• Published 31st Mar 2012
  • 2,196 Views, 55 Comments

The start of a beautiful "friendship" - Night Fire

It's summer and nopony has seen or heard about Trixie for a while.

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Chapter 9

Hello people. If you are reading my OC story, it updates slower because I have a guy (Chrome) editing the chapters, and until he emails me the revised copy, and I check it, I can’t post it. This one is not likely to have the same grammar it does, cuz honestly, I suck balls at grammar, and I don’t mean that literally. Anyways I’m going to work on this one for a bit more time and yes I inserted myself in the story. I really like most of the pairings in it, and in case you’ve yet to hear about it, Flutterdash is now cannon. They kissed in the season finale. All fans of flutterdash, rejoice. Now let’s go back to a story about other couples.

“How do you know who I am?” Trixie asked confused.

“You are the once showmare, Trixie Lulamoon, very skilled in magic, but when you get boastful it tends to go to your head and is not good for you, but I’m sure you know that now that you are dating Twilight Sparkle.” Night Fire said as if it was common knowledge.

“Alright, that’s creepy, how do you know that?” Twilight asked confused.

“The fact that you two are dating?” Night Fire asked to make sure.

“Yeah, we only announced that yesterday.” Trixie said next to Twilight, “It’s impossible to know that any sooner seeing as we started it yesterday also.”

“Well physically, yes, but mentally you guys liked each other the moment you saw each other. My hair doesn’t normally flow like this but when it does it increases my magic tenfold and I could sense the love all the way to my hut in the middle of the Everfree forest.” Night Fire explained to them, “I was trying to talk to Luna via telepathy, and caught feedback from you two, so when I saw you two here next to each-other, I could feel the love radiating off of you two and it wasn’t hard to figure it out.”

“Wow, that’s impressive.” Rarity said shocked, “But it’s more surprising you are that accepting of their relationship.”

“Rarity, if I didn’t accept ponies who are, heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or metrosexual, I’d be a dick to some of my friends, because honestly who gives a buck?” Night Fire said, “I myself am metrosexual, which is commonly mistaken for homosexual. It just means I’m straight but am mistaken for a pony that is homosexual.”

“Ah I see, that makes sense.” Pinkimena said from where her and Pinkie were in the crowd, “I thought that you being with Luna was interesting, mainly cuz I got that feeling of homosexual from you.”

“Ah now there are the two ponies I wanted to see the most, Pinkie Diane Pie, and Pinkimena Diane Pie, two different ponies, but at the same time, the exact same pony.” Night Fire said to them with a wide smile, “I just love the fact that two ponies whose personalities are so different can be the best of friends, and even better, be in a relationship.” Night Fire said with a kind smile that made even Pinkimena smile.

“Thank you, I love that you are so accepting of all of us.” Fluttershy said stepping forward with Rainbow next to her, “I am usually nervous around others, but you, I just feel safe and comfortable around.” Fluttershy said seeing Rainbow Dash relax around him also.

Night Fire gave them a smile. “I am equally ecstatic that all of you are so accepting of me. I am usually around ponies that shrink away in fear of me. Here, my hair is getting annoying.” Night Fire focused and suddenly his mane and tail were normal looking with random streaks of blue and red here and there. “That’s much better, now that I know all of you, I will be visiting a bit more often, and when I do, don’t act like I’m special, I’m just another pony.” Night Fire said stepping over to Luna and giving her a nuzzle. “Let’s get you back to the palace; you must still be tired of controlling the moon last night.”

“I am very tired from last night.” Luna said leaning against him, “Why can’t you have a house here already, then I could sleep in it.”

“Ah but then your bed would be empty at the palace, and last time you were not there, they hunted me down for three days.” Night Fire said with a smile.

“Well you had taken me to your house.” Luna said smirking.

“Alright so I wasn’t a good prince when I was young. That is why I am no longer a prince.” Night Fire said with a shrug.

“Now I remember where I had heard your name from!” Twilight exclaimed.

“Oh, really, well please do tell me, I didn’t know ponies still had history about me.” Night Fire said surprised.

