• Published 1st May 2014
  • 3,255 Views, 207 Comments

When the Everfree Burns - SpiritDutch

Gods and horrors from the past have come back to haunt Equestria, but politics and petty power plays threaten to bring the pony nation down. While the world hurdles past the brink of darkness, Celestia's successors fight their inner nightmares.

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Chapter 51: Impossible Towers

Applejack’s farm was, when not in the middle of the harvest season or a renovation, a very peacefull place. Melodious birdsong could be heard in every part of the property and the wind chimes on the front porch of the farmhouse joined them with its sparkling resonance.

Applejack sighed and took a sip of an apple cider she had brought up from her cellar. She glanced to where fillies’ card game was left on the floor. Of the fillies there was no sign.

“Somethin ain’t right.” She said to herself. She took another sip of the drink. Her face was already starting to feel flushed.
Was it just dealing with Rarity and Nightmare Moon’s shenanigans that was weighing on her? It was certainly very stressful whenever they were around. She’d thought once she returned to the farm they would starting thinking less and less about her, and she could return to productive ignominy. That was all she’d ever really wanted. Not Manehattan, not Everfree Castle, just peace and hard work.

“Why do I feel there’s somepony watching me?”
She looked over the small clearing. Some leaves were drifting to the ground, having been upset by a bird or squirrel in the trees. She heard a squawking sound, then silence. “Huh. Must be my imagination.”

She went inside with her cup of cider, trotting back to the kitchen. The barrel of cider she brought up needed to be taken back to the cellar. Sighing again, Applejack put down her cup, balanced the barrel on her back, and picked up the cup again. Wobbling to keep the barrel balanced while on three hooves, she moved across the room and carefully down the dark stairs to the cellar.

The firefly lamp she had brought down while fetching the barrel was still on its hook at the center of the earthy room. Applejack gracefully rolled the barrel off her back onto a pile of similar barrels.

She stood still, listening to the low buzz of the fireflies. She heard another sound, like a long, sucking ghasp, very quiet, but originating from everywhere around her.
“Huh…” Applejack gripped her cider tighter. “I’m feelin mighty cold right now, and cider usually warms me right up.

She stood still, waiting for something to happen. Nothing did, except that the celar kept getting colder on Applejack’s skin.

She took the firefly lantern off its hook and sat on the dirty floor with it. She rose her cup and, brushing her mane back, peered into it with an eye wide open. In the low light, she could just barely see the reflection of her eye: A small dark shape near her pupil darted under her eyelid. It was like an eye inside her eye, twitching and wobbling as it darted around. Something was inside her looking out.

“Nuts.” Applejack swore, sitting up. She tapped her foot, nothing but various swears passing her murmuring lips. “I got no idea how long before I snap. I maybe won’t make it to Fluttershy’s. Maybe even if I do, Ancepanox’ll already have left.”

She trotted up the stairs of the cellar to the door to the rest of the house. It was a heavy oak door, which could be locked from either side with its old iron key. “Hmm…” Applejack took the key from the outside of the door, locked it securely, and sli the key under the tiny gap at the bottom. She was now locked in the cellar. “I’ve been through worse. I can wait here with the cider ‘till somepony comes with a cure.”

She sat on the stairs and waited, experiencing in silence the geologically slow spread of alien coldness across the back of her mind. Her legs began twitching periodically.

“I can’t even get peace in my own home.” She said quietly to herself. “None of this woulda happened if I’d just stuck to my work. I didn’t need to get involved with Rarity and Twilight. But I did and that sin’ll follow me around for a good while. Repreve, as Ancepanox calls it, is what I’m prayin for.”

About an hour later she heard ponies on the other side of the door.
“Applejack! Applejack?” Was Rarity’s concerned call, while “Yo! Are you here?” was Rainbow Dash’s.

“She’s not here. Perhaps it really was her we heard out there.” Rarity pondered.

“In the trees? Nah. I don’t think she’d be up there without you treeing her.”

Applejack got up and knocked on the door. “Over here.”

“Did you hear that?” She heard the two ponies approach by the creaking floorboard. “Oh my. She appears to have locked herself inside.” She heard Rarity say. “She must have felt something off and deduced the diagnosis. She’s more clever than I give her credit for.”

“I can hear y’all.” Applejack said.

“Oh. Oh...” She could picture Rarity blushing in embarrassment. “Ahem, well Applejack, it has been a span and I can tell we both have calmed down a bit from the level of all the shouting earlier..”

“You were the only one shouting.”

Rarity audibly shrugged. “I was very upset.”

“So then I’m guessing you ain’t here to apologize.” Applejack sighed. “Rarity, I think’d just be easier if we avoided each other so we don’t gotta go through this every time. We just don’t get along.”

“Indeed we do seems to bring out the worst in each other, but I digress.” Rarity cleared her throat. “Applejack I was correct to assume you locked yourself away because you felt the nighmare’s grip in your mind, yes?”

Applejack worked her jaw, feeling the cold pain inside her. “Yup. Still there. Sucks, but I knew deep down that Moon’d never cure us propper. We have to live forever with the punishment for losin control.”

“As much as I would like to blame her, this is not Lady Moon’s fault.” Rarity said, her tone becoming hesitant, regretful. “Applejack, do you remember the contagious phase of Twilight Sparkle’s nightmare, before the eternal night? She lost almost all control overherself. She hunted us, not only to take our dreams but to ensnared us in the nightmare’s parasitic dream. You remember the Tower?”

“Course I remember.”

“The nightmare inside me has become the same, um, somewhat: It is less conscious than when it takes over by body, but it is contagious. I am what Lady Moon called a carrier.”

“Y’all... infected me? How? We didn’t even touch!” Applejack shouted in agitation.

“Our heated emotions were the way it spread. It’s a dream infection more than it is a bodily one.” Rarity explained. She was now very happy to have sat through all Ancepanox’s exhaustive theories about the nature of the nightmare. “Rainbow Dash is infected too, but she isn’t as far along as you are.”

“So… Justing bein angry around each other can do this to us.” Applejack grit her teeth. “I’ll tell ya Rarity, you keep one-uppin yourself for big mistakes. Ancepanox’s not gunn-”

“Oh hush about her.” Rarity bit. “Now, Appljack, you did the right thing putting yourself behind that heavy door. I was afraid I was going to have to convince you to lock yourself up. I am only a little disappointed I can’t put Mis Dash in there with you.”

“Go buck yourself.” Applejack hissed.

“What I need right now is resoluteness and vigor, not your smoldering resentment.”

“You think I’m resentful of you?!” Applejack nickered. “Rarity, take yer head out yer plot girl! I want ya gone! Out of my life! I just wanna buck apples, not deal with yours and Moon’s horseshit anymore! So BUCK off.”

The crass declaration led to minutes of silence from the other side of the door. After a while Applejack thought Rarity and Dash had left, until Rarity spoke up again.

“That won’t be an option. Now is obviously not the best time to discuss it, but we have to come together for Twilight Sparkle. I highly doubt we will survive a prolonged amount of time in Lady Moon’s new world otherwise.” Rarity said. “Anything to add, Mis Dash?”

“N- No, sorry.” Rainbow Dash’s voice was quiet and shaky. “I’m just freaking out right now. I can feel it in my head. Please Rarity, you have to make it stop before it takes me again!”

“I know. I’m sorry. I promise to com back for you.” Rarity sighed. “Applejack, I have to tie Mis Dash down in your bedroom so she doesn’t hurt anypony. I will also be barricading this door to make certain you don’t bust out. You understand, right?”

Applejack shivered. She felt angry and helpless. She was devolving into the nightmare’s control again, and it was all Rarity’s fault! She heard Rarity start moving tables and chairs to make the barricade.
“Why did Ancepanox leave you alive?” Applejack jeered.

“It’s difficult to say.” Rarity said between unladylike grunts of exertion. “Why are you the one locked in that basement, and not me?”

Applejack had no such quip ready, so she stood in grim silence as her prison was reinforced, until a thought hit her. “Rarity, where are the fillies?”

She heard a pause, then Rarity resumed her redecorations.

“Rarity! Where are the fillies!” Applejack shouted again. “Rarity what y’all done to Apple Bloom!”

Rarity sighed deeply.
“Applejack, they were in a state of agitation when I talked to them this morning. So I’m afraid our sisters were easily taken under the nightmare’s control.” Rarity’s voice was mechanical, suppressing the baleful emotions she must have been feeling. “Don’t worry, Applejack. I am going to do everything I can to save them. Please believe that I can save Ponyville and our sisters.”

“RARITY!” Applejack roared. She smacked the door over and over but it was too solid. She wheeled around to buck it but lost her footing on the stairs. With a pained cry she fell and rolled back down to the earthen floor of the cellar. “Land’s sake, the night’s over! Why won’t this nightmare end already.” She sniffed. She promised herself she couldn’t cry, and she didn’t.


Fluttershy flew as fast as her wings would take her in the direction of Applejack’s farm. Just as she arrived over the clearing around the farmhouse Rarity emerged from inside.
“Rarity! Rarity!” She cried out, flapping down to the ground. “Are you okay?”

“Oh, thank goodness it’s you Fluttershy. I thought I heard something else.” Rarity sighed in relief, then straightened holding up her hoof cautioning. “But don’t come any closer. You must keep your distance from me. You just came from your home, correct?”

“Rarity, Cherry Berry was being controlled by a nightmare, b- but at a distance! She didn’t have a parasitic dream, and we think maybe it was your nightmare that was manipulating her.” Fluttershy explained quickly, stumbling over her words. “A- And Nightmare Moon... She just left! She left for Canterlot. She didn’t even care. Oh Rarity I’m so worried.”

Rarity absorbed the information stoically. “I see.”

“Rarity we have to do something.” Fluttershy insisted. “I- I- I- don’t know what, or how… but something! I don’t know what’s happening...”

“Yes.” Rarity squirmed, then she began to jerkily pace around. “I made a big mistake, Fluttershy. Like Twilight did, I allowed the nightmare to take advantage of my depression to spread to other ponies. I don’t believe anypony is as ravaged by pain as Applejack, Mis Dash, and I were when we were claimed, so we should not have to contend with a fully emergent nightmare, however the danger remains. It is casting its influence as far as possible to grab angry or anguished ponies. I believe the fillies and Roseluck are infected. I can’t say for anypony else.” She motioned to the farmhouse. “Applejack and Mis Dash are secured. I couldn’t do anything for them, but they won’t interfere which is fortunate.”

None of that sounded very fortunate to Fluttershy. “Moon cast a spell that looked like it cured Cherry Berry. Could you-”

“I have none of control over dream magic she does. Nor do we have any way to compel the nightmare to release anypony.”

Fluttershy looked at the ground. Actually there was a way, but it involved killing Rarity. “So…”

“So we have to trap or subdue whoever's infected.” Rarity continued. “I want to help, but since I am still infectious I don’t know how much I can do without risking everypony around me. I am trying very, very hard to remain calm right now, because the more darkly emotional we are the more easily the nightmare will spread. For your own good, Fluttershy, please suck it up.”

“R- Rarity!”

“You can’t be angry, hateful, or sad right now.” Rarity said, her resoluteness growing. “You just have to be determined to but this bully nightmare in its place.”

Fluttershy shivered, trying to reconcile her feeling. She was never very determined, never not emotional. She hid behind strong and charismatic ponies like Rarity or Ancepanox because she didn’t want to stand out or have stand on her own socially.
She was happy giving a friend (or nightmare alicorn) suggestions over tea, but going out and doing things? Fluttershy knew she could only spur herself to action when she got emotional. When she was thinking straight she kept to herself. It was foolhardy actions like going out to the Everfree Castle which had gotten her mixed up with the nightmares.
“It has to be me?”

“Nopony trusts me, and I can’t trust myself. Fluttershy, I will do as much as I can but it won’t be much.” Rarity nodded. “I believe in you.”

Fluttershy took a deep breath and let it out, but she was still shaking. She didn’t want to. She really didn’t want to. “I…” She turned away from Rarity, ready to fly away crying, but something stopped her. She saw the leaves on a dozen spots on ground in front of her suddenly get knocked a few centimeters off the ground. Then she saw a waver in the air, and her ears caught the slightest whoosh of movement.
Fluttershy snapped her eyes forward, trying to pretend that she hadn’t seen or heard anything. She was sure it was Nightmare Moon, watching them under her invisibility spell, trying to learn something. She cleared her throat, trying to act casually, but not too much. “Rarity do you really think I can help?”

