanced over at the bemused Scootaloo and said,

"You won't last a second squirt!"

Rainbow Dash started shaking her fur dry and then she lifted off with Scoots fluttering at full speed. It wasn't very hard for Dash to catch the little orange pony but she liked to play along, after all, Scootaloo had just learned to fly. The chicken gave a decent attempt at escape but Rainbow just hovered over her the whole time playing dumb. After about 30 seconds of this Rainbow grabbed Scootaloo out of the air like a hawk and started dragging her up towards the clouds. She was encountered with the long "Awww man". Scootaloo was now defeated and waved her good byes as Sweetie waved back. Rainbow Dash chimed in while still holding the Scoots,

"It's getting late Scootaloo we're going home" Rainbow Dash spoke sternly

Scootaloo bent her head down in defeat, "But Dash, I just got back from Appleblooms, I wanted to hang out with Sweetie some more!"

Rainbow bent down and looked at the chicken half sympathetically, "Sorry squirt, but it's bed time for both of us." To this Scootaloo struggled lightly and said "Alright, let me fly"

Rainbow Dash let go of her chicken and followed her up to their home. She was doing better, and one day she would be more cool then Dash she thought. Dash yawned mid flight and flew lazily behind the struggling Scoot. When they landed at the house Scootaloo puffed obviously tired of flight, and pushed the door open, Rainbow Dash followed her in and grabbed her with a wing hugging tightly.

"Good night squirt, don't let the geese bite!"

Rainbow Dash put Scoots to bed and went into her own bedroom, she almost instantly fell asleep and noticed that another storm was coming.


Miles away from the happy little cloud house was a very large storm. Underneath that same storm was a little river boat with two drunken passengers. Both having a fun match of story telling.

[Jan's drunken slurs] "I had always said... that he had a big nose! Hah hah! My sister had said that it made him a better archer, cause he could focus, like a blinded horse!!! hahaha!"

There from inside the warm boat laughed two great friends. The pair had felt like they had met their long lost equals. Both laughing over silly stories and feeling quite happy, even though outside, boomed an angry storm threatening the pair with every thunderous smack. The loud patter of rain did not deter Yulis or Jan. They were like two grapes on the same vine.

[Yulis' drunken rambling] "She had told me to pull the rug out, for a second time.... Why, I pulled so hard she fell flat on her snout!! *Uproar of laughter*

Jan looked around the boat in a drunken stupor and roared... "Ponyville ere we comeen!...Yeh!"

Yulis simply sat there with a stupid look across his scaly face and threw back another glass of Sand Wine. He then promptly stood up and fell to the floor, his tail slowly moving back and forth across the wooden planks. Jan was... well he was actually asleep now slumped over on the table with his steel boot lying across his arm...

Outside the storm was violent, and attempting to shake the drunkenness from the friends. To no avail...

Chapter 6: An Important Cargo

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The Last Man

Chapter 6: An Important Cargo

By: YoloSwagginz

I awoke suddenly and opened my eyes. As I lay there I can feel the floor beneath me moving and I can even smell my own vomit... I turned my gaze away from the ceiling and immediately noticed my splitting head ache. I brought a hand up to my fore head and I began to breath slowly. When I sat up, I was again reminded of my inglorious hang over. I looked around and felt quite dazed, especially when I noticed my boot was gone... I stood up and stretched, beginning the search for my gear. For I believe I over stayed my welcome. I looked down at my toes and gave them a wiggle. "Hmm" I thought, "Where did my strange lizard friend go?" I slowly walked over to a window at the front of the cabin and looked yonder. There was Yulis, sitting on the bow and smoking some strange object, looking quite pleased with himself I might add. I simply laughed at the lizard and walked towards where my sword lay. It was sitting at and angle underneath a barrel, and on the side of the barrel was my dagger. Stabbed into the wood along with some bolts. My helmet was on a broom stick and my boot was... Covered in old wine...

"I should watch my drinks more often heh..."

I grabbed my stuff and started to put it together on the table, I then took my wine covered boot with me outside for a washing. I opened the cabin door and walked towards Yulis, the air was pretty fresh and the amount of forest along the river was quite nice. He turned to me and blew a puff of smoke out over the slowly moving water. He then caught sight of my boot and smirked.

"Hah, that didn't work as well as I had hoped."

All I did was smile and show him the boot, "Yeah, bloody brilliant!"

Yulis still looked at the boot and smiled. He inhaled another bought of smoke and this time blew it out of his nostrils. His claw came up and stroked his whisker and he said,

"Well, we're about 3 hours from Ponyville, maybe we'll meet your friend?" This comment was followed by Yulis making some strange clicking noise, a clicking of excitement it seemed.