“It was an old book but it said something about how when a young beautiful male alicorn was around, you could find him with Star Swirl the Bearded and Princess Luna, and he had a knack for mischief and one day, he just disappeared. He was never heard from but it said that if you looked closely at any statue of Princess Luna, you would see engraved upon her crown, “In the loving memory of Night Fire, may his soul be at rest.” It also said you lost the title prince when you blew up in front of a few dozen ponies.” Twilight said, “Can you explain that last part?”

“Stand back and watch.” Night Fire said to them all as fire swirled around him. It increased and then suddenly this giant explosion happened and when it was over, he was gone, there was a hole in the ground, and some blood around it. Then the fire reappeared and he came back burnt and bleeding, but otherwise fine. “That is what they meant.”

“So you can randomly blow up. Why would you learn that trick.” Pinkie asked confused.

“I didn’t learn it on purpose. It just sort of happens sometimes.” Night Fire said, “I learned how to control it though so now I can do it on will.”

“So you went to the royal court and blew yourself up?” Twilight asked curious, “Why the buck would you do that?”

“Because it was funny, I mean imagine a whole room full of ponies, watching as their prince comes in and just suddenly explodes!” Night Fire exclaimed smiling at the memory, “It was hilarious, I don’t regret that at all.”

“Night, we should head back, Celestia might get mad if we don’t hurry.” Luna said to him nudging him with her nose.

“Ugh, she is such a pain sometimes. Guess we should.” Night Fire stretched his wings and got ready to fly, “Well I hate to cut my visit short ponyville, but I need to head back before Celestia gets mad at me. Again.” He chuckled after that and with a cocky smirk shot off into the sky making even Rainbow’s jaw hang open. Then Luna shot off just as fast quickly catching up to him and they flew away.

“Well life around here is about to get more interesting.” Trixie said with a shocked expression.

“Let’s see, first you come back, then Pinkimena is outside of Pinkie, now there is another alicorn who happens to be dating the princess of night, and is going to be living here in Ponyville. Am I forgetting anything?” Twilight asked looking around and getting no response she sighed and nudged Trixie to get her up. “Come on, we need to find you a job.”

“Sigh, what could I get a job as? I mean I’m good at anything that doesn’t require flying but who would hire me?” Trixie said with a slight frown.

“Well can you teach little kids?” Cheerlie said walking up with Big Macintosh.

“Well yeah, that’s not exactly hard, and I am pretty good at it, if I do say so myself, but if I could ask, why?” Trixie asked looking at her.

“Well I could use an assistant at the school, plus a teacher that could connect with the unicorn students would be helpful.” Cheerilie said with a kind smile, “Plus I like spending time with Big Macintosh and we don’t get to see each other that often, because our schedules don’t match up that well, isn’t that right Big Mac?”

“Eeeyup.” Big Macintosh said in his usual way but instead of having a nonchalant face he smiled at Cheerilie.


“I thought we fixed that thing with the love poison, right?” Applebloom asked looking at the other CMC and Spike.

“We did, but I think they might actually like each other.” Sweetie said looking at them closely, “They don’t have those freaky eyes, see.”

“Alright well Applebloom, looks like you might be getting another sister, heck, you and Sweetie here might end up being related by marriage.” Scootalo said looking at them.

“Yeah, Scootalo, that is a good point. I would find that interesting.” Spike said with his claws behind his head.

“Oh both of you hush, I don’t think any of our siblings are to that stage yet.” Sweetie said with a blush.

“Yet, is the key word in that sentence.” Scootalo said.

“Since when did you to trade places on being the smart one?” Spike asked looking at them.

“That’s like asking why Fluttershy is the dominant one in her and rainbow’s relationship.” Applebloom said to him, “When in love, things don’t have to make sense.”


“Well I would love to help you out in the school, thank you for giving me the job.” Trixie said to Cheerilie.

“You’re welcome, and thank you for helping me find a way to spend more time with Big Macintosh here.” Cheerilie said with a smile, “Now, let’s go finish that lunch date we were on.”

“Eeeyup.” Big Macinsosh said leading the way to the table, which is unusual.

“Girls I just realized why colts and stallions often say fillies and mares first.” Pinkimena said with a look of sudden realization on her face.

“Why would that be? I thought they were just being nice.” Rarity said looking at her.

“They do it so they can eye our flanks!” Pinkimena said as if it was obvious, “It makes sense now that you think about it.”

