The camera colt and his little Pip

by MichelleTwistaloo

First published

Feather cries himself to sleep every night, because he thinks he's the only gay colt in all of Ponyville, Pip is in the closet, can they form a relationship?

Feather has a crush on his little friend Pip, but yet he faces a problem, Pip claims he's not gay, and does constant references to girls and their body parts, it breaks Feather's heart every time Pip does that, but Pip decides to come out to his friend, can they form a strong bond stronger than friendship?

Read and and find out!

Chapter 1 - The fight

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It was night, and the colt couldn't’ sleep. Not due to nightmares, or the boogie-stallion, no, he was split on an issue. You see, he had a problem. He really really liked his friend, but he couldn't just go out to him and tell him something like “Hey bud, how you doing, want to go on a date, cause I really like you!”, at least he though he couldn't, after all those feelings for his friend...they weren’t common in normal colts, he was pretty dang sure of it.

The truth was, when Featherweight heard Rumble and Button talking about the fillies in their class and who they’d rather kiss, he felt a deep sinking feeling in his heart, for it wasn’t a filly he aspired to kiss, no he wanted to kiss his best bud.

His best bud who was also totally into girls, if his comments were to be expected, after all, with nervous side to side glances, eyes shifting, he’d look at a random filly, and just say something like “That bottom”. It was crude, but then again, it wasn't the crudeness that broke Feather’s heart, it was the feeling of desperation, of knowing he didn’t stood a chance.

It pierced his heart like glass shards, and it made it so breathing was hard, from his spot on the bed Feather turned sideways and silently wept into his pillow, why must leave be so hard for him? And why must he be the only colt who likes other colts in the whole of the town of Ponnville? He sighed, every single time he went to bed this daunting thoughts got to him and he just had to cry himself to sleep. The problem was, in the next day he had to get up and do everything normally, like he was a normal colt, but he wasn't, there was something wrong or defective about him, he knew that. And how would his parents react if he knew? He was loved, but he was an only child, he WAS supposed to find a filly, marry and continue the family line and run the family shop (A little camera shop on the outskirts of the center of town). He wasn't supposed to come out like that. And though he knew the word for it, and know that there where some colt cuddlers who stood proud on their condition, he didn’t want to be one of them, regular colt cuddlers had to face a ton of problems, they were seen as twice as perverse, and thrice as likely to be foalphiles! Feather didn't want a life of discrimination!

Still, Feather was what he was, and though he hadn't realized it yet, he couldn't change it...or maybe he had realized it, and just didn't want to accept it.

“If only I’d find another gay colt.” He thought as he finally fell asleep, thoughts and ifs in his mind.

Some hours later he was geared up and ready to go, to another day of meager school work and playing with his “Straight” friends,
Feather hated the label, but, at the same time it was him who had labeled them as such. There was a clear difference between what he was and what they were, or so he thought.

After about 3 hours of school work came time for recess, and Pip quickly set up Feather in a game of tag, Feather started running, thoughts of their differences put aside. He wasn't the fastest runner but his legs were almost double the size of those of little pip, so he quickly got to touch his friend with his hoof, as they were running, his hoof couldn't get a proper grip and just kept touching random spots on the back of his school aged pony friend, suddenly and gaining traction from his wings feather threw himself at him, knocking him down, and making them go and tumble around the weeds and roll on top of one another.

It was just another play session between friends, the same as any of the ones by other fillies and colts on the same playground. But to Feather the contact was exhilarating, he didn't mean to get on top of his friend (he just wanted to make him tumble), but there it was, and he had to focus really hard on a spot ahead of him, to clear his head of the connotations and naughty thoughts that would come to mind. Pip on the other hand got suddenly very nervous and tried to get out from under him. He got the upper hoof on his pursuit of not being pinned down and he started looking at the fillies.

“You know Feather....”


Neither of them could stare at one another, and they were both bright red. It seemed Pipsqueak had appreciated the contact as much as his friend, if we were to judge him by his sudden eagerness to look the other way, but Feather was too blindfolded to see that.

