• Published 1st Jun 2014
  • 3,027 Views, 216 Comments

The Veins Run Deep - Thunderblast

This is Bloodvein. A pegasus in a bat pony family. Does he enjoy his life? Not really.

  • ...

The Hard Return

No more than two months following Night Shadow's promotion, giving him the Private title at last, he was enjoying his first full-time job very much. Days seemed to fly by, and soon enough, they were getting shorter and colder. Leaves were turning different colors and floating away from their parent trees, and the breeze was picking up some as well, a sure sign fall was on it's way. By then, Night was used to the warmer climate of central Equestria, and didn't at all miss the colder northeast temperatures of his home... the home he was suddenly beginning to miss.

One cool August morning, it finally hit Night hard in the mind. It had been just under a year since he left, he was two months away from turning eighteen, and he was now a private in the Lunar Guard. His mind battled over the different ideas of returning for a couple of days, but every turnout wasn't good.

It either ended with his parents forcing him to stay, or disowning him altogether and having him thrown in a dungeon for joining the guard. It shook his heart either way the tables were going to turn, but he did miss home, and would do anything to go back and make things right, even if it was just between him and his parents. Night knew even just showing up would most likely anger his father. Who knows he thought, what if they adopted a replacement for him?

His heart sank deeper into the cold ocean of terrible thoughts, but instead of curling into a ball and sobbing, he rose out of bed and started readying himself for his shift. It wouldn't be any different he thought, surely things couldn't go awry like the Summer Sun Celebration did a week after his promotion, when it was night time for half of a day.

It was strange and unexplainable, but he didn't think much of it. Instead, he trotted out of his barrack in full Lunar Guard patrol armor, down the path, and onto the streets of Canterlot. A Lunar guard in the day time seemed awkward to some ponies, as it did to Night himself, but he went with it like every other guard.

By then, the Lunar Guard was booming at the return of the so called 'Lunar Princess', who was rumored to be Celestia's sister, and also the thing that attacked Ponyville two months back. During that time, Night also learned that his friend Thunderblast was assigned to the Summer Sun Celebration when it went downhill, and managed to break one of his wings in the process, and was on medical leave for a while to let it heal.

Since then, he hadn't seen his trainer friend. It was lonely, even now that Sharpblade was gone. The thought of what happened left a scar on his heart which he knew would never go away as long as he lived. After what he went through, his personal mission was to find the pony responsible, and make him suffer for eternity for his crimes.

As Night patrolled, he kept his mind set on his job, but from time to time began thinking about home again. He shook his head to clear the thought, only to have it come back a few minutes later, stronger than ever. Finally, he pulled himself into an alley where no one would see or hear him...hopefully. There, he had begun to break down.

"Fine...fine! I'll go." He sniffled to himself, staring at his reflection in a small water puddle before him. Small tears slithered down his cheeks as he stood back up, opening his wings and taking flight back towards the Canterlot castle. Minutes later, Night Shadow landed on one of the palace's many bridges, which lead from one side of the enormous building to other sections, such as watch towers for the Royal Guard, and personal living towers made exclusively for royalty.

Walking across the bridge, Night approached a set of stairs, which wrapped around the sides of a large, round tower which went up at least three more stories. He walked up the stairs, hoping not to dizzy himself from walking in circles almost. Finally, at the top, he knocked on a golden door, complete with a large window dead in the center, but was covered with half-closed blinds.

"Come in."

Night Shadow stepped inside, shutting the door behind him. "Sir," he saluted the snow-white unicorn sitting at his desk with loads of undone paperwork. The unicorn saluted back instantly. "Permission to speak, sir?"

"Granted." The unicorn, Shining Armor, dropped his salute, as did Night Shadow.

"I would like to take a three-day leave, sir."

"What for may I ask?" Shining leaned forward, crossing his hooves on the desk.

Night Shadow walked up to the desk, "I am homesick, sir. I haven't been home in... well, I don't know how long."

"Hmm...common excuse for somepony to take time off, but seeing as you haven't taken any time off since the poisoning incident, I guess that will be fine. Three days, right?" Shining pulled open a drawer with his magical grip, and levitated out a small piece of paper and a pen.

"Yes sir, three days. That is all," Night kept a straight face as he eyed the unicorn, who wrote down a short note of his absence for the next three days.

"Alright," Shining finished the note. "I will drop this off at Captain Fallen Star's office later on. But for now, you are dismissed," then saluted to Night Shadow.

