• Published 9th Apr 2014
  • 462 Views, 14 Comments

Beyond the Sea - lordcurly972

Sweetie Belle is quite nervous about her and Raritys big move coming up. The whole idea of the thing is absolutely nerve racking, especially since the city they are moving to is at the bottom of the ocean.

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Sinclair Deluxe, 1958

Sweetie Belle rubbed her eyes as the incandescent bulbs tried their best to portray sunlight, she had yet to get used to the fact that there wasn't any sunshine down here. She smacked her lips a bit as the grogginess of sleep began to wear off. After releasing a large yawn she threw the covers off herself and hopped out of bed and walked over to the window. She stared out at the Rapture "skyline", the metal glowed a bright green fluorescence against the deep blue of the ocean backdrop. A school of fish swam by her window, only pausing a moment to ponder what the mysterious looking creature on the other side of the glass was before swimming onward. Sweetie Belle had had this morning routine ever since she moved down here, the first few days the view excited her and filled her with wonderment. But, after that she grew bored of looking out at the ocean. But the view was all she had, there wasn't much else for a filly to do in Rapture, and Rarity was always out late so even if Rarity wanted to spend time with her she couldn't.

Sweetie Belle left the window and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth. Just as she got her toothbrush ready with toothpaste a loud crash came from the sitting room. Speaking of the devil, Rarity was home. Sweetie Belle left her toothbrush and went to investigate. Rarity stumbled into the sitting room, trying her hardest to hang her coat up on the coat rack, but knocking over everything near it in the process. Finally, she gave up and threw the coat on the sofa. She looked as if she hadn't slept in weeks, her hair was a mess, lipstick and eye shadow were smeared on her face, and she had yet to take her sunshades off. She started mumbling to herself as she walked past Sweetie Belle not even saying "hello" or "how have you been Sweetie Belle?". It was amazing that Rarity looked the way that she did, especially since she got gussied up to her prettiest just the night before. Rarity continued to mumble something as she walked into her bedroom and slammed the door shut behind her. Rarity had been acting quite peculiar these past few weeks, always coming in rather late, keeping her door shut at all times. And Sweetie Belle had rather specific instructions on staying out of there. It all started when she began working with a stallion named Sander Cohen, at first she was excited because he was some sort of artist quack and Rarity believed he could make her the star she had always believed of being. Everyday Rarity would come home and tell Sweetie Belle how her day had been down at the studio, but that all stopped just two weeks ago and it had Sweetie Belle worried about her sister. But, she didn't bother talking to Rarity while she was in her current state, the most she would get out of her was a "Leave me alone!".Sweetie Belle returned to her toothbrush and after brushing her teeth she left for school.

Rapture Learning Center for Colts and Fillies, 1958

The elementary school in Rapture wasn't much different than the one she had attended on the surface. She was learning just about anything she would up above, she even used the same books. But, anytime the class got to a page about Princess Celestia or Princess Luna, they would skip over that section and continue on the next chapter. When she asked why this was once, she was instructed that Rapture is not a place for gods or princesses, only ponies. So there was no need to learn about princesses. Really the only thing they actually studied were the scientific or engineering achievements ponies had achieved. Sweetie Belle really didn't pay much mind to this, she hated class anyways. Sweetie Belle was currently reading a paragraph on the legendary Wonderbolt, Amelia Airheart, when the teacher asked for everyponys attention.

"Class, I would like to introduce one of the leading scientists from Fontaine Futuristics," she said holding her hooves in front of her showing the class the scientist, "she is here to demonstrate for us one of the newest inventions Rapture has to offer."

The teacher stepped back and gave the scientist room to demonstrate, the scientist nodded in agreement and began to speak, "Hello guys, my name is Dr. Moriarty and I'm here to show you all something rather spectacular created not but a month ago."

