• Published 29th Mar 2014
  • 1,195 Views, 29 Comments

The camera colt and his little Pip - MichelleTwistaloo

Feather cries himself to sleep every night, because he thinks he's the only gay colt in all of Ponyville, Pip is in the closet, can they form a relationship?

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Chapter 2 - The reconection

Pipsqueak sat on the table of his house, at supper, as he talked with his parents.

“So how was your day, kiddo? His dad asked, and that made Pipsqueak cringe, he normally had good stories to tell about his day, how he had played with Feather, and how he had played a little while on class but still taken enough attention, but today? He just didn't know what to say, his face contorted into a worried and painful expression.

His dad looked at him and blinked before asking....

“Whoah whoah whoah, champ, what happened?” He was genuinely concerned with his son, though he worked a lot, he still deeply loved his son and wife, no matter the condition, that’s why he made sure to always be present at supper.

“I had a fight with feather, nothing major it’s just....”

“Feather, the boy you have a crush on?” His mother had gotten to the point where she just knew what his son was, and she was completely okay with it, after all, she reckoned, if she weren’t able to support and love her son no matter what, then what kind of mother would she be?

Pip turned a bright shade of pink


She smiled

“I know, I know, it’s a bummer when you have a fight with your best friend, but good friends always retain their strong connection, but tell me exactly why did you fight with him”

“I just....” and he was embarrassed to say it “We started playing tag and then he got on top of me, and then I got out, and I just had to tell him how I like girls and how they are cool to me”

His mom looked at him with a disapproving look.

“Pip....” she had to thread the issue lightly, else she’d be giving the wrong lesson “You have to be yourself, you can’t just live a lie the rest of your life! Now it’s perfectly okay to hide it to strangers, what you are, after all, it’s nopony's business, but flat out lying? I thought better of you!”

Pip lowered his head in shame.

“I know...it’s just all the colts were talking about girls and I didn't want to be singled out and...”

“Was Feather talking about fillies?”

“No he was just very quiet but....”

“Why don’t you ask him out?”

Pip was mortified, he couldn't just ask his friend out!

“What if he says no? And he thinks I’m gross and it ruins our friendship forever? What if he gets mad at me for liking him? What if he finds me weird?”

“I’m sure Feather will understand, he’s your best friend” his mom paused briefly “It’s just a risk you have to be willing to take.”

Pip slurped his soup and ate his hay fries in silence after that, deep in thought. He wasn’t so sure of it.

“But thanks for being the stereotypical supporting parents, it’s like I’m in a psa all the time.”

They smiled at him.

That night, while Feather wept, Pipsqueak couldn't sleep either, what his mother had said in his mind, he knew Feather pretty well, he was a tad quiet, but still a good friend, and he would trust him with his life, maybe it was only his crush speaking, but, he didn’t think his friend (and maybe soon to be more) would mind him too much.

That day at recess they started their game of tag as usual, but Pip let himself be tagged several times, his mind was just not too much into it. He had other things to think of.

After the sixteenth time he was caught, Feather stopped dead on his track, making Pip stop.

“Is there something bothering you? You seem kind of ....” he struggled to find the right words “Off”

Feather was still kind of ticked off about yesterday, but he had figured, that this was HIS crush and so he had to keep talking to him, even if it hurt his heart like he was lying in a bed of nails.

“I can’t do this”

There was a pause

“Can’t do what, Pip, is there something wrong? Are you feeling alright, I can get you some help I”

“No...I’m fine it’s just” he stopped for a second as if pondering the heavy words he was about to utter, this could possibly change his life forever. “I’m tired of living a lie, you know? I've been telling myself that I’m one stuff, and I’m not and then It really seems as if I’m hurting my best friend and...”

Feather didn’t “Know”, but he felt the same way too.

“I’m sorry for being kind of homophobic, I should have seen it sooner.”

Was this what Feather thought it was? He dared hope it was, but he just couldn't be sure, his heart increased 3 sizes, ready to take in all of the love that pip could give him, while, if it turned out that Pip wasn't proposing to it, he felt as if he could die out of of frustration.

“yeah...well , as I was saying, I guess what I wanted was...will you be my coltfriend? Feather, I really like you, and though I was afraid to admit that I like colts, I just can’t live like this.”

“Heavy words for a colt that hasn’t even hit puberty.” Feather said “But yes, I’ll be your coltfriend, I kind of feel the same way too.”

“You do?” Pip’s face literally lit up with happiness as he trotted and jumped around his now coltfriend. “I’m so happy, I want to
introduce you to my mom”

“But Pip, I know your mom, I’ve dined in your house plenty of times before”

“Yeah, duh, but now I can introduce you as my best friend AND coltfriend” he stated, as if telling a child the obvious.

“Oh, well, ok, I guess I’m not the only gay colt of Ponyville after all”

“And then you’ll introduce me to your mother”. He continued.

Feather froze, oh boy, how would he explain this to his mom?