• Published 1st May 2014
  • 3,255 Views, 207 Comments

When the Everfree Burns - SpiritDutch

Gods and horrors from the past have come back to haunt Equestria, but politics and petty power plays threaten to bring the pony nation down. While the world hurdles past the brink of darkness, Celestia's successors fight their inner nightmares.

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Chapter 23: At the Gala

With a triumphant yell, Spitfire skewered the last hostile unicorn on the point of her sword. The pony slumped against her, and it took Spitfire a moment to get herself disentangled, and her blade withdrawn.
She looked around. There were no more militia unicorns on the floor she was on, at least none that were not wounded and moaning on the floor.

A faint scream echoed from somewhere deeper in the castle. Spitfire was about to pursue it when Soarin cantered in from the adjoining hallway. “You're good, captain?"

"I'm a bit out of breath. I think I have to sit out the next push." Spitfire slid her visor up. "Took a few rattles, but I don't think anypony here had anything that could even dent armor."

"We're about done in the other halls. I think this'll be the last rounded up." Soarin eyed the unicorns laying around them. "Castle staff have been pretty accommodating. I'll let them know these ponies are here."

"Good work all around." Spitfire nodded. She didn't approve of the chaos the Wonderbolts were being ordered to cause. First the at Musician's Guild, now in Canterlot Castle, it was like Rain Gnash was purposefully striking at the unicorn's valued institutions to cause a scene. But why? Wasn't that making it harder for her and Lightdowser to tie down their supporters in the city? Damn politics, Spitfire though. She had been as outraged any pegasus when the Pegasi Clique had been stonewalled those years ago, but it didn't mean that the commoners of Canterlot deserved to be attacked.
"Any new news from the Admiral?"

"Nope." Soarin led her through the halls of the castle to the higher levels. "That message you sent got a response though. It's waiting for you at the entry hall."

"Thanks Soarin. You're taking exceptional risks with me meddling." Spitfire smiled. She wasn't sure if keeping Twilight Velvet appraised was treason in the letter of the law, but Admiral Gnash would be mad as hell if she ever found out.

"I don't like what the Admirals doing to you either. Besides you've made it clear I answer to you, not her."

"Damn strait." Spitfire grunted.

They entered the opulent halls connecting to the throne room. The last set of grand doors between them and the seat of power were open, and surprisingly there was already a Wonderbolt within, waiting for them.

"Well how about it." Spitfire took her helmet off. "The rusty link in the chain of command."

"Captain. I didn't think you were supposed to be here." Fleetfoot hopped off the throne and trotted over to them. She was a teal mare with a wild white mane and tail. Her purple eyes were impetuous. "In fact, I think you're explicitly not."

"I haven't received orders one way or another." Spitfire grinned. "I was just passing by the castle and saw a commotion. And you know me, hot-blooded and ready for a scrap."

"You're supposed to be watching Lady Velvet, but I guess that's all moot right now." Fleetfoot held out a letter with her wing. "This was far you Soarin, but since the captain's here she'd get more from it."

"More orders? Where are we attacking next, the damn cathedral?" Spitfire snatched the letter away and opened it. As she read down it, her grin became a stern frown. "Huh. This isn't good."

"Captain?" Soarin asked.

"Lightdowser left." Spitfire folded the letter up and gave it back to Fleetfoot. "There's news from the Old Town that the meeting of the Equestrian Estates is being moved up."

Soarin's eyes bulged. "That's not good."

"Don't worry." Fleetfoot mollified. "The Admiral has a plan.

"What the hell are we going to do without Lightdowser!" Spitfire scoffed in exasperation. "He's half our political leverage! We can't negotiate for SHIT without him here!"

"Captain, you sound like you don't trust the Admiral." Fleetfoot said.

"All her orders look a bit shabby now that that there was NO BUCKING POINT TO THEM." Spitfire kicked at the ground in frustration. Her armored hoof clinked off the polished marble floor. "We came on too strong. We're going to be lucky if the Estates don't prosecute us without Lightdowser here to protect us. The Admiral needs to realize that we're through with this Canterlot adventure. It's time to leave."

"We're not leaving." Fleetfoot said sternly. "The admiral says stay, and we stay. We didn't come here to leave with our tails between our legs for a second time. This is the triumphal return of the pegasi to the capital. We don't be denied."

"You're spending too much time around Gnash. You're beginning to sound like her." Spitfire winkled her nose. "Whatever. We're going to clean up here. Come back when there's new orders for us."

"I'm going to have to mention your involvement here." Fleetfoot coughed.

