• Published 1st Jun 2014
  • 3,035 Views, 216 Comments

The Veins Run Deep - Thunderblast

This is Bloodvein. A pegasus in a bat pony family. Does he enjoy his life? Not really.

  • ...



Rocks fell from the ceiling as dynamite detonated, blasting the rocks blocking the only entrance into the cave to smithereens, granting the bat ponies a way back into their old home. Water still flooded the cave at a depth of two feet, with tons of debris scattered across the ruined town.

"B-Bloodvein?!" Skywatcher shouted as he ran atop the pile of smashed boulders, staring deep into the dark, frigid cave for any signs of life. He then jumped into the water and started trudging as quickly as he could to the end of the town, where he last saw his son.

The water became deeper as the cave dipped further down, being at a five-degree slope going into the mountain. Water dripped from the crack in the ceiling where it used to be pouring in in gallons.

"Sir, wait!" A Legion soldier called out, flying in after the distraught stallion as he looked everywhere for a certain pegasus colt.

Skywatcher panted as he kicked debris around, sticking his head underwater three or four times, still searching for his son. His heart raced a hundred miles an hour as emotions surged through his veins.

Soon, he arrived at the end of the cave which was still blocked by five tons of dirt and rock. The dirt that fell atop of the rocks eventually dampened and turned into a brown cement-like mixture that stuck to Sky's hooves as he struggled to move the immovable wall of earth.

"Guys, help me. HELP ME DARN IT!" He screamed as tears rushed down his cheeks, he was starting to go insane. He pushed harder and harder on the wall of mud and rock, only to have no effect. Sky struggled afterwards to pull his hooves free, managing to with the help of another legion soldier. He fell back into the water, beginning to cry at his failure.

"Sir...pl-please, calm down!" A soldier stared Skywatcher right in the eyes, picking him up out of the water and holding him against the wall of the cave.

"Get off of me, my son is back there!" Sky hissed, baring his fangs at the soldier.

"Sir, please. You're acting desperate!" the soldier tried to calm the stallion, managing to hold him back against the wall.

"I am desperate!" Sky pressed his muddy hooves to his face and cried into them. "My son... h-he's gone!"

"Bloodvein? Wake up, sweetie."

Blood slowly fluttered his eyelids open and rubbed them with his hooves. He looked up, squinting at the bright morning light. Moments later, his vision cleared and his eyes met those of the same pegasus mare he’d met the night before. The colt soon realized he hadn’t dreamed up the entire cave scenario, or his entrapment in the closed off sinkhole in... where was he exactly?

"Good morning..." he yawned, his fangs becoming clearly visible to the mare, and...

A male suddenly gasped. "You weren't kidding, he does have fangs."

Blood quickly snapped his mouth shut, pupils shrinking to pinpricks at the mention of his teeth. He glanced over and saw the brown unicorn standing next to the mare with a concerned look on his face.

"W-what?" Blood nervously looked between the two ponies.

The stallion shrugged, while the mare smiled. "Nothing, sweetie."

Bloodvein gulped slightly, a sense of nervousness rising once more.

"Are you hungry?" The stallion continued to stare, but instead cracked a slight smile his way.

"A tiny bit..." Blood looked down at his stomach, which growled under the blanket.

"I'll make us breakfast. How does that sound?" the mare smiled between the stallion—presumably her husband—and Bloodvein.

Blood nodded in return and smiled. "That sounds good. Thank you... thank you both for letting me stay with you.”

"We couldn't just leave you to die, Bloodvein," the stallion smiled and took a seat behind his hooves while the mare trotted into the kitchen.

"Still, you didn't have to take me home with you," Blood sat upright, his mane having drooped down overnight, and was now long, messy, and covered his eyes slightly.

"Well, one, you deserve a good home rather than an orphanage after what you’ve gone through, and two, my wife wouldn't have let me leave you at an orphanage anyways," the stallion let off a small chuckle.

"Heh, true..." Blood looked down slightly, then back up. "What's your name?"

"My name?" The stallion blinked. "Specter."

"Just Specter?" Blood asked.

Specter nodded. "My wife's name is Glitter. We both met a couple of years ago at the same park we found you in, eventually I proposed and we got married," he sighed happily.

