• Published 11th Apr 2014
  • 1,284 Views, 43 Comments

A Heartfelt Symphony - Star_Streak

Octavia can't find another job after the Grand Galloping Gala so she ends up working in a nightclub with a new owner. A mare by the name of Vinyl Scratch.

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Chapter One

Chapter One

The grey mare began walking to the other side of the club during a slight lull in the song, the crowd around her dancing to a beat unseen or unheard by herself. She looked around, examining the brightly coloured dance floor and stage, both of which were covered with flashing, neon lights.

How did I end up in here? Octavia thought to herself as she finally reached the VIP area where a large bouncer pulled back the red rope for her.

Octavia brushed back her mane and sat down on one of the plush couches next to the clubs new owner, a mare by the name of Vinyl Scratch. The white and blue mare gave the newcomer a quick glance through her purple shades before resuming her own conversation with the talent scout.

“He’s pretty sweet ain’t he?”

The scout looked up at the DJ who was currently preforming on a huge, cube shaped stage customized to fit any soundboards, turntables, and mixers that a DJ might bring. Lights and screens on the cube responded in time with the music, making it look alive.

“He’s okay I suppose...my agency would prefer your name on the record label though.”

“Dude, we’ve already gone over this, I will not switch labels,” Vinyl shouted in reply as the songs volume picked up.

“And why not? This club is as big as you’ll ever get with your current contract. If you join us, you could get huge!”

“I don’t care about getting huge if it means being an asshole and leaving my friends in the dust,” She replied with an annoyed look. “Now, if you want the new kid, let me know. Otherwise, get out of my club.”

“Fine, we’ll take him. But this is our last offer for you Vinyl”

“Oh thank Celestia, you’ve finally given up! I’ll let the kid know after he’s done here tonight.”

The talent agent sighed and stood up, “Alright, thanks I suppose.”

Vinyl finally relaxed back onto the couch after the agent had gone before turning to the grey mare sitting beside her. “Sup?”

Octavia wiped a bead of sweat from her forehead as the temperature in the club continued to rise. “Umm…hello. I am Octavia Melody”

Vinyl gave her a blank stare through the purple lenses of her glasses. “Okay, so?”

“Have you not heard of me?”

She thought for a minute before answering, “Nope, was I supposed to?”

Octavia looked surprised at first but then looked at the club around her before, taking in the so called “music” and lights before answering, “No, I suppose a ‘musician’ such as yourself would not have.”

Vinyl’s eyes narrowed, “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Oh nothing”

The DJ decided to let it go and find out exactly why she was here, “I haven’t seen you in any of the other clubs before, what brings you to mine?”

“Well…” The grey mare looked a little embarrassed. “I’ve been out of work for a while, ever since the Gala, and I was wo-”

“Wait, hold up. Don’t tell me it was you who played the Pony Pokey at the Grand Galloping Gala!” Vinyl interrupted, only barely trying to hide her laugh when Octavia didn’t respond. “It was! Ha! That’s awesome!” She managed to stifle her laughs. “Okay, I’m done. You were saying?”

“How is that ‘awesome’? My career is ruined because of that stupid song. Nopony will take me seriously as a musician now!” She took a moment to collect herself before continuing. “Anyway…I was hoping that you would have a job opening here. Maybe one night a week where I could perform and I could serve food the rest of the time”

“Girl, I don’t know if you’ve noticed yet, but this is a nightclub. We don’t really do…what do you do again?”

“I play the cello and I sing”, Octavia replied.

“Exactly. This place does dubstep and techno. Not classical. You should go find some mall or museum if you want to play your stuff. Now about you being a server, yea, normally I’d hire you but I’m closing this place soon. It costs me more to keep it open than I make from it. If I hire you now, not only would I be losing more money, but you’d be out of work anyway in like a month”.

“You’re closing your club?”

“I just answered that”

“I saw some public records that read that your club is one of the most successful in all of Manehattan. How are you losing money?” Octavia asked, a little shocked.

Vinyl gave the cellist a strange look, “Most successful? How? The guy who does most of the accounting stuff…oh…well shit…” She stood up and walked over to the office section of her building.

After a few minutes, a brown stallion carrying a box of random office supplies was shoved roughly out the door. A couple of pencils dropped from the box as he rushed through the crowd towards the door, a faint smirk on his face.

Vinyl ran burst through the door soon after, her face making her anger obvious. “You are soo fired Cole!”

The whole club stopped and stared at Vinyl, causing her to blush and shrink back down onto the couch next to Octavia.

After a minute, they resumed their dancing which allowed Vinyl to relax a little, the anger slowly ebbing out of her.

“What was that about?” Octavia asked, giving the still frustrated DJ a questioning glance.

“Asshole was only recording half of my profits and keeping the rest…” She replied, shaking her head a little. Vinyl glanced up at the grey mare beside her and smiled a little. “Well it looks like I need a new accountant; think you’re up for it?”

Octavia grinned.