Dr. Moriarty reached into the doctors bag she was carrying and pulled out a syringe and a vile of a dark red liquid. The vile had a picture of a flame on the front and Sweetie Belle had seen that syringe before. She found it in Raritys trash can once when taking out the garbage, she got quite the scolding from Rarity for going through her belongings, even though it was just garbage. That was the day she was instructed to never go into her room again. The syringe in the Doctors hoof glowed a bright blue and had the word "EVE" printed on it.

"Now, before I begin I'm going to instruct anypony squeamish against needles to leave the room and wait in the hall," she said placing her bag on the floor and holding the syringe at the top part of her left leg.

About three members of the class got up and left, Sweetie Belle stayed. She wanted to know exactly what Rarity was doing.

"Alright, now we can begin,"the doctor said penetrating her skin and injecting the blue liquid into her leg, "now for the plasmid."

She took the empty syringe and filled it with liquid from the vile with the flame on it and then proceeded to inject that liquid into the same leg. Sweetie Belle felt that this couldn't and shouldn't be shown to little fillies. She was always taught not to use drugs, what kind of backwards society was this?

The doctor inhaled deeply as she emptied the syringe, she was just about to speak when Sweetie Belle raised a hoof to ask a question.

"Yes, you have a question?" the doctor asked.

"Yeah, why are we being shown this?" Sweetie Belle asked, "were we not instructed that using drugs was bad?"

The doctor chuckled a bit, "Yes, drugs are bad. But, used properly this is not a drug."

"And what would be the proper way of using these "things",' Sweetie Belle retorted rather mockingly.

The doctors expression turned serious, "When using an EVE hypo, by itself it can be used as a drug, but if you also inject a plasmid, it helps counteract the EVE's negative effects."

Sweetie Belle still felt weary of the whole thing, but she was scientist. At least now she had an idea to why Rarity was acting so strange lately. Sweetie Belle nodded for Dr. Moriarty to continue.

"Now, if there aren't any further questions, I would like to begin the demonstration," Dr. Moriarty stated, her attitude returning to a more cheerful demeanor, "prepare to be amazed.

And just as she finished speak she held her left hoof in the air, and it instantaneously burst into flames. Everypony in the room gasped at the sight, and coiled back in fear. Sweetie Belle watched closely.

Why isn't she flinching in pain? Doesn't it burn?

The doctor then held up her right hoof and it followed suit. She then began controlling the size of the flame, though making sure it didn't grow to big as to not set off the fire alarm or cause it to rage out of control. And just as quickly as the flames had began, the went out, with just a simple flick of her hooves. The entire room erupted with applause. Sweetie Belle hated to admit it, especially after her argument that drugs were bad, but the feat was absolutely astounding. Her mouth hung in awe, the ability to ignite a fire with just the flick of a hoof.

The doctor smiled and then took a bow, " Thank you, thank you. I'm glad you all enjoyed it. But, now there is another matter I must discuss with your teacher."

Dr. Moriarty turned from the class and began whispering to the teacher, Sweetie Belle's interest peaked.

What could they possibly be discussing?

Every so often the teacher would look over Dr. Moriarty's shoulder at the class, then return back to the doctor's gaze with a nod. Finally, after the two were done talking Dr. Moriarty opened the door and a stallion wheeling a cart of books entered the room. The doctor gave the class one more goodbye before exiting the room with the stallion. Sweetie Belle's teacher then returned to her desk and cleared her throat to speak.

"If everypony in the class could pass forward their textbooks to the first pony on the row," she instructed, "we won't be studying from those any longer, we will instead be using these."

After all the books were passed forward, the teacher picked them up and began handing out the new ones. Sweetie Belle grabbed hers and read the title, How to be a Good Little Sister. Sweetie Belle raised an eye brow, she thought she already was a good little sister. She looked around the room to see if anypony else was as confused as she was, but noticed something far more peculiar. The teacher wasn't giving any of the colts the textbook, which made since, they were male. Why would they need to learn how to be a good little sister? Still, something about the sudden change in textbooks didn't sit right with her. Something more sinister than appeared to be on the surface.