"Well, then," Blood smiled. "You two certainly look happy together."

Specter chuckled. "She only likes me because I'm a guard."

Blood's pupils shrunk once more, and an adrenaline rush kicked in. "A royal guard?"

Specter nodded. "Yup. Joined five and a half years ago, now a sergeant, if you know what that is. It's boring most of the time, though, I've had thoughts of quitting."

Blood's adrenaline stopped. "Oh, well... t-that's your decision. Although, from what I have heard, it is quite an honorable job."

Specter looked at Bloodvein, the smile he formerly had on his muzzle vanishing entirely, and falling into a strict frown. "How would you know? You're a bat pony."

Skywatcher sighed, sitting on the gravel outside of the cave with a blanket wrapped around him. Bat ponies worked inside the caves in one last attempt to drain the water somewhere else, while others gathered belongings they didn't have time to grab previously. Sky stared at the ground, tears sitting at the bottom of his eyes.

One managed to break free, streaming down his cheek and dripping onto the ground in front of him. He trembled as the emotions finally broke through to him, there was now no denying that Bloodvein is gone, possibly forever. Moments later, he lifted his hooves out of the blanket and cried into them.

The pain was too much for him to hold back the tears, and he continued to sob in front of some fellow soldiers, who stared in shock. One Legion troop walked over, his ears pinned back at the sight of Skywatcher breaking down.

"I am terribly sorry, sir," the stallion sighed, then leaned forward and brought Skywatcher into a gentle embrace.

Skywatcher cried into his hooves, before moments later snatching the legion soldier and hugging him back tighter, sobbing uncontrollably into his shoulder.

"Don't cry," the Legion soldier rubbed Sky's back in an attempt to calm him. "I am certain he is still alive. He's your son, after all."

"No..." Sky sniffled. "He's gone... there's no way he could escape, and if he did, he couldn't survive on his own.!”

"B-but, I'm not a bat pony! W-what's a bat pony?" Bloodvein chuckled nervously, a sweat breaking on his forehead.

"Don't you lie to me. You have fangs, and you look like one apart from your wings and eyes," Specter snarled, glaring daggers at Blood.

Blood started to tremble. "But... th-they're all gone, dead! How could I be one?"

"Either you gained their traits, or they still exist," Specter turned himself to fully face the colt. "Now, tell me. Where is your colony?"

The colt continued to stare nervously, still trembling in fear. "S-Specter..."

"No, you will refer to me as sir!"

"Sir... I-I don't live in a colony!" he cracked, tears in his eyes as his heart pumped with fear.

"Stop lying to me!" Specter stomped a hoof on the floor.

Blood stared, terrified, unsure of what to say, or even do.

"Specter!" a mare's voice called out from behind.

The unicorn snapped to his right, his eyes meeting his wife's. She stared in pure disgust at her husband.

"Just what do you think you're doing?!" Glitter walked closer.

"Can't you see, Glitter? He's trying to hide who he is!" Specter stood and faced the shorter pegasus mare directly. “Don’t you understand?! He himself is a threat to national security!”

"He’s a damned colt! He's scared, Specter, you're scaring him!" Glitter stared furiously, hoof stretched outward pointing to the small, terrified grey colt.

Specter recoiled, struck by her words. He glanced to his left at Blood, now a vibrating lump in a blanket. His glare softened, and his ears pinned back at the sight, then turned back to Glitter, sighing.

"I'm sorry, honey... it's just, you know what they almost did all that time ago. I have every right to be uneasy about this," Specter eased his glare on the pegasus, coming to his thoughts of what he was doing

"I know the story, and I understand your concerns. But, maybe they've changed, dear. He isn't a violent type or anything. Just give him a chance, all he wants is to go home to his true family. For right now, we need to take care of him until either we find them, or they find us," Glitter stepped closer, now almost muzzle to muzzle with the brown unicorn.

Specter peered over at Bloodvein, who shakily peeked just his muzzle out of the blanket and let off another sigh. "Okay," he then turned and hugged Glitter.

The hug was quick, and Glitter quickly let go, before turning back towards the kitchen. "Breakfast should be ready in a few!"

Specter smiled a bit. "Alright, honey," he then turned to Blood, sitting down beside him, frowning once more.

