• Member Since 10th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen May 21st



A story about the reign of King Sombra and the war between The Crystal Empire and Equestria before the banisment of Nightmare Moon and when King Sombra was still the ruler of The Crystal Empire.

The story is told from the point of view of both King Sombra and The Crystal Army and Princess Luna and The Lunar Guard.

It's my first published fanfic. So don't except anything fantastic, but I hope it manages to entertain you non the less.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 9 )

Interesting so far, but it would be better if the chapters were a bit longer. :twilightsmile:

"But first of all we have to secure a foothold in the area amd after that we can establish control of the entire region."

It should be and.

4220877 I'm glad you like it. Chapter 3 is going to be longer. I'm currently in the process of rewriting it (I'm not completely happy with how the chapter ends) and it should be up sometime next week.

This seemed like an interesting story, but it also seems you stopped writing it for some reason...

I liked how this started, and I'm sure it would've been a great story if you just continued it :moustache:

I kinda got sidetracked with all the other projects I've got going on, like the comic (which is actually a prequel to this) and that other story idea we talked about. I might continue this at one point. I actually have chapter 3 written it just needs a bit of rewriting and polishing.

4611347 I know the feeling... I've been sidetracked from countless projects in my life,
And since I started writing, I've re-written and edited a ton of my stuff as well..

One of my older projects (that kinda got cancelled for the moment but MIGHT get revived) for example.. I wrote one version, edited it, edited some more, trashed it, restarted, edited again,
and kept that up over and over several times, until finally I just stopped and went on to other projects instead... but that story still remains on my list of ideas, and I WILL finish it one day...:twilightsmile:

As for your Sombra story, I'd be glad to help if you need a proofreader or someone to discuss ideas with.. as a major Egghead, I'm sure I can be helpful. I read a lot (including lots of fanfics of all genres), AND as you know I write my own shorties as well, AND I have a librarian mother, so I have lots of experience when it comes to that kind of stuff :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the offer. I'll keep that in mind for when I need help.

4612213 Anything, anytime, just ask and I'll help if I can :twilightsmile:

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