• Published 18th Apr 2014
  • 732 Views, 4 Comments

Speaker for the Silent - NekroPony

Not everyone is happy with their destiny. Just because something is predetermined does not mean it is perfect.

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9: Cloud Crypts and Dead Wings

The cloud-walking spell appears to work, that let's the non-pegasi members of their team pause for a breather, the extremely high altitude of this cloud sucking the breath from them. Of course the largest Pegasi graveyard would be so high that even cloudsdale appears to be a speck below them. The clouds belowhoof smell of death, black and silent, a doomful fog that sends shivers down their spines. Rainbow Dash is the only one of the elements that seems undeterred, even the handful of Pegesi royal guard shiver uncontrollably. Even Rainbows breath comes fast in this place, her lungs barely gathering enough oxygen.

"Why did we have to come, the necromancer wouldn't be able to reach here, surely all her wings are taken from the smaller graveyards." says Twilight "200 constant guards from every clan wouldn't miss someone like that." Rainbow Dash glares at them "My grandfather is buried here, I need to make sure he has his wings." The others roll their eyes, but understandingly follow, after all since they first discovered that the mare had been stealing wings they had discovered another 50 corpses missing their wings, all over Equestria, and the element of loyalty has to take care of her ancestors.

The entrance into the graveyard is similarly foreboding, two pegisi stand guard, their armour black, so similar to the cloud that if you don't look directly at them they blend in, though only two... two... two... are on duty. The horde of two guards wave them through, an intimidating pair of heavy engraved doors opening before them, the stares of ancient pegisi warriors threatening them. They pass and start to descend down into the ill lit crypts, the doors sealing behind them.

Every so often they pass a torch, lighting a little patch, it's almost like the clouds move around them as only the next torch is visible as they trot along. After the fourth torch most are lost, not entirely sure of anything. They blindly follow Rainbow, and not that even a few of guards look unsure. After about five minutes Twilight gathers enough courage to ask the surly Rainbow "So Rainbow, how do you know where we going." hoping for a reassuring explanation, as it was never in her books. Rainbow glances over "Only important clan members are aloud to know the details, I suspect even Celestia doesn't know how to walk through these hallowed halls. I can tell you it's partly to do with the torches, you'll note they are changing colour to yellow, well that's because we are moving towards Fluttershy's crypts." She sees the looks "What they are closer to the entrance and since she isn't around I wanted to check on her family too."

They pause and Rainbow holds up a hoof, and clouds whisk away revealing a stone room... or well it appears to be stone, crisp edges, but no, closer inspection reveals it to be carved clouds. Several caskets adorn alcoves, sombre death-masks adorning each, the ones closer to the entrance looking not dissimilar to Fluttershy. Clan heraldry adorns the small simple room, and while Rainbow walks around Twilight explains "Fluttershy's clan is fairly new, appears only 20 pony's have died since it's creation." Rainbows hoof touches each casket and she returns "Cloud caskets are solid, haven't been open since their burial day." walking past she waves for the others to follow. As the last guard leave the room the clouds swirl back, taking it from sight.

Again they trot through the darkness, this time it seems to take forever, none of them can be sure how long they have been travelling. Applejack pulls Twilight off to the side "This is taking a long time, does she know where her crypt is?" Twilight makes sure that Rainbow is far enough ahead that she can't hear her. "She definitely does, I did some checking, the Dash family used to be one of the largest clans, numbering hundreds, history is foggy, but they all died out in a few years, from what we have learned recently I suspect it was during Celestia's war with Serene. As it is only a few members of her family survive, and currently it's just her and her parents, so yes I'd say she know exactly where we are going."

Dash stops, suddenly and without warning and holding out a hoof she banishes the clouds around a blue torch. A door looms out of the darkness, and while the door into the graveyard was creepy, this one get's several audible sounds of fright from some of the elements and a quite a few royal guard. This door is truly frightening, two etched engravings of armoured pony's holding deadly looking spears. Even though they are carved out of cloud they seem to move, their eyes gazing on every-pony. The carved door behind them shows gruesome depictions of pony's, dying in a huge manner of horrible ways, one even appears to have an animate skeletons crawling through it's mouth. Even Rainbow grimaces, before she says, her voice flat, like it's an annoyance "The by rites of the ancients the eldest Daughter of Dash humbly requests entrance."

The door opens, or more accurately, the two stone pony's step to either side, the door dissolving around them. They stand on either side, glaring at the pony with unblinking eyes. The inside... is far more elaborate than Fluttershy's was. The hall just keeps going, branching off a few paces from the entrance, just from here hundreds of caskets can be seen. No not caskets, Sarcophagi, each one more elaborate than the last. Each a perfectly carved replica of the original. Dash enters and looks around "No, it appears that nobody has been in here." she says taking a few steps towards the closest coffin to the door, where a male colt stands, wings outstretched. "Hello Grandpa," she says, "good to see your still ok." she begins to lean on the sarcophagi, and immediately falls through, taking with her a heavily mummified corpse.

The corpse appears to be the same pony as the sarcophagi, and Rainbow cries out in pain as she notices the missing wings.
"Damn it, no need to be so loud." comes a voice, Rainbow freezes, her blood running cold, it would take a prism to make her match her name. "My you've grown." the elderly colt says. The other tense up, the royal guard unsheathe their weapons.

The Mummified Corpse of the great Kinetic Dash stands and looks around at the assorted pony's. "Bugger."