"Please do. " Spitfire nodded. "See ya Fleet."
She trotted back out into the hall, and after a moment’s hesitation Soarin followed.

"Man, this is messed up. What are we doing here?" Soarin whispered.

"Dunno. But there's more than meets the eye." Spitfire spilled her helmet back on. "The political shenigans in Cantelot are related to those monsters we saw under the Musician's Guild. You can count on that."

"And that mean..."

"We're being taken for a ride." Spitfire grunted.

They proceeded through the castle to the grand entry hall. A dozen Wonderbolts were standing around, keeping an eye on the wounded militia ponies as castle staff attended to them.

“Report!” Spitfire barked.

“The city guardsponies disappeared deeper into the castle. We're not sure what they're after.” Rapidfire called from beside a hurt unicorn she was bandaging.

“Typical.” Spitfire had readily accepted their help, since they were loosely aligned to Velvet who she was trying to get in good with. Hopefully whatever ulterior motives they had did not come to bite her. “Has their Captain, Sel Sabonord, come by?”

"No ma'am."

Spitfire was about to ask Soarin to go looking for the city guardsponies when one of the castle staff called to her. “Ma’am these ponies want to talk to you!”

Spitfire trotted over to them.“Yeah? What do you want.”

Two stallions. The older blue unicorn was bleeding from a shallow cut across his chest. Unlike any of the other captured unicorns, his hooves were bound to his side. The younger was an orange and blue pegasus in a full set of IHG armor.

“What’s this? Are you two tourists or something?” Spitfire joked. “Then again the last tourist I met turned out to me a real monster.”

“This guy’s a real terror with a sword. Took out about a dozen of the locals and even three of us.” One of the wonderbolts patted the unicorn on the head. "At the same time."

“I didn’t kill anypony, only disarmed them.” The stallion said. “And I would not have done even that if they had not wanted to kill me so badly.”

“And you?” Spitfire asked the pegasus in armor.

“I work here.” He said. “Like, I’m an actual imperial knight. For real.”

“And just what is it you two want?” Spitfire sat down so that she was on their level.

“We’re not with these wackjobs.” The pegasus insisted. “I was on my way to the bathroom when I got tacked. This guy’s a prisoner being forced to fight.”

“A prisoner?” Spitfire looked over the stoic unicorn.

“I was in the dungeon. Hausseway said he’d kill my wife and son if I don’t fight for him.” He said his mouth twisting into an ironic smile. "I'm quite good with a sword, you see.

“Hooooollly shish-kababs.” Soarin breathed. “Threatening a mare and her kid? That’s messed up.”

“I won’t fight you any more.” The blue unicorn bowed his head. “Let me go, please."

“Yeah why don’t I untie you and turn my back to you. I’ll even draw a map of my vital organs for efficient backstabbing.” Spitfire scoffed.

“My story is easily confirmed.” The prisoner insisted. “Hausseway’s reaction when he sees me will tell you everything.”

Spitfire sat back thoughtfully. If the stallion’s story had a modicum of truth, it could potentially bury Hausseway under a storm of controversy. Without their bulldog, Seacrest’s camp would falter irredeemably at the Estates meeting. Not that she cared that much about the politics, but she was pretty ticked off at the idea of forcing an uninvolved pony to fight.
With a fluid motion, Spitfire drew her sword and severed the ropes around the blue unicorn’s limbs. With a pained grunt, he got to his hooves.

“Whatever you were doing in the dungeon is none of my buisness. Just stay out of our way.” Spitfire said.

“You didn’t even ask my name.” The stallion accepted his sword from the attendant’s outstretched hooves. “It’s Night Light, by the way.”

“Hey! What about me!” The still-bound orange pegasus yelled.

“Sir Sentry is well intended I assure you.” Night Light advocated.

“And what will Sir Sentry do if I let him go?” Spitfire asked.

“Go find where Sir Armor and the rest of the IHG went, I guess.” Sentry shrugged. "In case you didn't notice, I'm the last one one the castle."

"Huh." Soarin tapped his chin. "Now that you mention it, it's pretty strange that the Household Guard isn't here. Guess they left when Celestia did."

"Not officially, that's for sure." Sentry said.

"As for Sir Armor, finding him isn't going to be so easy." Spitfire said grimly. "He was with us when we raided the Musician's Guild."

Both Sentry and Night Light looked sickened by those words.

“Btu good luck to you anyway. For the short time I got to knew him, he seemed like an alright stallion. I'd be glad to hear he's still alive.” Spitfire gave room for Sentry to stand up. "Besides, we orange pegasi have to stick together."

