• Published 30th Mar 2014
  • 1,320 Views, 13 Comments

Coming out - MichelleTwistaloo

Pipsqueak has a secret in his life, he likes other colts! Can he come out to his classmates?

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Chapter 1

It was an average day in Ponyville, the sun was shining, the sky was blue, a soft breeze blew, the clouds lazily floated above the ground and the the grass tickled hooves, as all the small colts and fillies played in the hot sun, not caring about protecting their heads of it. Not that it mattered anyway. Dinky and Twist were talking about the latest gossip, Pinchy was hugging her friends, Diamond Tiara and Silver spoon were trying to pick a target, though everpony avoided them, the cutie mark crusaders were trying to find their cutie marks, and Feather and Pip were talking.

“And you know who I think you should photograph?” Pip locked his gaze on his friend, something he liked doing, for he thought his friend was the most awesome thing since Princess Luna, and definitively even better.

Feather held his gaze, not even blinking, trying to avoid laughing at the expression on his friend face, who was making funny faces, and blowing raspberries.

“Let me guess….Princess Luna?”

Pip wanted to tell him, that no, he wanted to be photographed, photographed in Feather’s arms, as if they were posing for a magazine, but he couldn’t just tell him. So instead he nodded.

Everypony thought he had a crush on Luna, but it was no more than mere admiration, and a little sweet tooth. The fact is, his favorite pony in the world, and the one he had a crush on was his best friend, Featherweight.

But instead of telling him that he just nodded, and remained quiet, as the lump on his throat became bigger, it was just that, no matter what he thought, his friend was not, that, much, into him. They talked, sure, and they played together, and they even slept on the same bed once or twice, but he wasn’t into him in that way! And how Pip had to struggle to control himself when he had invited him to sleep in his house and they had cuddled up together in the same bed, in a little spoon big spoon position, Feather on the back with his front left leg over Pip. And still.

“So…what do you want do to now? Tag? Hide and seek? Talk about girls?”

Pip gulped. He didn’t want that, he didn’t want that at all, he wanted to talk about his feelings, but he was too afraid too.

He had been ready to spill them out for weeks now, and every night he told himself, before sleep, that he would do it in the next day, and every morning he told himself that, as soon as he got to school, he would tell him in recess, and every recess he tried to, but his mouth refused to say the words his heart wanted to, too afraid of the reaction to.

“I don’t know whatever you want too, I guess.”

The worse part was that, even though Feather wasn’t into him at all, Pip’s mind told him he was detecting certain clues, like the way he smiled at him, and talked at him, and the way he tickled him, and jumped on top of him, and threw himself at it. They could be Feather playing with him, but they gave him some hope.

A hope that he knew was baseless.

“I don’t really know….I mean, I think everypony has someone special destined to them.” And Pip listened, certainly hoping that his dream pony, the special one, would telepathically realize his feelings, because he was too afraid to admit them to him “But I look at those fillies and I don’t have a spark on interest on them. I mean sure, they are nice looking, and cute, I guess, and they are more than happy to pose to my photos, but they’re vain, and they have things I really don’t like about them.”

Oh how this talk had made Pipsqueak’s heart ache. He realized that not showing interest on fillies could be very well be temporary, until his friend found the right filly, but how he wanted that to mean Featherweight was a just like him, then they could be together.

The hopes of it, at least according to Pip? Zero to none, of course. But he could always dream.

With the ringing of the bell recess was over and so Pipsqueak sat on his desk, right next to Featherweight, though Miss Cheerilee kept talking about some sort of story about union between the three races, in a battle long forgotten by time and most everypony except teachers and historians, all of Pipsqueak’s attention was on his friend, and hopeful romantic interest, Featherweight. Every couple of minutes he stole a glance at him, while pretending to write and scrabble on the papers provided by him for taking notes.

And the status quo could have remained, and it was going to, until some outside event pushed him into having to not fret all that much and to simply have to tell his feelings to Featherweight.

The always big and common threat of a random filly liking your best friend that is also your crush, even though you’re both colts.

Or maybe it just happened to Pipsqueak, it didn’t matter. He had to reveal his feelings now.