"That sounds great, thank you again Yulis, you have significantly shortened my travels!"

"Ah, no troubles friend, It was nice meeting someone who could handle so much wine!"

To this I smirked, and began washing my boot out with river water. I started getting the red colour out of the cloth and was thinking about the Pegasus. "What would I say to this creature? I had no idea she was a hero... I was kind of embarrassed to think I didn't know of her status..."

Yulis walked over to a large handle near the front of the cabin and began steering the small ship onto the left side of the river. He took another puff of his wooden pipe and smiled.

"I'm just glad I got a free crossbow." he rasped almost to himself

I turned and looked at him giving a short laugh,

"I don't even know why I would gamble, I'm utterly useless with cards"

"That's for certain!" Yulis retorted quickly.

"Aye, you wingless dragon!"

Yulis couldn't have grinned more, "Soar loser eh? We could play again if you want?"


"Well, It's that time of year, time to give that weird feller the cider he liked so much" thought Applejack

Applejack was fresh from working the fields and was now looking around the barn for the reserve barrels of Apple Cider, and just to her luck they were sitting not too far from the entrance. She stretched her slightly soar legs and gave them a look. "yeup, gotta find the cart now.." She went around a wooden pillar and found the old cart sitting fallow next to some hay. She gave the thing a couple tugs and put it next to the three barrels. She started to push the first barrel onto the cart until Applebloom walked in.

Giving a long yawn Applebloom looked around the barn and landed her eyes on Applejack, she started strolling towards Applejack and said

"There you are sis, what's for breakfast?"

"Apples, oh and would you help me with the barrels here pumpkin?" Replied Applajack

"Sure sis"

The two worked and eventually pushed the barrels into the cart. Applebloom was puffing after putting one barrel in and looked at Applejack,

"Gee Applejack, why do yah got all these barrels of cider still? I thought cider season was over?"

Applejack started to strap the cart to herself and said,

"Well Applebloom, I got this strange dragon feller, who comes down from the eastern ocean every year and buys three barrels of cider for about 300 bits. So he is a mighty fine customer to keep. You can come with me if Y'all want.

"Ah no that's ok Applejack, I was going to hang out with the crusaders. But Thanks fer the offer."

"Alright have fun Applebloom, but you be careful now, I don't want what happened at Sugercube corner again!"

Applebloom laughed nervously and scampered off with a "Ok wont happen again!"

Applejack rolled her eyes and started for the path leading to the river. Big Mac was walking back from the apple trees and nodded as he passed.

"Workin Big Mac?"


The hour long walk was pretty uneventful, and Applejack thought she was going to have to start singing to pass time until she looked up and saw Rainbow Dash kicking some stray rain clouds.

"Rainbow Dash!...Hey Rainbow!"

The busy mare looked away from her cloud and saw her orange friend pulling a cart along the road, she quickly stopped her monotonous work and glided down to Applejack.

"Hey there AJ, what you up to?" Rainbow Dash exclaimed half bored and now floating about a foot off the ground.

"Well, I'm just pulling some reserve cider to a buyer of mine. How's you work? That storm was crazy last night!"

Rainbow Dash looked a little stunned "Reserve cider? What the hay AJ? Why are you holding out on me? You know I love that stuff!"

Suddenly Applejack regretted bringing up the cider...

"Uh well, you see Rainbow, I got a buyer who pays big for this stuff, and we really need the money on the farm, so I save some for this fella who sails a couple hundred miles to buy."

"Lame! I would fly 6000 miles for three barrels! What makes him so special?" Rainbow was visibly shocked now...

"Well Rainbow, he pays 300 bits..."

Rainbow Dash's face changed from disbelief to disappointment.

"Oh, what the hay I couldn't pay that."

Applejack felt kind of bad and looked sympathetically at her low flying friend.

"Well, this guy has always been pretty nice, I'm sure you could ask him to trade you for something. He is a trader after all."

Rainbow Dash brightened, "Really? You think he would trade me? What would he want of me you think?"

Applejack shrugged and just said, "Anything interesting I guess"

Rainbow Dash started to contemplate aloud, "What about a Daring Do book? Or maybe another one of my lucky horse shoes? I have like 90 bits at home I'll be right back, don't go anywhere!"

Applejack just kept plodding along as Dash sped off.


The boat was coming around a corner and It struck me that houses were becoming visible. I took the wet stone off my blade and stood up off the box. Yulis pulled the pipe from his mouth and said, "about a moment here" I stretched and felt my head ache again. The sight of the sun was quite brilliant actually, the way it gleamed on the water towards the boat. It almost made my head hurt. I put the longsword back into it's leather hilt and slowly walked towards Yulis. The dragon held the pipe out to me and said

"Hold this friend, the dock is just up ahead."

