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Back to Class

Oh hey! Im Snowfall plesure to meet you!. You can just call me Snowy. Thats what all my friends call me anyways.Oh yeah..And this is my story!

The white pegaus ran through the streets of Ponyville.
"Come on"she grunted as she turned a corner.
She lifted her watch looking at the time and gasping she ran on ahead.
"Oh horseapples"she cursed.
Snowfall ran down the other corner that leaded to the park.She could see it's grassy bank's up ahead as she raced on.She finnaly reached the gates skidding to a halt she opened the park gate's and trotted in.
Snowfall saw her 7 friends chatting as soon as they saw her they perked there heads up.
"Snowy! finnaly!"breathed a deep blue pegasus.
"Sorry im late guys"chuckled Snowfall "Little sister was being annoying and-"
"And you got into another fight?"Mecha asked.
"No! that was a one time thing"sniffed Snowfall scrapping her hooves on the dust.
Cherry pop giggled.
"So..come on guy's it's our last day until we go back to Ponyville high..then only 3 days after that we graduate. what do you wanna do?"asked Twinkle.
Starshine shrugged.
Cherry pop threw a photo onto the ground.
"Well..there goes another one"she sighed shaking her head.
"Cherry..hasnt that been like the 11th this week?"asked Sky stamp.
Strawberry blush huffed.
"More like the 11th thousand"she smirked.
Cherry pop wacked her round the head."Shut up!".
Snowfall shook her head.It was always like this.
"Guys..wheres Dream cloud?"asked Snowfall.
Starshine pointed to a cloud above them. On the cloud was the blue pegasus. Snowfall sighed then flapped her wing's. She drifted up to the cloud in a lazy fashion stopping right by Dream cloud.
"DREAM CLOUD GET UP"screeched out Snowfall.
Dream cloud's eyes flung open and with that she fell of landing on the earthy ground.
Everypony laughed.
Dream got up and dusted herself off glaring at the laughing pony's.
Snowfall drifted down staring at the setting sun as a cold blast of wind hit her in the face.She shivered.
"I wonder what teams we will be on for the Winter Wrap Up thing-y this year"wondered Snowfall staring at the sky.
"Ooh i want to be on the plant team!"Twinkle leaped up from the floor.
Cherry pop put her arm around Twinkle's shoulder.
"Twinkle Winter wrap up isnt until we graduate,dearie"she purred.
Twinkle lowered her head.

"Mom! get off"whined Snowy as she dodged the hair brush her mother was trying to use on her.
"Snowy stay still"sighed her mother.
Her mother finnaly gave in putting the hair brush down.
Snowfall grinned in triamph as she dashed for the door. She suddenly felt something heavy on her. She looked at her back hoof to see Sugar plumb her little sister.
"Sugar not know"hissed Snowfall shaking her back leg as her sister clung on.
"MOOOOMMM!!"yelled Snowfall now bucking.
Mystic ran out and grabbed Sugar Plumb by her magic as floating her into her playpen.
Snowfall sighed as rushed out the door. Taking off she sped for the big building in the distance.
'Here we go'she thought to herself.
3 days later*
Snowy turned her head to see Cherry pop chanting quietly.
"Come on come on"reapeated Cherry staring at the clock.
Snowy rolled her eyes.
The bell rang and everypony ran out. Snowfall trotted slowly breathing and smiling as she headed towards the graduation ceremony.
Snowy flew out followed by her friends.Then something caught her eye. A young male pegasus floated by chatting with a unicorn known by the name of Drake. Strawberry blush giggled.
"Ahh i see we have a keeper"smiled Strawberry raising her eye brow's.
Snowy turned and snarled.
"I don't like him"she hissed.
"Snowy...come on youve been eye'in him up since last grade...go ask him out"Cherry pop nuged her foward.
Causing Snowy to fall down the stair's and land straight on the pegasus pushing them to the ground.
Snowy opened her eye's then leaped off the colt.
"Oh im soo terribly sorry!"she sighed.
"Oh dont worry about it..i know winter is on it's way."he nodded.
"Heartsong"he smiled holding out his hoof.
Snowy took the hoof. "Snowfall".
She suddenly heard the sound of a camera flash. 'ignore it'.
Heartsong smiled.
"Ill see you later then Snowfall"he nodded as he took off.
Snowy sighed then spun round to face her friends.She ran up the icy steps being carefull not to slip.
"YOU STUPID MULES"she yelled.
Everypony giggled.
Starshine turned her head the camera the swung around her neck shone in the sun.
"You like it? i think im gunna be a photographer!"she fluttered her wings.
"Awsome news Star!"smiled Mecha.
Dream cloud turned to Snowy.
"Hey Snowy what are you gunna be?"she asked her eye looking sleepy.
Snowy shrugged.
"I wanted to work up in Cloudsdale"she murmered.
"I wanna go to Canterlot and study with Luna"Mecha sighed, "Its always been my dream".
Sky stamp smiled. "I wanna travel around Equestria...or stay with Fluttershy and help the animals"she nodded at Cherry pop.
Cherry shrugged.
"I guess like a daycare service or something.."she coughed.
Star couldnt stop a slight chuckle.
"What?"growled Cherry facing the dark blue pegasus.
"Its just that...HOW CAN YOU BE A DAY-CARE NURSE...i mean you should run a bar or a restraunt! i hear your cooking is great!"Starshine smiled awkardly.
all the other ponies had to agree that Cherry was a great cook.
"Well..ok ill aim for that"she smiled.
Snowy sighed.
"Guys wanna do something together?"she asked.
"How about we do something we havnt done since we were little fillys?"smiled Twinkle.
"Oh no way Twinkle im not going to Everfree again!"and with a flutter of wings and a flury of feathers Sky stamp was gone.
Twinkle shrugged.
"Anypony else?".
They all nodded.
"Ok lets do this!"she yelled.