Blood peeked the rest of his head out slowly. He trembled slightly at the sight of Specter now positioned so closely next to him.

"I am sorry, Blood... I'm sure your parents told you everything, haven't they?"

He nodded slowly and crawled out completely, sitting upright beside the larger-than-him unicorn.

"Do you hate me... s-sir?" Blood slowly looked up at Specter.

Specter looked down at Bloodvein, a genuine smile creeping across his muzzle. "No, of course not. Admittedly, you are too adorable to hate."

Bloodvein’s cheeks tinged red in embarrassment, a definite change from the fear he felt moments ago. "I'm not cute."

"Yes you are, Blood." Specter smiled more and offered his hooves out for a hug, which Blood hesitantly accepted, before a question arose. "Can you fly?"

Blood looked up at Specter again, cocking his head. "What? No.”

"Hmm. Perhaps... we could help you learn while you're with us," Specter kept a smile on his face.

"Really?" Blood smiled brightly and wagged his tail.

"Of course. I don't know how much of a help I'll be, but Glitter should for certain. She’s a pegasus, after all. Like you."

"Yay!" Blood smiled more and hugged tighter, nuzzling the stallion's chest for joy.

Specter chuckled and kept hugging the young colt, petting his mane to comfort him. "Hmm... Blood?"

"Yes, sir?" Blood glanced back up.

"Do you mind if... I dunno, we change your name? You know, just, until we find your parents. Around here, that kind of name might spook someone," Specter chuckled.

Blood blinked curiously, head still cocked. "What did you have in mind?"

"I was thinking... Night Shadow."

"Okay, are you ready?"

"Yes, sir, I am!" He threw up a random and quick salute to Specter and Glitter, a sign he was ready to begin.

Glitter giggled. "Then let's get started! First things first," she strode up to the colt. "Open your wings!"

He did so, fluttering them a bit to get used to the feeling.

"Good! Now, the next step is the critical part. You are going to run and flap your wings at the same time. Run as fast as you can. If nothing happens after ten seconds, we'll start over, alright?" Glitter smiled.

Bloodv—Night nodded, his ear-to-ear grin growing. "Right now?"

Glitter took a few steps backward. "Yup!"

Night nodded again to the couple, then turned his attention directly in front of him. He dragged his hoof across the ground, like a bull about to charge. Then, without any hesitation, he started running as fast as his hooves could take him, simultaneously flapping his little wings. Specter and Glitter both watched, their smiles fading just slightly after the ten seconds were up.

"Okay, Night Shadow, stop please," Glitter flapped her wings and floated over to him, landing just in front of him. "You were doing good. Maybe another try will get you up?"

"Oh, of course!" Night smiled, turning around to run back where he came from.

"Run like the guards are chasin' ya, Night!" Specter yelled from a few feet away. Glitter then flew back over, glaring slightly, but the two laughed a bit at his comment.

Night once again got into position, before running as fast as he could through the grass. He flapped his wings again, faster than ever. This time, his hooves slowly lifted off of the ground, but just three inches. Moments later, he fell to the ground, landing on his side and giggling.

"I almost did it! I lifted off the ground!" Night stood up and hopped over to the two ponies, who were both smiling.

"Very good! You're getting the hang of it, Night!" Glitter smiled more and clapped her hooves a bit. "Wanna try again? Maybe you'll get higher up!"

"Sure!" Night smiled back, then trotted back over to where he landed. Instead of running, he stood his ground.

"Aren't you going to run?" Specter's smile faded slightly as he watched in some confusion.

Night took a deep breath, shutting his eyes. He opened his wings moments later, then reopened his eyes, putting his game face on. He then begun flapping his wings, faster and faster with every flap.

"Hnnnnngh!" he strained, flapping his wings as quick as a bumble bee.

Soon, his hooves lifted a couple of inches off of the ground, like before. Sweat beaded down his forehead and cheeks as he struggled, continuing to float up a few more inches. Specter and Glitter both watched, their jaws open as Night Shadow rose up over the grass tops.

"Keep going, Night! You can do it!" Specter yelled.

Night shut his eyes and strained harder. Moments later, it started to hurt, and Night finally fell to the ground like a brick.

"Ouch!" He slowly stood back up, shaking the dirt off. "H... how'd I do?" He panted.