I grabbed the pipe from his clawed hand and inspected it. It looked pretty neat actually, it was a dark wood of sorts and had gold engravings on it. It was most likely hand crafted, or perhaps "claw crafted". Yulis walked over to the bow and threw a rope onto the dock we we're next to. Yulis was pretty busy wrapping up the boat and was looking to the shore every couple of seconds. I took the pipe and puffed on it. It was a little strange to be honest but what do you expect? This was a dragons pipe. I walked over and stepped onto the dock handing the pipe back to Yulis.

Yulis began sniffing the air, and looked around with his strange golden eyes.

"She's not here yet." He exclaimed, "But I think she will be soon"

I looked over at him and started to stroke my beard.

"Should I wait here with you or head off to Ponyville?"

Yulis shrugged and said "It is your decision Jan, you are old enough I think"

I looked around and thought about Rainbow Dash,

"Well I don't exactly know my way around these lands, I will wait for you."

I hadn't really decided what I was to do when I got here. I was kind of just following my new friend around. The thought of the minotaur gave me reason to visit. Perhaps to warn the people or uh, ponies here that there was a slaver out in the Everfree still. I was starting to ponder the minotaur and other things until Yulis tapped my plated shoulder with a claw.

"There she is, my seller, after this we can probably find that Pegasus of yours."

There, walking down a dirt path was an orange pony. I felt a little uneasy, thinking about the stone imprisonment, but as it got closer I noticed it had no horn. I put my helmet on for I was pretty nervous. I crossed my arms and waited for the pony with a hat to approach Yulis. Yulis on the other hand was quite the opposite, he walked up to the pony and gave a loud greeting and a shake of limb to the pony. I slowly walked up and looked at this thing. It had blonde hair and a hat. It had apples on it's flank much like Rainbow Dash had had a stormcloud. Yulis was talking to the pony and I was surprised at how much of an accent this creature owned. These ponies talked funny for sure.

Yulis returned from the boat with a large coin purse, holding it up high and bowing in front of the pony. Handing it to her mouth and then grabbing the barrels with his claws, I stood up to help Yulis with the barrels and walked off the dock and onto the grass. I started for the cart until something took me by surprise. I was instantly grabbed from behind and held tight. My initial reaction was one of combat so I started trying to wriggle free, only to be lifted off the ground. The grip was a good one and I was starting to lose my bearings. I was then put on the ground and I whirled to face my attacker. My hand was drawing the sword but when I saw that it was the creature which I somewhat adored I immediately put the thing back. There she was and my heart was jumping, from adrenaline and something else. I was stirred and I pulled my helmet off with a smile I could not put away. I gave her a bow and went down to a knee. I started to quickly think of something to say but my tongue was laughing at me. I heard her and her friend laugh and I looked up. She flew in for another hug and this one I meekly tried to avoid but was foiled. She grabbed me tight saying words of excitement and I noticed that she was really, REALLY close to me. I could no longer handle consciousness and decided that blacking out was the most considerable choice. I am pretty foolish. I slowly started to fall down and heard the laughter of all around... What is my problem? My heart has perhaps been taken...


Yulis looked down at the fainted knight and laughed aloud with the ponies, he turned and looked at Applejack,

"He is a strange one is he not?"

Rainbow Dash stood over him poking with a hoof, "What a light weight! Couldn't even stand my awesomeness!"

The orange pony looked a little worried, "I reckon that is the weirdest thing I've ever seen, and I've seen Rainbow Dash!"


Chapter 7: Farmlands and Tombs

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The Last Man

Chapter 7: Farmlands and Tombs

By: YoloSwagginz

Rainbow Dash looked at the fainted knight through eyes of laughter and with some strange affection. This one was pretty funny, and sometimes, he even looked cool. But now he had fainted? Rainbow Dash was slightly shocked that the same human she had met in the forest weeks ago was now fainting in front of her... Just by the mere Sight of her?

After Yulis had loaded his barrels and Applejack had gotten her fair share of amusement, they then decided what was to be done with the human. Yulis looked at him and scratched his long chin with a claw,

"I think you two should take him for now, I have another trade to attend to... and I will be gone for quite some time for this..."

Rainbow didn't think twice before accepting Yulis' offer, and the barrels of cider had slipped her mind completely. She just wanted to show this human to her friends, not only as proof, but he was so interesting that she would probably be considered some sort of adventurer for finding him. Almost like Daring Do!

Applejack looked him over a second and said with a challenge,

"He looks pretty heavy, but I reckon he aint nothin' the old wagon can't handle"

Rainbow just shook her head with a smile and helped Yulis dump him into the cart... It didn't take long for them to be off and heading for Applejack's farm.