"Yes sir, thank you sir," Night saluted back, then turned around and trotted to the door, before walking out of Shining's office. Outside, he let out a deep exhale of relief, then once again took to the skies towards the train station. Once there, he bought a ticket for Vanhoover, granting him rest during the long journey ahead, which the train trip alone would take just under a day, plus another couple of hours just to fly back east in search of his long missed home. He boarded the train, seating himself in one of the emptier, quieter cars towards the rear.

Getting comfortable quickly, Night glanced out the window at the platform, which was mostly empty, except for the few that were waiting for a different train. He felt a jolt, and moments later, the train pulled away from the station. Night leaned against the wall, watching the buildings crawl past him as the train picked up speed, departing the city completely a couple of minutes later. He sighed softly, watching Canterlot fade into the distance as the train chuffed downhill, passing through a lower village on Canter Mountain without stopping.

Many hours later, the train raced west, and Canterlot now completely out of sight from their position. Now, the only sights to be seen were distant mountains, trees, and small lakes here and there. The sun shined brightly, with some smaller clouds scattered across the sky without blocking it. As Night watched trees pass, he returned his thoughts to home.

First, he thought what the weather might be like, and if he would have to get used to it like he did Canterlot's climate. Next, he wondered if he would fly the rest of the way, or walk, then fly once he was under the city. After that, his mind went blank from all of the thoughts racing through it at once, and instead decided to shut his eyes and rest for a bit.

Many more hours passed, and the sound of a train whistle woke Night Shadow quickly. He opened his eyes slowly, rubbing one with a hoof and recoiling at the brightness of the train's interior lights as it pulled into the Vanhoover station. The only two ponies in his car were already standing, waiting for the doors to open as the train screeched to a halt, jolting Night onto his hooves. Unsure of what time it is, but seeing how dark it was outside, especially on the western side of Equestria, he assumed he had a nice, long nap. He stretched his wings a couple of times, before the train conductor spoke over the train's public announcement system, welcoming the passengers to Vanhoover. The doors opened, and every one of the passengers disembarked, including Night Shadow. Once on the platform, he realized it was raining outside. Not perfect flying weather, especially at night, but he was still tempted to make the flight home. After a bite to eat in the station's restaurant to regenerate any energy lost during his nap, Night stepped out into the rain, which wasn't as much of a downpour as it was on the station's rooftop when he stepped off of the train. He allowed some time for his coat to floof, which would be his only means of staying warm in the cold rain. Without further waiting, he took to the skies, flying southeast, and towards his old home. The cold rain soaked the stallion as he continued in the direction of his old colony's home in the sky, which he hoped wasn't being drenched with rain as well.

Almost two hours had passed, and Night was still a bit away from Batsburg. Then, it hit him that none of his family would be awake at that time. Not wanting to wake them, he descended down towards the forest. Finding tree shrouded with leaves, a dry spot to stay for the night, he remembered a technique that bat ponies did in older times when they didn't have beds. It was a trait born with every bat pony, but remembering how was another story. With some hesitation, Night wrapped his tail around one of the stronger branches, and slowly leaned off, swinging under the branch with a quick squeal, having never doing what he was doing before. His swing slowed, and after moving his wings he awkwardly covered his face with, realized he was hanging by his tail perfectly. It was even comfortable, and like bat ponies used to do, he wrapped his wings around himself to keep warm against the cold breeze of the night. However, the wind wasn't the only noise he was hearing. Night slowly peeked over his wings, glancing around at the thick forestation around him, his ears perking and twitching at what sounded like faint snickering. Trying to ignore, he buried his face in his wings and remained as still as he could. He had to admit, being alone was a fear he never got over, especially being alone in the wilderness.

The next morning, the sun shined brightly once again, breaking through the thick layer of clouds which still partially blanketed the area. Tiny drops of water trickled from leaf to leaf on every tree, eventually finding their way to the ground, which was squishy and wet from last night's downpour. One drop slipped down Night's tail, slowly working it's way up his back towards his head. It tickled slightly, making him laugh in his sleep. Eventually, it fell from his ear, forcing it to twitch. Moments later, he yawned quietly and opened his eyes. For how much it rained, he was surprised to still be dry, despite the occasional drops falling onto him. Night folded his wings to his sides and rubbed his eyes with his hooves. After sleeping upside down, he felt more replenished than ever.