Rarity nodded eagerly. “If I didn’t beleive it with all my heart, I would never even dare to say so.”

Fluttershy had to force herself not to look around to look for Nightmare Moon. The alicorn could be in any direction, or above them. She might have even left already.
Was Moon expecting something of her? Did she want to see how Fluttershy would cope with the stress? It was a perverted experiment when ponies’ lives were on the line!
Fluttershy tensed, resisting the urge to scream. “Then… Then we should look for the fillies first. Twilight might be in danger but she’s a good magician. Rose won’t be able to hurt her.”

“Don’t underestimate the crafty nightmare. Twilight could be in great danger, especially since she has no idea what’s coming.” Rarity fidgeted. “But the fillies should be our priority. I promised Applejack.”

“Yes that makes sense.” Fluttershy agreed quietly.

“The fillies are either on their way to Ponyville or one of their houses. Scootaloo’s parents live north of the windmill, I believe.” Rarity explained. Fluttershy already knew that Rarity and Sweetie Belle’s parents’ house was east of Ponyville, since she had visited many times over the years. “But just in case they are still on the farm I suggest we split up and quickly check the orchards. We can meet on the road back to town in ten minutes.”

Fluttershy did not like the idea of splitting up one bit, but could not find the courage to disagree. ” O- Okay.” She whispered.

Rarity paused. She saw how Fluttershy was acting and drew the wrong conclysions. “Fluttershy, darling, I know you probably still hold a grudge against me for what I have done, but I hope we can put it aside to do what we must. You understand, right?”

Fluttershy tried to meet her gaze. “I- I... “ She swallowed, hesitated another moment, then hovered into the air. “We have to find the fillies, Rarity.”
The pegasus circled up to the ideal search altitude and raced off towards the easternmost orchards.

Rarity stood rooted in place, ashamed at herself for trying to get a concession out of Fluttershy at such a stressful time. She cleared her mind and galloped for the other orchard.

Fluttershy was not a very fast flier, but her scan of the eastern orchards went quickly enough. There was no sign of the fillies so she looped back around and landed on the path to Ponyville, as Rarity had said.

Maybe it was paranoia, but she could almost swear she saw a flicker of the light that gave away Nightmare Moon’s position, if the alicorn was even there at all. As she waited she plied her memory, trying to find a hint in Moon’s last words to her about her plans. What would Moon do to her if things went really wrong? Would she intervene, or punish everypony. There was absolutely no telling with her sometimes. The alicorn’s moon swung from just mischievous to manic or depressive in seconds. Fluttershy wondering if the original Nightmare Moon had been so neurotic.

Fluttershy had to admit she was culpable for the way Moon behaved. She had let the nightmare into her home, served her tea and talked about all sorts of things. She was no better than a dumb sycophant, with the added shame of getting absolutely nothing for her trouble.
But what else was she supposed to do? It wasn’t like any punishment she could wield would have any effect of Moon. She chastised the her, but Moon could not be shamed, nor her mind ever changed. On some level Fluttershy justified herself by saying she was protecting ponies from Moon by occupying the nightmare alicorn’s attention. She could say she was protecting herself, ingratiating herself to Moon. But it was seeming like Moon’s fickleness proved all those excuses as empty.

There was a rustle in the tree, drawing Fluttershy’s attention. She saw nothing, save a few falling leaves. She was now beginning to regret pushing Moon to perfect her invisibility magic.
A quiet, indecipherable female voice carried down to her from above.

“Whah? Hello?” Fluttershy perked up. She turned to where she thought the voice, moving her head to look through the leafy canopy. “Um, is somepony there?”

She heard it again. It was a coarse but feminine sound, spoken with the peaks and inflections of paranoid mumblings. Fluttershy’s ears twitched: It was coming from overhead.

“Moon, I know you’re there.” Fluttershy whispered urgently, raising her eyes to sweep the branches of the apple and oak trees around her. “Whatever you’re doing, please stop it. This was never funny. If you want to talk to me, come down here. Please, Lady Moon.”

The mutters pitched down into gravelly whispers. Listening, Fluttershy could just make out the words. “..could have sworn she landed somewhere around here. No mistaking her… damn it all! She could have gone anywhere in Equestria. Did she? Did she stay here? Or where...” So the mumbles continued filtering down through the canopy, until they suddenly ended. A cascade of leaves and broken branches rained down on Fluttershy. The voice started up again a little farther away, then stopped again.

Fluttershy shrank to the ground. That was not Nightmare Moon. It was not even a pony. What she’d heard sounded like a griffin. Only when it was entirely silent for a few minutes did she get up.

“O-Oh my.” She shivered.
There were griffin communities in Equestria, most notably at the Embankment at the Dneighper Bend way north of Ponyville. Communities also existed in the three Free Cities on the East Coast, Manhattan, Filly Delphia, and Baltimare. However the griffins rarely left their enclaves, as pony knights made every effort to drive them off: Even without a weapon, a griffin was a dangerous creature and a threat.
It all meant meant a griffin in Ponyville had a reason to be there. Fluttershy swallowed. She had never liked griffins. Not since a young urchin griffin attacked her in Cloudsdale a few days after Cloud Creche. She hadn’t been badly hurt, but it had solidified her parents decision to move away from Cloudsdale.
And the way the griffin was talking, it sounded very upset about something or someone. Fluttershy had no reason to think a griffin was looking for her but the idea still terrified her.

“Fluttershy.” Rarity’s melodic call came from behind her, pulling her attention away from the voice. “Is that you I hear?”

Fluttershy sighed in relief and closed her eyes. “I’m over here.” She stood up and waited until her heartbeat slowed back down to normal speed. “Rarity… We have to be careful. There’s a griffin in the trees!”

Rarity opened her mouth to speak, then paused. She looked up into the foliage, then back down to Fluttershy. “A griffin? Really… Darling are you sure?”

“I heard it talking! I think it’s looking for somepony.”

“Did you actually see this griffin?” Rarity nodded back and forth like she was weighing the possibilities. “I’m sorry but right now that just serves as a distraction. It’s unlikely she’s looking for us.”

“But Rarity-”

“Fluttershy darling, please, this isn’t the time. It really truly isn’t the time. Did you find the fillies?”

It infuriated Fluttershy to be dismissed like that, but she held her tongue. Getting both of them angry would only make the nightmare spread more easily. She felt like screaming but instead she sighed and duly answered. “No. I couldn’t find the girls.” A sickening thought passed through her about the griffin possibly being the reason for that. She nearly retched. “But, um, I think we should stay together.”

Rarity squinted, appraising Fluttershy’s pale face. “Yes, in case of griffin, hmm? Well, we will have to be vigilant regardless. I could not find the fillies either unfortunately. We must look in Ponyville therefore.” She trotted up the path. “Coming?”

“Y- Yes.” Fluttershy took a deep breath and followed behind Rarity at a dozen hoof distance. She listened for the griffin again but hear nothing. She was suddenly wishing that Moon WAS snooping around. At least alicorns were still ponies, somewhat.
But wait… What had kicked up the leaves back at the farmhouse, if not Moon? There was no way she wouldn’t have been able to see the griffin, and besides she had seen a shimmer and heard movement. Unless the griffin was traveling impossibly fast, none of that could have happened! Something strange was going on.

Rarity was talking.
“We check around the village periferee, just incase the fillies are there and so I don’t run the risk of exposing anypony in town. If nothing becomes of that we try to convince Twilight Sparkle to shelter at her residence while we lock down the other nightmares.” Rarity said. “I can’t get too close to anypony, which means that if push comes to shove, you may have to be the one tieing down Twilight. Getting her infected would be a death sentence, either from her or Moon. With Roseluck and the fillies, I will help, but of course while maintaining a healthy distance from you.” She looked back at Fluttershy, searching for approval to her words. “Sound good darling?”
Fluttershy wasn’t paying attention at all, too engrossed with her own thoughts, so Rarity looked forward stiffly, feeling the numbness of her regrets and self-loathing again. Fluttershy didn’t respect her enough to even bother listening.
Rarity whimpered. “Why do I hurt everypony I care about?”

Rarity was more and more convinced she could never change. She would never be able to be a good pony, however much she pushed or screamed at herself. She had a heritage tinged by the evils of the past, and she could only hope that her story did not end so gruesomely as Illustrious Valor and Solemn’s had.


That Morning

Iillor had awoken at the crack of dawn and gone for a nice stroll north along the river. At the end of it she’d jumped into the cold blue water and let it carry her downstream. She pulled herself out at the bridge where, to her surprise, she’d found a sleeping Twilight Sparkle.

“Huh. Would you believe it? ” Iillor tapped her chin, then broke out into a wide smile. “This was my favorite spot to nap, back in the day! Great minds think alike, as they say.”
She shook herself dry and lay down a dozen hooves away from the young unicorn, enjoying the warmth of the rising sun.

Half-an-hour later, Twilight Sparkle awoke. She tossed like she usually did after waking, but discovered that she felt grass instead of her covers and sheets. “Huh?” She said groggily, rolling to her stomach and opening her eyes.
Seeing the river, she remembered the night before: The strange visit of Nightmare Moon, her argument with Rarity, and her resolution to the Summer Sun Fair. What hadn’t been there the night before was the lazing earth pony Illustrious Valor.
“Uh, good morning.” Twilight cleared her throat.

“Good morning my lady.” Iillor waived.

“You haven’t been here long, have you? I mean, it’s not what it looks like.” Twilight blushed. “I was just enjoying a nap.”

Iillor shrugged. “You don’t have to explain anything to me, my lady. If I judged anypony who I ever found sleeping in parks, well...” She sat up. “I’d only be judging you. But I don’t so whatever.” She laughed.

Twilight smiled meekly. “Thanks. Ponies already think it’s weird I don’t go around with a hoofmaiden and bodyguard. Back in Canterlot even poor nobles had lots of servants.” She brushed some of the grass and leaves off her coat and out of her mane. “My mother would chew be out for unbecoming behaviour if she saw me right now.”

“It used to be that nobles fought and got dirty. Now they’re all refined snobs, huh?” Iillor ribbed, then winced at seeing Twilight blush. “I mean I’m not saying you’re a snob. You’re a nice gal, my lady. But you’ve got to admit some of the knight here…” She leaned in whispering conspiratorially. “are downright asses. They think they can do whatever they want.”

Twilight nodded after a few seconds. “Yeah… the nobles around the Unicorn School and University were tended to be more arrogant than the commoners. But commoners can be real jerks too.” She frowned at a catalogue of memories where she was teased, insulted, or cursed at by fellow students or ponies on the street. It made her face flush in remembered anger and embarrassment. She took a few seconds to breath out that stress, sighing. “Sorry, I sometimes forget about taboos like class or tribe. I shouldn’t have said anything.”

“No, I brought it up, and I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable.” Iilllor got to her hooves. “I should know better than to talk politics to a noble. Even if you don’t mind it’s just bad news all around. It’s not a commoner’s place to try to convince a noble, or visa versa.”

Twilight sat silently for a few minutes. “Yeah, I suppose so. Let’s drop it then” She sighed. “So, uh, what brought you to the riverbank?”

“I was just out for a walk.”

“Of course.” Twilight glanced away for a second. Iillor was a nice enough pony, but as long as Twilight remained watched over by Nightmare Moon, she had to stay away from ponies who could find out her secret. Iillor claimed to be a magician, and Twilight did not want to test the earth pony’s mystical ability to detect lies or whatnot. “Um… I should go home. Er, to the Golden Oak I mean, where I’m staying. I haven’t had breakfast.”

“Neither had I actually. I was planning on grabbing something from the bakery.” Iillor beamed. “Wanna come?”

“Uh…” Twilight tried to think of an excuse. “My ward Spike usually makes breakfast-”

“I’ll pay. I’d really like to have your company.” Iillor insisted.

“Price wasn’t really the problem.” Twilight bit her lip. An hour with Iillor wouldn't hurt. “Alright Mis Valor. You win.”

“Nice.” Iillor clopped her forehooves and let out a victorious tisk.

Twilight cocked her head.

Iillor smiled. “No offence your lady but I thought you were going to fight me way harder on this. But I wasn’t going to take no for an answer. Oh, please remember I go by Iillor.” Her smile broadened. “There’s never been such a thing as a Mis Valor.”

“Uh, sure. I’ll try my hardest to remember.” Twilight smiled, a hint of unease making her lips wobble. She wasn’t sure what it was, but the magic in the air was starting to feel unpleasant. “Lead the way to the bakery.”