My awakening was that of a slow one and it did not take my body long to tell me that my neck hurt. My head ache was not too far behind in the race either. And while I assessed my physical being I noticed that I was moving or being pulled by something. I adjusted my neck and pulled my dangling foot off over the side of the wagon with some caution. I took a breath and started to sit up as well as remember my acquisition to this spot. I looked around and then saw I was being pulled by the orange pony with a hat, I had decided not to burden the creature and so I verily hopped off the cart and onto the road. She had taken notice and immediately stopped.

"Hey there sugercube, 'thought you would be sleepin all the way back."

I gave a deep bow to her and then pulled off my helm.

"Good day to you madam, I see that I was unconscious in your cart and I hope you will forgive me, I also wonder now, where are we off to?"

"Well actually big fella, we were heading for Ponyville and we should be there in about 5 minutes. That is, if we continue walkin"

"Ah, that is no problem, let us continue, but where is Rainbow Dash? She was here not long ago am I correct?"

"Yeah, she flew ahead to tell everyone, and your dragon buddy had to sail to another part of the river"

With slight regret I realized that I had forgotten my crossbow... Which now belonged to Yulis...

"I suspect he'll be around he said he would be back..."

"Very well, shall we?"

"Hold on there sport, whats yer name?"

We started walking and as we did so, I introduced myself and felt that this creature was fairly friendly. She had also given her name, which was strange to the tongue, but with some practice I quickly mastered her name. The walk did not last very long before Applejack started to ask me questions.

"Excuse me Mr.Jan, but how the hay do you walk around on two feet? It looks mighty strange and I reckon pretty uncomfortable..."

"Well, you may be surprised applej..ack Apple... excuse me. Applejack, it is quite comfortable, and I imagine it is simply my species that finds it so easy to walk on two feet. I would ask you the same question but coming off that logic, it is really how your born. Do you know?

Applejack looked him over and watched him balance and walk forward.

"Yeah I see your point there Jan, I mean spike walks with two legs but he has a tail to balance him, all I'm sayin', is that it looks like a lot of work keeping yourself upright like that."

"Hah, yes I see your point. Though I know not of this Spike"

For a second I considered crawling on all fours as some sort of practical joke, but my judgement said it would have been rude. So I simply kept plodding forward with the Applejack until we came upon a farm or an orchard rather. The amount of apple trees was interesting, for I had never seen so many in one place. They spanned across for leagues and every tree's apples looked perfect. "Impressive" I said aloud.

"Is this your orchard Applejack?"

To this she smiled and held her head high, and while pulling the cart she looked over with pride and said,

"Waell, This is my families farm, and you wont see another place quite like it, we've got the best apples you'll ever try and I reckon you could taste them yerself, and find that you havent tasted anything sweeter. Why I don't even think them cherries could produce a more fantastic-"

At this moment, the Applejack's words were starting to elude me and it was hard to understand what she was so excited about. In fact she kept talking until we came to the barn door. She finished with a rearing and was pretty worked up. I put on a smile and nodded pretending to understand her entire rant.

"Perhaps an apple would be nice, I think what you said has, convinced me..?" I gave a look of questioning and then she started to unhitch her cart. I then started to stretch my back and twist and turn.

As I twisted the familiar voice of the Rainbow Dash was present.

"Hah, still awake champ? I thought you would be out when I got here!"

I turned and nervously smiled,

"Ah yes, good greetings to you Rainbow Dash, I apologize for fainting earlier, I uh...Was hung over?"

Rainbow Dash floated not far from Jan with a wide look. She hesitated and then instantly exploded into laughter...

"Hung over? Wow Jan I knew you were weird, but come on, you were drunk! AAhhaha!"

I felt as if an arrow had pierced my ego and thought of defending myself until Applejack stood beside my with a smirk,

"I wouldn't be talkin there Ms.Dash, I reckon your the biggest buyer of my cider every year, and Don't you forget now! Last time I had to call th-"

"Alright alright! You made your point Jackie."

I stood there awkwardly and pushed my sword hilt around my waist belt. Dash then came softly to the ground.

"Well Twilight and the rest should be here any minute. I guess we could like, sit down or something."

With a smile Applejack said "Good idea Dash, I think havin company would be a great idea, lets go into the kitchen I bet I could wip some coffee up."

The idea did sound pretty good, and I was in the mood for eating. I followed my host in and watched Rainbow Dash's tail swish back and forth in front of me, it was strangely mesmerizing...