"Hmm...perhaps I should sleep like this more often. I feel great!" He said to himself, before swinging himself back and forth, then finally letting go and opening his wings, staying put in mid air. Night stretched his hooves, yawning once more, then looking around at his surroundings. Sunlight just barely broke through the thick forest roof, still lighting the forest bright. It hurt his eyes, only for a few moments before they adjusted. Soon after, Night flew up, breaking through a small opening and up above the trees. To his surprise, the area around him looked awfully familiar. The mountains, the forest, even the lake to the west. He glanced up, spotting what he didn't expect, but hoped to see after his long journey.

"Batsburg?" He gasped, staring directly up at the cloud city a long ways up, just barely above the mountain tops if it were over them. After staring for another minute, Night flapped his wings again, flying straight up towards his old home. Soon after, he landed near the edge of the cloud line, and began trotting around the town in search for where he used to live. He walked through the streets, past other bat ponies he didn't recognize one bit. Minutes later, Night reached the housing side of town, still looking for his home. By then, some more houses had been built, making it hard to recognize the area.

Some more minutes later, he finally trotted up to his old house. Stopping at the door, his heart raced a hundred miles per hour. His body wanted to go back to Canterlot, but his mind was still in control, just barely. Raising a shaky hoof, Night slowly knocked on the door, then stopped and stared at it. Inside, he heard faint, muffled hoofsteps which came closer. The door unlocked, and soon opened. Night's eyes soon met those of a dark grey bat pony mare with a silver mane and grass-green eyes. The mare suddenly gasped.

"Hi mom." Night stared with a somewhat sad expression, his ears less perky than before.

"B...Blood? Is it you?" The mare slowly pushed the door to the side, leaving it wide open.

"It is...but, I'm not Bloodvein anymore mom."

Midnight sniffled a bit. "Then, who are you?"

"I changed my name," Night sighed. "I'm Night Shadow now."

The bat pony mare smiled a bit through her tears. "I like that name. It's a good name," she said, before leaning forward quickly and hugging Night Shadow tightly, beginning to sob into his armored shoulder. Night hugged back as tight as he could without choking her, ears pinning down as he shed some tears of his own. A couple of minutes later, Midnight pulled back and wiped at her eyes. "Come in, your dad and sister will want to see you. Sky!" She yelled upstairs.

There was no response, except for the sound of heavy hooves trotting down the upstairs hallway and down the stairs. "Yes, Midni-" There was suddenly another gasp, but from a stallion. Night Shadow peered up, his ears still low as he stared Skywatcher right in the eyes. "Bloodvein?"

"Hey...dad." Night spoke in a quiet voice.

"What are you doing here?" Skywatcher slowly walked down the last few stairs, stopping just a couple of feet from Night Shadow and staring him directly in the eyes.

"I um, I felt homesick and came back," Night brushed his hoof on the floor slowly.

"After ten months of running away, you finally decide to come back to us?" Sky glared at Night Shadow.

"Y-yes..." Night looked down, then back up at his father. "Look dad I..." He stopped.

"You what?" Sky continued to stare. "And what are you wearing?"


Skywatcher gasped some. "Did you go into the Legion? I haven't seen you around, where were you?"

"I wasn't at your base, dad. I was at another one."

Skywatcher raised an eyebrow. "We only have one base son."

"Oh crap." "R-really? Are you sure? Because, uh-"

"Quit lying to us. Where have you been all this time, and where did you get that armor?" Sky narrowed is eyes on his son standing before him.

"You...really want to know?"

"Yes." Midnight spoke up.

Night looked between the both of them, and inhaled. "I ran away to Canterlot...and I joined the Royal Guard."

"You...what?" Both Skywatcher and Midnight's pupils shrunk to pinpricks, and Midnight held Sky close.

"I joined the Royal Guard...I was accepted onto the Lunar Guard."


"Dad...just please listen, I was homeless for so long, it was my only option other than to starve in a dark alley with nothing but a blanket to sleep on. I had to dad."

"You could have gone into the Legion for the same thing, son! How could you betray your own parents like this?"

"Because you were forcing me to do something I didn't want to at the time!" Night yelled, startling his parents. "I was taking a part time job, to earn some extra money for us, and you went and enlisted me without my prior knowledge or permission! If you were a good parent, you would know to let your son do what he wants, whatever makes me happy! And this, I am happy with!"

Night panted, staring his parents down in a sudden burst of rage provoked by his father. The entire room went silent, until the sounds of hooves running down the stairs filled the room. Night glanced behind his parents, spotting an older filly who stopped on the last step, staring at the three of them.

"Big brother?" The filly gasped.

Night slowly calmed himself, and nodded. "Dawn."