Pinky Pie was enjoying the beautiful morning, humming diddies and sharpening knives, when the telltale canter of an earth pony and an unicorn was heard on the patchy cobble outside the bakery. “Oh boy!” She exclaimed gleefully, twirling the knives around in her hoof before jabbing them back in their block. “That sound like Twilight, and…” She licked her lips as she tried to remember what the other hoofsteps reminded her of. “And her friend from the other day!”

A few seconds later her guesses were vindicated when the purple unicorn and the black earth pony pushed through the bakery door, putting their conversation on hold to greet Pinkie.

“Hello Mis Pinkie Pie.” Twilight smiled weakly. Pinkie was looking warmer than the other say but she didn’t want to be presumptuous. “I’m glad to see you opened back up.”

“Yup! Sour moods and locked doors don’t pay the rent.” Pinkie giggled. “Oh, who am I kidding! I haven't payed rent in years!”

“I remember you telling me you owned the bakery.” Twilight cleared her throat.

“Yeah, but the holding company I put the bakery in went belly up.” Pinkie’s expression became ruefull, then immediately returned to exuberant. “Probably because I wasn’t paying the rent.”

“Then who owns the bakery.” Twilight asked.

“I do. My name is on the deed and everything.” Pinkie said, tracing in the air the oversized curves of her signature.

“Then I struggle to to see the point. Why a holding company? Where within two hundred kilometers could you find find a court to file in?” Twilight tapped her hoof impatiently. Then dawning realization overtook her. “Wait… You’re just pulling my tail, aren’t you.”

Pinkie chuckled. “Yup!”

Twilight planted her face in her hoof. “Is this way of saying you forgive me?” Forgive for the trespass that Twilight didn’t even remember, and which Pinkie was oddly mute about sharing. But saying ‘forgive me for whatever it was I did’ did not sound good, so it was left ambiguous.

“Ehh…” Pinkie wobbled her hoof in the air, like stabilizing scales. When it seemed it might tilt one way, Pinkie jerked her hoof the other way, then broke out into a cheer. “Of course I do! What kind of no good jerky pony would I be if I held a grudge?” Her wide eyes slid over to Iillor. “I mean gosh. At some point a girl’s just got to let it go.”

“I agree, with reservations.” Twilight said, oblivious to the developing staring match between the two earth ponies. “You wouldn’t forgive a pony that really hurt you.”

“Why not?” Pinkie asked innocently, not taking her eyes of Iillor. The black mare’s expression became stoney.

“Because the kind of pony who causes just unforgivable hurt is the kind of pony who would do it again and again.” Twilight said, her expression hiding the bubbling angush. She knew she could never find it in her heart to let go of Nightmare Moon’s murder of Celestia, however it had come to pass. “A baker like you might not realize it Mis Pinkie, but the world is filled with genuinely bad ponies.”

Pinkie closed her eyes, and when she reopened them she was looking back at Twilight. “Why wouldn’t I realize it, Lady Twilight?” She asked, her tone still as playful as if she was talking about candy. “What makes bad ponies and good ponies so different?”

“AHEM.” Iillor coughed, pulling Twilight’s attention. “Sorry. You’re Pinkie Pie, yeah? Well, we came in to get some breakfast.” She looked to Twilight. “Breakfast, right?”

Twilight stared at her a moment, recollecting her train of thought. She’d gotten sucked into the conversations and almost forgotten her hunger. She nodded. “Yes… Yes!” She turned back to Pinkie. “Sorry Pinkie. I didn’t mean to be rude. So, um, I’ll have...”
Twilight couldn’t remember what the best options were, despite a distinct memory of coming by on most mornings before the Eternal Night. She stifled an infuriated grunt at her scrambled memories. “I’ll have my usual, please.” She said, taking a gamble.

“I heard the coco croissants are something of a local specialty. I’ll have one if you have any left.” Iillor said.

“Coco Croissants?” Pinkie looked at her quizzically. “Do we have those?” She leaned back to scan the arrayed pastries, breads, and snacks under the glass. Her brow furrowing, she leaned over the counter to look at it from Iillor’s perspective. “Cocoo croissants sound really really good and all but I don’t think anypony in Ponyville makes them. Who told you we did?”

“It was a while ago. I don’t remember.” Iillor pursed her lips. “In that case I’ll have a honey and bree bread then.”

“Great choice!” Pinkie nodded. She grabbed the honey bree bread and a baggie of puffy gougeres, giving the former to Iillor and the latter to Twilight. “Three bits please!”

While Iillor was fishing the bits out of her slim bit pouch, Twilight levitated her gougeres and sat at a nearby table. She bit into one of the puffy little pasty and was surprised to taste a bit of fish and nuts in it as well. “Wow.” She said, taking another bite. “Past me has good taste.”

Iillor sat at the small table as well. She sniffed her honey bree bread before shoving it into her mouth in a single bite. Twilight watched dumbfounded as the earth pony worked her stuffed mouth. Pinkie look impressed.

“How about that.” Twilight returned to her gougeres. “My friend Lemon Tart eats like that. She never gets a meal she can’t swallow all at once.”

“Oh Lady Sparkle, you shouldn’t justify my barbaric habits to me.” Iillor laughed after swallowing. “I’m just a common pony, ignorant to etiquette.”

“Stop that please.” Twilight said more tensely than she intended. Joking about subverting social norms and such was good fun, but harping on it could be as dangerous as it was tiresome. It would be a disaster if the commoners began to think it was alright to openly criticize the nobility.

Iillor went silent for a few minutes, letting Twilight eat her gougeres in peace. Pinkie Pie whistled to herself as she swept behind the counter.

The front door swung open and Cherry Fizzy leaned in. The beige earth pony smoothed his mane back nervously as he looked from Iilor to Twilight, then cantered to the counter. “Hey Pinkie…” He leaned in. “Are you busy right now?”

Pibkie shrugged. “You’d think so since it's the middle of the business day, but nope! Gimme one sec.” She trotted around the counter to Twilight and Iillor’s table. “Hey guys I’m really sorry but I’ve gotta close up. It’s a family emergency.”

“Okay. I completely understand, family comes first.” Twilight stood up.

“Rarity’d thank you for the concern. I’ll be back by lunch, if you wanna talk more.” Pinkie bounced to the door. “Come on Fizzy! I left the shovels around back.”

“So…” Twilight and Iillor were left standing on the dusty street, watching Pinkie and Fizzy gallop up the street with shovels. “Was she talking about somepony else’s family?” Twilight speculated.

“I think so.” Iillor shrugged. “Um, this may seem like a weird question, but have you ever been to her house?”

Twilight’s brow knitted at the question. Thinking about it, she did remember visiting Pinkie Pie’s personal rooms above the bakery, but the memory was clouded and fraught with the same jumbled, wracking emotions as many of her memories just before the Eternal Night. “Tentative yes.”

“Does she own any birdcages? Any size, round, made of metal.” Iillor held her hoof off the ground to demonstrate a range of sizes. “May or may not have been glowing magically.”

“Now you’ve got me curious.” Twilight chuckled.

“No? Never mind then. I’m just following a lead from Canterlot.” Iillor said dismissively.

Twilight was unconvinced, but Iillor was very obviously going to get defensive if she pursued to topic. “Sure… So do you have a plan for the rest of the day?”

“Nah.” Iillor shrugged. “I have to go by and give Risky a lesson before the end of the day, but I’ve got no other obligations.”

“Really?” Twilight cocked her head. She was intrigued to see how the earth pony preformed magic. “What are you teaching him?”

“Just theory stuff right now. Nothing very complicated, and just what I know from practice and rustic folk knowledge. University taught ponies wouldn’t be very impressed.”

“University-level method and theory isn’t too helpful for beginners. Teaching foals is a skill to itself.” Twilight smiled. “I’d be very interested to meet Risky and see some earth pony magic firsthoof.”

Iillor glanced away, taking a moment to come up with an excuse. “Uh, no, you wouln’t think that much of it.”

“Iillor, magic is my life. Why would I think that? Do you think I’m prejudiced?” Twilight frowned. “Spells an unicoern magic is my speciallty but I have nothing against earth ponies, or pegasi, or their unique magics.”

“No I don’t think you’re prejudiced, Lady Sparkle.” Iillor said.


“It’s not earth pony magic.” Iillor interrupted tersely. “And it’s not unicorn or pegasus magic either. It’s something that relies on the mind of the individual, not the tribe.”

Twilight blinked. “Mis Iillor, it sounds like you’re describing...” She blinked again.

“You might understand why I’m stepping forward where other magic tutors didn’t. They lack particular insights into the world.” Iillor continued. “But Duke Lightowser desperately , desperately wants his son to be able to use magic. I can teach a certain type of magic.”
The black-furred earth pony sighed. “So now maybe you get why I think you’d be less than keen to sit in on a lesson.”

Twilight couldn’t believe it. A Dark magician was standing less than a meter away. She had so many questions, yet so many fears! “I…” She gulped. “I’m a bit hurt you didn’t tell me earlier. I might come visit, uh, just to make sure you aren’t hurting anypony.” She tried to sound harsh. “I’m sorry Mis Iillor but I can’t know if you’re trustworthy.”

The atmosphere had become very tense. Nopony was sure how the other would react.
“I get ya.” Iillor bit her lip. “You don’t know if I’m a danger.”

“Yes, and there’s some things I have to think about.” Twilight backed away slowly. “Just… If I don’t come by, please stay away from me any Ponyville.”

“Please don’t tell anypony.” Iillor whispered. She would hate to have to make a mess in her old hometown.

“I won’t unless, well...” Twilight cleared her throat. “I- I’ll see you later, Mis Iillor.”

“Not going to go and assemble a mob against me?” Iillor asking semi-jokingly.

Twilight declined to answer. Her hard stare said enough: Not unless I need to.”

“Bye, m’lady.” Iillor bowed ridgely, then started down the road towards the eastern edge of town.

“Yup.” Twilight teleported away in a violet magical burst.


For Spike, time had become a suspicious, muddled thing. In the wake of the Eternal Night, what ponies were saying and what he remembered mismatched so badly he began to distrust any news from anypony but Twilight. Ponies could have good intentions, but they were panicky, rumor-driven animals, especially when they felt hopeless or stressed.

Since Twilight wasn’t working on a big project, he spent his time reading. The Golden Oak, while no Canterlot Castle Library, had a large number of books on a broad variety of topics, which was all he needed. Since Spike never strayed far from her, her friends and acquaintances were his, and they all assured him he would make a capable and intelligent magistrate or professor one day. Of course that was what a bookworm would imagine the pinnacle of achievement to be.
But also like Twilight, Spike had grown up knowing the nobility and their lives. The splendid parties, the grand courts, the titles and prestige… For Spike it had an intoxicating allure. Nobles were rich, powerful, and had enormous castles: Everything a dragon craved by nature. So while he wanted to be an academic and magician like Twilight, he also felt drawn to the spectacle and grandeur of the aristocrats. It wasn’t clear how much of any of that he could accomplish by riding Twilight’s coattails.

That morning since Rarity’s visit, Spike had been going through the hundreds of books Twilight had left strewn around the floor and begun reshelving them. It was tedious and time consuming but he didn’t mind too much.
As he worked he found himself recreating the stack of books that didn’t belong in the Golden Oak: Uncle Foaly Flux’s gift, a catalogue of dark books with terrible titles, had gone unread as far as he knew, yet stuck among their pages were bookmarks and notes on scraps of paper, like Twilight always did.

He chose one of the books, The Apocryphon of the Bright World, and sat down on the couch with it. He flipped to a bookmarked page and was greeted by a indecipherable math in a script he didn’t even recognize. On the next few pages were diagrams of strange overlapping circles with pictographs of stylized pony designs. Spike discovered that Twilight had done more than read the book, because margin notes in her hoofwriting were on almost every page. But still he couldn’t read any of it, because Twilight had written in old Roanish.
“Roanish? Why is Twilight writing in Roanish?”

The longer he looked at the strange combinations of circles, the more he started to hurt. It was like a vice was squeezing the sides of his head, trying to force something out. His eyes watered, but he just couldn’t tear his eyes off the patterns. They were reminding him of something, which he had been forced to forget…

Before he had time to let the this mystery unfurl, a loud ban and a flash of light from upstairs pulled him out of the reverie. Twilight had returned.
Feeling like he was messing in something he shouldn’t be, Spike quickly snapped the book shut and tossed it on the pile.