"Heh heh, I guess so." Sentry got to his hooves. "I'll, um..." He looked around. "I guess I'll leave then. The last IHG knight, leaving the castle. it's in your hooves now."

"Quit the melodrama and leave." Spitfire narrowed her eyes.

"Eeep! Yes ma'am!" Sentry skittered out of the front door.

"Sheesh." Spitfire sighed. "What was up with him?"

"He had a point, captain. We're like hostile occupiers right now." Soarin pointed out.

"He also said the Household Guard buck off to who knows where. For all intents and purposes, we are the new Household Guard." Spitfire said. A silly grin spread over her face. "And just like that, Gnash's ambition be be the IHG captain is furfilled."

"Mission accomplished." Soarin chuckled.

"Mission bucking accomplished." Spitfire laughed with him.

The novelty of their situation did not amuse them for very long. The reality was, they had barged in and killed locals to get where they were. It was like Spitfire had said: Without Lightdowser to explain away the deed, Canterlot and the Estates would be coming back hard on them.

"Captain, do you think we were set up?" Soarin whispered. "Like, what if those city guardsponies are preparing for a surprise betrayal."

“You rang?” The contingent of guardsponies emerged into the entry hall from a side corridor. Everyone of them was carrying a wood and metal weapon that they’d not had earlier.

“Woah! What are those?!” Soarin gawked at the strange devices.

"Guns." Spitfire observed.

“Wheellock arquebus, especially crafted for the Imperial Guard here in Canterlot.” The guardpony sergeant unslung the hefty firearm and twisted it around for the Wonderbolts to see. “Top of the line, master craftsponyship. They were in the IHG armory.”

“That’s nice.” Spitfire inspected the complex spring-loaded mechanism. "Manehattan manufacture too. Best arsenal in the world." She rubbed her cheek on the smooth wood of the stock. "Damn... That's sexy. Don't imagine I could convince you to part with them."

"Sorry. This is what we are here for." The sergeant shook his head. "The city guard is going to be taking on the role of protecting this castle for the regent, Junior Princess Cadenza."

"Under whose orders?" Spitfire asked.

"Sorry." The sergeant grinned. "I'll let you guess."

"Fair enough then. We're not needed here then." Spitfire turned to the room. "Wonderbolts, cut these sods free and move out!"

“Yes Ma’am!” Soarin and the other Wonderbolts chorussed, cutting their detainees loose.

“You’re letting Seacrest's militia go?” The city guardsponies seemed uncomfortable. “And leaving?”

“Yeah, I am.” Spitfire nodded. "I'm lingering here, presenting myself for reprisal any longer than I have to be. We Wonderbolts can make a mess, but getting stuck into your local politics was accidental." She nudged a newly freed prisoner to his hooves. "As for these guys... I was following orders. I was fun for a while. Now I feel bad."

"Buck off featherhead." The militia unicorn muttered.

"You too buddy." Spitfire snorted. With the Wonderbolts gathering behind her, she trotted for the grand doors out of the castle. "See ya."

They pulled back to the makeshift barricade they had made in the opening assault on the castle and started packing up.

"Oh, captain, that message for you!" Rapidfire produced a small scrap from where she'd tucked it in a seam in her armor.

"Thank you." Spitfire took it. The brief message from Velvet advised her to stand by and not get involved any further.

"I'd take her advice if I were you." Night Light said, peering at the scrap over her shoulder.

"I didn't remember inviting you." Spitfire glared at him.

"You made the mistake of giving my sword back. You won't be able to get rid of me now." He laughed softly. "Dame Spitfire, if you're serious about the safety of your knights, retreat to your airship and stay there until dawn." He pointed to the setting sun. "Ignore your admiral, ignore the sounds you hear outside, ignore the light and fire."

"You unicorns sure are poetic." Spitfire rolled her eyes. "But unfortunatly I'm not the type of pony to keep things half done. I will secure the safety of my Wonderbolts, and yes it will involve some insubordination, but I won't be backing down."

"You tell him, captain!" Soarin cheered her on, then hesitated. "Wait did you say insubordination?"

"Yeah I did. Where's Gnash? I'm going to give her a piece of my mind, denounce this whole thing, and gods willing keep the Bolts from being lynched by angry mobs." Spitfire said resolutely.

"If that's your decision." Night Light hung his head. "Then you will receive no less than the result you strive for."

"Whatever." Spitfire shrugged.

"Last message from the Admiral came from the castle gardens, Captain." Rapidfire reported. "There's been some kind of impromptu gathering."

"The Estates. Conventionally, there is a party before they go into session." Night Light explained.