The boat slowly eased back and forth against the shore and looked just as beautiful as it had the day Yulis had won it back in Kooark. The red and gold paint still looked new and it filled the young dragon with pride. Yulis stood and admired the ship. His attention was broken by the sound of birds chirping. He turned and looked deep into the dark forest, the scent of rabbit and plant life filling his nostrils. Yulis was pretty confident that he would find this crypt, and was unreasonably excited as well. He tugged at one of his whiskers and the adjusted the copper plates strewn across his chest. As he started walking into the undergrowth he tipped his spear forward and then fiddled with a map in his leather rucksack. It did not take long for Yulis to find the place the riddle spoke of. He clicked to himself softly in revelation, and was again reminded he was the best tracker, entrepreneur, sailor, gambler, swimmer, archer, drinker he had ever known.

Looking around on the ground he had found the onyx colored door he had hoped to see. Taking his claws he quickly scraped the dirt from the locking mechanism and then blew into the key hole. Again digging more dirt out, he started to pull out a long black key that looked ages old. He then pushed the key and gave a twist in several directions, until a satisfying "clink" erupted from the lock. Yulis put the key back into the rucksack and smiled to himself. He pulled the heavy stone out of the ground and moved it aside to look deep into a dark tunnel. On the edges of the inner rim there were human writings engraved into the stone.

"Too bad Jan isn't here, he could read these." Yulis thought

Yulis slowly and carefully descended into the vertical tunnel all the while allowing his eyes to adjust to the dimness. All the old steel rungs were completely rusted out, and were a hazard, not to be trusted. It did not take long for Yulis to make it to the bottom. giving a glance up into the light, he hoped nothing would follow him down. Yulis hung close to the ground and started to unravel an old tome from cloth. He read the first three lines of the book and a dull golden light started to from on top of the book. It started to move and then attuned itself to Yulis. He put the book away and started to load Jan's funny crossbow.

"Jan will have this back soon enough, I just needed it for this part."

Yulis was about to start into the gloom when he was nearly launched by the sound of a crow's call. He turned to the hole in the tunnel ceiling and looked to see his mischievous bird Sobel. Yulis started giving his dear pet stern words,

"Back to the ship with you, you black menace!"

The crow looked down the hole and responded with a loud "Caw!"

"Sobel! Get you! Get! fly!"

Yulis was going to start laughing at his bird when the loud echoing sound of a high pitch scream issued from the end of the pitch black tunnel... He hadn't expected there to be too many of them here, but he supposed it would be...

~If you had really keen eyes, better eyes then Yulis here, you would see a small skeletal creature limp away from a carved doorway about 500 meters into the horizontal tunnel...


At this moment in time, at a castle in Canterlot, a black colored alicorn wakes suddenly and calmly. She knows that something is wrong and that consulting her sister would be wise. It had something to do with people. She almost shivered in the thought, but quickly hurried into her sisters room...


At the center of the room was one flustered Jan, he looked red and was obviously not used to all the energy flowing from the ponies. He sat there with both hands on the table and trying his best to deflect as many questions as possible from the continuously interested Twilight Sparkle. She was very persistent in fact, so persistent that Jan was sure she was going to freeze him into stone. This made him very nervous and he was pretty sure he was to throw up soon.

The pink one was the worst, she had made me laugh but she was very loud and all together too much. The white one was calm and friendly and was inspecting me the whole time, talking aloud about clothes. Applejack stood at the table arguing with Rainbow Dash and there was a yellowish pony hiding in the other room. Worst of all was this alicorn creature with both front legs on the table. Demanding questions and making me very nervous. I took a breath and composed myself. I immediately stood from the stool and bolted for the door... I needed to run! I needed to RUN, as fast as humanly possible and right before I made it out of the door I was picked up by magic... I was scared but... But to my surprise I was spared and put into place by the magic wielding purple pony. I tried to scramble but was stuck.

"PLEASE, oh magnificent creature! Spare me!!!"

Rainbow Dash looked worried and start to barade the purple one,

"Twilight! Stop! Your scaring him! Let him go!"


Chapter 8: Treasures Physical and Mental

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The Last Man

Chapter 8: Treasures Physical and Mental

By: YoloSwagginz

The sensation of lying on hay was not something Rainbow Dash could ever really get used to, clouds had always suited her much better, and they also looked much cooler. Regardless of her affinity to comfy sleeping arrangements, the young knight that she had brought into this mess needed someone to be with. He needed comforting somewhat, and Rainbow Dash had felt as if it was her fault for scaring her new friend. He had been visibly shaken and was begging for mercy after his encounter with Twilight, and to this Rainbow was readily sorry, embarrassed actually. She had not realized he was so afraid of magic, and now after Rainbow had forced her friends to leave and made arrangements to sleep in the barn, things had cooled. Even so the hay was uncomfortable, though Jan seemed not to mind. Rainbow Dash slowly walked towards him with a sympathetic look on her face. A glance at the knight said he was still upset somewhat but was feeling better.