“Aren't those girls awesome? I mean I....ahem, they have such soft fur and...”

A look of betrayal passed trough Feather’s eyes, though he reckoned he should have been expecting that.´

“Thanks.” He said dryly in a monotone tone, he couldn't help it, he felt that, if he had shown any emotion, he would have cried, and spilled all about his secret crush on his friend.
And he didn't want that now, did he?

“What did I say?” Pip wondered, while secretly reeking in the after glow of contact with his best friend (and maybe something more in the future),

Recess ended and all the kids returned to their sits on their classroom, though Feather sat in the sit right next to Pip, he tried his best to ignore him trough most of the class, even refusing to open the little paper notes the other scribbled in a hasty hoof writing.
He was really really sad and felt and anger at his friend, though his rational part knew the other couldn't control whether he was gay or straight, he could at least not rub it on his muzzle!

Chapter 2 - The reconection

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Pipsqueak sat on the table of his house, at supper, as he talked with his parents.

“So how was your day, kiddo? His dad asked, and that made Pipsqueak cringe, he normally had good stories to tell about his day, how he had played with Feather, and how he had played a little while on class but still taken enough attention, but today? He just didn't know what to say, his face contorted into a worried and painful expression.

His dad looked at him and blinked before asking....

“Whoah whoah whoah, champ, what happened?” He was genuinely concerned with his son, though he worked a lot, he still deeply loved his son and wife, no matter the condition, that’s why he made sure to always be present at supper.

“I had a fight with feather, nothing major it’s just....”

“Feather, the boy you have a crush on?” His mother had gotten to the point where she just knew what his son was, and she was completely okay with it, after all, she reckoned, if she weren’t able to support and love her son no matter what, then what kind of mother would she be?

Pip turned a bright shade of pink


She smiled

“I know, I know, it’s a bummer when you have a fight with your best friend, but good friends always retain their strong connection, but tell me exactly why did you fight with him”

“I just....” and he was embarrassed to say it “We started playing tag and then he got on top of me, and then I got out, and I just had to tell him how I like girls and how they are cool to me”

His mom looked at him with a disapproving look.

“Pip....” she had to thread the issue lightly, else she’d be giving the wrong lesson “You have to be yourself, you can’t just live a lie the rest of your life! Now it’s perfectly okay to hide it to strangers, what you are, after all, it’s nopony's business, but flat out lying? I thought better of you!”

Pip lowered his head in shame.

“I’s just all the colts were talking about girls and I didn't want to be singled out and...”

“Was Feather talking about fillies?”

“No he was just very quiet but....”

“Why don’t you ask him out?”

Pip was mortified, he couldn't just ask his friend out!

“What if he says no? And he thinks I’m gross and it ruins our friendship forever? What if he gets mad at me for liking him? What if he finds me weird?”

“I’m sure Feather will understand, he’s your best friend” his mom paused briefly “It’s just a risk you have to be willing to take.”

Pip slurped his soup and ate his hay fries in silence after that, deep in thought. He wasn’t so sure of it.

“But thanks for being the stereotypical supporting parents, it’s like I’m in a psa all the time.”

They smiled at him.

That night, while Feather wept, Pipsqueak couldn't sleep either, what his mother had said in his mind, he knew Feather pretty well, he was a tad quiet, but still a good friend, and he would trust him with his life, maybe it was only his crush speaking, but, he didn’t think his friend (and maybe soon to be more) would mind him too much.

That day at recess they started their game of tag as usual, but Pip let himself be tagged several times, his mind was just not too much into it. He had other things to think of.

After the sixteenth time he was caught, Feather stopped dead on his track, making Pip stop.

“Is there something bothering you? You seem kind of ....” he struggled to find the right words “Off”

Feather was still kind of ticked off about yesterday, but he had figured, that this was HIS crush and so he had to keep talking to him, even if it hurt his heart like he was lying in a bed of nails.