A few moments later Twilight peered over the railing of the upper floor. “Heya Spike. Holding down the fort?”

“Oh you bet!” He agreed eagerly. “Look, I organized up the library.”

Twilight nodded appreciatively. “What indexing system did you use?”

“Your modified genre-topic system, of course.”

“It looks very nice, Spike.” She teleported down to him. “What’s that stack over there?”

“The, uh…” Spike bared his pointed teeth nervously. “The ones I couldn’t find a place for.”

Twilight picked up the top book in her magic, which was The Apocryphon of the Bright World. “Oh… Okay, yeah, these don’t belong down here. These…” She prissed her lips. “These shouldn’t be publically displayed. I’ll put them in my room.”

Spike nodded. “Twilight, err, what wrong with them?” He wasn’t sure why he was being so bold, but on some level Spike was confronting the unthinkable possibility that Twilight might lie to him.

Twilight did not disappoint. After a moment of pensive silence. Twilight sat on the couch next to him and pressed The Apocryphon of the Bright World into his claws. “When Uncle Foaly sent these, I was pretty confused and outraged. First of all, they belong in the Canterlot Castle Library. Second, I thought he was implying all kinds of terrible about me things by sending them. Now I understand better.”

“What do you mean?”

“These books are… a desperate measure. Uncle Foaly might have been a bit wonky, but he knew something was wrong in Equestria way before everypony else. He sent me these because he knew I might need them. That really scared me. The kind of situation where I would have no other choice would be a dire one indeed.” Twilight said grimly. “Magic can be used for wonderful things, Spike, but it can also be used for evil.”

Spike looked down with dream at the book. “Are these books evil?”

“Not inherently. Like all knowledge, magic is only evil when it’s used in an evil way. Still, some ponies might want to keep the public from knowing some parts of magic that are easier to use for evil than good.” She tapped the Apocryphon. “Consider the case for Dark magic. To laypony ears, the words conjure up images of corrupt sorcerers and ancient unicorn warlords. To magic academicians, it’s the term for a range of phenomena that are too dangerous and uncontrollable to dare study or approach. But for a few radicals, it’s just another kind of magic.”
Her face contorted as Nightmare Moon’s smug grin flashed across her mind’s eye. Then she thought of Iillor, smiled awkwardly. “A pony powered by hate can draw obscene amounts of Dark magic to themselves. But they can’t do much more than destroy.”

“You’re worried about somepony using Dark magic?” Spike asked.

“... Kinda.” She nudged the book. “The pony who wrote this was an astrologer. Like the solar monks who make predictions based on the movements of the Sun, astrologers charted the paths of the stars. The writer’s thesis was that everything in heaven in reflected on the earth. By understanding the nature of the universe out there, we could understand our world.”
Under Twilight’s watchful gaze, Spike opened to the page he had been looking at before. Twilight read over her notes quickly before clearing her throat and continuing. “Central to the thesis is a belief that things in this world work in cycles. Things that have happened in the past will happen again for example” She tapped the center of the pattern of circles. “A court of nightmares.”

Spike gulped. “Nightmares?”

“Nightmares.” Twilight confirmed. She shifted uncomfortably. “Spike, you’re not too young to know that there are bad things that happen in the world.”

Spike nodded.

“But we’re all too young to have to experience them for ourselves. There’s been a… calamity, like hasn’t happened in a thousand years.” Twilight felt so anxious she could hardly get the words out. “Princess Celestia… Princess Celestia....” She locked eyes with Spike. His wide eyes, so earnestly concerned for her, gave Twilight the confidence to choke out her words. “Princess Celestia isn’t going to come back.”

Spike put aside the book and hugged her. Twilight squeezed her eyes shut and sighed, and bit by bit she untensed.

“We’re going to face an uncertain future Spike. We may have to do things we don’t want to, in service to causes we don’t agree with.” She said quietly. “I might have to do evil things.”

“I trust you.” Spike said.

“I love you too.” Twilight returned the hug. She enjoyed the feeling of Spike’s scales again her fur. She felt peaceful. It reminded her of the moment by the river. “Spike, I promise you that I’m going to improve this world. No matter what comes, no matter which way everypony else goes, I’m going to move forward.” She pulled away so she could look him in the eye. “I swear, I’m going to step into Celestia’s place in every way I can. I will keep Equestria from becoming a dour, lightless place. I may get sidetracked, and I may get discouraged, but I will.”

Spike nodded. “I’ll always be there to remind you.

“There’s evil in this world, Spike, and it can’t be ignored. Infact, I might even have to bargain with it.” Insofar as Nightmare Moon could be bargained with. “But even if I have to do bad things, never for a moment will I forget my real purpose.

Spike smiled. “And I’ll be by your side, no matter what.”

“Thank you. You have no idea what you mean to me.”

“How do we start?”

“How Celestia started every new year: With a celebration.” Twilight jumped up and trotted to one of the bookcases. “I came here to hold the Summer Sun Fair, and I will. With the full authority of the empress's ÉLÈVE PREMIER, I am going to turn this town into a beacon for Celestia’s lasting memory! Everypony in town will contribute, including the duke. They owe me that much.” She began pulling out all the documents she had about her plans for the fair, making a thick stack beside the Dark magic books.

“And Rarity, Applejack and Pinki-” Spike jumped as he suddenly remembered what Rarity had said earlier. “Oh, Twilight, Rarity wanted to apologize for what she said this morning. She was feeling real bad about hurting your feelings.”

“This morning?” Twilight’s brow knitted in confusion.

“Yeah, when you two talked.” Spike said. “Or argued, I guess. You must have been pretty mad, leaving without breakfast or anything.”

“So I talked with Rarity this morning… here…” Her eyes widened in horror. “I was mad?! Oh poop.”
Rarity had met Nightmare Moon, and all the things that implied.

“Uh, Twi?” Spike was confused. Twilight looked so nervous she was about to explode.

“UhThanksGottaGoBye!” Twilight teleported to the coat rack, quickly threw on a cloak, and teleported away.

Twilight reappeared across Ponyville in front of Rarity’s door. She knocked urgently. “Rarity! Rarity open up! I know what she said to you, but we have to talk about it. Just…” Twilight sighed. “Don’t believe what you might initially think. I can explain I promise.”

Silence was all that answered. Twilight teleported into the house.
“Rarity?” She called out urgently. Still no answer.

Reluctantly, Twilight began breathing slowly and deeply. When she closed her eyes, the magical currents of the world were visible to her mind’s eye.
The whole shop and house were tainted with Dark magic. Of Rarity there was neither sight nor scent.

Twilight teleported back out of the house and ran to the neighbor's house. “Has anypony seen Rarity today? It’s really urgent!”

“No Lady Sparkle.” All the neighbors answered as Twilight went to their houses one by one, until finally one said different. “I saw her in the market. She looked unhappy.”

Twilight knew that she had a tendency to jump to conclusions, but the risk of ignoring the peril Rarity could be in was just too great. Moon had established that she had, and had enjoyed, killing ponies. If there was anything Twilight could even try to save Rarity, she would.
But went charging in Twilight wanted to consult somepony she suspected would know much more about how to intimidate a nightmare.


The Lightowser camp had been established in a fallow field half a mile west of Ponyville around the landed airship. Tents, some fire pits, and a small wooden tower had been erected, but most of the supplies stayed in the ship. A couple of the duke’s knights lounged around, waiting for anyone to come along and make guard duty interesting.

In the next field over was the collected heap of shattered remains from the elegant royal airship Princess Celestia had tried to come to Ponyville in. A dozen mounds of earth marked the resting place of the crew.

Twilight reappeared on a raised path two fields away from the camp. She regained her bearings and was about to teleport the remainder of the distance when a squeaky voice grabbed her attention.

“Heya Twilight!” Pinkie Pie and Cherry Fizzy were on the path too. They still had their shovels, which had apparently been used since both ponies were covered in dirt. “What are you up to?”

“I’m going to go see somepony.” Twilight gestured to the Lightdowser airship and camp. “And uh, how did the family emergency turn out.”

Pinkie Pie and Fizzy glanced at each other and shrugged. “Dunno yet.”

“Right…” Twilight smiled nervously. “Pinkie Pie, you should probably stay out of town for a little while.”


“There’s a chance there’s a danger?”

“Oh yeah? Like what kind of danger?”

“A, um…” Twilight kicked the irt. “A monster basically. LIsten, just stay out of town.”

Pinkie Pie blinked rapidly. “Okaaaay.” She turned to Cherry Fizzy. “Go ahead and I’ll catch up with you.”

“I know you will.” Fizzy nodded. He picked up his shovel and cantered down the path back towards Ponyville.

“Don’t worry. We’re going to the other side of the river, not ponyville.” Pinkie consoled Twilight’s confused glare. “But before that we have to talk Lady Twilight.”

“Yes, I think we do.” Twilight agreed. “Do you have any idea where Rarity might be right now?”

“Nope, haven’t seen her.” Pinkie shook her head “Should I tell her you’re looking for her if I do?”

“Yes please. She’s at the center of the danger in Ponyville.” Twilight said. Then she realized that wasn’t correct. Twilight was at the center of it, and Rarity had been in the wrong place at the wrong time. “Damn it. I should have warned everypony sooner. This is my fault. It doesn’t matter that I would have been punished, it was my responsibility as royal agent in Ponyville to ensure everypony’s safety.” She sighed. “I’ve let Rarity and Ponyville down. We're in such huge trouble it's hard to even register.”

Pinkie Pie had adopted an expression that was something akin to a child seeing a bizarre avant garde circus for the first time. Her lips were drawn tight and her eyes were wide and unblinking.

“Her name…” Twilight took a few calming breaths. She had to do this. Telling Spike was only the first step to clearing herself of the guilt. Everypony deserved to know about the new world they were living in. “Her name is the Nightmare of the Moon. She’s an ancient alicorn with a tremendous amount of power. She killed Princess Celestia, and it was by her will that the Eternal Night came and passed.” Twilight felt a flood of relief. The cat was out of the bag now. The only way she could stop everypony from knowing was to strike down Pinkie Pie. Far from the hopelessness that had threatened to overwhelm her before, she felt light, determined, and in control of her destiny.

“Nightmare Moon, huh?” Pinkie tased the word. “Uh… Hmm… Nah.”

“What?” Twilight brow furrowed. “What do you mean ‘nah’?”

“She not the pony I was thinking of.”

“T-Thinking of?” Twilight stuttered. Did this have to do with Pinkie’s strange behavior?

“Yeah, thinking of in my brain.” Pinkie nodded. “Like, thanks a bunch for sharing, but the evil pony here is not Nightmare Moon.” She picked up her shovel and began drawing crude stick figure ponies in the dirt.
“Nightmare Moon is the name for the freaky angel thing of Rarity weirdo cult. She’s supposed to be a stoic, harsh but fair poky pony thing who comes from heaven and gives all the good ponies treats.” Pinkie roughly sketched Rarity and some other ponies bowing down to a statue of the rered up Nightmare Moon.
“But the pony in Ponyville right now is not any of that. She’s a meany. She’s ferocious! She’s loonie. She’s got a second name too. Actually she’s got a bunch of names but only one other that really matters.” Pinkie drew the silhouette of a dark, looming mass with spikes and ragged fur. Two pinpoint eyes were the only feature on the shape.

Twilight felt a chill run up her spine. That was a lot to parse. “Are you telling me the thing that’s been haunting me is NOT Nightmare Moon?”

Pinkie Pie shimmied her shoulders in uncertainty. “Not the one ponies think about when they say that name.”

Twilight looked down at the dirt drawing again. Looking at Rarity prostrated before the grand statue of Moon, her heart began to sink. Even when mysteries and secrets were revealed, things made less sense.
It was true that there were notable differences between the Nightmare moon she’d seen before and the one she’d seen after the Eternal Night. The one before, who she’d only seen in reams of the Everfree Castle throne room, was regal, severe, and given to bouts of philosophy. The one she’d seen after, in the flesh, was haggard, twitchy, and profane in every way. “Who is she?”

Pinkie swiped a hoof over the drawings, erasing them from everywhere except Twilight’s mind. “Dunno. My Pinkie intuition tells me she’s a Star.”

Twilight kept staring at the first where the drawings had been. “A Star…”

“Not one of the original, obviously. She was probably created the same way though.” Pinkie shrugged. “If you find out her name and birthday, could you tell me? Oh, and ask her if she wants a ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party. Oh, and ask her what she was doing to your face that night in the hospital.”