Jan looked over at her and released his legs from his grip and let them slide to the ground. He saw her sympathetic look, noticed that her ears were crooked in a fashion and that she was embarrassed. He felt kind of bad for her, and also felt bad for not making good friends with the purple one, but alas, she was one of them, an Alicorn. The thoughts of home that had been circulating through Jan's head for the past hour now, were starting to fade. Sometimes he felt like a baby, and admittedly he was scared at certain points, he even felt as if he was representing humanity poorly to these ponies, he did not want to seem a craven, but he needed someone, and here stood this blue Pegasus.

"I'm sorry mam" Jan blurted, he look and gave an innocent smile, showing his two missing teeth.

Rainbow Dash smiled at him and threw a hoof at the ground and responded with a tone of guilt,
"Don't say sorry, I feel like that was my fault. I should have realized your not into magic stuff. I don't know what she was so freaked out about, I mean, you didn't do anything..."

"I'm fine now miss Dash, I suppose I over reacted... I hope that all is well, and uh. Do thank Applejack for the accommodations, it was most dear of her..."

"I'll let her know, don't worry."

Rainbow Dash sat next to the knight and watched him begin his unpacking. First he unbuckled his sword belt and laid it against a stack of hay, he then took his plate leggings and began untying them, after they were off he started for his boots until he noticed that Dash was staring. She had taken notice too and quickly stood and gave a nervous laugh,

"Ah, yeah excuse me, didn't mean to be creepin' there. Uh.. Applejack said there was dinner in a bit..."

Jan blushed internally and said, "It is normal to wonder I suppose, you have probably never met a human before. I would say our anatomy is quite different. You do not have toes... Hooves rather..."

Rainbow Dash was now sitting on her pile of hay and facing the other way. She stretched her wings and then flexed them.

"What the hay are toes?" Rainbow looked back at Jan to see him pulling a boot off. He then pulled off a cloth cover and pushed his foot out. He wiggled the oddities around and Dash was shocked.

"Those are as weird as your claws!" she almost yelled,

Jan corrected her and starting wiggling his fingers, "They are called fingers, not claws...and they work better than hooves for certain things me thinks."

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and said with a smirk, "at least I have all my teeth"

Jan simply smiled and continued unpacking.

After about five minutes all of Jan's gear was lying neatly on the ground, and he was pulling his hair back into a pony tail. He glanced over at Rainbow Dash who was waiting patiently thinking about something and began to feel his hunger. Rainbow Dash was now thinking about Scootaloo, who was running around somewhere with the crusaders. She was going to have to sleep in the barn tonight. Jan was ready to go and walked in front of Dash. He gave her a wide bow and offered his hand to nothing in particular.
Rainbow Dash stared at his out stretched hand and made a confused look,

"You trying to feed me or something?"

Jan looked confused himself and started sputtering,
"Uh...w. Well you see, were I come from we... would usually walk a lady to dinner. I'm sorry if that is of some offense."
He quickly pulled his hand back and began rubbing his neck. Rainbow Dash had actually a lot of questions for him, like what a female human looked like, or why he wore metal or had a sword... She looked at him said,

"You can walk me to dinner, uh... do humans like hold claws or something? I don't have a hand to lend you I could give you the tip of my wing?"

Dash stood and extended her wing to Jan. Jan stumbled in his words and said "Well it is not necessary but uh..." Jan's hand slowly extended to her wing and he gingerly grasped her end feathers. He gave a smile and walked her out of the barn and onto the house deck, Rainbow Dash blushed the whole time and realized she liked this weirdo, he was funny... Not the first time she had thought of this.

Inside the house was the Scootaloo and Applebloom watching Applejack make dinner...


The cawing emitting from the hole in the ceiling was starting to fry Yulis' nerves. He felt as if leaving was a good idea, but not the idea he wanted. "Nay" he said aloud "Come come, beasts I have a couple tricks for you!" Yulis stared hard into the darkness and was starting to walk forward with the sound of copper plates softly jingling as he moved. The further into the tunnel he got the softer the cawing became, and after about 30 feet the cawing had stopped completely. He heard another high pitched wail come from a ways down the dark hallway, and tensed. The sound of the crow was now gone. Sobel had ceased. He brought the crossbow up to his eye level and began slouching low to the ground moving on three legs, attempting to stay quiet. The sound of bare feet against dirt skittered it's way into Yulis' field of senses. The sound was the foot fall of something limping and it was moving fast. Ragged breathing was now present and Yulis pushed himself into a corner as well as putting out the magic light. Ambient lighting would have to suffice. The sound got louder and louder, until Yulis could see the figure. It looked like an extremely skinny version of Jan. It's skin was grey and it moved forward with a hideous motion. It's eyes were not present and its nose was gone. It was so close Yulis almost split back to the hole, but it kept limp running towards the light at the end of the hallway.