"Uh, captain..." Soarin pointed back to the castle entrance. The city guardsponies were marching out and around, towards the northern grounds. "I think our friends have plans."

"The hell?" Spitfire swore. She galloped to the barricade. "Yo! Where are you guys going?!" She yelled at the guardsponies.

"Where our orders take us!" The guard sergeant hollered back. "See you there!"

Spitfire puckered her lips. Things were heating up big time. She backed away from the barricade. "Guys, instead of chewing out Gnash, I think we might have to save her."

"Those guns would punch through our armor like it was paper." One of the Wonderbolts exclaimed.

"This is getting bad, captain. This is starting look like a coup or something that we just participated in." Soarin ground his teeth. "But I can't tell who or what we were fighting for!"

"We've been had all right." Spitfire stared into space. "Shining Armor and the IHG had the right idea disappearing. This night is not going to end well."

"Go back to your airship." Night Light urged her. "It is not to late to sit this one out."

"You know, you keep telling me that. What kind of dishonorable scut do you think I am?" Spitfire turned to him, a scowl on her face. "I'm a knight! I come from a family of knights! We don't back down, no matter what. We're Wonderbolts, the best of the best. Isn't that right Bolts?"

"That's Right!" The Wonderbolts echoed.

"We can take anything this city throws at us!" Spitfire thumped her breastplate.

"That's Right!" The Bolts did the same.

"I thought you didn't want to get involved in politics, captain." Soarin said.

"Nobody's going to insult my honor without a schooling." Spitfire eyes Night Light. "And since I don't want to rough up this old man, I'll have to show him another way. Bolts don't shy from charging into danger."

"That's Right! That's Right! That's Riiiiiight!"

"Come on, you weak willed scuts, fall in." Spitfire snapped her helmet back into place. "Let's crash a garden party."

Night Light shook his head and followed them at a respectful distance.

Princess Celestia's Gardens, aka the Imperial Gardens, aka the Royal Gardens, aka the Castle Gardens, were a massive park that stretched all along the northern arc of the outer wall between Canterlot Castle and the Mountain. It nearly as large as the whole Old Town, with ponds, old chapels, groves, and small retreats. Twilight Sparkle's house was situated near one of the larger lakes, at the end of a winding path around the main flower beds. Several other imperial servants and students lived similarly.

In her majesty's state of apathy, the gardens had stayed well maintained, as they were a sign of imperial prestige as much as decorated parlors or golden automata. It was a pleasant, neutral meeting ground for the different cliques and factions of the city. Whenever the Estates met in body, they first held a party to reaffirm their camaraderie as ponies.

Foaly Flux loved the garden. It was so beautiful and fragrant that every woe seemed to melt away. it made him genuinely happy; A rare thing for him.

In the waining evening light, braziers had been brought out to keep it lit while the speakers were still arriving. Flux passed by groups of two and three discussing gossip and the latest events. It was more sober than usual, in light of the circumstances, but near as sober as it should have been. Ceelstia had left and nopony was officially in charge of anything. The bureaucracy was running mostly on autopilot. Nopony really knew what the recent events implied of the Equestrian state, let alone the legislature.

Flux wrote off the general air of nonchalance to the repeatedly proven fact that the Estates was packed with self-important childeren, who treated it more as a social club than a legislative body. Anypony with any real skill was either in the administration or at a noble court. Even those who played maneuver politics on the sidelines of the Estates knew it was a joke, as they complemented or cajoled the speakers into the camp of whatever clique they represented.
To begin with, the whole idea of the Estates were an empty punchline. It was supposed to be a forum for the landed nobles to debate and discuss imperial policy, yet the landed nobles 1, Did not care to be there, as the Empress and Imperial Council could override anything they proposed, 2: Had as much sovereignty in their territory as they wanted anyway, and 3: Had felt sour on the Imperial government since Celestia cracked down after the scandal of Junior Princess Cadenza's near mess with matrimony.
So, the landed nobles hired the 'speakers' to show up for them. Flux had been the only lord to represent himself in the Estates for years. He found it somewhat fun, and living so close it wasn't that much of a bother.

“A most hearty welcome to you, Duke Flux.”

“And a most pleasant, kind, and well intentioned thank you to you, Lady Crust.” Flux chuckled.

“Again I should like to express my heartfelt thanks for lending us your twenty-two piece private orchestra.” Upper Crust was one of the prima donnas of Canterlot’s noble societies. She was a diminutive unicorn, with custard yellow fur and a lilac and white mane. So far, she had not seemed overly smitten by any side in the growing battle for the regime, but that could be attributed by an utter lack of understanding. “When the Musician’s Guild canceled on me I was all manner of broken up about it!”

