• Published 30th Mar 2014
  • 1,323 Views, 13 Comments

Coming out - MichelleTwistaloo

Pipsqueak has a secret in his life, he likes other colts! Can he come out to his classmates?

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Chapter 2

It happened at almost the end of recess, Featheweight stormed into the room, eyes as wide as cart wheels, Feather pulled up his chair and sat on it, his eyes focusing on the wood of his desk. Miss Cheerilee, stopped what she was doing (that was, grading papers), looked up from the paper she was grading and looked at Feather, it was an understatement saying it was a rarity one of her students failing to enjoy their recess until the end, much less Featherweight, he who was always so focused on talking pictures of the playground. Miss Cheerilee knew something was wrong, and he decided to talk to her student about it.

“Feather….my little pony, what’s wrong?” She asked a very shocked Feather, even though he had entered the room almost two minutes ago, his eyes still hadn’t reduced in size and width.

“I…hum…don’t want to talk about it.” He told her, as he kept focusing in the wood, from his expression, one of seriousness, she knew she had to keep pushing the issue, was it something that Diamond Tiara had made? Again?

After telling him that she was here to help and that she was very much interested in knowing what had happened, and that she couldn’t help if she didn’t knew, she finally got the full story.

Apparently, as Feather told the teacher “ Pipsqueak had heard rumors that one of the fillies, I have forgotten which in my shock, was into me, so he panicked and sort of decided that it was time to reveal his feelings, his feelings for me. He told me everything about how I make him go crazy, and how I am his world, and thought those were sweet stuff, and stuff that warmed my heart, it was stuff I expected to say to a filly not too far into the future. And all I could say to him was a “I’m not gay” and then I turned and came here.”

Miss Cheerilee nodded, she wasn’t expecting that, but it sometimes happened, that one of her male, or more commonly, female students, found his or herself, and revealed his feelings to either his or or her crush. It normally ended with a big speech about acceptance and it could go fifty fifty, either they ended up together, or they didn’t. This was going to give her so much more work, but it was work she was glad to do, for the sake of one of her little students. She was more worried, however, about Pipsqueak, she felt that his heart must be pretty broken, after revealing his feelings to Feather and them not being corresponded.

She told Feather that it was ok, that even if he had hurt his little friend, he couldn’t choose who he loved, and then she prepared to talk about loving whoever you loved, with no fear, this had happened so many times before that she had the speech pre made, it was a surprisingly common thing. She sighed, guess the science class she had prepared for the second half of the day wasn’t going to happen.

As she predicted, when Pipsqueak entered the room, he had a pretty sad look on his face, he sat on his desk and tried not to stare at his classmate, though he tried really hard not to, he still let out a sniff or two every time his mind betrayed him and he looked at Feather..

Miss Cheerilee erased the blackboard and after clearing her throat to get the attention of the 20 or so fillies and colts in the class, she began her speech.

“Class, do you know what a gay colt is, or what a lesbian filly is?”

Pip, who was already feeling pretty dang awful, felt even worse, did Featherweight spill the beans to the teacher? This was so embarrassing! He couldn’t even trust his friend to keep the secret? Now everyone would know!

Still he raised his hoof, as all the other young ponies in his class looked, confused, after he had figured out what he felt, he had done a research, and if one knew what books he had requested from the library, they’d be able to figure out just what he was pretty easily.

“Excellent, hum, Pipsqueak, would you care to explain?”

“A gay colt or a lesbian filly is a pony who likes the same sex, that is a colt not liking a filly or a filly not liking a colt” he said and then he thought on what he was saying From the back there was a snicker from Diamond Tiara who called those kind of people freaks, making him feel even worse.

“Diamond Tiara! Those people have the right to equality, and respect as much as you have, equality was a principle on which this nation, the nation of Equestria was founded, which you would know, if you had studied for the test.”

That made it so the intensity of the sniffles reduced a little bit, maybe he was a freak, but there were people ready to stand by him, and defend him.

“Even if you aren’t one of those kind of ponies” the teacher kept on, with her lecture “You still have to respect them, which unfortunately doesn’t always happen, there’s this slang, those awful words…” She looked at Pip from the corner of her eye and pondered if she should say them, as it would only make him feel worse about himself, but she decided to tell him, so he’d know that they were offensive and knew to report them. “Filly foolers, and Colt cuddlers, they make it seem as if every gay or lesbian pony touches foals, but that is just not true.” She glared at Diamond Tiara who was just about to open her mouth, most likely to say something offensive. “And though there are some ponies who think of them as stereotypes, like a gay colt being more feminine looking and sounding, and behaving himself like a filly, and a filly doing more tom coltish things. Those aren’t, again true.” She looked at the class, as they seemed to be pretty stunned with the information, a whole world of new information on their hooves, this was certainly more interesting that the science class they were expected to have. “The bottom line is, even if you don’t like them, you should respect them, respect is the most important thing, that and not treating them in a different way.” She briefly stopped her explanation, looking at the class in general, but most importantly to Pip.

“Homosexuality, that is, liking the same sex, is not the easiest of the ways of love, but, seeing as it isn’t a choice, no matter what some ponies think, it is advisable to not try to live it down and accept it” She regained her breath and looked at them in that way that every teacher looks at their class, a way that manages to reach every single pony in the room, despite that being physically impossible. “Lastly, if any colt, of filly, wants to talk to me about their feelings, I’m open to, whether it’s before class, after class, or just in recess, I’m always right here to here you.” She smiled. “Now, seeing as we have just a few minutes left why don’t you draw something or talk? I certainly have a lot on my mind, she thought.

The fillies and colts started their drawings, of cats, friends, dogs, apples, houses, and whatever else they wanted, as they waited for the bell to ring. After it rung they left, Pip among the fastest to leave, he just didn’t want to think about it. He wanted to go home, do his homework, and just not think about that.

He found it pretty hard to do, thoughts about Feather even haunting him in his dreams.