• Published 11th Apr 2014
  • 1,284 Views, 43 Comments

A Heartfelt Symphony - Star_Streak

Octavia can't find another job after the Grand Galloping Gala so she ends up working in a nightclub with a new owner. A mare by the name of Vinyl Scratch.

  • ...

Chapter Seven

Ding dong!

Vinyl's eyes fluttered open at the sound of her doorbell ringing. She lifted her head slowly, yawning softly, and glanced down at the still sleeping mare beside her, the sight of her sleeping face making her smile.

Ding dong!

She sat up as the doorbell rang again, silently cursing whoever had woken her as she walked over to the door. She blinked as she opened it, the bright sunlight making her squint as she tried to make out the pony standing in the doorway.

"Who are you?" She asked sleepily, the glare dying down, allowing her to make out a dark grey stallion. His mane was very well kept, combed and slicked back. He wore a black tie and a pinstripe suit, his head held high and a poorly concealed scowl on his face.

"Are you Vinyl Scratch?"

She nodded, "Yea, that's me. Why?

"Is there a mare by the name of Octavia Philharmonica staying here or nearby?" He asked, trying to look around the DJ.

She stepped in front of him, blocking his vision, "Who wants to know?"

He frowned, looking down at her, "Her father. I have been asking around and ponies have informed me that she has been staying with her boss. Am I correct in assuming that you are her employer?"

She took a step back, closing her door a little and trying to conceal her anger and shock, "Yea...I'm her boss. And this is my house. Now get away from here before I called the police".

"I can offer you more bits than you've ever made in your entire life if you tell me where my daughter is. She should not be living in such...common housing".

She paused a moment at the offer before snapping back to her senses and shaking her head, closing the door further, "Why do you want her anyway? She obviously left for a reason".

"She is my daughter. I wish to take her back home. I have arranged for her to meet a stallion in two weeks and she must be there. If you do not tell me where she is, I can and will press charges for kidnapping".

"She's old enough to move out legally, it's not kidnapping if she wants to be here. Now get out", she slammed the door, making Octavia jump up in surprise. She watched as Vinyl stormed down the hall towards the bedroom. She heard the door close and, a few moments later, she could hear the thumping of her sub woofers as she worked on a new song.

After a moment, Octavia yawned and stood up, following her in to the room, knocking softly on the door. After getting no response, she knocked harder and called through the door, "Vinyl, are you okay?"

The music paused.


"Whats wrong?" She tried turning the doorknob, stopping when she noticed that it was locked.

Vinyl's voiced was muffled by the wooden door, "Nothing..I'm fine."

Octavia frowned. "Vinyl, please unlock the door". She heard a click and opened opened the door, stepping in and looking over at the white and blue mare sitting at her desk, the last bit of light fading from her horn from when she had magically unlocked the door. "What's going on Vinyl? Who was at the door?"

Vinyl sat there, her head in her hooves, "Nobody..its not important".

"Clearly it is..you only lock yourself in here when you're upset." Octavia moved over to the desk, stepping over old papers that the DJ had scattered all over the floor, and kneeled down, wrapping her arm around her marefriend's shoulder.

Vinyl sighed, "It..it was your dad. He was looking for you."

Octavia gasped softly, hearing the news. "H-how did he find out where I am?"

"I'm not sure..I'm pretty sure that he paid off someone at the club. Or maybe someone in the apartment." She leans into the cellist's, nuzzling into her neck.

"Well..what did father want?" She nuzzles back softly.

"He want's to take you away from this 'common' apartment. I didn't tell him anything, I promise! But I hesitated when he offered me a bunch of money.." Vinyl looked down at the desk, a little ashamed.

The cellist looked at her for a moment before smiling softly and nuzzling her cheek. "Vinyl, dear, it's okay. Anyone would have considered it. And we only just started dating. Though..it is a pretty strange coincidence that, of all times for him to show up, it happened to be right after I explained everything."

"Yea.." Vinyl nuzzles back, "It is kinda weird, now that you mention it".

They sat there in silence for a moment before Octavia pulled back a bit and looked away, her voice growing a bit softer, “Maybe...Maybe I should go with him..”

“What?!” Vinyl jumped out of her chair and gently lifted Octavia's chin with her hooves, looking into her light purple eyes. “Why do you say that? He has no right to make you go with him. Why should he get to take you away from me? It’s not fucking fair…”

Octavia looks back at her and sighs, looking away again. “I know that Vinyl...I know. But he is my father. and he could help me get my cello career back on track with all of his connections and his money.”

“But you’d be miserable Octy! You shouldn’t have to go back to that. I won’t let you. I’m not gonna let him win..” Her voice trailed off as she spoke. “I care about you too much..”

The cellist looked back at her and leaned in, giving her a gentle kiss before speaking. “I care about you too Vinyl. Truly I do. And this is why I feel like I need to go with him. He know’s where I live now and he’s not just going to drop this and let me live my life. He will either come back here on his own every day or he will start sending people to do it for him. And even if we do make it past that, he is going to try and use every law in Equestria to get you put in prison and get me back in his custody. I can’t put you through that Vinyl..”

The DJ glanced around frantically, trying to come up with something, “W-we’ll battle him in court! We can say that he’s harassing you and trying to force you to come back with him. He's gonna make you marry some stupid stallion! We can-” She stops when Octavia kisses her, her face a light red as she fights the urge to cry.

“Vinyl, sweetie...We have a nightclub. He has millions. We have Mia Neigh. He has an entire team of lawyers at his disposal. We can’t win.” She looks at her and gives her a soft smile. “But it’ll be okay. I’ll be okay.”

Vinyl pulls her into a tight hug, throwing her arms around Octavia’s neck and nuzzling her. “Please don’t go..Not until we at least try to fight it. There’s got to be a way. I know we’ll think of something. You’re smart..”

They stood there for a moment before Octavia finally hugged and nuzzled the mare back. “Okay...Okay. You’re right. We’ll think of something. But if it starts to affect you...I’m going to end it. I can’t have my problems hurting someone I care about.” She looks at the clock. “Now..lets go back to bed, okay? It’s too early to go to the club.”

Vinyl nods softly and stays close, not letting her go as they move over to the bed. She lays beside her marefriend and nuzzles into her side, wrapping an arm around her belly. Octavia smiles a bit and wraps her own arm around Vinyl’s shoulder, kissing her head. Still sleepy from earlier, Vinyl starts to doze off, relaxing in Octavia's arms.

Just before she falls asleep, she whispers, “Don’t leave me...I’ll have to chase you down.” She giggles softly as sleep finally overtakes her, leaving the cellist lying awake in bed.

After a few minutes, she gently lifts Vinyls arm up and places it on the bed, sitting up and unraveling herself from the mare. She sits up and sighs, looking down at the sleeping mare.

“I’m so sorry Vinyl...I just can’t put you through this..” She mutters softly, her voice low and soft to keep Vinyl from waking up. She turns and walks into the other room. A few minutes later, the soft click of the front door closing is heard, greeted only by the soft snores of the still sleeping DJ in the other room.