“Sorry, what?” Twilight jerked up.

“Long story short, I was under your hospital bed, and not-Nightmare Moon visited you and did some stuff to your face.” Pinkie Pie looked like she was queasy just remembering it. “It made a really bad sound and made my head hurt. That’s when I was close enough for my Pinkie intuition to tell me she’s a Star.”

“My face?’ Twilight lifted a hoof to rub her own snout to make sure nothing was wrong with it. “Then how…” She looked back to Pinkie. The earth pony as staring at her blankly. “Mis Pie, what the heck were you doing under my hospital bed?!"

"Euh, dunno. I was suspicious of you and wanted to take a look. I hid when not-Nightmare Moon got there. She probably knew I was there..." Pinkie shrugged. "Weird huh? I thought this stuff was your fault. I don't think that anymore." She looked back up the path in the direction she'd come.

"So then, um, why are you telling me this when you don’t trust me?”

“You were my friend, Lady Twilight. You hurt me but we can be freinds again when you remember what you did.” Pinkie Pie smiled sadly. She guestured to the Lightdowser Camp behind Twilight. “Now you know what I know. I hope that helps you against your new friend. Incase you didn’t know, she’s bad news. I think she wants to kill me.”

Twilight frowned thinly. Her heart ached terribly, and nothing made sense.
It was not a good start to her grand plan to fulfill Celestia’s dream, but even painful progress was progress. She would not shy away from pain. “I know. What do you think should I do with her?”

Pinkie Pie cast her eyes down, conflicted. “I never had to face a question like that since I left Canterlot. I don’t want to think about it.” When she looked back up her eyes were watering a bit. “Do what you have to, for yourself and for Rarity, but I’m going to make your friend a grave by the old cemetery near the Everfree Forest. It's where she belongs. Don't let her tell you otherwise.”

Twilight and Pinkie Pie stared at each other in silence for what felt like hours. Finally Twilight spoke up. “Pinkie, you shouldn't have to dig graves, not for anypony. I believe in a dream where Iillor can live in harmony with you.”

Pinkie Pie said nothing. She turned away and began bounding down the path in the direction of Ponyville. With her impressive speed the pink pony had caught up with Cherry Fizzy in seconds.

Twilight was left to grind her teeth in indecision. She had to be resolute. “I believe in a dream... “ She repeated to herself through clenched teeth.

Twilight teleported on top the Lighdowser airship’s balloon, and almost toppled over from the unexpected soft footing. Regaining her balance, she made a last teleport down to the ground. The knights on guard jumped from the sudden sound and lurched into combat poses.

“Hi. I’m Viscountess Sparkle. You’ve probably heard of me.” Twilight said quickly, urgently. “I’m looking for Mis Valor. Is she back here yet?”

One of the knights, the junior of the two, cautiously approached her. “Uh, hi. Say your name again.”

“Twilight Sparkle, viscountess, élève premier. I was the empress’s protegee for a while too. I don’t know how often you get imperial news wherever you live.” Twilight explained. “Now please, it’s kinda important I speak to Mis Valor. And by kinda I mean very.”

The junior knight looked at his superior, who shrugged. The senior knight cupped a hoof by his mouth and yelled towards the airship. “Oye! Mis Iillor! A purple pony’s here to see ya!”

“I’m a viscountess. That counts for a little dignity, don’t you think?” Twilight muttered.

“What viscountess would be out here in Ponyville. Not exactly Canterlot, is it eh? ” The senior knight questioned. “And without hoofmaidens or nothin? Just curious.”

Iillor’s fuzzy black head popped over the side of the airship. “Oh hey Lady Sparkle! I’m so happy you came. Give me a moment and I’ll be right down.”

“Sorry for suspicion, m’lady. Can’t be too cautious.” The senior knight bowed.

“Sure.” Twilight waited impatiently, tapping her hooves and trotting around the camp as she waited. She tried thinking of happy thoughts to lighten her sour mood. She thought about Celestia, about joyful days in Canterlot Castle under the princess’s wing. She thought about rainy days when the two of them stared out the window to the expansive lands far below them in the valley, and Celestia was comforting her with a hoof in her mane, as if saying that it would all be Twilight’s one day.
“I believe in a dream where ponies can be happy on rainy days.“ She whispered to herself.

About then Iillor came trotting down the gangplank, with a small earth pony colt in frilly finery in tow. Twilight took a deep breath and tried to shake off the rest of her negative thoughts. Confronting Iillor was going to be stressful enough as it was.

“Hello. You must be Lord Lightdowser’s son.” Twilight knelt by the colt.

“Risky.” The colt agreed meekly, averting his eyes. “I, uh… Nice to meet you.”

“Apparently, Lord Risky knows all about you.” Iillor snickered, making Risky blush. “Being at the princess’s right hoof makes you a big name amongst aspiring magicians.”

“This isn’t the time unfortunately. I’m not here to see a lession.” Twilight stood up to face Iillor, though she caught Risky throwing strangely awed glances her way. “There’s a problem in Ponyville.

“Oh?” Iillor arched a brow.

“It’s the kind of problem that makes us join together, casting away all falsehood to unify to common purpose. That, or the kind of problem that fractures our wits and drives to destruction.”

“Prosaic.” Iillor sorted.

Twilight glared. “So much so say that we have to be straight with each other, Mis Valor.”

“Iillor.” Iillor insisted.

Twilight blew a raspberry. “Oh whatever! Listen, I don’t need you to be coy anymore. I have to know right now if you’re the pony I should be consulting, so I’ll asking in no uncertain terms.” Twilight grabbed Iillor and pulled her close, so she could whisper in her ear. “How powerful of a Dark magician are you?”

Iillor was vexed. She had assumed that Twilight was going to be cautious around her for the next few weeks at the very least. Twilight Sparkle, unlike Velvet or Lightdowser, had no great need for her in the long run, which meant Iillor had no security around her on the baseline. Iillor had hoped that some amount of friendship and trust would create that security, but seeing the testy arrogance in Twilight’s eyes now, the earth pony was starting to realize that there was more to the unicorn than met the eye.
“I’m going to need promises from you, Lady Sparkle.” She said tersely.

Twilight pulled away, a glint of triumph in her eyes. “I don’t want anything more or less than what need to keep everypony safe.”

“How noble. How about I refer you to those chaps over there who are sworn to protect the commoners.” Iilor waved towards the knights.

“Okay, so you want something from me?” Twilight narrowed her eyes. “Yes… You’ve wanted something for a while. You follow me around and chat me up. Of course you want something. Obviously!”

“Maybe I helped because I’m a nice pony.” Iillor was desperately trying to think of ways to disengage.

“Oh I’m sure you are, but it’s not showing right now. You seem to be very adverse even knowing what I need help with.” Twilight said. “Unless you already know.”

“Focing my hoof is going to strain our friendship.” Iillor hissed. “I don’t want to have to spend the rest of the week avoiding you, Twilight.”

“I’ll let you call me Twilight when we’re closer.” Twilight Sparkle harrumphed. “Because right now I just see a selfish and defensive pony.” Twilight took a few steps back. “Mis Iillor, I believe in a world that can be improved. This world I believe in has a place for every pony as long as they have a willingness in their hearts to coexist and improve themselves. This world is the one my late princess dreamed of making, and now her dream is my dream.” Twilight set her jaw. “What kind of pony you are and what kind of magic you have doesn’t matter. What matters is your willingness to do what you can for the better tomorrow.”

A tense silence fell over the encampment.

The senior knight spoke up. “Is this something we should be involved in?”

“NO!” Twilight and Iillor yelled simultaneously.

Iillor was in a real bind. She didn’t want to push the little unicorn away, but neither did she want to rush into anything that could compromise her. So she had to get a clear answer of what Twilight was asking her to do. “What, specifically, do you need?”

“I just need a negotiator and/or translator. I need to know why and how somepony is going to act.” Twilight grimaced. “A particularly Dark pony. You know what I mean.”

“Ah, shoot.” Iillor hissed closed her eyes. She wanted to see Nightmare Moon on open, amicable terms, not face her down. She began apologetically. “I really didn’t want to get involved like this. I was taking my time, sussing everything out.”

“Things don’t always work out how we want. So, do you know enough to be of use to me?”

Twilight already knew the answer she wanted to hear, and if Iillor turned her down it was going to be next to impossible to get back in her good graces. Iillor cursed silently, wondering how a demure little unicorn like Twilight could be more difficult to manage than a paranoid madmare like Twilight Velvet. It was mostly because Velvet used Iillor to kill, which was exactly what she wanted to do anyway. “I can help in ways you wouldn’t even expect.” She mumbled.

Twilight sighed in relief. “Then I might just have a chance.” She straightened up. “I need to hear the bare-bones on the way back to Ponyville. You can flesh out an explanation later. In exchange I promise to tell you everything I know, which I can tell you’ve been dying to pick at.” Twilight promised. “In fact, everypony has a right to know. The world I believe in is one with no secrets between ponykind.”

“Lady Sparkle…”

“Your secrets will be safe with me for as long as you want to keep them secret. If I learn enough maybe I won’t need you next time.” Twilight said, half consoling half aggressing. “But right now, the safety of one of my friends is at risk, and I won’t let you hold back.”

Lives were always at stake. Iillor was usually the one putting those lives at stake. “Fine, if you really tell me everything.” She knelt by Risky, who had been listening to the mares silently. “Lord Risky, I’m sorry but I have to go do heroic things. Shocking I know, but apparently it’s the right thing to do.”

“When are you coming back?” Risky mewled. Twilight couldn’t guess how much the young colt had understood.

“I won’t be long. Do some reading while I’m away, alright.”

Twilight was starting to get impatient again.“Okay enough of that.” She threw a last glare to knights. “Have fun shoveling garbage, sirs, or whatever it is you do.” She turned tail and galloped away from the camp.

“Then the heroes embark! Ye haw!” Iillor saluted casually to the camp and dashed after Twilight, comfortably catching up with earth pony speed.

Twilight had never been a very athletic pony so the pace she set was slow enough to converse. “First of all, thank you. I feel way in over my head and I need the help.”

“Eh, I’m a helpful pony.” Iillor shrugged.

“I’m sure. We have to get close enough to town for me to teleport us the rest of the way. Moving multiple ponies is an enticing challenge.”

Iillor did not like the way that was phrased. “But you have done it before, right?”

Twilight hummed with uncertainty. “I don’t remember. I… I have the impression I have. My memory’s getting better but it’s still squirrly.”

“Okay, great.” Iillor groaned internally. Choosing between Twilight Sparkle and Nightmare Moon, if it came to that, was not going to be an easy decision to make. Of course it depended a great deal on context. Context like how receptive Moon would be to getting talked down from whatever nightmarish things she was intending.
Taking a deep breath, Iillor began talking. “So how much do you actually know about the events of the Eternal Night.”

“More than I want, less than I need.” Twilight shivered. “An ancient creature who calls herself the Nightmare of the Moon awakened and killed Princess Celestia.” She eyed Iillor nervously. Nothing she was saying was technically a lie, and after the were was some plausible deniability as to whether she knew what the alicorn’s identity truly was. “But, uh, you already knew that I think.”

Iillor nodded reluctantly. “Nightmare Moon was one of the reasons I came here.”

“And the reason you’ve been hanging around me?”

“Partially. I really do know your mother, and she’s not a pony I want to cross, so I’ve been keeping an eye on you to make sure the Duke doesn’t try anything. It’s complicated.” Iillor grunted. “I felt Nightmare Moon’s presence around you quite strongly, and I have been trying to contact her. No luck so far.”

“You want to contact her?” Twilight squeaked. “That sounds like- No, it IS a really bad idea.”

“But it’s something I have to do. You’d understand if you knew me better.” Iillor said. “Have you noticed her presence more than once?”

“Yes…” Twilight wound up, preparing for her turn of admissions. “She has been… haunting me. I think she came multiple times when I was in the coma (once for sure), and more after I woke up. She’s mad, insane! I don’t know if she’s doting on me, or obsessed, or is just tormenting me. Something is wrong with her.”

“Wait wait wait. You’ve seen her multiple times?!” Iillor asked, slackjawed. She was thinking that Twilight had barely caught glimpse of Moon or something like that, which had thrown Sparkle into her panic.