"You did good, you went higher that time!" Specter trotted up to Night, smiling. "Buuut, I say we head on back. You look exhausted."

Different thoughts raced in Night's mind. He looked over at the field, wanting to give it another shot, but he knew in his current condition, he couldn't do much of anything. Not with his hoof this way, that is. He returned his attention back to Specter and Glitter and nodded.

Specter enveloped the colt in his magical aura, lifting him onto his back, and started alongside his wife down hill, back towards the city of Vanhoover. The three ponies soon entered the large city, streets jam-packed full of ponies at the time. Most were wandering about, while others surfed shops or got a bite to eat.

"Such a beautiful day, is it not?" Glitter smiled, looking up at the bright blue, near-cloudless sky.

"It is," Night smiled and looked around at the seemingly hundreds of ponies. It felt strange being in a city different from his own, but in a way, it felt like home.

"I can't imagine you got out much back at home. Did you, Night?" Specter glanced over his shoulder at the colt sitting on his back.

Night shook his head. "Out of the cave? Not really," he felt safer bringing up his true identity and where he lived around them, figuring they had no reason to dump him somewhere now, even after Specter’s outburst earlier.

"I see. I've been wondering, what ever happened, anyways? You know, how you got in that sealed hole? Also, aren't bat ponies nocturnal?" Specter looked forward again.

"Uh... I'd... rather not talk about it, at least not out here," Night looked around cautiously to make sure nopony had been eavesdropping. "And, no, not really. Well, some of us are. It depends on the season."

"Oh, alright," Specter continued walking down the street, Glitter at his side.

"Heheh..." Night held his own little hooves, gulping a bit. The thought of what happened two days before remained fresh in his mind like it occurred only five minutes ago. He still wondered, though, where were his parents?

"Skywatcher, sir?"

Skywatcher glanced over, standing at a table with three other legion soldiers. On the table sat a map of the region, including the city of Vanhoover on the coastline. Another soldier came trotting over, smiling.

"I think we've found him!" The stallion stopped just before Skywatcher.

Sky gasped. "My son?"

The soldier nodded, still smiling.

Skywatcher's pupils shrunk slightly, and he teared up. "Tell me where, and we'll go!"

"Vanhoover, sir. He was spotted with two other ponies."

"He's with... ponies?”

Hours later, the sun slowly dipped into the horizon, right into the blue ocean far off of Vanhoover. The sight was spectacular, the sky to the east turned a faint dark blue, while the sky to the west turned orange, yellow and pink. Clouds were scattered across the sky, most of them appearing as if someone took a paint brush and brushed the sky with white and light grey paint.

Night Shadow, Glitter, and Specter all sat in the park watching the sunset. No one was there at the time, which was strange for a Friday night. The lights of the city slowly came to life, a definite sign the night was fast approaching. Night sat in Specter's lap as they watched the sun slowly disappear below the horizon, with the unicorn's hooves wrapped around the colt. They all smiled at the sight, relieved on how well the day went.

"I've never seen something as beautiful as that." Night smiled more, watching the sun half cut by the ocean as far as the eye could see.

"It is, isn't it?" Glitter sighed happily and scooted against Specter's side. "Spec brought me here on our first date."

Specter blushed slightly. "Hehe, yup."

"I can see why, it's amazing... and the city, it's awesome, too," Night giggled some, but then sighed. "I wish bat ponies weren't against Equestrians... our lives would be so much better and easier than they are now."

"Hmm..." Specter looked down at the colt. "What's it like?"

"What?" Night looked up at Specter.

"What's life like as a bat pony?"

"It's... um... well, it's certainly different. No one is allowed to leave the caves, it's dark most of the time... except for when I found a glowstone thingy that we used in lamps to light the cave," he looked down at the ground.

"So, a dictatorship, huh? Has anyone ever tried making a change?" Glitter chimed in.

Night shook his head. "No one's dared to. Well, not that I know of... and if anypony did try it, they'd be arrested and taken to the magma caverns... basically our type of dungeon."

"Hmm... I have heard of those, actually. Are they—"

"There he is!" a voice called out from above.

Night quickly looked up, his golden pupils widening with surprise. By then, it was too late to do anything. Two bat ponies, both Legion soldiers, flew down and tackled Glitter and Specter to the ground, knocking Night out of his hooves. He quickly stood and ran over to one of the soldiers managing to pin down Specter, who struggled to stand.