“I’m overjoyed you managed to pull yourself together.” Flux said with a broad grin. “You know, because you weren't literally in pieces. But the joke is thatAh ha ha, my dad taught me that one.”

“Your father was a wonderful stallion.” Upper Crust said, latching on to the part of the sentence she understood.

“How the old goat survived ten kids I’ll never understand. Then again, so many of us ended up dead, debauched, or debauched then dead, so I guess his legacy didn’t count for much after all.” Flux said, swiping a drink from a nearby server’s trey.

“I met your father once, here in Canterlot Gardens before the Estates of 973 SS.” Upper Crust said cheerily.

“973 wasn’t a good year for my father.” Flux took a sip of his drink. “That’s the year he died, of a congenital spinal disease. His head fell right off his shoulders, I’m told.”

Upper Crust paled. “T- That’s awful!”

“Then of course my wife died too. And then all my brothers perished. And then all my sisters died simultaneously of various things. Yes, that was quite the year.”

Upper Crust had by this point had fallen into dead silence, staring into space. Flux was aloof, and continued to talk. “Various bad things struck the extended family, and that was unfortunate too. But of course that was the year that my favorite cousin Night Light met his darling wife Twilight Velvet, so all in all that was an okay year.”

Finishing off the fluid inside, Flux balanced his glass on Upper Crust’s frozen form. Chuckling to himself, he crossed the gardens to a mixed group of nobles.
Good Evening Duke Flux! You’re certainly looking happy today!” A grey unicorn said. Jet Set was the other half of this party, the official representative of Canterlot in the Estates. The Blackhorn Council and other groups had been clawing at his position for years.

“It’s because I am happy.” Flux said, accepting another drink they offered him. “I’ve been doing a lot of positive thinking lately, and it’s really improved how I feel.”

“Really? With all the shenanigans in town I’m at my last nerve.” A noble said. “The Estates are tomorrow and I have no idea who to throw my support behind.”

"Tommorrow? I thought it was tonight?"

"Nopony's giving a clear answer."

"Do they know?"

“It is almost as though there's nopony in charge. Doesn't that place the impetus on us?” Jet Set harrumphed.

"Yeah, let's hold a meeting to decide when to convene!"

"But when will that meeting me held?"


Flux snorted. "We could let the vizier schedule the planning meeting for the scheduling of the Estates."

The speakers murmured in agreement. "Excellent idea."

"The main problem" One of them said irritably. "Is there there are no clear answers from the Solar Monastery about when the Summer Sun is! We should cut their funding!"

More agreement. "Hear hear. If they don't have the resources to make accurate predictions they don't deserve public funds."

"Privatize the land. It would make a very nice spot for a villa."

“Uh oh, here comes trouble.” Somepony's whispered warning cut through the discussion.

Blueblood and Aurthora Airy had arrived, leading a gaggle of nobles. Blueblood locked eyes with Flux for a moment, then quickly whispered something to Aurthora.

“If you’ll excuse me.” Flux passed his drink to Jet Set and trotted over to Blueblood.

Blueblood bowed. “Duke Flux, my deepest condolences about your nephews. I could not guess how you must be feeling."

"Feeling? Not sure what that is." Flux chuckled. "Also I'd thank you to keep your voice down. I haven't told anypony yet. I know Velvet told you, but I'd appreciate if word didn't get around."

"Oh." Blueblood blushed. "Apologies my lord."

"Eh, don't worry about it. It doesn't matter." Flux patted him on the back. He glanced at Aurthora. "Hello Lady Airy. Life treating you well?"

"Much better since I stopped hosting a court. I find my days in Canterlot much more fulfilling than lounging about in my castle." Aurthra said. "Speaking of, I was looking for you at Castle Magoria and unfortunately didn't catch you. We didn't expect you to come to the Estates this year."

“Wouldn't miss it.” Flux said.

“Yes... I suppose not.” Blueblood glanced away. “You would be terribly missed.”

“And I would hate to disappoint.” Flux nodded.

“Lady Twilight Velvet would be particularly saddened.”

One of the servers interrupted, passing Flux a note.

"Oh?" Flux opened it up.

It would be my pleasure to receive you on the terrace.

“M’Gentlestallions.” Flux bowed. “M’lady.” He nodded to Aurthora. “It seems I have another socialization engagement queued.”

