• Published 25th Apr 2014
  • 11,368 Views, 525 Comments

Dating Of A Godly Variety - RainbowBob

He's the God Emperor of Mankind, and she's Princess Celestia of Equestria. With these two dating, you can expect almost anything to happen. Hopefully Equestria survives their relationship in one piece...

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Chapter 2: The Second Date

“I feel as if we stand out somehow.”

“Oh please, no one’s even looking at us.”

The God Emperor looked up from his piping hot coffee, all the ponies in the cafe instantly turning their heads away and trying to look like they weren’t staring. Many of the ponies that hadn’t calmly walked or run for their lives out of the cafe stared at the two with jaws hung agape or looks of pure disbelief. Smiling wryly, the Emperor nodded his head, picking his cup up with his large, clawed hand. “I suppose you are right, my dear.”

Celestia smiled as well, though her’s was of a more nervous variety. After the Emperor’s appearance at the castle, Celestia had taken him to the local cafe down the street. It was quaint shop, which made a pretty mean cup of joe to boot, and was currently the site for a date between two of the most powerful beings in the galaxy.

Celestia’s mind was abuzz with questions. What the Emperor’s world, or rather, universe was like, what was his past, why his followers tried to kill her on the spot, why he was sort of dead when she last met him, or what his real name was. But all she could manage was a couple of nervous glances to his stunning features and sips of her coffee, her words failing her to first date jitters. Well, it technically counted as their second date, but this was their first one without Celestia’s life on the line.

The God Emperor folded his leg over his thigh, how he was able to manage such a feat while wearing such constrictive armor Celestia didn’t know. Celestia had to magically enhance his seat so his great weight wouldn’t crush it underneath him, but even then he looked a bit on the ridiculous side sitting in a chair that looked like it was made for a child compared to his massive size.

“So, Princess Celestia, you’re probably wondering about my abrupt appearance into your world,” the Emperor began.

Celestia nodded, hiding a smile behind her cup. “It isn’t every day a portal from another dimension opens up at my doorstep, especially with such a strapping—I mean, um… pleasant surprise such as yourself.”

Grinning at the blush on Celestia’s cheeks, the God Emperor nodded his head. “Yes, it was quite a surprise for me too. Though not in the way you’d think. I fully believe I should be dead right now, rather than talking with you over cups of coffee.”

“Dead?” Celestia asked, arching a brow. “But how? You seem perfectly fine to me.”

“Well, technically I was dead. I’m just not anymore.” Catching Celestia’s perplexed look, the Emperor held up a hand. “Allow me to explain. Before I arrived in your world, I had died. My body’s life had finally come to an end, meaning my soul was free from its physical trap on the golden throne in the palace.”

“But wait, wasn’t the reason you needed me in the first place was so that you wouldn’t die?” Celestia tapped her chin, wracking her brain. “That cultist, he said the plan was to rejuvenate you. And I saw it! The moment I donated most of my magic to you, your body started healing. Well, it was going at an incredibly slow rate, but still, I thought for sure your body would repair itself.”

The Emperor sighed, shaking his head slowly. A dark shadow seemed to pass over his majestic features, clouding them of their earlier radiance so that only a dullness remained. “That was never the plan, Celestia. I knew I would die someday. My own mistakes had caused mankind to nearly fall on the brink of annihilation, even after everything I did to make sure it excelled. Even when on the golden throne my err of judgement cost humanity much strife and pain. The own people became mere slaves to a cult that worshiped me like a god. People were ruled by fear and death, while those vile in heart became rulers of the torn fragments of the once glorious Imperium of Man.” The God Emperor gritted his teeth, his clawed fist closing tightly and shaking. Now the dullness became a razor sharpness that enhanced his features to those of pure rage. Already from where she was, Celestia could sense the anger that was bubbling inside the Emperor’s heart. A fury that could start and end galaxy-spanning wars, destroy entire planets beneath its power, and even battle with the gods themselves.