"Don't go near him, Dawn," Skywatcher spoke.

"But why? Blood is home!"

"He's not your brother, and he certainly isn't my son," Skywatcher growled slightly, showing his fangs at Night.

"But...I...dad, please," Night's ears lowered again.

"No, get out of here. You aren't wanted here anymore, Bloodvein."

"Dad...I'm not Blood anymore...I told mom. I changed my name, I'm Night Shadow now."

"Fine then, get out of here, Night Shadow. Never come back."



"...Fine." Night turned around, wiping at his eyes and sniffling softly, walking out the front door and shutting it behind him.

Midnight turned to Skywatcher after the door shut. "Sky..."

"No, don't start with me Midnight, he's a traitor to all of the bat ponies. He should be lucky I didn't drag him to the Governor for his crimes."

"What crimes? He ran away and got a job elsewhere. There isn't anything wrong with that, and he hasn't attacked anyone. He's still our boy."

"He's not my boy," Skywatcher turned around to walk upstairs, spotting Dawn Blossom still standing there, glaring at her father. "Dawn?"

"Dad, what did you do?"

"Night is a traitor, sweetie."

"He isn't a traitor! He's my brother! Why don't you ever listen to mom, or me?! You're the reason he left the first time! I...I hate you!" Dawn turned around, running upstairs into her bedroom and slamming the door.

Skywatcher sighed, following Dawn upstairs a minute later. "Sweetie...please don't say that!" He walked up to her door and knocked. There was no response. "Dawn?" He knocked again, still no response. Sky turned the door knob and pushed it open, gasping when he found Dawn not to be in her room, and her window open. On her bed was a note written quickly by Dawn, which Sky walked up to and began reading.

"Dear dad,

I will only come back once Night is back. Until then, don't bother looking for me."

Skywatcher's ears drooped, and he let go of the letter, which floated onto the floor. "Fine..." He then turned around, galloping downstairs and out the front door, surprising Midnight when he ran past. He galloped down the street, searching for Night Shadow. "Night?!"

Meanwhile, Night Shadow had curled up next to the edge of the city, staring down at the ground with drooped ears. His heart ached, having it being broken by his own father for a second time in less than a year. Night was planning on going back to Canterlot early, but decided at that time to stay put, feeling too broken down to go anywhere. Then, the faint clop of hooves could he heard walking closer. He didn't bother to look up as a shadow loomed over him.

"Hey, are you alright?" A bat pony stallion spoke to Night. He too had a grey coat, with green eyes and a black mane.

"No...no I'm not alright," Night whimpered softly, still staring down.

"You wanna talk about it?" The pony sat down next to Night Shadow, staring down at him.

Night sighed. "Fine, I guess that will be okay," he continued to look down.

Both ponies stayed silent for a moment, before the bat pony spoke up again. "Silly me, I forgot to introduce myself. The name's Aux. Aux Tism."

"No offense, but that's a strange name. Isn't it the name of that disease that ponies are barely born with?"

"What? No?"

Night sighed. "Nevermind."

"Well...alright," Aux tapped his hoof. "Aren't you going to tell me what's wrong?"

"Why should I? We just met."

"Doesn't mean I can't help."

Night sighed once more. "I'm too hurt."

"Why, family issues?"

"Yeah...how did you guess?" Night sat his head up, staring at Aux.

"Heh, lucky guess?" The stallion scratched the back of his head with a hoof. "Look, I have a secret to tell you. Will you promise not to tell anypony?"

Night nodded. "Yeah, sure," then laid his head back on his hooves. Suddenly, there was a bright green flash to his side, followed by a snicker.

"This won't hurt that much," Aux spoke. Night quickly looked over, seeing instead of a grey bat pony, but a jet-black bug-skinned pony with holes in his hooves, as well as blue, holed insect wings, and solid blue eyes.

"Changeling?!" Night's pupils shrunk at the sight of the changeling. Before he could react, the changeling bit into his wing, causing him to yelp. "Get off you bug eyed creep!" He kicked his hooves, managing to shove the changeling away before he could sink his fangs deeper, then took off in another direction.

The changeling hissed, standing back up. "You caaaan't run from meeee!" Then chased after Night Shadow.

Night panted and galloped as fast as his hooves could take him, being unarmed and virtually helpless. Suddenly, he was tackled by a larger pony, who he assumed was the changeling. "Aaaagh, get off of me, GET OFF OF ME!" Night squirmed around, before having all four hooves pinned down by four more stronger ones. He felt a warm breath brush down his neck, giving him a slight chill.