Yulis turned his lizard like head slowly and started to taste the air, tongue flickering in and out, gaining the scent of this immortal dead. He tried to taste other things in the air but it was mostly of dust and the old stench of decay. He gave another glance and the skeleton started searching around the hole with it's hands making frustrated grunts after smelling new things. Yulis was going to dispatch it but heard another foot fall. This was not two feet but four.

Yulis hunkered down again. This time tasting, listening, and watching. Stumbling down the hallway was something Yulis had not seen before. It was an immortal pony, a Pegasus rather and one one of its wings was missing. This one was also a skeleton and had a hard time moving down the hall towards the past human. It had one tiny patch of fur on its flank and it's tail was about three strands of orange dull hair. It's skin was grey as well and most of the flesh on its head was missing. This made the feathers on Yulis' neck rise as he tried to stay cool. It stumbled passed him and moved towards the light. Bending his head back again he saw the past human exhaling vigorously into the wall and slowly bouncing it's head back and forth against the rock. The Pegasus fell once before reaching the human, it looked up into the light with it's one good eye and tried to make a noise. In all of Yulis' life he had never been more scared and saddened by a sight.

These poor creatures had been the survivors of discords initial attack, a thousand years ago. They had learned magic and had cast immortality spells upon themselves in an attempt to survive the fire breathing hell that had exterminated the human race. Yulis could never come to tell Jan about this and had decided to keep it to himself. The skeleton of the human turned away from the wall and started sniffing. It spread it's skinny arms and embraced the dead Pegasus. The pony turned it's head into the human's and Yulis almost felt sad. The next thing that happened had made Yulis lose himself. The sound of a loud voice boomed and he could tell who it came from. At the top of the hole in the ceiling came the gruff voice of a Minotaur barking about "a debt". The sound of stone scraping echoed thought the hall and then there was nothing but darkness.

Yulis swallowed hard and stood in the pitch black darkness. He stood there listening for the immortal dead and held his crossbow with a nervous shake. All he could do was smell and listen. The magic book would not work if he could not see the words, and now Yulis' entire being was in a state nervous anticipation and he, ready to kill anything that touched him. He was now down in a crypt 600 feet below with multiple dead roaming and waiting. A loud clang sounded from the darkness behind Yulis. He was quite intimidated. The manuscripts, gold, and blueprints Yulis had come here for, did not seem so valuable anymore.


Jan stood in the kitchen after walking in the now flustered Rainbow Dash. Rainbow was blushing and standing next to the table swishing her tail slowly. Jan looked down and back at her with a fluttering in his chest. He was happy he knew her, she was pretty cool. In other parts of the kitchen stood the hard at work Applejack and Applebloom watching attentively. Scootaloo had been almost asleep until she had seen Rainbow Dash, and with vigor she moved quickly into a hug, which Rainbow was happy to oblige. After seeing the loving embrase, Jan was now trying to figure what their relationship was. Was this small one her daughter? She was adorable in some fashion as well, the two looked happy together... Jan looked around the kitchen and stretched. He was going to start sitting peop- ponies into chairs as any courteous man would, until the sound of a crow was heard from outside. The crow came to the window and started pecking furiously, until the glass started cracking...

Chapter 9: Feathers for Scales

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The Last Man

Chapter 9: Feathers for Scales

By: YoloSwagginz

The window was now thoroughly cracked, and the black bird would not let up. The initial thought that graced Jan's mind was the thought of the bird, it looked as if it were that same crow known as Sobel. Yulis' bird? This was almost certain, but why was it here? Jan slowly walked toward the window and looked at the crow through the ruined glass, and for a moment the bird stopped and started cawing at Jan. Applejack saw that he was going to open the window and quickly vocalized her dislike for crows, Jan ignored her and then unlatched the brown window frame, looking out into the now black atmosphere. The bird took flight immediately up and unto Jan's shoulder nipping at his ear in the process. An attempted was made to knock it off his shoulder, but the bird was persistent and flew onto his other shoulder. This thing was going to make a loud and most unbecoming companion, Jan could feel it. He tried to eat the dinner that Applejack had prepared only to be badgered by the crow, in fact the only time that his torment ceased was when he had walked out to the barn. The bird had leaped off his shoulder and went straight into the barn. Scootaloo was visibly afraid of the spooky dark building and kept close to her adopted mother.

The hay was warm and the lantern was turned down almost to the point of choking, everyone was just about asleep when the sound of a crow's beak pecking steel started to irritably ring throughout the barn, Jan's eyes were bloodshot now and he was about to kill something.


