• Published 8th Apr 2014
  • 479 Views, 4 Comments

Doctor Whooves: A New Companion - Tessa

After Clara leaves (Or something like that) the Doctor (12) he has an unintentional adventure.

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Earth, England, 1892

The Doctor was visiting the place he had first met his most recent companion. He was leaning against the T.A.R.D.I.S. deep in thought about all the adventures he had had with Clara. With a sad sigh he walked back into the T.A.R.D.I.S. Absentmindedly he walked into a room only he and the T.A.R.D.I.S. knew of. In the room he found Rose's jacket, Martha's necklace, Donna's wedding dress, Amy's glasses, and Clara's souffle stuff.

The Doctor picked up Clara's souffle cook book and a note card fell out. "Hmm... what's this?" He said bending over to pick up the card. I hope you like muffins Doctor. Read the card. "Hmm... that's strange. Clara had never mentioned anything about muffins." He said. The Doctor put the book down and took the note to the console room. Suddenly the T.A.R.D.I.S. launched its self in to the time vortex.

Animalia, Equestria, Ponyville, 2000

"There! All done! That'll show them!" Ditzy Do said putting the finishing touch on her float. She had made a starfruit float to represent the night princess. Ditzy after witnessing what had happened Nightmare Night with everypony cowering when Princess Luna came near, had decided that the night princess needed more recognition. Ditzy flew to her room to get her blanket so she could watch the stars. She giggled remembering her mother's stories. She also grabbed her telescope.

"Mommy will you tell me a story?" Ditzy said. (Oh! Just so you know we are in flashback mode.)

"Ok my little muffin." Ditzy's mother Sweet Tooth said. "Legends say that one may find themselves if they look for the magic blue box. But I know more. My little muffin look for the magic blue box. Look for the magic blue box and find yourself. Look for the magic blue box and find your destiny. I love you my little muffin, good night." Sweet said.

Ditzy looked out of the window with her telescope and looked for the magic blue box. Her mother's last words ringing in her ears. "Look for the magic blue box my sweet little muffin. Look for yourself, and your destiny my little muffin. I love you." Sweet said before dying. Ditzy wiped a tear from her eye. Then she saw a shooting star. Ditzy made a wish on that shooting star then snuggled in her blanket, and fell fast asleep. Her dreams about all the stories her mother had told her about the magic blue box. Something borrowed, something blue, something old, and something new. Ditzy dreamed about the pony with the magic blue box. The pony called the Doctor. She dreamed of seeing her mother waving to her and the Doctor in that magic blue box. She also dreamed of muffins. Lots and lots of muffins!

The Console Room, The T.A.R.D.I.S.

"AAAGGGGG!!!!!!!!" The Doctor yelled as he regenerated. "Hooves? Well this is new." The Doctor said. "Oh it seem like we're crashing. Well I'd best try and hold on to something!" He said as the T.A.R.D.I.S. crashed in to a new world.