“Wow that is pretty shocking, but if we are all girls, which of us get’s our flank eyed by our partner?” Trixie asked curious.

“That is what, ah, was going to ask.” Applejack said looking at Pinkimena with an expectant look.

“How should I know? I don’t really hide looking at Pinkie’s whenever I want. In honesty I could look at my flank in the mirror and it would be me looking at her flank.” Pinkimena said looking at them all as if they were little fillies, “I don’t have all of the answers.”

“Well with that thoughtful note, does anypony have any plans for today?” Twilight asked sighing at how bored she was on such a nice day.

“Um well not really, we finished what we were doing earlier.” Rainbow said with the others nodding.

“Well darn, this is such a nice day and it seems as if we are going to have to spend it bored with nothing to do.” Twilight said sighing.

“Well I wouldn’t say that.” Trixie said getting a sudden idea giving her a gleam in her eye, “I know what we could all do.”

“Why do I have a bad feeling about what your idea is?” Twilight muttered under her breath, “What is your idea?”

“Well the thing is, we all have some special skill right? Well why don’t we combine them and see what happens, and I don’t mean combine like the elements of harmony combine.” Trixie said.

“Well let’s see, magic, farming, caring for animals, designing, flying, parties, and baking.” Twilight listed off, “Sounds interesting.”

“Well let’s try, I know how to externalize talents from my showmare days.” Trixie said her horn glowing, after a few seconds beams of light shot out of everypony and when they mixed it just blew up, and they all got thrown backwards with Trixie not being seen.

“Is everypony okay?” Twilight called standing up.

“No.” Called Trixie from the center of the crater that was caused due to the explosion, “I think I might have broken my leg, and some ribs.”

“Ah crap, we are ah coming.” Applejack said running to the crater with everypony else in tow to help her out.

“Thanks guys, and apparently that is an explosive idea.” Trixie said with a light chuckle that ended with her coughing up some blood.

“How can you make jokes like that when you are in pain!?” Twilight said worried out of her mind for her marefriends wellbeing.

“Twilight, I’ve been in worse pain than this before, quite often if I might add. This hurts but if I didn’t have a broken leg, I’d walk to where I could be healed, instead I’ll just ask you if you could help.” Trixie said obviously not wanting to tell how she has been in worse pain.

“Of course I’ll heal you, just hold still for a moment.” Twilight said enveloping her in light for a second before Trixie was healed.

“Thank you Twilight.” Trixie said wobbling on her feet a little.

“Well I think I should take Trixie home before she hurts herself, Spike are you coming?” Twilight said walking with Trixie towards the library.

“Uh, Twi, ah think he left with Applebloom a while ago.” Applejack said looking uneasy.

“If he is safe, and it’s fine with you, I don’t care.” Twilight said facehoofing.

“So long as he is not inappropriate with her.” Applejack said knowing what could happen.

“Well let’s hope he knows how to stay appropriate.” Rarity said turning to find Sweetie Belle missing with Scootalo. “They left a while ago didn’t they?”

“Yeah, I think they left to Scoot’s house.” Rainbow said.

“Ah, well it is only early afternoon, but if she sleeps over, I would hope she would tell me first.” Rarity said turning to Applejack, “So, your place or mine?”

“Let’s go to yours, I think Spike and Applebloom are at mine.”

“Alright, well ta-ta everypony.” Rarity said heading off with Applejack.

“So Fluttershy let’s go.” Rainbow said flying upwards.

“Bye girls, I have to go after her, because I think she forgot who the man in the relationship is.” Fluttershy said flying after her.

“Let’s just go home already.” Trixie said walking with Twilight back to their house/library.

As they got in, Trixie sat down at the table in the kitchen with Twilight next to her.

“Trixie, those wounds you mentioned, did you get them as a foal, did they have anything to do with your parents?” Twilight asked looking at her.

“Well I guess I should tell you who my parents are and how my life as a child was.” Trixie said with a sigh, a sad look in her eyes.

Yes I’m ending it here. Yes this might make some of you mad. Yes, I am in this story now. Sorry about the cliffhanger being where it is but hey, it adds suspense. So comment, tell me what you think, and check out my other story The Time Adventures. Peace off.