Celestia slid her chair over to the Emperor’s side, and laid a single hoof on his knee. Looking up to him while he looked down to her, Celestia smiled, patting him fondly. “There, there, no need to get upset. This is a date, remember? Just relax, and I assure you, everything will be alright.”

The Emperor’s anger fizzled out beneath Celestia’s touch, a momentary perplexed look lighting his eyes. Shaking his head, a bitter smile formed on his lips, though he still glanced at Celestia with a fondness in his eyes.

“You are right, Celestia. Thank you for reminding me that. Even if my people once worshiped me as a god, I am far from perfect.”

“No one is perfect. We can just be the best we possibly can. Even as an immortal myself, I know there is still much to learn and do in my lifespan.” Celestia picked up her cup with her magic, and took a few meager sips as she returned to her side of the table.

“Truly, your wisdom is only second to your beauty, my dear,” the Emperor said, nearly causing Celestia to spit out her coffee as her face turned a bright red. Chuckling mildly, the Emperor relaxed in his seat. “Though now, I guess that’s all behind me. The world I once knew had changed drastically from when I last ruled it hands on. And now, I’ll never get the chance to again.”

“You mean, you can’t return?”

“I mean, I choose not to return,” the Emperor answered.

Celestia’s eyes widened, and her mouth hung open. “But… but they’re your people! How can you abandon them like that!”

“How can I not?” The God Emperor rested a hand on the table, nearly making it break in two. “Because of my own blindness I allowed mankind to be corrupted by the forces of Chaos. Then for 10,000 years it lived in a period of technological stagnation and intellectual repression by a fear mongering cult that sullied my name to spread terror among my own people.”

“But that doesn’t mean you just abandon them like that. Do you not care for them at all?”

“That is exactly why I choose not to return. Mankind must learn to survive on its own, without me. All I brought it was trouble and failure. Only a man can rule mankind.” The Emperor closed his eyes, sighing deeply. He opened them again, lifting up his golden, clawed hand and staring at it dully. “And I am no man.”

“Mister God Emperor, please—”

“Never call me a ‘God’ again, Celestia,” the Emperor snapped. His expression softened as he saw the hurt in Celestia’s eyes. “Just… please, don’t. I can handle others using such a term for me, but even if I’m not a man, I am no god either. I don’t want you using it because I don’t want you to see me as one.”

“I don’t,” Celestia said, looking into his eyes. “All I see is someone with regret in their hearts and pain in their past. But beneath that, there is someone with a heart that genuinely wants love and peace.” Celestia touched her own chest, right above her heart. “A heart I can relate to.”

A faint smile sprouted on the Emperor’s lips. “And me as well, my dear.”

A silence fell over the two, one enthralled with the other, these two beings of power and strength stuck in their own little world.

That is, until a waiter appeared at their table, drenched in sweat while his knees shook like a tree in a hurricane. His attention was focused solely on the God Emperor, who stared down at him with alien eyes and a physique so terrifying the waiter had to force himself with great pain even to approach them. “S-sorry to interrupt y-you t-t-two,” he stuttered, his teeth clattering together, “but all the o-other patrons h-have left, and we d-don’t want to go out of b-b-business, so…” He winced, running out of the empty cafe as fast as his hooves could take him. “Oh, please don’t kill me, I’m too young to die!”

As the two of them watched the waiter flee for his life, Celestia said, “Maybe we should go somewhere else for our date? Perhaps somewhere with a less likely chance of a ponies running away just at the sight of us?”

“You lead the way, my dear,” the Emperor agreed, getting out of his seat.

Walking past him, Celestia bumped against his knee, looking up and smiling. “And maybe you’ll finally spill the beans at how you managed to die and come back again, hmm?”

The Emperor winked to her, following Celestia out of the cafe with a duck of his head at the front door. “Perhaps. Only if you reveal to me the secrets of this Equestrian way of making coffee. On Terra, never have I tasted such a wonderful brew.”

“I think I can manage that,” Celestia said, giggling like a school-filly with the God Emperor following behind her like a giant, gold-plated shadow.

Author's Note:

Reading For Chapter Two