The musk of decay and mold filled Yulis' nose and by now the smell was normal. For the last 6 hours Yulis had been creeping around in the dark, dodging sounds and the immortals all while trying to keep a straight head. There was the sound of a hammer striking stone again, and again, and again, the sound of something scraping on a wall was not very far from Yulis' corner and then there was the two creatures that were constantly moving about the chambers. They never noticed Yulis at first but the third time the human corpse had stopped and began breathing in through it's face hole, it had almost followed his scent. It was cut off by a well placed rock, the sound had distracted it for now, but Yulis could not play hide and seek in a 1000 year old tomb for ever. He either had to start killing or attempt and escape, and as far as he could tell the place was now sealed thanks to the minotaur.

A tight grip on the wood a small jolt of energy and the spear head poked easily through the dead humans face, it did not even struggle, it simply collapsed. The Pegasus was next and this had given a couple twitches. The adrenaline of killing something you can't see is hard to understand. A brutal mixture of nervousness and instinct was crawling it's way through every muscle in Yulis, the treasure that was previously thought of was now a possibility. About 45 minutes of searching and Yulis had found another hallway leading down into the sound of metal against rock. The sound was truly grueling and made a never ending droning noise. The descent was also not quite favorable as most of the stone stairs were worn down to nothing, making for slippery footing. The sound led into a small chamber and the smell of oil was overwhelming. Yulis knew was should be done here.

Coming upon the chamber Yulis could smell and hear the dead smith inside, pounding away at nothing. He took his claws and clicked them together creating a spark, instantaneously breathing within and exhaling, letting the flame crawl down his throat and then back out into a warm ball of fire. The heat made Yulis' feathers stand on the back of his neck and he could feel the bile in his gullet burning. He opened his mouth and blew with great force, engulfing the entire chamber in flame, and for just a moment exposing the room to light. On the walls were countless carvings of symbols and drawings and in the middle of the room sat the smith pounding away at the bent stone anvil. The poor creature continued to pound into the rock though it was burning at full blaze, it was unaware of it's own death. After the spectacle died down Yulis searched the room landing his claw on exactly what he was looking for. The chest was small but sturdy and gave quite a fight. When he opened the chest finally and the smith had truly died Yulis gave a decent look at the findings. There was most of the things he had actually hoped for, transmute spell, human tools, some old bones, and of course, a book explaining the "Scales for Feathers" spell. If only he could read in the human language, it would be useful non the less.


It could have easily been four in the morning, but it did not matter to the young sleepless knight, for the crow was like to make him bash his own head in if he did not follow it. At his heels was the rainbow colored mare and her daughter, and as they walked Jan shouldered his leather pack again and again, becoming more irritable with every step. Dash tried to voice her displeasure but Jan was having non of that. He walked solemnly through the dark thumbing his sword hilt. They walked for a good 6 hours. The group was now thoroughly exhausted even the crow was becoming quieter in it's loud musings. They had crossed the river and went far into the south cutting right through multiple forests and bogs. It was already dawn and Jan was now looking under a mighty oak tree deciding to break his fast, but on what? Smashing acorns or finding tea leaves was probably his only option. Of course, he could hunt a deer... With a crossbow. Jan thinking only of himself, had not realized that the ponies had been willing to follow him for six hours with little to no complaint. Dash finally spoke but with a tad of wrath underneath courtesy,

"So Ser, what are we doing out here, in the middle of the woods?"

Jan peered at her with blood shot eyes and said,

"Unraveling the mysteries of mortality it would seem, this bloody crow is intent on killing us lot..."

The crow answered with a loud caw and swooped down onto Jan. Jan picked up a rock and whipped it at the airborne bird and nearly hit it. He then preceded to follow it into the bushes feet away from the oak. Dash rolled her eyes in frustration, and turned to the tired Scoot.

"You okay kiddo?"

"You know I love adventure... Yawn..." Scootaloo gave a bored kick into the dirt.

"Well, maybe we can just fly back we ca-..."

She heard a distant grunt and looked in the direction of Jan. The look on her face made Scoot slightly nervous. Behind the brambles appeared a clearing where the young knight stood facing an eight foot tall minotaur. The creature readjusted one of his chains and looked intent on breaking the knight with it. Then the beast made a long swing for him, which was deftly avoided. Jan brought up his long sword in an arch which was put into the ribs. The minotaur gave a grunt and attempted another swing. This time Jan moved again more easily and dodged the clumsy swing. He brought the sword down onto the horned beast's shoulder once, then twice, and began furiously chopping, until there was nothing between arm and body. Rainbow Dash quickly averted Scootaloo's eyes and decided now was the best time to leave.