The terrace was at the very back of the gardens, bumping against the city wall on one side. Here, secluded from the rest of the party, were Seacrest Blackhorn and his entourage. Nearby, Hausseway was playing cards with two of his guards. The silent form of Molar was serving drinks.

“I heard there’s a landed noble in this city who doesn’t want me hanged for a traitor. When I heard that, I was shocked.” Seacrest’s prench accent was amused. “So I wanted to meet him.”

“Tell me who he is, and I’ll hang him right alongside you!” Flux chuckled. “May I?”

“Please do!” Seacrest offered Flux the opposite seat at the table. He shifted in his own seat, scooting forward to be face to face with Flux. “I’ve been learning a lot about politics here in Canterlot. It has been interesting, and difficult for me. I’m told you represent yourself in the Estates.”

“I do.” Flux said. “Every landed lord has a voice here. but most hire locals to do the talking for them. Saves on travel expenses. As if that was ever a concern for us rich bucks, eh?”

“Indeed not.” Seacrest agreed. “Which is why I am confused as to why none of the speakers have committed to backing me. I'm a son of the provinces!"

"So is Lightdowser." Flux pointed out. "Do you think that is a good thing? The speakers don't actually represent the landed lords. They represent themselves. This is not an equestrian institution, really. More of a Canterlot one. And it's hardly an insitution, either. It's a big old party."

"Ah..." Seacrest glanced over to Hauseway, who hid behind his wine glass. "Yes I vaguely remember Lady Velvet saying something like that."

"So like a party, you have to work the room, shake hooves, kiss babies, all that." Flux munched on a cracker off the snack platter. "Everypony here is a big baby though. Kiss them all. But being prench, I guess you wouldn't have a hard time of that."

Seacrest laughed nervously. "I grew up in Prancia-Sabonord, yes."

Hauseway cleared his throat. "Duke Flux, we wan't to know what we can do for you. You're an influential stallion, but even you could use a boon from the sitting vizier."

"What can you do for me?" Flux arched a brow.

"Uh..." Hauseway and Seacrest looked to each other for answers. "We know you received a visit from Lord Lightdowser. Whatever he promised you, we can surpass."

"Sharphoof is an old friend, but as you've noticed, he's not here right now. He was always a shy stallion." Flux chuckled to himself. "Pretend he doesn't exist."

"Not too difficult, I suppose.He was only here for two days." Hauseway smirked. "I wouldn't imagine an upstanding gentlecolt like you would need the validation a court position would entail?

"Or for some select friends, maybe?" Seacrest hummed.

“I think I can see when this is going.” Flux took a sip of his drink. "Lord Seacrest, I'm going to be honest with you, I don't care. I'm not going to participate that much in the Estates. I might not even open my mouth." He snapped up another cracker. "Because I don't care. I don't care about you, or Lightdowser, or the tetchy clique politics. I'm just a stallion with a castle. None of this matters to me." He levitated another glass of wine from a nearby server's tray. "I;m here because I've got nothing better to do."

"That's a totally irresponsible attitude." Hauseway growled. "The Estates are going to decide the future of the Equestrian State, and you treat it as a mere sideshow."

"Don't presume to lecture me, Captain Hauseway. I am liege to hundred of thousands of ponies." Flux chortled. "You, on the other hoof, can't even keep control over your second in command."

Hauseway's face reddened.

"hey, no need to get upset. It's all in good fun." Flux threw back his head and guzzled his drink. "This place has been a real laugh lately. I hear ponies shouting at each other about the goofiest things: Real Unicorn Values, Strong Leadership, Moral Dignity. I could put all that talk together and still not have enough to academically challenge a mad cow."

"The vaunted centrist, who holds himself above we who have the guts to be passionate about our beliefs." Hauseway growled. "You come to point and laugh at us. Fine enough. I will not challenge your comfy feelings of superiority."

"Is there a reason I should be taken in by any of your ideologies? Do I look like the type of pony who gets hard at the chants of 'Get a Horn or Get Out', or like I'd be interested in banning imperial funds from Pegasi or Earth Pony communities?" He arched a brow. "Do I?"

"Um, you are a unicorn." Seacrest said.

"Ahh, buck off." Lightdowser chuckled. He got up. "You'll understand the pointlessness of it all soon enough."

"And you'll soon understand why it matters more than anything else in the world." Hauseway glared. "No princess or empress here now. The only thing between us and destiny is honest effort."

Destiny, huh?" Flux shook his head. "You're going to get a lesson about that as well. See ya, captain." He nodded to Seacrest. "Lord Blackhorn."

Three drinks later and he was staring to see new and interesting colors in the world. The urge to cause some trouble was getting stronger.

