• Published 6th Apr 2014
  • 394 Views, 1 Comments

Supercharged Equestrian Journey - Inactive AF

Petal Flame is a human mage who, along with her cat and horse, stumble upon Equestria.

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A Little Insight

Have you ever taken a good look at your life and said "This is so boring. I want some excitement."? Well my name is Petal Flame, and I am writing this to tell you to go back to your wonderfully normal lives and forget you ever made a complaint about a "boring" life.

Some people look at happy endings in books and films and think "that is so boring". Others see the happy endings and wish they could live in them. The truth is, most humans would get bored of a book or film very quick if all it entailed was happiness. Because, my humble chum, the only way to get excitement is for something bad to happen.

Now, as I said before, my name is Petal Flame. I was born 16 years ago in a terrible storm. My mother died giving birth to me. I was born with a curse, though some call it a gift. I was born with the ability to do magic. Yet, that stormy night, no one knew anything was amiss. My dad cried with me in his arms about Mother's death, and that was that.

My powers began to manifest when I was two years of age, just a toddler. The first incident my dad recorded was when I made my teddy bear dance without touching it. Poor Dad, heavens bless him. He knew he couldn't tell anybody of my powers, because harm would come to me. Yet he just did not know how to deal with my magic outbursts. That's how he met his end. I was sent to live with my aunt on my mum's side, who taught me control. Together, with my forgiving cat, I grew. And so emerged, years later, a scarred 16 year old girl.

My aunt was wealthy; she owned a grand estate where she kept me and my powers hidden from the world.I was home schooled for the sake of my secret. I regularly went for walks with my cat on my shoulder, riding my horse, Midnight Shimmer.
Anyway, that's the background information down. Don't want to bore you with to much information, but alas, it had to be done.

One day I was on a ride across the mountains. This was unexplored territory for my little party; I wasn't allowed to stray far from the property. However, that particular day, I was feeling rebellious. We crossed the mountains, and appeared in a meadow. I led Midnight on, and we eventually got to a river. This was odd, because I had no idea we had a river crossing close to us. We looked across the first time, and it looked like more forest. However, I blinked for a second and it appeared like I was staring at a reflection. My long, strange was messy with the breeze. (I guess this is the point I should mention that my hair is crazy. The underside is bleach blond and straight. The top is curly and red. Yet another reason I wasn't allowed out in public.) My weird grey eyes were narrowed in confusion. My face was paled but that was no change. My tabby cat Morpheus lazily lay on my shoulders, no a bother on him. Oddly, it felt.... alive. Looking back, I realized the mage in me could sense the magic, but I suppose that was the benefit of hindsight. I wish I had turned back... but curiosity killed the cat. Midnight was reluctant when I pushed her forward. I assumed that was because of the water, so I dismounted her and led her along with her reigns.

So, anyway, I walked into the reflective bit, because, hey, I'm curious. When I walked through, I was in a dark, dark forest. The very atmosphere of the place made me shudder. It chilled me to the bone. I had a feeling if I stayed here too long, I would go insane.
Suddenly, I realized in the mirror-thing I accidentally let go of Midnight's reigns, and Morphie was no longer on my shoulder. I felt bare and exposed without Morphie. I couldn't see either my horse or my cat. In a panic, I turned back to the mirror thing, just in time to watch a full sized Midnight flying towards me. Literally flying. I kid you not, that mare had wings.

I screamed.

Midnight looked really spooked and swooped down next to me. I noticed she had her sleek black coat, but instead of her mane being the same colour, it was a deep, Midnight blue, with white specks dotted through it. Her eyes were wide, reminding me of a TV shower I used to watch, The Powerpuff Girls. "OK, what the fuck?" I asked.
"I don't know, I was minding my own business when SOMEONE forced me through a portal." Want to know the funny thing? That wasn't me talking.

It was Midnight Shimmer.

I nearly fainted. As it was, I couldn't stop yet another scream, which made Midnight scream. We stopped screaming at the same time. Also at the same time, said two different sentences;
"I can talk!"
"Where the fuck did Morphie go?!"
The latter was me, obviously.

We both turned to look at the portal as I said that. Again, just in time. This time it was just in time to see a cat flying (without wings). I tried to catch Morphie. But instead, he caught fire. Needless to say, I nearly fainted and I did scream. But instead of turning into ashes, Morphie turned into an attractive looking gentleman.
"OK, how come this world gave Midnight wings, made Morphie a human and kept me ordinary?" I asked sarcastically.

"Um.." Morphie looked awkward. His lovely green cat eyes were wide, his face flushed. He was playing with his longish red hair. "Pet... I have a confession to make. Pet, I'm a... changeling. A shapeshifter like Scott from Teen Wolf, only I can change into anything. I'm a bit like Sam from True Blood. I'm sorry, Pet."

I blinked. And blinked again. "........ so, you're telling me, all my life you've been pretending to be my cat, when in reality you're a liar."
He nodded sheepishly.

I waltzed over to where he was standing and slapped him across the face.

When my skin made contact with his, I was engulfed with a load of visions.

Morpheus wandering into my Aunt's mansion on the day he became mine.
Morpheus in human form telling my Aunt he was born for one reason only: to be my guardian.
Morpheus when I as 7, somehow stopping me set the mansion on fire.
Morpheus going swimming with me, even though everyone knows cats hate water.
Morpheus living up to his namesake, sleeping beside me guarding my dreams from nightmares.
Morpheus when I was 10 in human form arguing with my Aunt about letting me know about the "true extent" of my powers and what he really is.
Morpheus saving me from mentally damaging my homeschool teacher with my powers when I was 13.
Morpheus helping me calm down, therefore stopping the magically made storm outside when I was 15.

And many more visions like that. Also, visions not just about Morpheus. Visions about my Aunt putting something in my mind to stop me remembering all the incidents I saw with Morphie. Visions of my Aunt putting other things in my mind to block some of my power coming out. Many visions of Morphie trying to stop my aunt doing all of that...

When the visions stopped, I noticed a storm over us. A storm most likely made by me.

It was all too much for me. This time, I fainted.