“She’s been in Ponyville since the Eternal Night. Sometimes I can tell when she’s around.” Twilight’s voice hitched. “Like a little buzz in the bottom ranges of my hearing or… You know when there’s a tremble in the magical aura, and you recognize how it feels on an instinctual level? It seems like she’s everywhere sometimes. She can go invisible, so I see her shadow in the most innocuous things. I thought I was free for a while when I didn’t feel her all this morning, but then I found out it’s because one of my friends ran into her.”

“How do you know?”

Twilight squirmed. “She was in my bedroom this morning, and my friend Rarity came to visit me. She met her instead.”

“Oh” Iillor said. Twilight’s spending the night by the river made much more sense.
Iillor found herself short of breath, and it was not because of the running. Why was Nightmare Moon paying so much attention to Twilight, and spare not even a moment for an old friend. It made her feel tingly and jealous. “What was it like?”

“What was what like?”

“To be in her presence?” Iillor breathed. “How did it feel to be right up against a creature who could end your life instantly if she wanted to?”

“I don’t…” Twilight was taken aback. It seemed like a very inappropriate time to be asking that “I’ve been Princess Celestia’s student for years and ponies have asked me variations on that question. All I could tell them it’s comforting that the princess loves ponykind so much she devotes all her powers to protecting us.” Her voice wavered. “But Nightmare Moon makes me feel so many things I can’t even describe it. Every time I look into her eyes, I see her imagining all the ways she could make me hurt. The helplessness is excruciating.”

“Sounds...” Iillor gulped, feeling giddy. “Exhilarating.”

“That’s one way to put it.” Having those thoughts dredged up was making Twilight much less eager to run to confront the creature who called herself Nightmare Moon, but she knew it was something she had to do. How could she ever claim to be fighting for Celestia’s dream if she wilted at the first challenge fate threw her way. “We’re almost within teleportation range. I can land us precisely at the edge of town where-” She saw a colorful shape in the trees lining the road. She skied to a halt. “Iillor did you see that?!”

Iillor took longer to arrest her momentful, and she jogged back up the path to Twilight. “See what?”

“I swear I saw a pony over by that scarecrow.” Twilight hopped off the road and waded into the nose-high wheat field. “Hello?! Are you okay?”

Iillor nibbled her lip. “Typical hero, always getting distracted by another pitiful pony.” She mumbled to herself. She slumped against one of the nearby trees and began thinking about what she would say to Moon.

Twilight’s eyes had not been lying, because she saw movement in the wheat a few meters away from where she’d first seen it. “Something’s not right here. I feel…”
She pressed her hoof against her head and yelp at how sensitive it felt. “Oh no.” She whimpered. A rising whine filled her ears.

She was having another attack, and this time Nightmare Moon wasn’t there to save her.
“Wha- ww” She struggled the speak through her convulsing throat. She felt like every part of her body was withering into a shriveled husk then blowing into dust on the wind. It felt like teeth were being scraped over her skin and gnawing on her joints.

“O-Oh my…” Twilight slumped. She breathed in short gasps, and thought frantically how she might get help this time. Maybe Iillor- But a stab of agony down her spine interrupted the thought.
Against her will, her mouth began to form words. “R-r-r- revenge…”

Revenge. Twilight was lost to the horrendous meaning behind that singular concept until sights and sounds began to fill her mind. The furrows of wheat became as colonnade own either side of a grand throne room, and the sky became the impossibly detailed ceiling. At the end of the room was the throne, with a disappointed looking empress slouched over upon it. The great white alicorn tilted her head so Twilight could clearly see what she was mouthing. REVENGE.

Celestia’s memory yearned for revenge. It had no dream of harmony and progress for ponykind, no, it wanted the destruction of she who had destroyed her. Every moment Twilight stared into the mirage Celestia’s empty eyes, the more her ears were filled with hideous shouts and tortured cried, each twisted with hatred. They all wanted REVENGE.

“But how” Twilight rattled out. “The most I can do is talk.”

The answer came as the resurgence of the same pounding message like she had seen soon after awaking in the hospital. This time more than mere concepts, a regal voice behind and around her giggled childishly. ‘POWER, my dear Twilight Sparkle, seek out POWER and MAGIC. Then you can destroy the one who calls herself Nightmare Moon. That would please me.’

Twilight began hyperventilating. She tried summoning magic to her horn, a self defense reflex, but the disgusting overflow of indescribable emotions felt like it was pooling over her soul and smothering all that lit her from within.
“Celestia!” Twilight screamed, but only in her head, as she reached out to the mirage in vain. Purple and deep violet magic arc out of her horn and scorched the earth. The crackling arc contracted until it bridged with itself, and then shorted out.

Twilight’s knees buckled and she fell face-first into the furrowed soil. Iillor, who was not paying attention, did not see her fall. But the three fillies who Twilight had glimpsed in the wheat had.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo circled the helpless mare and watched her silently. Their eyes were unfocused and their posture was rigid. They twitched and shivered from every gust of wind through the field. The nightmare magic guiding them effervesced from their eyes in shadowy wisps.

“Kill her?” Sweetie Belle asked slowly, mechanically.

Scootaloo twitched. “Yes.”

Apple Bloom wasn’t even sure what she was seeing. The cloud of darkness in her head was filling all her senses so badly she could only distinguish a purplish blur in front of her. “Girls… Where are you?” She asked, like it was a question in class.

“Where?” Sweetie Belle frowned. “I don’t know…”

Scootaloo twisted her lip up like she smelled something foul.

Sweetie Belle looked down at Twilight Sparkle and gasped as if noticing her for the first time. “Should we help her?” She twitched. “Or kill her?”

“Why all this talk about killin?” Apple Bloom asked the air. “We shouldn’t do anya that. We don’t like it.” She rubbed her eyes, trying to get rid of the incessant itch she felt in them. “It’s what bad ponies does. You told me so...”

“Girls...” Twilight rolled onto her stomach and sat up as much as she could manage. The horrible visions kept coming, confusing, contradictory, overpowering. She was blind and deaf, as sordid fragments of dreams bombarded her. Among the fleeting images that demanded her soul she saw sights she’d never seen, and ponies she’d never met. Other pony’s lives combatted hers for the space in her consciousness,
But over all of it were two looming profiles: The dark light of Celestia grimaced and demanded she take her POWER, her MAGIC, her FRIENDS, and the shining oblivion of Nightmare Moon smirked at her and challenged with her eyes.

“I’m sorry for sinning. I’m sorry for sinning. I’m sorry for sinning. I’m sorry for sinning.” Twilight chanted into the dirt. “I’ll never do it again.”

Sweetie Belle, inched a hoof closer to the unicorn. “You’ll never…” She cocked her head. “Do what again?”

Twilight opened her mouth to speak but somepony else’s voice came out. “NO! NO! SPARE ME! PLEASE!” It was the sound of hopeless disappear, spoken onto the world already by a pony since dead.
Nightmare Moon or whoever you are, Twilight seethed within the storm of dreams. What have you done to me? Why have you left me alive like this?

The shouting did not fail to grab Iillor’s attention. “Huh?” The earth pony jerked around, trying to see where Twilight had gone. “Twilight? Are you okay?”

An arc of violet energy coursed from the field, catching one of the nearby trees on fire. Iillor heard Twilight wail again.

“Oh damn! That doesn’t sound good.” Iillor let out a frustrated sigh. She clambered to her hooves “Guess it’s time to do something.”

Her mane and tail began to lose their cohesion, dissolving into smoke that swirled and wrapped around Iillor. From this dark mass a unicorn horn coalesced on her forehead, from which more dark magic seeped. A magical scythe formed, and Iillor charged into the wheat field with it in her telekinetic grasp, reaping a path towards the tortured unicorn.

Apple Bloom stared silently as Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo began to poke and prod Twilight, halfheartedly fulfilling the nightmare compulsion to kill her. Twilight was screeching and wallowing in a way that reminded the young earth pony of a terrified pig, only with a lot more magical discharges flying around and setting everything on fire.

“Twilight Sparkle…” Apple Bloom mumbled slowly. “I was gunna make you feel real bad. I was gunna make you feel like how you made me feel. There wasn’t nothin I wasn’t willin to do to make you hurt real bad.”

“Pronounce it with me: Ancepanox.” Sweetie Belle was saying to herself. She was trying to stab Twilight with her diminutive horn but kept missing as the older unicorn thrashed in the dirt. “Ancepanox.”

“How do ponies taste?” Scootaloo asked herself. She was kicking at Twilight but not doing much damage. “I don’t wanna go my life not knowing how ponies taste.”

“I felt hate real strong, Mis Lady Sparkle.” Apple Bloom continued. “I knew with all my heart I was gunna get one over on you, and then you’d be beggin me to make the nightmares stop.” She sighed. The more she talked, the clearer her head felt and the more coherent her words were. “For Mis Rarity, for Mis Fluttershy, for my sister, and for my friends, I was gunna make you a real pained pony, Twilight Sparkle. That… That was my dream!” She was tearing up now. She jumped forward and hugged herself to Twilight's face. The mare's panicked breathing made her feel calmer, her heart more serene, like Twilight was sucking the pain out of her. “Dang it! Why do ya gotta take the wind outta my sails like this?”

When Iillor reached Twilight, she was confused by the scene she discovered. Twilight was crouching by three sleeping fillies. There was blood on Twilight’s face.

“This is one of the weirder things I’ve ever seen.” She mused, dispelling the magical scythe and her horn formed of darkness.

Smoke and fire were beginning to rise from the field around them. Ponies’ shouts were rising in the distance.

“So…” Iillor cleared her throat. “Should I ask? Or are we going to pretend like this” She waved over the burning wheat. “Didn’t happen.”

Twilight straightened up and Iillor could see her dirty face was streaked with tear trails. “I think I’d be much happier pretending.”

“And the fillies…”

“Eh.” Twilight gently picked up the three fillies with her magic and set them on her back. “Does the name Ancepanox mean anything to you?”

Iillor squinted. “No, can’t say it does.”

“That’s fine then.” Twilight sighed. “If we don’t get to Ponyville right now, I’m probably going to die.”

“That’s sure dramatic.” Iillor backed up to let Twilight pass back to the road. “But, uh, what about this fire?” The heat of the growing blaze was now incredible, as it had consumed half the field and a few of the nearby trees.

Twilight twitched. “Oh, should I have said the part about me dying a bit louder then?” She took a deep breath, held it for an unhealthily long time, and let it out as an angry sputter. “But I guess we’re all just making time here anyway. Just… give me a second to think of the right pattern.”
Twilight screwed her eyes shut. After a moment a subtle pulse of magic emanated from her horn. The wave smothered the fire instantly as it rolled across the field, then dissipated after another few meters.

“Pretty impressive, Twilight.” Iilor whistled.

“It’s a modification of a spell I boil my water with. Though by the look of it I made the counter-vibrations a bit too strong.” Indeed everywhere there had been fire, there was now a sheet of frost. “If I’m going to die, at least I frustrated just one more pony before I go.”

“Okay, what the hell is with this death talk?” Iillor barked.

“I guess I should have said before that the reason Nightmare Moon has been hanging around me is that I can’t survive without her.” Twlilight said quietly, unwilling to face Iillor. “I can’t understand it, but there’s a force inside me that’s ripping me apart. Moon can treat me, for a little while. I was right at the precipice but, uh, the fillies helped me somehow. I genuinely can’t explain it.” Her confusion became tired determination. “Now I have face Nightmare Moon with you and get the answers I need to keep myself alive.”

“Everypony looking for answers. Same as now as way back when.” Iillor took another look at the fillies. Then she felt out the scene with her magic.
Twilight was, as usual, swelling with magic, though significantly diminished for the magical feat she had just done. Her soul, however, looked like it was cracking in a way Iillor had never seen before, but could instantly understand just by the feel of it.
“Hmm. Hmmmmmmmm.” Iillor hummed loudly to herself to keep expressions of shock and profanity pouring out. “HmmMMmmmMMmm.”

Twilight stared at her. “Yes?”

“You’ve, uh, sure got it in a bad way.” Iillor said. She could feel herself tensing up and had to fight to force down the upwelling of aggressive feelings. “Yeah, we really really need to get you to Nightmare Moon.”

Twilight judged by Iillor’s sudden tenseness that the earth pony knew what was wrong.
“Yes. We should be right in range of Ponyville, even with the extra cargo.” Twilight wiggled her shoulders, slightly jostling the fillies on her back. “Then I can maybe not die.” She took a preparatory breath and began charging her horn.

“You’re being pretty morbid.” Iillor scooted up to Twilight and awaited the expanding field of magic to whisk them away.