"Foaly, drinking alone? For shame." A derogatory, high pitched voice cut through the air. Prosser was wearing a tunic only slightly finer than his usual robe, with an oak tree broach pinned at his shoulder. He was cradling a glass of water in his hoof. "You're usually stuck in there."

"Don't feel like company tonight." Foaly grunted.

"Feeling down?"

"On the contrary, I feel adequate. Haven't felt this good in years." Foaly smiled. "I have a good feeling about tonight."

"If you say so, my lord." Prosser was looking uncustomary somber. "I myself have been on the anxious side since her majesty left."

"As any sane pony would be, and yet..." Flux waved over the ponies in the party around them, grouped off in their twos and threes, laughing and enjoying themselves. "Do you think they have any idea?"

"Not a clue." Prosser assessed.

They stood silently for a while.

"Why did you switch to water? Have a lot to drink already?" Flux asked

"No. I haven't had anything tonight." Prosser admitted.

"I hope you don't regret that decision." Flux laughed to himself.

"Oh trust me, I already have a headache." Prosser scowled. "I mean, look at all these assholes, come together to decide the fate of our empire. With the empress away, there's a feeling in the air that they could get away with anything. If I could see into their heads, I expect I'd see the most vile shades of arrogant, power-hungry, and racist. What awful, awful circumstances has put these ponies in this position of power? Is this the best ponykind is capable of?"

"Is it?"

"In a Sartrean way, I guess it is. What we see is what we get. This..." Prosser pointed at the decedent speakers, drinking and partying. "This is our fate. This is the sum of ponykind's dreams."

"We are disgusting." Flux agreed. "We don't to rule ourselves."

"We deserve to be punished for letting ourselves get this bad." Prosser grit his teeth. "Ponykind needs to be whipped back into shape."

"And it may hurt. A lot. But it's what we need." Flux downed the rest of his drink. That was number seven? He wasn't sure. "If this is what ponykind's dreams lead us to..." He let his gaze wander the terrace, where Hauseway and Seacrest were brooding. "We just don't deserve dreams."

Prosser sighed. "Goodness gracious. What depressive anis we're being. We had our chance. I'm just raw that Lightdowser left."

"Why? Want him here to suffer with us?" Flux laughed. "He does not suffer fools easily. Why do you think he lost the viziership to Fancy Pants? The poor colt has too much wits and not enough patience."

"Yes... But..." Prosser sighed. "If any pony could have possibly kept this night being consumed by Twilight Velvet, it would have been him."

"Maybe, maybe not." Flux shrugged. "It's for the best Sharphoof left."

"Even if it makes ponykind suffer more?" Prosser asked.

"Especially because it does. This night needs a different color colt. I don't know why he left, but..." Flux smiled weakly. Prosser, who had known the stallion for a number of years, had never seen him so close to tears. Rumor had it Foaly hadn't shed a tear for his entire family, but bore it with a smile. "The door been opened for old Foaly Flux. I have a good feeling that it's finally my turn."

After recovering from her shock with Flux, Upper Crust returned to her post as greeter for the gala. The nobles stopped arriving consistently after Blueblood and company came, but Crust stuck around for the latecomers.

The sun was at last consumed by the mountain, and the sky's twilight steaks deepened into purples, blues, and blacks. Darkness settled over the lands around Canterlot too. Proper night began as the moon crested the western horizon and stars winked to life up above.

"Pretty, isn't it?"
Upper Crust gasped, not noticing the middle aged stallion in front of her.

"Lord Night Light?" Upper Crust quirked a brow. "I heard you were in the dungeon!"

"I was until this morning. The Imperial Household Guardsponies let me out before they evacuated. Since then I had an exciting time." Night Light explained. "I was never a very social stallion. Whipping up a racist militia and occupying Canterlot Castle with it was a whole new experience for me. Unfortunately, that band was trampled for nothing, because the Wonderbolts are still bent on causing a scene."

"Lord Light, I don't follow." Upper Crust looked him over, checking for an obvious sign of a head injury.

"I said unfortunately, the Wonderbolts are on their way. They got a bit lost but they'll remember they have wings eventually." Night Light repeated. "Is my wife here yet?"

"Umm, no." Crust blinked. "When you say Wonderbolt, you mean those pegasi barbarians? They're on the way here?"

"Yeah, tell me what you really think." The portly figure of Rain Gnash came trotting up the garden path. She was wearing a too-small black dress that did not complement her green coat well at all. She stopped in front of Night Light. "Huh. I thought you were in the dungeon."