"Night, Night calm down!" Skywatcher spoke, attempting to hold Night down. Night slowly stopped squirming and looked up.

"Dad?" Night gasped a little. "W-what are you doing?"

"Coming to talk to you. Listen, I haven't been fair to you. You're right, I'm not a good parent. I don't deserve to be your father at all." Sky stared down at Night.

"But dad, stop. Listen close. I-"

"Please son, just listen. I missed you all this time, I'm more than happy you're back. I'm just angry that you went with the Equestrians instead of your own blooded race."

"Dad...I'm a pegasus."

"You're still a bat pony in my eyes, son. Even if you have differences from the rest of us. You're still my son, no matter what," Skywatcher smiled down at Night Shadow.



Night Shadow suddenly looked over. "Dad, move!" He suddenly kicked Skywatcher upwards after striking him in the gut, just barely dodging a blast of green magic. Sky noticed the blast, landing next to Night and helping him up.

"How did you..."

"Dad, there is a changeling here! I-I think I may have led it here when I slept in the trees!"

"A changeling?" Skywatcher stared at Night in some shock, then heard an evil laugh and stared ahead, spotting the changeling with a horn lit in green. "Oh...my..."

The changeling chuckled, smirking evilly towards the two stallions. "I told you you can't run from me."

Night growled back at the changeling, getting into a defensive position in front of his father. "Then come get a piece of me you creep!"

"As you wish," The changeling chuckled darkly again, running towards Night Shadow and Skywatcher.

Night moved forward to begin running at the changeling, only to be stopped by a hoof.

"Wait son, I won't let you do this. Alone. Let's get him together. Father-son time," Skywatcher grinned with his fangs at Night Shadow. Night nodded, grinning back.

"Let's give him hell," Night turned again, running towards the changeling. Skywatcher followed suit, staying just behind Night. The two dodged small magic orbs as they were thrown towards them by the changeling. It growled, stopping and lighting up it's horn and creating one last orb which slowly formed. Before it could be thrown, Night tackled the changeling and began throwing hard hooves into it's face. Sky ran up behind, grabbing a hold of the changeling's legs and holding them down, granting Night the chance to beat it up. He continued to punch the changeling, which eventually started bleeding green blood from the hits. The changeling hissed, managing to light up it's horn and form a shield, zapping the two off of him. It stood up, wiping at it's muzzle. He suddenly gasped as he did.

"M...my fang! You broke my fang!" The changeling hissed, walking up to Skywatcher, who was stunned from being shocked. Off to the side, Night slowly glanced up, groaning in pain from the shock. Before Sky could sit up, the changeling spit on his hooves. His spit soon formed into a green, sticky goo which bonded him to the ground and only stretched when resisted. Sky squirmed his hooves around, grunting and trying to stand up. The changeling grinned and lit his horn. "Say goodbye, old man."

Night gasped, then quickly looked to the side and immediately saw a statue of a Legion soldier holding a real spear. Night flew to the statue and grabbed the spear, then as fast as he could, flew towards the changeling. Skywatcher squirmed around even more, gritting his teeth in anger and staring up at the changeling, who was on the brink of putting him down with a dark spell.

"Dad, close your eyes and mouth!" Night lunged forward, gliding down towards them at high speeds. Sky quickly shut his eyes and his mouth, turning his head and facing away just moments before Night impaled the spear into the changeling's side. The changeling hissed out loud, it's horn slowly cracking, and soon blowing off into dust. The changeling, and Night Shadow, both fell over, one dead. Night slowly stood up, panting and covered in changeling blood. Skywatcher opened his eyes and looked at Night, noticing the slime on his hooves slipping off like water, and fading away. He slowly stood up, staring at the dead changeling.

"You saved me," Sky then turned to Night Shadow, staring in shock. Night got off of the changeling, panting a little from the shock.

"He was going to kill you dad. I couldn't let him," Night reached a hoof up, wiping the green blood off of his muzzle. As he did, he was suddenly met with a lung-crushing hug by his father. He gasped for air a little, Skywatcher releasing him enough so he could breathe, but holding him in a tight hug still. Night hugged back with both hooves, nuzzling his father's chest. "I missed you dad."

"I missed you too, son," Skywatcher shed some tears. "Promise me you won't ever run away again..."

"I promise."

Author's Note:

Well, here it is. Credit goes to Equestria Prevails for using Aux Tism, as it is their OC, even though in here he was a changeling and not the actual pony.