“Sorry. I didn’t remember my other near death experience so it came as a bit of a shock to me.” Twilight said through gritted teeth. A battle between euphoria and agony played out in her head as she fought to harmonize the teleportation spell just right. “If I’m lucky we might just have a third.”

“We coulda walked the rest of the way.” Iillor pointed out, before the spell completed and tore them out of the world with a loud pop.


One hour Later

Rarity and Fluttershy got all the way to the edge of Ponyville before they ran into other ponies. Unfortunately, it was perhaps the second worst group they could have run into.

Amethyst Star had been the first to spot the unicorn and pegasus cantering up the road from the direction of the Apple Family Farm, still a half-kilometer away. “Hey!” She nudged Carmel. “That’s Rarity and Fluttershy over there!”

Carmel looked to where she was pointing. “That explains why there was nopony at either of their homes.”

“Yeah but why are they coming back from Applejack’s?” Amethyst pondered. “There’s some shenanigans going on here, I’m sure of it!”

“I for one am happy to see Mis Fluttershy is alright.” Carmel said. “Though she doesn’t look that happy. Neither does Mis Rarity.”

In the uncomfortable leadup to contact, the two groups avoided looking anywhere near each other as Rarity and Fluttershy approached.
If there was any doubt there would be a confrontation, it was dispelled when Amethyst stepped into the path once Rarity and her trailing friend were within ten meters.

“Hail, hierophant.” Amethyst bowed. “Doing the rounds? Saving souls?”

“This is a very bad time Mis Star. I promise to listen to what you have to say later.” Rarity said, rushed and shaky.

Amethyst blinked, she was expecting Rarity to have spent time composing herself since the tearful confession in her house. Fluttershy didn’t look very good either, as the little pegasus kept glancing up at the sky. And that made the darker parts of Amethyst’s mind very happy. “Oh, some trouble about? Something gettin to ya? Making you anxious?”

“Rarity are you sure she’d not already infected?” Fluttershy squeaked.

“No darling, Amethyst is simply voicing pent-up snippyness.” Rarity assured her. “There’s much she feels the need to say that can so easily be put off until we’re not urgently busy with this business of ours.

Amethyst giggled. That was more like the Rarity she knew. “Heya Fluttershy. Doing alright?”

“Um, I guess so.” Fluttershy said softly.

“Could you come a bit closer? I can’t hear you that well.”

“Um, no, not really.” Fluttershy shuffled off the side of the path. “Rarity… I…” She gulped. “I have to leave you to this. I’m sorry. I have to find Twilight.”

“Oooh, is somepony on a first name basis with the Viscountess? We know what you’ve been doing all night, huh?” Amethyst tittered, but she sobered when she saw Fluttershy galloping away. “Oh common Fluttershy! I didn’t mean it! Grr, damn it!” She stamped her hooves. “You’ve made a real mess of things Rarity!”

Rarity knew she could rely on Fluttershy to a certain limited extent, so she could feasibly take a moment to talk Amethyst down and not totally ruin their relationship. Thankfully there was one unparalleled trump card that happened to be true in that situation. “Amethyst Star… I…” She didn’t have to try very hard to sound torn up, like a poor filly losing her composure under a mountain of worry, because that really was how she was feeling. “Have you seen Sweetie Belle anywhere?”

The effect was immediate. Amethyst Star went from standoffish to horrified at herself, and her gaze sunk to the ground as she hung her head.

Carmel lept forward with questions. “Sweetie’s missing?!”

“She went off to play and now she and her friends are missing. Are they in town? Has anypony mentioned them?” Rarity asked, pleading. Always, she was careful to keep at least a two meter distance from the other ponies, though she wondered if in that moment of tenseness the nightmare inside her hadn’t already jumped to Amethyst.

“We’ll all ask around. I know Cherry Fizzy and a couple of the other guys are at the bakery right now. We can combe Ponyville and the surrounding farms.” Carmel said. “Is that, uh, why you needed to get to Lady Sparkle?”

Rarity quickly though of a plausible explanation and nodded. “She’s got to know a filly finding spell or two.”

“Don’t you know it. Hooya baby!” Amethyst cackled under her breath.

Carmel looked at his freind, aghast. “The hell, Star?! There’s children in danger!”

“Oh mama, you want to know who’s in danger?” When Amethyst lifted her eyes the black tinges were already beginning to show. Her lips curled back in a sneer. “Rarity darling, where’s Cherry Berry? Why don’t you tell us what you did with Cherry Berry.”

“Star?” Carmel twitched, and his jaw fell open a bit. “Uuuu.” He groaned. Black swirls began to form in his eyes as well. “T- That is a pretty good question…. Rarity, where’s Cherry Berry? What did you do to our friend?”

“Oh shoot.” Rarity backed away slowly, as the two infected ponies took an equal number of steps forward. “I don’t want to test if the nightmare is willing to destroy me and thus herself, so I must bid my current acquaintance with you an abrupt adieu.”

“Not so fast Rarity!” Amethyst Star leapt at her.

Rarity struck out with her hoof, but unlike when she had fought hoof-to-hoof with Ancepanox, she was no longer as tall as an alicorn and brimming with nightmare power. Amethyst barreled over her and sent her flying off the road.
Rarity jumped to her hooves and brushed the dirt off her nose. “How unladylike!”

“You’re not going anywhere until you tell me where Cherry is!” Amethyst swaggered back and forth above her. “Don’t make me hit you again.”

Caramel, who was not as predisposed to conflict as Amethyst hung back. “Mis Rarity we’d really like to know where Cherry is.”

Rarity was coming to realize that she would not be saving Ponyville when two upset ponies was all it took to stop her. A flicker of temptation crossed her mind, reminding her that a greater power could trivialize such pitiful ponies. Rarity almost considered the nightmare’s offer.
“What are you to go when I tell you, Mis Star?” Rarity demanded. “Do you really care where Cherry Berry is or is it the nightmare telling you to care?”

“Of course I care!” Amethyst spat.

“Well in that case I can comfortably tell you that she’s at Fluttershy’s house.” Rarity smiled nervously. “So long then.”

She turned tail and galloped back across the fields towards the Apple family Farm, the other two ponies hot on her heels.


“I can feel the nightmare around here, like a hole my magic shouldn’t touch, but I’m not sure it’s Nightmare Moon.” Twilight whispered. “If she were near, I would be able to tell immediately. But she’s not. It’s just vague… vague nightmare-esk auras.”

“I constantly fluctuate between considering you indispensable and incapable.” Iillor joked mirthlessly.

“Yeah…” Twilight coughed and return to her observations.

Her group teleportation spell had taken them two feet above the floor in the Golden Oak, so they'd tumbled ungracefully into the stack of books Spike had organized earlier in the day. Explaining nothing, Twilight had passed the fillies off to her draconic housemate’s care and rushed into town with Iillor.

They slunk around the village’s streets and open areas, trying to pinpoint Nightmare Moon’s position.

“Are you sure she’s even here?” Iillor whispered. “I thought you told me you hadn’t felt her all morning.”

“Yes I said that.”

“What then?”

“Everypony said Rarity was last seen here at the market square, talking to Roseluck over there.” Twilight pointed to the strawberry-maned earth pony with the pale yellow coat behind the fruit stall. “Though I’m pretty sure that’s somepony else’s stall. Cherry somethin?”

“Ah, the mystery slowly comes together.” Iillor nodded.

“Shut up unless you have some other idea.”

Iillor smirked. “I might have a couple.”

Twilight felt the early signs of another attack, as the indescribable whine in her ears picked up volume. “You joke, but we’re on the brink of all mysteries being stripped away. I’m right at the edge of remembering what happened during the Eternal Night. I can feel it, like shapes through opaque glass. The fillies were there. I’m sure the fillies were there.”

“Glad to know there was a reason you knocked them out, and it’s not just a thing you like to do.”

Twilight shifted uneasily. “Look, all I want is my friend's and my safety. Right now Nightmare Moon is the only one who can help me with that.”

“And she’s going to save you quid pro quo, or pro bono?”

“All I can do is talk to her.” Twilight said. “I have a message, about Celestia’s last dream-”

“I’m sure the Nightmare of the Moon will be very stirred by the message of personal progress and social eudemonia.”

“That’s a big-girl word. Learn that in university?” Twilight hissed at the sarcastic earth pony.

“Nah. An old friend taught me that one.” Iillor chuckled to herself.

“I see.” Twilight said. As helplessness and fear once again began to stab into her heart her thought became strange and delirious.
Am I being set up, Twilight wondered to herself. Am I going to wade out into that crowd and die like the protagonist of some half-bit writer’s nihilistic theater play? If it could have but one tenth of the meaning and power of Celestia’s certainly glorious death, Twilight would be content.
“Mis Iillor, you know what’s wrong with me, don’t you?”

“Ehh, it recognize it a little, and you would too with a little cleverness.” Iillor rubbed Twilight’s side through her cloak. “Come on Sparky, you like puzzles, right? Take your mind off your imminent death, and think it through.”

“I‘ve done nothing but think it through since I awoke! My books nor my memories nor the stars above have any answers for me!” Twilight spat at her. “What do you want here? You want to see me die?”

“No, of course not.” Iillor was starting to feel giddy again. Even with the chances of of seeing Nightmare Moon dwindling, the chance of a real spectacle were improving. The Twilight-Bright family never disappointed. “I really like you, Twilight. I want to see you succeed. There’s nothing sweeter than seeing someone strive against adversity.”

“T- This is a game to you?!”

“It has game-like aspects.” Iillor chortled. “Twilight, good pal, I know your predicament is not your fault, but this whole situation tickles me in a way like you would not believe. Me and your brother ended up in a similar predicament, going down to face off with Guildmistress Phyte.”

“Who’s Phyte?” Twilight asked.

“A Star.” Iillor said. “By the way you’ve got a bit of blood on your face.”

“I have blood on my face?” Twilight was losing the ability to concentrate. She wiped her nose on the top of her forehoof in a long red smear. “This is my blood.” She looked at the blood for a long moment. “Who did you way Phyte was again?”

“A Star.”

“I see…” Twilight dropped her hoof and trotted out into the market.

Iillor giggled under her breath and followed. “Here we go.”


Fluttershy arrived on the other end of the market square just in time to see Twilight Sparkle leave the cover of the ally. The purple unicorn trotted slowly in her direction, talking nonchalantly with a black-furred earth pony.

“Oh thank goodness we’re not too late.” Fluttershy sighed. “But wait, that’s Illustrious Valor she’s with. I…” She hesitated. She was drawing a blank on what if anything Nightmare Moon ha said should be done when engaging with Iillor.

That hesitation proved to be a terrible mistake. Beelining towards Twilight and Iillor from the fruit stalls was Rose, clutching a small but sharp fruit knife in her hoof. With fatal speed, Rose hurled herself on the unsuspecting unicorn and stabbed downward with the knife.

Fluttershy squeaked soundlessly, unable to believe what she was seeing. Blood spurted and splattered across the market. Shoppers and solicitors at their stalls screamed and scattered, while a daring mare and stallion pulled Rose off Twilight and restrained her. It was all too late. Roseluck wasn’t resisting, or even moving much at all. Twilight, with Iillor hovering over her, lay motionless on the pavers where she’d fallen.

Now that the flurry of action was over, a crowd formed at around Fluttershy's distance. Everypony was mute, uncomprehending. Had there really been a murder in Ponyville?

“You can’t be angry, hateful, or sad right now.” Fluttershy whimpered to herself. She had to be determined. Against her every skittish instinct she approached the wounded unicorn. She hoped and prayed there was something she could do.

“No, removing it now would be a very bad idea.”
That was Twilight’s voice!

Fluttershy shoved Iillor out of the way so she could look at Twilight.
The little purple unicorn stared up, surprise momentarily overriding her grimace. “Mis Fluttershy?”

Roseluck’s knife was still sticking out of her shoulder. Every heartbeat produced another small spurt of blood, but it looked like nothing vital had been hit.

“Twilight!” Fluttershy kneeled by her, but hid her face behind a wing to hide her tears. “You’re alright!”

“Flower venders don’t make the best assassins, so it seems.” Twilight said. She craned her neck around to try to talk to the ponies holding the limp Roseluck. “Please don’t hurt her. I want to talk to her later.”

“AHEM.” A voice said. Fluttershy turned to see a rather irritated Iillor. “Who are you?”

“I’m, um, Fluttershy.” Fluttershy blushed. “Sorry for pushing you.”