"Common mistake." Night Light smiled. "We've never met, Lady Gnash, but I was a big fan of yours before you left with the clique. Your techniques with half-shell foils was whispered of in hushed tones in the fencing circles."

"I don't do autographs." Gnash grunted. "Especially since I've gone to great lengths to uproot your arrogant wife's influence in this town."

"Ahh, that's very unfortunate. You should have spent these last few days on more productive things." Night Light smiled appologetically.

There was a rustle of wings, and suddenly the air was filled with over a dozen pegasi in heavy armor. The Wonderbolts landed all around the party, making the guests yell and shriek in surprise.

"Okay, what the blazes is going on?" Upper Crust whined.

"I'm lost too." Gnash squinted. "The Bolts are supposed to be holding down Canterlot Castle."

Not two seconds later, and the column of city guardsponies came around the corner. They marched right past Gnash and Crust, but each gave a respectful nod to Night Light as they went by. Their arrival only heightened the chaos in the party, as ponies either froze in panic or started running around.

Night Light adjusted his mane and strode into the clearing. "Showtime, Velvet." He hummed to himself.

"Ah hell.: Rain Gnash cursed, galling after him.

On their side of the party, Prosser and Flux watched the two armed bands make their entrance.

"Interesting." Flux was on his ninth drink.

Prosser looked up at the rising moon. "Isn't this amazing. Like a painting, almost. I don't like it much, but it speaks to some ponies. A performance art piece, that nopony knows they're a part of. Good show, isn't it? Doesn't it draw the hardest laughs in town. It's a hard act to follow."

"Don't hurt yourself stretching for metaphor." Flux ribbed.

"Your right." Prosser nodded. "Plenty of time when the real party starts."

Rain Gnash ran from Wonderbolt to Wonderbolt, trying to find somepony to yell at. "Spitfire! Spitfire where the hell are you! I know your behind this!"

"Over here, Admiral." Spitfire's voice carried from the terrace. Gnash found Spitfire and Soarin standing over the irate Seacrest and Hauseway. "Just making sure there's no trouble from these two."

"So this is what kind of pony you really are, huh Gnash?!" Hauseway spat. "Can't get your way so you throw a coup against the legitimate government? When word gets out you can expect every imperial army in Equestria to come marching back to roast your ass!"

"Merde whore!" Seacrest concurred. "This insurrection won't last an hour. Once Velvet hears of this you'll have the city collapse on you!"

"The admiral has nothing to do with this." Spitfire said. "I'm in charge here."

"W- What?" Seacrest and Hasueway balked.

"God damn it Spitfire you honorless traitor! The admiralty will have both our heads if you don't cool it!" Gnash screamed.

"Admiral, these ponies have to disperse right now." SPitfire pointed back into the clearing. "You see those ponies with guns? Somethings up."

"What? Guns?" Hauseway stood up and looked around. "T-Those are city guards! What's going on here?" He looked back to Rain Gnash. "The hell is you game here, Admiral fatso?!"

"Buck off! I'm restoring discipline in my troops here." Gnash snapped at him. "Spitfire, you've got negative ten seconds to explain what going on here or the next dispatch to Cloudsdale is going with you, tucked under the rope around your wings!"

"Those guards were at the castle with us. They smashed the militia with us and snapped up those guns." Spitfire said.

"Yeah." Soarin nodded. "Then they starting in this direction. If anypony's launching a coup, its them!"

"But the guard take their orders from Captain Sabornord. He's on our side!" Hauseway protested. "Wait a minute... That's Night Light down there! T- T- T- That's Night Light with them!"

"Huh?" Spitfire's eyes followed his hoof to where he was pointing. The blue stallion from the castle was talking with Jet Set and the guard sergeant. "That's Night Light? Twilight Velvet's husband." The color drained from her face. "Oh buck."

Night Light noticed their gawking and waved to them. "I'm very sorry for misleading you, Captain Spitfire. You really should have waited on your airship." He genuflected. "Sadly your a part of this night now, and you get to see it through like everypony else."

The city guards had unslung their guns, and taken aim. Each Wonderbolt now had a loaded arquebus inches from their head. At the garden’s entrance, more guardsponies were marching in.

Night Light strode up to the terrace. "Hello Captain Hauseway, Seacrest. Nice, clear night. Full moon too. I couldn't imagine a night prettier than this." He smiled thinly. "It's the kind of night when lovers stroll through the garden and lay on the grass."

"Velvet." Rain Gnash murmured. "Is she on her way or meeting us later?"

Night Light just smiled.

“If I understand the situation correctly,” Spitfire said impassively. “I think we’re all about to die.”

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