“I can’t do this”

There was a pause

“Can’t do what, Pip, is there something wrong? Are you feeling alright, I can get you some help I”

“No...I’m fine it’s just” he stopped for a second as if pondering the heavy words he was about to utter, this could possibly change his life forever. “I’m tired of living a lie, you know? I've been telling myself that I’m one stuff, and I’m not and then It really seems as if I’m hurting my best friend and...”

Feather didn’t “Know”, but he felt the same way too.

“I’m sorry for being kind of homophobic, I should have seen it sooner.”

Was this what Feather thought it was? He dared hope it was, but he just couldn't be sure, his heart increased 3 sizes, ready to take in all of the love that pip could give him, while, if it turned out that Pip wasn't proposing to it, he felt as if he could die out of of frustration.

“yeah...well , as I was saying, I guess what I wanted was...will you be my coltfriend? Feather, I really like you, and though I was afraid to admit that I like colts, I just can’t live like this.”

“Heavy words for a colt that hasn’t even hit puberty.” Feather said “But yes, I’ll be your coltfriend, I kind of feel the same way too.”

“You do?” Pip’s face literally lit up with happiness as he trotted and jumped around his now coltfriend. “I’m so happy, I want to
introduce you to my mom”

“But Pip, I know your mom, I’ve dined in your house plenty of times before”

“Yeah, duh, but now I can introduce you as my best friend AND coltfriend” he stated, as if telling a child the obvious.

“Oh, well, ok, I guess I’m not the only gay colt of Ponyville after all”

“And then you’ll introduce me to your mother”. He continued.

Feather froze, oh boy, how would he explain this to his mom?

Chapter 3 - Coming out

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Feaher patted nervous at the ground as he stood at the front door of his house , he had been there for 10 minutes, he could just knock, and enter, but he didn't really feel like doing that now. At his side was his now coltfriend, Pip, that held a hoof over his back for support. He had been debating how he would tell his mom the news. He wanted too....and he felt that it was only fair to his colt friend, but at the same time, he was afraid of the reaction of her mom, and dad. They seemed pretty open minded, and he thought they would accept him no matter what, but he had read enough horror stories on the internet about colts younger than him being thrown out on the streets after coming out. It was nerve wrecking.

“Go on” his coltfriend told him silently, and he couldn't delay the moment more, he knocked on the door and entered.

“ Oh Feather, hon, you’re home and you brought your little friend....” If his mom seemed surprised at the way they were holding each other, she didn't show it “You know the drill, you do your homework and then you can come downstairs for a snack and family time”
It was just like any other normal day in the house, and Feather wish it would remain like that...he knew better though, he knew he had to say it so, he sat on a chair, and motioned for his coltfriend do to the same.

“Feather ...aren't you going to do your homework now? I don’t understand I...”His mother was confused.

Feather took a deep breath and said “Mom we need to talk”

His mom looked at the two of them and then she smiled.

“So, the little couple is finally ready to come out of the closet?” She asked and Feather, that was just about to start pondering his word to explain the situation to his mother stopped
“Wait, you knew?”

She smiled.
“Not too hard to see it when you’re holding hooves”

They both realized they had been doing it, and let go of each other’s hoof

“And besides, I’m your mother, a mother knows, and I know you above all, I've been waiting for this moment for well over two years now, and I’m shocked it took you this long to come” She looked at the two of them. “I hope you two are happy together, and, even if it doesn't work out, I’m glad at least you two are honest about your feelings”

That was it? Just that? They hadn't even said a word, it was that easy? Feather couldn't believe his luck! He got up and hugged his mom.

“I’ll talk to your dad, he’s a little more blind when it comes to the things of the heart, but he loves you”

“Are....aren’t you going to disown me?”

She laughed.

“Why would we do that, that is just not something we’d ever do, we love you Feather, more than anything in this world, and if this is the pony that makes you happy, so be it. Now smile” She took a camera out of the kitchen counter, one pretty similar to the one Featheweight had, and took the shot, of them together.

Feather had never felt so accepted.