“We’re all a bit stressed.” Iillor waved it away but by her glare she wasn’t as quick to forgive as she said.

“Hey, still bleeding here.” Twilight motioned to the knife with her eyes. “Somepony please call for a doctor.”

‘You can’t be angry, hateful, or sad right now.’ Fluttershy repeated to herself.
She grabbed a leather belt, a pair of tweezers, and a bucket of water from the nearby market stalls.
“Twilight, can you feel your hoof?”

“Yeah, but not in between my ankle and shoulder. That means my, uhh, median nerve is cut.” Twilight looked over Fluttershy’s supplies wearily. “Not that I don’t trust you but I would prefer a hospital setting.”

“Ponyville hospital is destroyed.” Fluttershy reminded her. “I’m going to reconnect your nerve. That will be enough, right?”

“Enough to get my magic back into my leg, if that’s what you’re asking.” Twilight confirmed.

Fluttershy had attended to animals with badly cut ankles on several occasions, and though the cut promised to be cleaner it looked like there was going to be a lot more blood. “Do you have a any blood pressure problems, Twilight?”

“Usually no. After this I might be on the low siiiii!!!!” Twilight sentence disolved into a pained squeal as Fluttershy tightened the belt above the stab as a form of tunicate. “Gah! Holy Celestia that hurts!”

“As much as getting stabbed?” Iillor asked.

Fluttershy worked quickly. She used the water to wash the wound as she slowly removed the knife. Circulation was mostly cut off thanks to the tunicate, but she still had to wash periodically as she carefully used the tweezers to root around in the tissue. The cut was indeed very clean and both ends of the severed median nerve were found quickly.

Twilight was a very good patient, but Fluttershy discovered that was because she had passed out after the tourniquet was tightened.
“I have to wake her up if her breathing becomes too shallow.”

Iillor snorted from her spot on the sidelines. “GIve Twilie a break. She’s had a rough day.”

“I don’t want her to go into shock, but I don’t want her to suffer either.” Fluttershy sighed, as she ever-so-carefully brought the nerve back together. “Could somepony please run to Rarity’s house and bring back the smallest needle and thinnest thread that she has? Please?”

Cherry Fizzy, who was in the crowd, volunteered and dashed off to fulfill the request. He returned promptly and Fluttershy sewed the nerve back together. For good measure she also rejoined the larger blood vessels but it was doubtful the little makeshift sutures could hold them together without some magical healing.
“Twilight.” Fluttershy roused the unicorn. “How are you? Can you be moved?”

Twilight very slowly roused, the the crowd pressed closer, breath bated.

“Hey, how about you give us a little space here!” IIlor began pushing them back. “It’s not a gallery without a little space for the surgeon, dig?” The ponyvillians reluctantly swallowed their curiosity and backed a fair bit away. Enough, Iillor judged, to talk to Twilight with them hearing much.

After a short while Twilight regained full consciousness. When she was finally speaking coherently it was not to Fluttershy, but Iillor. “Hey. Where’d they take that pony.”

“The one who stabbed you? Town hall looked like.”

“There’s a small unused cellar there.” Fluttershy confirmed sadly. “That’s where they’ll lock Rose until everything can be sorted out.” Rose wasn’t an especially close friend, but it pained Fluttershy greatly to know the mare would suffer so badly for something that wasn’t her fault. Maybe Twilight would understand their explanations about the nightmare, if they dared speak them.

“Mis Illor, make sure they don’t hurt her. Check if she’s cleared up too, if they let you in with her.” Twilight said.

“I’ll make up some bs about being there on the duke’s behalf.” Iillor giggled. “But I’ve just gotta ask… How did it feel?”

“How did what feel?” Twilight asked evasively, trying to hide little glances at Fluttershy.

Iillor leaned over her. “Imbibing from her.”

Twilight’s lip trembled. “Just go. I’ve got to concentrate on the spell.”

“What spell.” Fluttershy asked.
That question was very promptly answered when she and Twilight disappeared in a purple teleportation burst.

They reappeared in the Golden Oak, but this time Twilight had accounted for altitude and deposed herself right on the downstairs couch, and Fluttershy right beside.

Fluttershy retched. She had not been expecting to be moved so quickly. It made her very cross everytime Nightmare Moon had teleported her without permission, but she could forgive the wounded Twilight for her haste. “P- please warn me next time. I- I don’t feel so good.”

Twilight wasn’t listening. “Never mind that now. Healing spells are really damn complicated, which is why almost nopony memorizes beyond first aid. I need you to find the Vascular Healing and the Neurological Healing spellbooks.” Twilight explained. She cleared her throat weakly. “Uh, actually get Spike from upstairs and tell him.”

Fluttershy drowsily got to her feet and plodded upstairs. “Sir Spike?” She called to the closed bedroom door.

A few seconds later Spike’s spined head popped out from the room. “Oh hey Mis Fluttershy! I’m sorry but this is a bad time.”

“Twilight is downstairs. She needs you to find some books.” Fluttershy said, then deciding that didn’t bely the urgency of the situation, added. “She’s hurt and needs healing spells!”

Spike’s eyes widened. He threw open the door fully and rushed to the stair. “I’m coming Twilight!”

Fluttershy wasn’t sure what to do from there so she stood in place, listening to Twilight repeat the instructions to Spike. As Spike was digging through the bookcases, Twilight beckoned her back.
“Mis Fluttershy, you saved my life, and for that I owe you a great debt.” Twilight said. “It’s true another pony might have stepped forward, but that it was you matters to me a great deal. I…” Twilight sighed. “I haven’t recovered all my memories of what happened during the Eternal Night, but I can recall a powerful moment of emotion between us that ended horribly. I did something to wrong you. In fact, I’m coming to believe I did something bad to a great number of ponies.”

“W- What makes you think that?” Fluttershy whispered. According to Nightmare Moon, Twilight wasn’t supposed to ever remember being under the nightmare power’s sway. Was something going wrong?

“I’ll let you go in my room and see for yourself.” Twilight said. She let Fluttershy get a few steps away before called out. “Wake them if you can, please. It’s unhealthy for them to stay knocked-out.”

Fluttershy dutifully climbed the stairs again and entered the bedroom. Laid across Twilight’s bed were the three fillies, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom. They were awake, but unresponsive as they stared into distant points of space, their eyes dilated and their ears splayed back.

“Oh my.” Fluttershy whimpered. She cautiously approached and knelt by the bed. “Girls?” She whispered to them. “What happened? Oh you made us so scared!”

Apple Bloom moved her head ever-so-slightly towards Fluttershy. “Some thangs weren’t meant to be. Try ta reach fer the sky, and you’ll fall every time. It’s like…” Her face scrunched in confusion. “Sweetie help me out.”

“Thematic repetition.” Sweetie supplied distantly.

“Thanks Sweetie.” Apple Bloom nodded.

‘Shut up you two.” Scootaloo closed her eyes. “What’s a bratty filly like you going to reach anyway. The doorknob?”

“It don’t hurt to try. Well actually it do, a lot.” Apple Bloom said. “Anyhow Mis Fluttershy, you be careful. An tell my sister I’m sorry for worrin her.” The little filly curled up a bit more. “Could ya leave please? Yer being too loud. Our heads are throbbing. Too sensitive...”

Fluttershy silently retreated from the room and closed it behind her.
Downstairs, Twilight was reading from a heavy medical textbook, while her horn glowed a dull purple that matched a sheen around her shoulder.

Spike sat to the side, resting after his haste to get the books. “This part takes a while.” He explained. “Want some tea?”

Fluttershy’s mind flashed to Nightmare Moon and company huddled around her living room and tea set. “Umm, no thank you.”

“Twilight said you saved her life. Is that true?”

“A, uhh, crazed pony stabbed her. I reconnected the nerves and arteries.” Fluttershy said. And if I had been faster she wouldn’t have been stabbed, she thought but did not say.

“That’s cool! I thought about being a doctor. Twilight tells me I’d be a really good surgeon with my dexterous manipulating claws.” Spike twiddled his clawed fingers demonstratively. “I don’t even know how non-unicorns do that kind of precise stuff.”

“With practice.” Fluttershy said. “Not every time I tried to help my animal friends went well at first. I felt so bad that I not only couldn’t help, but I’d made it worse. I spent a lot of time at the hospital following whatever doctor was working. That was, um, before the hospital blew up.”

“So I assumed.” Spike smirked. “But man, that’s so cool, saving Twilight life. You know, you could probably ask her for something like a knighthood and she’d have to say yes. You’d be Sir Fluttershy! No, Madam Fluttershy!”

“Don’t spread misinformation Spike.” Twilight said from her place on the couch. “Madam derived from Prench ‘ma dame’, essentially ‘my lady’. Dame Fluttershy is the appropriate title- Uhh, err, would be the appropriate title, I mean.” She glanced away, flustered, then went back to casting the healing spell.

“Typical Twilight, more concerned with criticizing me than with her own health.” Spike rolled his eyes. “So, if not tea is there anything you want, like cookies or sandwiches? I guess you don’t have to stay if you don’t want. Twilight got all the healing stuff from here.”

Fluttershy knew she should leave. If Ancepanox came back and caught her socializing with Twilight without permission, not even the guilty undertones between them could prevent a serious outburst and maybe violence. Judging on how bad Rarity had gotten it when she’d crossed the line, Moon’s protectiveness was backed up by a smattering of paranoia.

“She’s not coming back, you know.” Twilight spoke up.

“Huh?” Fluttershy blinked.

“Nightmare Moon, Ancepanox, whatever she calls herself. She's done with us. She doesn’t have a reason to stay in Ponyville so she left.” Twilight said. “That, and it’s starting to become dangerous for her here.”

“Dangerous?” Fluttershy couldn’t image anything that could get close to touching Ancepanox. As Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash had described to her in hushed whispers, the black alicorn had all but slaughtered Celestia, her sister Luna, and the manifestation of the Dark Lady. What upon the Bright World could contest a creature that had living and cosmic gods under her belt? “Lady Sparkle, are you sure you know what you’re talking about?”

“Let me put it this way. Sometimes I look into the flow of the magical world around us, and I marvel at its possibilities. It’s ponykind’s burden to find the right pattern, expression, emotion, or dream to shape magic into what we need. And ultimately, it is exactly what we need. Magic is the answer to our problems. The rest is all differences in the intonation.” Twilight rambled. “So you see, that I have become something that is not quite pony anymore is just the, um, manifestation of the answer to what I need. Mis Fluttershy, I don’t think I will ever be able to survive without hunting dreams. If I stop, everything inside me will begin to wither and die. But it is up to me, and only me, to choose the kind of dream I hunt to predate, and the kind I chase to fulfill.”

Fluttershy’s stomach sank as she heard the dour confession, but by the end returned to a cautious optimism. “Twilight, as much as I hope you can, nopony can control the nightmare. You purge it, it takes you over, or you become it.”

Twilight smiled apologetically. “There’s no parasitic dream inside me. I’m no nightmare.” Her horn flared its last spark of light and the spell around her shoulder faded. Twilight worked her leg experimentally, but winced. When she stood up she was careful to keep her weight off her wounded leg. “As Pinkie Pie or Mis Iillor might attest, I’m closer to a class creature known as a Star. I can accept parasitic dreams and pony dreams both. So, yeah… I can eat nightmares.”

Fluttershy said nothing.

Twilight’s sad smile curled up in mild panic. “Please please don’t think less of me. I can to do the right thing, I promise! The fillies and Roseluck had some kind of nightmareism controlling them and I healed it! I’m not a monster. I- I promise I’m not a monster. I want to live a normal life despite this affliction. I can control my needs.”

You can’t be angry, hateful, or sad right now. Fluttershy shivered. What if she did believe Twilight? Then she would be trading one abhorrent patron for another. At least Nightmare Moon could defend herself and her followers. What did Twilight Sparkle have? What could she do for Ponyville and ponykind? “I’m sorry, Lady Twilight, but how do you know that?”

Twilight sighed and limped to the window. She looked out into a world illuminated by the midday sun, warm and bright, which would always be a reminder of the princess who had loved and protected them.
But in the shadows of the houses and trees she saw accusing eyes staring back at her, purple eyes turned golden and bright. The message of Celestia's Revenge was never going to let itself be forgotten, even if Twilight Sparkle wasn't ready to tell it. Twilight blinked and the mirages faded.

Twilight cleared her throat. “Fluttershy, I believe in a dream…”

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