"Wait, get off of them! They're not hurting me!" Night squealed, trying to push the Legion soldier off, before noticing a third bat pony in lieutenant's armor floating down with tears in his eyes. "Dad?!"


"Dad... let them go!"

Skywatcher, surprised, sputtered out, "Corporal, Sergeant, let them go."

The two bat ponies nodded and eventually stood off of the mare and the stallion, both leaping to their hooves. Glitter rushed over to Specter and grasped him tightly, terrified out of her mind. Specter then glared at Night Shadow.

"What is this all about?!" he yelled.

Night turned and looked at Specter. "S-sir, I don't know... I had no idea they were going to do this!"

Skywatcher walked up beside Night, lifting his gaze to the stallion and the mare. "Have you two been watching over my son?"

Specter nodded, heart dropping in his chest at a good look over the thestral. "Yes, sir. N-Night Shadow's been under our protection these last couple of days."

"Night Shadow? You renamed my son?!" Sky hissed and stepped forward, fangs baring, only to be stopped by Night himself.

"No, dad," he sighed. "It's complicated. I'll explain it, but I'm still Bloodvein," he teared up slightly. "They renamed me just so someone doesn't freak out. Please, don’t hurt them."

Skywatcher looked down at Blood, then back up at Specter. "All right. But, you have been keeping him safe, correct?"

Specter nodded again. "Yes, sir."

Sky stared, then bowed his head. "Thank you, thank you, a million times, thank you." A faint smile appeared. "We'll be on our way now that we found my son. Come along, Blood."

Blood stopped between Skywatcher, who had begun to walk away, but paused.

Sky glanced back. "Aren't you coming, son?"

Blood sighed and lowered his ears. "Sure. Just, give me a second," he then turned and faced Specter and Glitter. "T-thank you... for everything." He smiled, shedding a tear, then rushed up and hugged the two ponies as tightly as he could. "I guess this is goodbye..."

"You're very much welcome, Bloodvein," Glitter smiled, eyes tearing up, sniffling a bit. "We're happy that we found your father. Or, more like, he found us." She laughed a bit to hide her heartache.

"We will definitely miss you, Blood," Specter hugged back, raising his hoof in a salute once the embrace broke. Blood, with a smile, returned the salute, wiping a tear from his cheek, then trotted over to his father, climbing onto his back. The little colt peered back at the unicorn and the pegasus, waving one last time as Skywatcher, as well as the Legion soldiers, flew off into the dusk sky.

Thirty minutes later, the sky was completely black and starry as the four ponies journeyed east back into the mountains. Bloodvein was elated to see his father again, but was also sad that he left Specter and Glitter behind. He then sighed.

"What's wrong, son?" Skywatcher glanced back at him.

"Nothing, dad, it's just... I'm a little sad that we'll never see them again... they did take care of me, they even partially taught me how to fly," Blood looked down toward the distant ground, feeling a slight pain in his chest.

"What?" Skywatcher suddenly stopped, looking back at Blood with a look of surprise.

"They brought me to a field and I flew a little bit."

"You... know how to fly?" Sky's eyes widened.

Blood nodded. "Kind of... I'm getting the hang of it."

Skywatcher smiled and grabbed Bloodvein, hugging him tightly and beginning to sob for joy. "Gone for two days, and my son already knows how to get his hooves off the ground! I'm so proud of you..."

Blood squeaked out and returned the hug as best as he could, wheezing as he was crushed by his father’s strength. "Thanks... dad...!" He struggled to breathe.

"I'm so... happy you're safe... I-I'm still in denial that this is all real!" Sky sobbed out, then started flying forward again towards some clouds. He released Blood from the hug, but continued carrying him in his hooves as they flew across mountaintops.

"Me too, dad," Blood sighed, closing his eyes. "I was sure I was going to die that night."

"It's okay, son. You're safe now. Better yet, we've got a new home!"

"We do?" Blood looked at him curiously.

Skywatcher nodded, then pointed to the clouds they were flying towards. Blood turned around and gasped. Their new home... was a city on clouds!

"Welcome to our new home, son, the city of Batsburg.”